stable isotope

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium foliar applications are known to effectively enhance peach quality; however, the optimal implementation strategy regarding fruit developmental stages and cultivars remains unclear. In this study, three different moments of fruit Ca applications in peach and nectarine are tested: Early season, Mid-season, and Late season. For this aim, the 44Ca isotope was used as a tracer, enabling the quantification and location of the Ca derived from the foliar fertilizer. Stone, flesh, and skin 44Ca enrichment was separately analyzed at harvest. The results indicate that Ca absorption in the fruits from external CaCl2 applications was influenced by the timing of the application during fruit development, with Late-season applications proving to be the most effective in increasing the Ca content in the fruit, corresponding with a higher fruit size at the application moment. Nevertheless, no differences in the absorption efficiency were found between the three timings of the application. Furthermore, the Ca from the foliar fertilizer in the fruit predominately remained in the flesh, followed by the skin. The Ca derived from the foliar fertilizer reached the stone in all of the experimental situations, but the Early- and Mid-season applications resulted in the highest amount of Ca derived from the fertilizer in this part of the fruit. Interestingly, the peach exhibited a higher Ca absorption efficiency compared to the nectarine, likely due to the presence of trichomes that retain the foliar fertilizer on the fruit surface. In conclusion, the Ca absorption and distribution in peaches depends on the cultivar and timing of the Ca application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Application of stable isotopically labelled (SIL) molecules in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MALDI-MSI) over a series of time points allows the temporal and spatial dynamics of biochemical reactions to be tracked in a biological system. However, these large kinetic MSI datasets and the inherent variability of biological replicates presents significant challenges to the rapid analysis of the data. In addition, manual annotation of downstream SIL metabolites involves human input to carefully analyse the data based on prior knowledge and personal expertise. To overcome these challenges to the analysis of spatiotemporal MALDI-MSI data and improve the efficiency of SIL metabolite identification, a bioinformatics pipeline has been developed and demonstrated by analysing normal bovine lens glucose metabolism as a model system. The pipeline consists of spatial alignment to mitigate the impact of sample variability and ensure spatial comparability of the temporal data, dimensionality reduction to rapidly map regional metabolic distinctions within the tissue, and metabolite annotation coupled with pathway enrichment modules to summarise and display the metabolic pathways induced by the treatment. This pipeline will be valuable for the spatial metabolomics community to analyse kinetic MALDI-MSI datasets, enabling rapid characterisation of spatio-temporal metabolic patterns from tissues of interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n3-LCPUFAs) are produced primarily in aquatic ecosystems and are considered essential nutrients for predators given their structural role in vertebrates\' cerebral tissues. Alarmingly, with urbanization, many aquatic animals now rely on anthropogenic foods lacking n3-LCPUFAs. In this study undertaken in Newfoundland (Canada), we tested whether recent or longer term diet explains the cerebral fatty acid composition of ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis), a seabird that now thrives in cities. During the breeding season, cerebral levels of n3-LCPUFAs were significantly higher for gulls nesting in a natural habitat and foraging on marine food (mean ± s.d.: 32 ± 1% of total identified fatty acids) than for urban nesters exploiting rubbish (27 ± 1%). Stable isotope analysis of blood and feathers showed that urban and natural nesters shared similar diets in autumn and winter, suggesting that the difference in cerebral n3-LCPUFAs during the breeding season was owing to concomitant and transient differences in diet. We also experimentally manipulated gulls\' diets throughout incubation by supplementing them with fish oil rich in n3-LCPUFAs, a caloric control lacking n3-LCPUFAs, or nothing, and found evidence that fish oil increased urban nesters\' cerebral n3-LCPUFAs. These complementary analyses provide evidence that the brain of this seabird remains plastic during adulthood and responds to short-term dietary changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amino acids form the building blocks of body protein. Dietary protein sources provide the amino acids needed, but protein sources vary widely in amio acid composition. To ensure humans can meet body demands for amino acids, amino acid intake recommendations are provided by the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) and by Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization/United Nations University (FAO/WHO/UNU). Current amino acid intake recommendations, however, are based on data collected predominantly from young adult males. The development of the minimally invasive indicator amino acid oxidation (IAAO) method has permitted the evaluation of amino acid requirements in various vulnerable populations. The purpose of this review is to discuss recent amino acid requirement studies in school-age children, pregnant females and the elderly determined using the IAAO technique. These requirements will help to inform evidence-based recommendations that will help to guide dietary guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) enter the marine food web, accumulate in organisms, and potentially have adverse effects on predators and consumers of seafood. However, evaluations of PFAS in meso-to-apex predators, like sharks, are scarce. This study investigated PFAS occurrence in five shark species from two marine ecosystems with contrasting relative human population densities, the New York Bight (NYB) and the coastal waters of The Bahamas archipelago. The total detected PFAS (∑PFAS) concentrations in muscle tissue ranged from 1.10 to 58.5 ng g-1 wet weight, and perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs) were dominant. Fewer PFAS were detected in Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) from The Bahamas, and concentrations of those detected were, on average, ∼79% lower than in the NYB sharks. In the NYB, ∑PFAS concentrations followed: common thresher (Alopias vulpinus) > shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) > sandbar (Carcharhinus plumbeus) > smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis). PFAS precursors/intermediates, such as 2H,2H,3H,3H-perfluorodecanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonamide, were only detected in the NYB sharks, suggesting higher ambient concentrations and diversity of PFAS sources in this region. Ultralong-chain PFAS (C ≥ 10) were positively correlated with nitrogen isotope values (δ15N) and total mercury in some species. Our results provide some of the first baseline information on PFAS concentrations in shark species from the northwest Atlantic Ocean, and correlations between PFAS, stable isotopes, and mercury further contextualize the drivers of PFAS occurrence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The long-trunked elephantids underwent a significant evolutionary stage characterized by an exceptionally elongated mandible. The initial elongation and subsequent regression of the long mandible, along with its co-evolution with the trunk, present an intriguing issue that remains incompletely understood. Through comparative functional and eco-morphological investigations, as well as feeding preference analysis, we reconstructed the feeding behavior of major groups of longirostrine elephantiforms. In the Platybelodon clade, the rapid evolutionary changes observed in the narial region, strongly correlated with mandible and tusk characteristics, suggest a crucial evolutionary transition where feeding function shifted from the mandible to the trunk, allowing proboscideans to expand their niches to more open regions. This functional shift further resulted in elephantids relying solely on their trunks for feeding. Our research provides insights into how unique environmental pressures shape the extreme evolution of organs, particularly in large mammals that developed various peculiar adaptations during the late Cenozoic global cooling trends.
    The elephant’s trunk is one of the most efficient food-gathering organs in the animal kingdom. From large branches to thin blades of grass, it can coil around and bring many types of vegetation to the animals’ strong, short mandibles. This versatility allows elephants to thrive in a range of environments, including grasslands. Trunks are not the only spectacular feature to emerge in Proboscideans, the family of which elephants are the only surviving group. During the early and middle Miocene (between 23 to 11.6 million years ago), many of these species had dramatically elongated lower jaws; how and why this trait emerged then disappeared is poorly understood. The role that lengthened mandibles and trunks played during feeding also remains unclear. To address these questions, Li et al. focused on Platybelodon, Choerolophodon and Gomphotherium, which belong to three Proboscidean families that roamed Northern China between 17 and 15 million years ago. Each had elongated lower jaws, but with strikingly distinct lengths and morphologies. Chemical analyses on enamel samples helped determine which habitat the families occupied, while mathematical modelling revealed how their mandibles tackled different types of plants. Trunk shape was assessed via analyses of the nasal region. The results suggest that Choerolophodon had mandibles better suited for processing branches and a short, ‘primitive’ trunk. Gomphotherium sported a versatile jaw that could handle both grass and trees, as well as a rather ‘elephant-like’ trunk. The jaw of Platybelodon seemed well-adapted to cut grass, and remarkable bone structures point towards a long, strong and flexible trunk. While modern elephants fully depend on their trunks to eat, morphological constraints suggest that, in these species, the appendage only served to assist feeding (e.g., by pressing down on branches). All families shared an environment that included grasslands and forests, but analyses suggest that, for a period, Choerolophodon favored relatively closed habitats while Platybelodon spread into grasslands and Gomphotherium navigated both landscapes. This suggests that the evolution of long, strong and flexible trunks is tightly associated with grazing. About 14 million years ago, a global cooling event led to grasslands expanding worldwide. The fossil record shows the mandibles of Proboscideans starting to shorten after this period, including in the descendants of Gomphotherium that would give rise to modern elephants. The work by Li et al. sheds light onto these evolutionary processes, and the environmental pressures which helped shape the trunk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) are key processes for nitrogen removal in aquaculture, reducing the accumulated nitrogen nutrients to nitrogen gas or nitrous oxide gas. Complete removal of nitrogen from aquaculture systems is an important measure to solve environmental pollution. In order to evaluate the nitrogen removal potential of marine aquaculture ponds, this study investigated the denitrification and anammox rates, the flux of nitrous oxide (N2O) at the water-air interface, the sediment microbial community structure, and the gene expression associated with the nitrogen removal process in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) ponds (Apostistius japonicus-Penaeus japonicus-Ulva) with different culture periods. The results showed that the denitrification and anammox rates in sediments increased with the increase of cultivation periods and depth, and there was no significant difference in nitrous oxide gas flux at the water-air interface between different cultivation periods (p > 0.05). At the genus and phylum levels, the abundance of microorganisms related to nitrogen removal reactions in sediments changed significantly with the increase of cultivation period and depth, and was most significantly affected by the concentration of particulate organic nitrogen (PON) in sediments. The expression of denitrification gene (narG, nirS, nosZ) in surface sediments was significantly higher than that in deep sediments (p < 0.05), and was negatively correlated with denitrification rate. All samples had a certain anammox capacity, but no known anammox bacteria were found in the microbial diversity detection, and the expression of gene (hzsB) related to the anammox process was extremely low, which may indicate the existence of an unknown anammox bacterium. The data of this study showed that the IMTA culture pond had a certain potential for nitrogen removal, and whether it could make a contribution to reducing the pollution of culture wastewater still needed additional practice and evaluation, and also provided a theoretical basis for the nitrogen removal research of coastal mariculture ponds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bamboo plants are an essential component of tropical ecosystems, yet their vulnerability to climate extremes, such as drought, is poorly understood due to limited knowledge of their hydraulic properties. Cephalostachyum pergracile, a commonly used tropical bamboo species, exhibited a substantially higher mortality rate than other co-occurring bamboos during a severe drought event in 2019, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. This study investigated the leaf and stem hydraulic traits related to drought responses, including leaf-stem embolism resistance (P50leaf; P50stem) estimated using optical and X-ray microtomography methods, leaf pressure-volume and water-releasing curves. Additionally, we investigated the seasonal water potentials, native embolism level (PLC) and xylem water source using stable isotope. We found that C. pergracile exhibited strong resistance to embolism, showing low P50leaf, P50stem, and turgor loss point, despite its rapid leaf water loss. Interestingly, its leaves displayed greater resistance to embolism than its stem, suggesting a lack of effective hydraulic vulnerability segmentation (HVS) to protect the stem from excessive xylem tension. During the dry season, approximately 49% of the water was absorbed from the upper 20-cm-deep soil layer. Consequently, significant diurnal variation in leaf water potentials and an increase in midday PLC from 5.87 ± 2.33% in the wet season to 12.87 ± 4.09% in the dry season were observed. In summary, this study demonstrated that the rapid leaf water loss, high reliance on surface water, and a lack of effective HVS in C. pergracile accelerated water depletion and increased xylem embolism even in the typical dry season, which may explain its high mortality rate during extreme drought events in 2019.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gut microbiome metabolites are important modulators of host health and disease. However, the overall metabolic potential of the gut microbiome and interactions with the host organs have been underexplored.
    RESULTS: Using stable isotope resolved metabolomics (SIRM) in mice orally gavaged with 13C-inulin (a tracer), we first observed dynamic enrichment of 13C-metabolites in cecum contents in the amino acids and short-chain fatty acid metabolism pathways. 13C labeled metabolites were subsequently profiled comparatively in plasma, liver, brain, and skeletal muscle collected at 6, 12, and 24 h after the tracer administration. Organ-specific and time-dependent 13C metabolite enrichments were observed. Carbons from the gut microbiome were preferably incorporated into choline metabolism and the glutamine-glutamate/GABA cycle in the liver and brain, respectively. A sex difference in 13C-lactate enrichment was observed in skeletal muscle, which highlights the sex effect on the interplay between gut microbiome and host organs. Choline was identified as an interorgan metabolite derived from the gut microbiome and fed the lipogenesis of phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylcholine in host organs. In vitro and in silico studies revealed the de novo synthesis of choline in the human gut microbiome via the ethanolamine pathway, and Enterococcus faecalis was identified as a major choline synthesis species. These results revealed a previously underappreciated role for gut microorganisms in choline biosynthesis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Multicompartmental SIRM analyses provided new insights into the current understanding of dynamic interorgan metabolite transport between the gut microbiome and host at the whole-body level in mice. Moreover, this study singled out microbiota-derived metabolites that are potentially involved in the gut-liver, gut-brain, and gut-skeletal muscle axes. Video Abstract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Source determination of N2O has often been performed using stable isotope incubation experiments. In situ experiments with isotopic tracers are an important next step. However, the challenge is to distribute the tracers in the field as homogeneously as possible. To examine this, a bromide solution was applied as a stand-in tracer using either a watering can, a sprayer, or syringes to a relatively dry (25% gravimetric moisture content) or wet (30%) silt loam. After 1 h, samples were taken from three soil depths (0-10 cm), and analyzed for their water content and bromide concentration. The application with syringes was unsuccessful due to blocked cannulas. Therefore, further laboratory experiments were conducted with side-port cannulas. Despite a larger calculated gravimetric soil moisture difference with watering can application, more Br- tracer was recovered in the sprayer treatment, probably due to faster transport of Br- through macropore flow in the wetter conditions caused by the watering can treatment. The losses of Br- (33% for the watering can, 28% for the sprayer treatment) are equivalent to potential losses of isotopic tracer solutions. For application of 60 at% 15NH4 +, this resulted in theoretical enrichments of 44-53 at% in the upper 2.5 cm and 7-48 at% in 5-10 cm. As there was hardly any NO3 - in the soil, extrapolations for 15NO3 - calculated enrichments were 57-59 at% in the upper 2.5 cm and 26-57 at% in 5-10 cm. Overall, no method, including the side-port cannulas, was able to achieve a homogeneous distribution of the tracer. Future search for optimal tracer application should therefore investigate methods that utilize capillary forces and avoid overhead pressure. We recommend working on rather dry soil when applying tracers, as tracer recovery was larger here. Furthermore, larger amounts of tracer lead to more uniform distributions. Further studies should also investigate the importance of plant surfaces.





