
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Gastroliths are stones of uncertain purpose that are commonly found inside the rib cages of plesiosaur fossils worldwide. Gastroliths from four Alberta (Canada) plesiosaurs were studied to determine both their shapes and masses, and their mass fractions relative to body mass. One animal\'s set of gastroliths was 100% complete and fully visible, but the others showed varying degrees of loss, damage or obscuration, so estimations of their original states were needed.
    UNASSIGNED: The studied animals were: Albertonectes vanderveldei, Fluvionectes sloanae, Nichollssaura borealis and Wapuskanectes betsynichollsae. The animals come from three different palaeoenvironments: open marine, near shore marine, and fluvial. Gastrolith shapes were classified as either xiphoid, cylindrical, discoidal or spherical based on observed and/or estimated dimensions. Although not all methods could be applied in all cases, gastrolith shapes and masses were estimated four different ways: (1) direct measurement and weighing of a subset and predicting the properties of the remaining obscured and hidden stones; (2) measuring triaxial ellipsoid dimensions of free stones to calculate volumes and multiplying by the mass density of chert; (3) measuring two visible triaxial dimensions of embedded stones, estimating the hidden third dimension three different ways, and then determining volumes and masses by calculation; and (4) predicting the density and mass of a densely packed cluster of small gastroliths using geometrical arguments.
    UNASSIGNED: Total gastrolith mass never exceeded 0.2% of body mass in any plesiosaur, and is consistent with the idea that the amounts of gastroliths recovered with plesiosaurs would be ineffective as ballast. The largest plesiosaur in the sample had the largest single gastrolith and total gastrolith mass increases with body size. The shape characteristics of the gastroliths were different for different environments, but compositionally they are dominated by black cherts. A possible common source for the gastroliths was identified for the two geographically close and near-contemporanous Nichollssaura and Wapuskanectes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Switzerland is an ichthyosaur country: it has a rich record of marine reptile fossils, particularly the fish-shaped ichthyosaurs, and the according research. Here, we provide an overview over the 12 or more genera and at least 13 species plus numerous fragmentary remains of ichthyosaurs from the Triassic to the Cretaceous that have been discovered in twelve cantons thus far, of which four species are based on Swiss holotypes. This wealth of ichthyosaur species can be explained by their abundance in the Middle Triassic conservation deposits (Konservat Lagerstätte) of Monte San Giorgio, as well as occasional discoveries in strata of Middle Triassic to Early Cretaceous age. The moderate abundance of outcrops in reasonable conditions in combination with the long history of palaeontological research in Switzerland explains this good fossil record. In addition to this unique overview, we provide more data for further studies and update the knowledge of these taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fossils constitute an inestimable archive of past life on the Earth. However, the stochastic processes driving decay and fossilization and overwhelmingly distorting this archive, are challenging to interpret. Consequently, concepts of exceptional or poor preservation are often subjective or arbitrarily defined. Here, we offer an alternative way to think about fossilization. We propose a mathematical description of decay and fossilization relying on the change in the relative frequency and characteristics of biogenic objects (e.g. atoms, functional groups, molecules, body parts and organisms) within an organism-fossil system. This description partitions taphonomic changes into three categories: gain, loss and alteration of state. Although the changes undergone by organisms through decay, preservation and alteration vary a lot for different organisms under different conditions, we provide a unified formalism which can be applied directly in the comparison of different assemblages, experiments and fossils. Our expression is closely related to George R. Price\'s famous equation for the change in evolutionary traits and can be adapted to the study of palaeontological systems and many others.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pyritization of soft tissues of invertebrates is rare in the fossil record. In New York State, it occurs in black shales of the Lorraine Group (Late Ordovician), the best-known example of which is Beecher\'s Trilobite Bed. Exceptional preservation at the quarry where this bed is exposed allowed detailed examination of trilobite and ostracod soft-tissue anatomy. Here, we present the first example of a eurypterid (sea scorpion) currently ascribed to Carcinosomatidae from this deposit that also preserves the first evidence for mesosomal musculature in eurypterids. This specimen demonstrates that eurypterid musculature can be preserved in pyrite and evidences the oldest example of euchelicerate muscles within the fossil record. Sulfur isotope data illustrate that pyrite rapidly replicated muscle tissue in the early burial environment, prior to the pyritization of biomineralized exoskeleton and cuticular trilobite limbs. This discovery therefore expands the limited fossil record of euchelicerate musculature, while extending the taphonomic scope for preservation of detailed internal structures, more broadly, within arthropods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Belemnite rostra are very abundant in Mesozoic marine deposits in many regions. Despite this abundance, soft-tissue specimens of belemnites informing about anatomy and proportions of these coleoid cephalopods are extremely rare and limited to a few moderately large genera like Passaloteuthis and Hibolithes. For all other genera, we can make inferences on their body proportions and body as well as mantle length by extrapolating from complete material. We collected data of the proportions of the hard parts of some Jurassic belemnites in order to learn about shared characteristics in their gross anatomy. This knowledge is then applied to the Bajocian genus Megateuthis, which is the largest known belemnite genus worldwide. Our results provide simple ratios that can be used to estimate belemnite body size, where only the rostrum is known.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Taphonomy studies the environmental effects on remains from the time of deposition to the time of recovery and has been integrated into the field of forensic anthropology. The changes to skeletal remains are dependent on the method of disposal and the surrounding environment. This study focused on buried remains where the type and chemical composition of the soil and the microorganisms present need to be considered. The aim was to investigate the type, frequency, and correlations of the taphonomic alterations of buried domestic pigs. Six taphonomic alterations were observed which included depositional staining, adipocere formation, bone weathering, acidic soil corrosion, and plant, and animal activity. Depositional staining, weathering and plant activity were the most common alterations followed by adipocere which was present on 92.3% of the remains. The bones were mostly stained dark brown and brown; however, the trunk region was the only region to present with black staining. The right sides were darker than the left due to the body positioning as most pigs were placed on their right sides and thus were in direct contact with the cadaver decomposition island. Additionally, the right sides presented with more adipocere as well as increased plant activity suggesting that the soil retained water. Darker stains were correlated with a more complete skeleton as adipocere provides some protection. The study confirms that there are various complicated relationships between different taphonomic alterations. A good understanding of them is needed in forensic anthropology to assist in reconstructing the events that occur after death.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brain is thought to be among the first human organs to decompose after death. The discovery of brains preserved in the archaeological record is therefore regarded as unusual. Although mechanisms such as dehydration, freezing, saponification, and tanning are known to allow for the preservation of the brain on short time scales in association with other soft tissues (≲4000 years), discoveries of older brains, especially in the absence of other soft tissues, are rare. Here, we collated an archive of more than 4400 human brains preserved in the archaeological record across approximately 12 000 years, more than 1300 of which constitute the only soft tissue preserved amongst otherwise skeletonized remains. We found that brains of this type persist on time scales exceeding those preserved by other means, which suggests an unknown mechanism may be responsible for preservation particular to the central nervous system. The untapped archive of preserved ancient brains represents an opportunity for bioarchaeological studies of human evolution, health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine conservation deposits (\'Konservat-Lagerstätten\') are characterized by their mode of fossil preservation, faunal composition and sedimentary facies. Here, we review these characteristics with respect to the famous conservation deposit of the Besano Formation (formerly Grenzbitumenzone; including the Anisian-Ladinian boundary), and the successively younger fossil-bearing units Cava inferiore, Cava superiore, Cassina beds and the Kalkschieferzone of Monte San Giorgio (Switzerland and Italy). We compare these units to a selection of important black shale-type Lagerstätten of the global Phanerozoic plus the Ediacaran in order to detect commonalities in their facies, genesis, and fossil content using principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses. Further, we put the Monte San Giorgio type Fossillagerstätten into the context of other comparable Triassic deposits worldwide based on their fossil content. The results of the principal component and cluster analyses allow a subdivision of the 45 analysed Lagerstätten into four groups, for which we suggest the use of the corresponding pioneering localities: Burgess type for the early Palaeozoic black shales, Monte San Giorgio type for the Triassic black shales, Holzmaden type for the pyrite-rich black shales and Solnhofen type for platy limestones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shifts in projectile technology potentially document human evolutionary milestones, such as adaptations for different environments and settlement dynamics. A relatively direct proxy for projectile technology is projectile impact marks (PIM) on archaeological bones. Increasing awareness and publication of experimental data sets have recently led to more identifications of PIM in various contexts, but diagnosing PIM from other types of bone-surface modifications, quantifying them, and inferring point size and material from the bone lesions need more substantiation. Here, we focus on PIM created by osseous projectiles, asking whether these could be effectively identified and separated from lithic-tipped weapons. We further discuss the basic question raised by recent PIM research in zooarchaeology: why PIM evidence is so rare in archaeofaunal assemblages (compared to other human-induced marks), even when they are explicitly sought. We present the experimental results of shooting two ungulate carcasses with bone and antler points, replicating those used in the early Upper Paleolithic of western Eurasia. Half of our hits resulted in PIM, confirming that this modification may have been originally abundant. However, we found that the probability of a skeletal element to be modified with PIM negatively correlates with its preservation potential, and that much of the produced bone damage would not be identifiable in a typical Paleolithic faunal assemblage. This quantification problem still leaves room for an insightful qualitative study of PIM. We complement previous research in presenting several diagnostic marks that retain preservation potential and may be used to suggest osseous, rather than lithic, projectile technology.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12520-024-01944-3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The identification of unknown human remains is a significant and ongoing challenge in South Africa, worsened by the country\'s high murder rate. The rate of decomposition in South Africa is significantly influenced by vertebrate scavenging, which, if not considered, can impede the accurate estimation of the post-mortem interval. Scavenging patterns vary greatly depending on the environment and ecological region, and there is limited data for the Western Cape province. To address this gap, two clothed and uncaged pig carcasses weighing 60 kg each were placed in the field in July 2021 and January 2022, respectively. Motion-activated infrared-capable trail cameras were used to observe decomposition, scavenger species, and their activities. Additionally, a comparative sample of 16 unclothed carcasses deployed between 2014 and 2016 in the same habitat were analyzed to assess the impact of clothing and biomass load. The study found three main results: (1) Regardless of habitat or biomass load, it took significantly less time to reach decomposition milestones (25%, 50%, and 75%) during the summer season; (2) the presence of mongoose scavengers had a greater impact on the time required to reach milestones during winter compared to summer; and (3) single carcass deployments reached the milestones faster than multi-carcass deployments in both seasons. This research highlights the potential inaccuracy of current methods for estimating the post-mortem interval when scavenging activity is not considered or documented in the underlying experimental data, particularly for environments or ecological biomes where scavengers actively impact decomposition rates.





