supporting cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inner ear houses two sensory modalities: the hearing organ, located in the cochlea, and the balance organs, located throughout the vestibular regions of the ear. Both hearing and vestibular sensory regions are composed of similar cell types, including hair cells and associated supporting cells. Recently, we showed that Notch1 is required for maintaining supporting cell survival postnatally during cochlear maturation. However, it is not known whether Notch1 plays a similar role in the balance organs of the inner ear. To characterize the role of Notch during vestibular maturation, we conditionally deleted Notch1 from Sox2-expressing cells of the vestibular organs in the mouse at P0/P1. Histological analyses showed a dramatic loss of supporting cells accompanied by an increase in type II hair cells without cell death, indicating the supporting cells are converting to hair cells in the maturing vestibular regions. Analysis of 6-week old animals indicate that the converted hair cells survive, despite the reduction of supporting cells. Interestingly, measurements of vestibular sensory evoked potentials (VsEPs), known to be generated in the striolar regions of the vestibular afferents in the maculae, failed to show a response, indicating that NOTCH1 expression is critical for striolar function postnatally. Consistent with this, we find that the specialized type I hair cells in the striola fail to develop the complex calyces typical of these cells. These defects are likely due to the reduction in supporting cells, which have previously been shown to express factors critical for the striolar region. Similar to other mutants that lack proper striolar development, Notch1 mutants do not exhibit typical vestibular behaviors such as circling and head shaking, but do show difficulties in some vestibular tests, including the balance beam and forced swim test. These results indicate that, unlike the hearing organ in which the supporting cells undergo cell death, supporting cells in the balance regions retain the ability to convert to hair cells during maturation, which survive into adulthood despite the reduction in supporting cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our sense of hearing is critically dependent on the spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) that connect the sound receptors in the organ of Corti (OC) to the cochlear nuclei of the hindbrain. Type I SGNs innervate inner hair cells (IHCs) to transmit sound signals, while type II SGNs (SGNIIs) innervate outer hair cells (OHCs) to detect moderate-to-intense sound. During development, SGNII afferents make a characteristic 90-degree turn toward the base of the cochlea and innervate multiple OHCs. It has been shown that the Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) pathway acts non-autonomously to mediate environmental cues in the cochlear epithelium for SGNII afferent turning towards the base. However, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Here, we present evidence that PCP signaling regulates multiple downstream effectors to influence cell adhesion and the cytoskeleton in cochlear supporting cells (SCs), which serve as intermediate targets of SGNII afferents. We show that the core PCP gene Vangl2 regulates the localization of the small GTPase Rac1 and the cell adhesion molecule Nectin3 at SC-SC junctions through which SGNII afferents travel. Through in vivo genetic analysis, we also show that loss of Rac1 or Nectin3 partially phenocopied SGNII peripheral afferent turning defects in Vangl2 mutants, and that Rac1 plays a non-autonomous role in this process in part by regulating PCP protein localization at the SC-SC junctions. Additionally, epistasis analysis indicates that Nectin3 and Rac1 likely act in the same genetic pathway to control SGNII afferent turning. Together, these experiments identify Nectin3 and Rac1 as novel regulators of PCP-directed SGNII axon guidance in the cochlea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory systems experience a period of intrinsically generated neural activity before maturation is complete and sensory transduction occurs. Here we review evidence describing the mechanisms and functions of this \'spontaneous\' activity in the auditory system. Both ex vivo and in vivo studies indicate that this correlated activity is initiated by non-sensory supporting cells within the developing cochlea, which induce depolarization and burst firing of groups of nearby hair cells in the sensory epithelium, activity that is conveyed to auditory neurons that will later process similar sound features. This stereotyped neural burst firing promotes cellular maturation, synaptic refinement, acoustic sensitivity, and establishment of sound-responsive domains in the brain. While sensitive to perturbation, the developing auditory system exhibits remarkable homeostatic mechanisms to preserve periodic burst firing in deaf mice. Preservation of this early spontaneous activity in the context of deafness may enhance the efficacy of later interventions to restore hearing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, hearing loss is irreversible due to the lack of the regenerative capacity of the auditory epithelium. However, stem/progenitor cells in mammalian cochleae may be a therapeutic target for hearing regeneration. The ubiquitin proteasome system plays an important role in cochlear development and maintenance. In this study, we investigated the role of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCHL1) in the process of the transdifferentiation of auditory supporting cells (SCs) into hair cells (HCs). The expression of UCHL1 gradually decreased as HCs developed and was restricted to inner pillar cells and third-row Deiters\' cells between P2 and P7, suggesting that UCHL1-expressing cells are similar to the cells with Lgr5-positive progenitors. UCHL1 expression was decreased even under conditions in which supernumerary HCs were generated with a γ-secretase inhibitor and Wnt agonist. Moreover, the inhibition of UCHL1 by LDN-57444 led to an increase in HC numbers. Mechanistically, LDN-57444 increased mTOR complex 1 activity and allowed SCs to transdifferentiate into HCs. The suppression of UCHL1 induces the transdifferentiation of auditory SCs and progenitors into HCs by regulating the mTOR pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spontaneous bursts of electrical activity in the developing auditory system are derived from the periodic release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by supporting cells in the Kölliker\'s organ. However, the mechanisms responsible for initiating spontaneous ATP release have not been determined. Our previous study revealed that telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) is expressed in the basilar membrane during the first postnatal week. Its role in cochlear development remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the expression and role of TERT in postnatal cochlea supporting cells. Our results revealed that in postnatal cochlear Kölliker\'s organ supporting cells, TERT shifts from the nucleus into the cytoplasm over time. We found that the TERT translocation tendency in postnatal cochlear supporting cells in vitro coincided with that observed in vivo. Further analysis showed that TERT in the cytoplasm was mainly located in mitochondria in the absence of oxidative stress or apoptosis, suggesting that TERT in mitochondria plays roles other than antioxidant or anti-apoptotic functions. We observed increased ATP synthesis, release and activation of purine signaling systems in supporting cells during the first 10 postnatal days. The phenomenon that TERT translocation coincided with changes in ATP synthesis, release and activation of the purine signaling system in postnatal cochlear supporting cells suggested that TERT may be involved in regulating ATP release and activation of the purine signaling system. Our study provides a new research direction for exploring the spontaneous electrical activity of the cochlea during the early postnatal period.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our sense of hearing depends on the function of a specialised class of sensory cells, the hair cells, which are found in the organ of Corti of the mammalian cochlea. The unique physiological environment in which these cells operate is maintained by a syncitium of non-sensory supporting cells, which are crucial for regulating cochlear physiology and metabolic homeostasis. Despite their importance for cochlear function, the role of these supporting cells in age-related hearing loss, the most common sensory deficit in the elderly, is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the age-related changes in the expression and function of metabotropic purinergic receptors (P2Y1 , P2Y2 and P2Y4 ) in the supporting cells of the cochlear apical coil. Purinergic signalling in supporting cells is crucial during the development of the organ of Corti and purinergic receptors are known to undergo changes in expression during ageing in several tissues. Immunolabelling and Ca2+ imaging experiments revealed a downregulation of P2Y receptor expression and a decrease of purinergic-mediated calcium responses after early postnatal stages in the supporting cells. An upregulation of P2Y receptor expression was observed in the aged cochlea when compared to 1 month-old adults. The aged mice also had significantly larger calcium responses and displayed calcium oscillations during prolonged agonist applications. We conclude that supporting cells in the aged cochlea upregulate P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors and display purinergic-induced Ca2+ responses that mimic those observed during pre-hearing stages of development, possibly aimed at limiting or preventing further damage to the sensory epithelium. KEY POINTS: Age-related hearing loss is associated with lower hearing sensitivity and decreased ability to understand speech. We investigated age-related changes in the expression and function of metabotropic purinergic (P2Y) receptors in cochlear non-sensory supporting cells of mice displaying early-onset (C57BL/6N) and late-onset (C3H/HeJ) hearing loss. The expression of P2Y1 , P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors in the supporting cells decreased during cochlear maturation, but that of P2Y2 and P2Y4 was upregulated in the aged cochlea. P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors were primarily responsible for the ATP-induced Ca2+ responses in the supporting cells. The degree of purinergic expression upregulation in aged supporting cells mirrored hearing loss progression in the different mouse strains. We propose that the upregulation of purinergic-mediated signalling in the aged cochlea is subsequent to age-related changes in the hair cells and may act as a protective mechanism to limit or to avoid further damage to the sensory epithelium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated gene transfer has shown promise in rescuing mouse models of genetic hearing loss, but how viral capsid and promoter selection affects efficacy is poorly characterized. Here, we tested combinations of AAVs and promoters to deliver Tmprss3, mutations in which are associated with hearing loss in humans. Tmprss3tm1/tm1 mice display severe cochlear hair cell degeneration, loss of auditory brainstem responses, and delayed loss of spiral ganglion neurons. Under the ubiquitous CAG promoter and AAV-KP1 capsid, Tmprss3 overexpression caused striking cytotoxicity in vitro and in vivo and failed to rescue degeneration or dysfunction of the Tmprss3tm1/tm1 cochlea. Reducing the dosage or using AAV-DJ-CAG-Tmprss3 diminished cytotoxicity without rescue of the Tmprss3tm1/tm1 cochlea. Finally, the combination of AAV-KP1 capsid and the EF1α promoter prevented cytotoxicity and reduced hair cell degeneration, loss of spiral ganglion neurons, and improved hearing thresholds in Tmprss3tm1/tm1 mice. Together, our study illustrates toxicity of exogenous genes and factors governing rescue efficiency, and suggests that cochlear gene therapy likely requires precisely targeted transgene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skeletal muscle has a high capacity to repair and remodel in response to damage, largely through the action of resident muscle stem cells, termed satellite cells. Satellite cells are required for the proper repair of skeletal muscle through a process known as myogenesis. Recent investigations have observed relationships between satellite cells and other cell types and structures within the muscle microenvironment. These findings suggest that the crosstalk between inflammatory cells, fibrogenic cells, bone-marrow-derived cells, satellite cells, and the vasculature is essential for the restoration of muscle homeostasis. This review will discuss the influence of the cells and structures within the muscle microenvironment on satellite cell function and muscle repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian hair cells do not functionally regenerate in adulthood but can regenerate at embryonic and neonatal stages in mice by direct transdifferentiation of neighboring supporting cells into new hair cells. Previous work showed loss of transdifferentiation potential of supporting cells is in part due to H3K4me1 enhancer decommissioning of the hair cell gene regulatory network during the first postnatal week. However, inhibiting this decommissioning only partially preserves transdifferentiation potential. Therefore, we explored other repressive epigenetic modifications that may be responsible for this loss of plasticity. We find supporting cells progressively accumulate DNA methylation at promoters of developmentally regulated hair cell genes. Specifically, DNA methylation overlaps with binding sites of Atoh1, a key transcription factor for hair cell fate. We further show that DNA hypermethylation replaces H3K27me3-mediated repression of hair cell genes in mature supporting cells, and is accompanied by progressive loss of chromatin accessibility, suggestive of facultative heterochromatin formation. Another subset of hair cell loci is hypermethylated in supporting cells, but not in hair cells. Ten-eleven translocation (TET) enzyme-mediated demethylation of these hypermethylated sites is necessary for neonatal supporting cells to transdifferentiate into hair cells. We also observe changes in chromatin accessibility of supporting cell subtypes at the single-cell level with increasing age: Gene programs promoting sensory epithelium development loses chromatin accessibility, in favor of gene programs that promote physiological maturation and function of the cochlea. We also find chromatin accessibility is partially recovered in a chronically deafened mouse model, which holds promise for future translational efforts in hearing restoration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sensory region of the mammalian hearing organ contains two main cell types-hair cells and supporting cells. During development, Notch signaling plays an important role in whether a cell becomes either a hair cell or supporting cell by mediating lateral inhibition. However, once the cell fate decisions have been determined, little is understood about the role Notch plays in cochlear maturation. Here, we report that deletion of Notch1 from the early postnatal mouse cochlea in both male and female animals resulted in profound deafness at 6 weeks of age. Histologic analyses at 6 weeks revealed significant hair cell and supporting cell loss throughout the Notch1-deficient cochlea. Early analyses revealed a reduction in supporting cells in the outer hair cell region between postnatal day (P) 2 and P6, without a comparable increase in outer hair cell number, suggesting a mechanism other than lateral inhibition. Consistent with this, we found apoptotic cells in the outer supporting cell region of the cochlea at P1 and P2, indicating that Notch1 is required for outer supporting cell survival during early cochlear maturation. Interestingly, inner supporting cell types were not lost after Notch1 deletion. Surprisingly, we do not detect outer hair cell loss in Notch1 mutants until after the onset of hearing, around P14, suggesting that hair cell loss is caused by loss of the supporting cells. Together, these results demonstrate that Notch1 is required for supporting cell survival during early maturation and that loss of these cells causes later loss of the hair cells and cochlear dysfunction.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT During development, Notch signaling has been shown to be critical in regulating the cell fate choices between hair cells and supporting cells. However, little is known about how Notch functions after those cell fate choices are made. Here, we examine the role of Notch1 in the maturing cochlea. We demonstrate that deletion of Notch1 results in profound deafness by 6 weeks of age. Histologic analyses revealed rapid supporting cell death shortly after Notch1 deletion, followed by eventual loss of the hair cells. These results reveal an unexpected role for Notch in supporting cell survival during cochlear maturation.





