source location

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, a MEMS piezoresistive ultrathin silicon membrane-based strain sensor is presented. The sensor\'s ability to capture an acoustic emission signal is demonstrated using a Hsu-Nielsen source, and shows comparable frequency content to a commercial piezoceramic ultrasonic transducer. To the authors\' knowledge, this makes the developed sensor the first known piezoresistive strain sensor which is capable of recording low-energy acoustic emissions. The improvements to the nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring arise from the sensor\'s low minimum detectable strain and wide-frequency bandwidth, which are generated from the improved fabrication process that permits crystalline semiconductor membranes and advanced polymers to be co-processed, thus enabling a dual-use application of both acoustic emission and static strain sensing. The sensor\'s ability to document quasi-static bending is also demonstrated and compared with an ultrasonic transducer, which provides no significant response. This dual-use application is proposed to effectively combine the uses of both strain and ultrasonic transducer sensor types within one sensor, making it a novel and useful method for nondestructive evaluations. The potential benefits include an enhanced sensitivity, a reduced sensor size, a lower cost, and a reduced instrumentation complexity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most common source of transformer failure is in the insulation, and the most prevalent warning signal for insulation weakness is partial discharge (PD). Locating the positions of these partial discharges would help repair the transformer to prevent failures. This work investigates algorithms that could be deployed to locate the position of a PD event using data from ultra-high frequency (UHF) sensors inside the transformer. These algorithms typically proceed in two steps: first determining the signal arrival time, and then locating the position based on time differences. This paper reviews available methods for each task and then propose new algorithms: a convolutional iterative filter with thresholding (CIFT) to determine the signal arrival time and a reference table of travel times to resolve the source location. The effectiveness of these algorithms are tested with a set of laboratory-triggered PD events and two sets of simulated PD events inside transformers in production use. Tests show the new approach provides more accurate locations than the best-known data analysis algorithms, and the difference is particularly large, 3.7X, when the signal sources are far from sensors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (CECTS), the most common childhood epilepsy, still lacks longitudinal imaging studies involving antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). In order to examine the effect of AEDs on cognition and brain activity. We investigated the neuromagnetic activities and cognitive profile in children with CECTS before and after 1 year of treatment. Methods: Fifteen children with CECTS aged 6-12 years underwent high-sampling magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings before treatment and at 1 year after treatment, and 12 completed the cognitive assessment (The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children). Next, magnetic source location and functional connectivity (FC) were investigated in order to characterize interictal neuromagnetic activity in the seven frequency sub-bands, including: delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), beta (12-30 Hz), gamma (30-80 Hz), ripple (80-250 Hz), and fast ripple (250-500 Hz). Results: After 1 year of treatment, children with CECTS had increased scores on full-scale intelligence quotient, verbal comprehension index (VCI) and perceptual reasoning index (PRI). Alterations of neural activity occurred in specific frequency bands. Source location, in the 30-80 Hz frequency band, was significantly increased in the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) after treatment. Moreover, FC analysis demonstrated that after treatment, the connectivity between the PCC and the medial frontal cortex (MFC) was enhanced in the 8-12 Hz frequency band. Additionally, the whole-brain network distribution was more dispersed in the 80-250 Hz frequency band. Conclusion: Intrinsic neural activity has frequency-dependent characteristic. AEDs have impact on regional activity and FC of the default mode network (DMN). Normalization of aberrant DMN in children with CECTS after treatment is likely the reason for improvement of cognitive function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analyzing the influence of emotion on false memory through electroencephalogram is helpful to further explore the cognition function of brain. In this study, material emotion and participant emotion were introduced into Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm experiment at the same time, which made the experiment process closer to real life. Different music was used to induce the emotion of 28 participants, and they were divided into positive group and negative group. Then, we analyzed the difference between the two groups from the behavior data, source location and cortex functional network of event related potential. The results of difference analysis show that the false memory rate of positive group (85 ± 8.6%) is significantly higher than that of negative group (72 ± 9.7%), and the activation degree and voxel number of the positive group are significantly higher than those of the negative group in the brain regions related to semantic coding (BA24 and BA45), and the compactness, the speed of information transmission and the small-world property of the brain network in positive group are significantly higher than those in negative group. The above results show that in the positive group, more brain resources are used for semantic association when they judge keywords, which confuse the keywords and learning words, and result in more false memories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: This study aims to investigate the differences between antiepileptic drug (AED) responders and nonresponders among patients with childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) using magnetoencephalography (MEG) and to additionally evaluate whether the neuromagnetic signals of the brain neurons were correlated with the response to therapy. Methods: Twenty-four drug-naïve patients were subjected to MEG under six frequency bandwidths during ictal periods. The source location and functional connectivity were analyzed using accumulated source imaging and correlation analysis, respectively. All patients were treated with appropriate AED, at least 1 year after their MEG recordings, their outcome was assessed, and they were consequently divided into responders and nonresponders. Results: The source location of the nonresponders was mainly in the frontal cortex at a frequency range of 8-12 and 30-80 Hz, especially 8-12 Hz, while the source location of the nonresponders was mostly in the medial frontal cortex, which was chosen as the region of interest. The nonresponders showed strong positive local frontal connections and deficient anterior and posterior connections at 80-250 Hz. Conclusion: The frontal cortex and especially the medial frontal cortex at α band might be relevant to AED-nonresponsive CAE patients. The local frontal positive epileptic network at 80-250 Hz in our study might further reveal underlying cerebral abnormalities even before treatment in CAE patients, which could cause them to be nonresponsive to AED. One single mechanism cannot explain AED resistance; the nonresponders may represent a subgroup of CAE who is refractory to several antiepileptic drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, asphalt concrete specimens were subjected to a semicircle bending test at -10 °C to simulate the process of the development of cracks in asphalt concrete at low temperature. The acoustic emission parameters were collected during the test, the variation characteristics of acoustic emission parameters were analyzed, and the peakedness value was introduced to evaluate the damage of asphalt concrete. The dynamic evolution of fracture development was analyzed by periods with acoustic emission source location. The results indicate that the damage of asphalt mixtures shows an obvious brittle characteristic at low temperature, acoustic emission signals mainly originate from the crack damage caused by tensile stress, and the strength and number of signals can reflect the degree of crack development. Based on acoustic emission parameters and load curves, the cracking damage of asphalt concrete at low temperature in this study can be divided into three periods: a calm period, a stable development period, and a rapid fracture period. The crack point occurred and propagated upward rapidly in the rapid fracture period. During this period, acoustic emission parameters such as ringing count, acoustic emission energy, and amplitude increased suddenly; furthermore, the peakedness value reached its peak in this period and corresponded well with the low-temperature damage of asphalt concrete. Acoustic emission source location technology can track position of crack points and the propagation path of cracks, reflecting the dynamic evolution process of asphalt concrete crack damage at low temperature.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nowadays, the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) technology is not the primary means of navigation for civil aviation and Air Traffic Control, but its role is increasing. Consequently, the vulnerabilities of GNSSs to Radio Frequency Interference, including the dangerous intentional sources of interference (i.e., jamming and spoofing), raise concerns and special attention also in the aviation field. This panorama urges for figuring out effective solutions able to cope with GNSS interference and preserve safety of operations. In the frame of a Single European Sky Air traffic management Research (SESAR) Exploratory Research initiative, a novel, effective, and affordable concept of GNSS interference management for civil aviation has been developed. This new interference management concept is able to raise early warnings to the on-board navigation system about the detection of interfering signals and their classification, and then to estimate the Direction of Arrival (DoA) of the source of interference allowing the adoption of appropriate countermeasures against the individuated source. This paper describes the interference management concept and presents the on-field tests which allowed for assessing the reached level of performance and confirmed the applicability of this approach to the aviation applications.







  • 文章类型: Letter
    A closed-form method of acoustic emission (AE) source location for a velocity-free system using complete time difference of arrival (TDOA) measurements is proposed in this paper. First, this method established the governing equation of unknown acoustic velocity for each sensor; then, the governing equations of each of the three sensors were transformed into a linear equation, which can form a system of linear equations with the complete TDOA measurements. Third, the least squares solutions of the AE source coordinate and acoustic velocity were separately solved by an orthogonal projection operator. The proposed method was verified by the pencil-lead break experiment, and the results showed that the location accuracy and stability of the proposed method were better than those of traditional methods. Moreover, a simulation test was carried out to investigate the influence of noise scales on the location accuracy, and the results further prove that the proposed method holds higher noise immunity than the traditional methods.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The location of an acoustic emission (AE) source is crucial for predicting and controlling potential hazards. In this paper, a novel weighted linear least squares location method for AE sources without measuring wave velocity is proposed. First, the governing equations of each sensor are established according to the sensor coordinates and arrival times. Second, a mean reference equation is established by taking the mean of the squared governing equations. Third, the system of linear equations can be obtained based on the mean reference equation, and their residuals are estimated to obtain their weights. Finally, the AE source coordinate is obtained by weighting the linear equations and inserting the parameter constraint. The AE location method is verified by a pencil lead break experiment, and the results show that the locating accuracy of the proposed method is significantly higher than that of traditional methods. Furthermore, the simulation test proves that the proposed method also has a better performance (location accuracy and stability) than the traditional methods under any given scale of arrival errors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Source location of Special Nuclear Material (SNM) encompassing 95% 235U and 239Pu is identified by utilizing a directional source from Patent No: US20190013109A1 using Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) and neutron spectroscopy simulated with Monte-Carlo N-Particle transport 6.2 (MCNP). BC-408, HPGe, LaBr3 detector arrays were used to identify the location of the SNM using total counts incident on each detector, and PGNAA photopeaks from HPGe and LaBr3 detector arrays in a polyethylene shield. The conducted simulations varied the volume and location of the SNM in the MCNP input files to observe how the source location method behaved. PGNAA photopeaks used for source identification include 61 keV from fission, 2.223 MeV prompt gamma from hydrogen, 511 keV annihilation, and a single and double escape peaks from the prompt gamma interaction from hydrogen. The capabilities of each detector systems to acquire well resolved photopeaks with a 1% relative error or less, and total relative error for F4 and F8 tallies were less than 0.015% relative error. Source predictions of the SNM with uneven amounts of polyethylene shielding between the source and detectors was observed to overpredict and give invalid source location predictions. Source locations of the SNM with even amounts of polyethylene material between the source and each detector were found to be valid. With a 1 Ci 241Am source activity, it was determined that 1630 s were needed to obtain the results for each detector system with the quasi-forward directional AmBe source. Coupling source and material identification together would increase acquisition time but would only require one system to determine.





