
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Restoration of vulnerable marine habitats is becoming increasingly popular to cope with widespread habitat loss and the resulting decline in biodiversity and ecosystem services. Lately, restoration strategies have been employed to enhance the recovery of degraded meadows of the Mediterranean endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Typically, habitat restoration success is evaluated by the persistence of foundation species after transplantation (e.g., plant survival and growth) on the short and long-term, although successful plant responses do not necessarily reflect the recovery of ecosystem biodiversity and functions. Recently, soundscape (the spatial, temporal and frequency attribute of ambient sound and types of sound sources characterizing it) has been related to different habitat conditions and community structures. Thus, a successful restoration action should lead to acoustic restoration and soundscape ecology could represent an important component of restoration monitoring, leading to assess successful habitat and community restoration. Here, we evaluated acoustic community and metrics in a P. oceanica restored meadow and tested whether the plant transplant effectiveness after one year was accompanied by a restored soundscape. With this goal, acoustic recordings from degraded, transplanted and reference meadows were collected in Sardinia (Italy) using passive acoustic monitoring devices. Soundscape at each meadow type was examined using both spectral analysis and classification of fish calls based on a catalogue of fish sounds from the Mediterranean Sea. Seven different fish sounds were recorded: most of them were present in the reference and transplanted meadows and were associated to Sciaena umbra and Scorpaena spp. Sound Pressure Level (SPL, in dB re: 1 μPa-rms) and Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI) were influenced by the meadow type. Particularly higher values were associated to the transplanted meadow. SPL and ACI calculated in the 200-2000 Hz frequency band were also related to high abundance of fish sounds (chorus). These results showed that meadow restoration may lead to the recovery of soundscape and the associated community, suggesting that short term acoustic monitoring can provide complementary information to evaluate seagrass restoration success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of the perceived affective qualities (PAQs) in soundscape assessments have increased in recent years, with methods varying from in-situ to laboratory. Through technological advances, virtual reality (VR) has facilitated evaluations of multiple locations in the same experiment. In this paper, VR reproductions of different urban sites were presented in an online and laboratory environment testing three locations in Greater Manchester (\'Park\', \'Plaza\', and pedestrian \'Street\') in two population densities (empty and busy) using ISO/TS 12913-2 (2018) soundscape PAQs. The studied areas had audio and video recordings prepared for 360 video and binaural audio VR reproductions. The aims were to observe population density effects within locations (Wilcoxon test) and variations between locations (Mann-Whitney U test) within methods. Population density and comparisons among locations demonstrated a significant effect on most PAQs. Results also suggested that big cities can present homogenous sounds, composing a \'blended\' urban soundscape, independently of functionality. These findings can support urban design in a low-cost approach, where urban planners can test different scenarios and interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turbulence and sound are important cues for oyster reef larval recruitment. Numerous studies have found a relationship between turbulence intensity and swimming behaviors of marine larvae, while others have documented the importance of sounds in enhancing larval recruitment to oyster reefs. However, the relationship between turbulence and the reef soundscape is not well understood. In this study we made side-by-side acoustic Doppler velocimeter turbulence measurements and hydrophone soundscape recordings over 2 intertidal oyster reefs (1 natural and 1 restored) and 1 adjacent bare mudflat as a reference. Sound pressure levels (SPL) were similar across all three sites, although SPL > 2000 Hz was highest at the restored reef, likely due to its larger area that contained a greater number of sound-producing organisms. Flow noise (FN), defined as the mean of pressure fluctuations recorded by the hydrophone at f < 100 Hz, was significantly related to mean flow speed, turbulent kinetic energy, and turbulence dissipation rate (ε), agreeing with theoretical calculations for turbulence. Our results also show a similar relationship between ε and FN to what has been previously reported for ε vs. downward larval swimming velocity (w b ), with both FN and w b demonstrating rapid growth at ε > 0.1 cm2 s-3. These results suggest that reef turbulence and sounds may attract oyster larvae in complementary and synergistic ways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined the influence of stimulus properties on sound externalization when listening with hearing aids. Normally hearing listeners were presented with broadband \"tokens\" (environmental sounds and speech) from loudspeakers, and rated externalization using a continuous scale. In separate blocks, they listened unaided or while wearing behind-the-ear hearing aids with closed domes and low gain (linear or compressive). There was a significant influence of token on ratings, even for unaided listening, and the effect of hearing aids depended on token. An acoustic analysis indicated that hearing aids were more likely to disrupt externalization for peakier sounds with a low-frequency emphasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The focus of this perspective paper is on relationships between sound-producing body motion and corresponding perceived sound features, guided by the idea of shapes as the common denominator of these two domains. The term shape is used to denote graphical-pictorial renderings of phenomena that we perceive or imagine, and may have physical manifestations as tracings on paper or on screen, or as gesticulations, or just as imagined tracings in our minds. Shapes give us intermittent snapshots of unfolding motion and sound fragments, and the point of shapes is to make ephemeral sound and motion features tractable as more permanent objects. Shapes of perceived sound include dynamic, spectral, textural, pitch-related, harmonic, etc. features as shapes, whereas shapes of sound-producing motion include both motion trajectories and postures of sound-producing effectors, i.e., of fingers, hands, arms, etc., or mouth, lips, and tongue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid advancement of AI and machine learning has significantly enhanced sound and acoustic recognition technologies, moving beyond traditional models to more sophisticated neural network-based methods. Among these, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are particularly noteworthy. SNNs mimic biological neurons and operate on principles similar to the human brain, using analog computing mechanisms. This capability allows for efficient sound processing with low power consumption and minimal latency, ideal for real-time applications in embedded systems. This paper reviews recent developments in SNNs for sound recognition, underscoring their potential to overcome the limitations of digital computing and suggesting directions for future research. The unique attributes of SNNs could lead to breakthroughs in mimicking human auditory processing more closely.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unpredictable deviations from an otherwise regular auditory sequence, as well as rare sounds following a period of silence, are detected automatically. Recent evidence suggests that the latter also elicit quick involuntary modulations of ongoing motor activity emerging as early as 100 ms following sound onset, which was attributed to supramodal processing. We explored such force modulations for both rare and deviant sounds. Participants (N = 29) pinched a force sensitive device and maintained a force of 1-2 N for periods of 1 min. Task-irrelevant tones were presented under two conditions. In the Rare condition, 4000 Hz tones were presented every 8-to-16 s. In the Roving condition, 4000 Hz and 2996 Hz tones were presented at rate of 1 s, with infrequent (p = 1/12) frequency changes. In the Rare condition, transient force modulations were observed with a significant increase at ~ 234 ms, and a decrease at ~ 350 ms. In the Roving condition with low frequency deviant tones, an increase in force was observed at ~ 277 ms followed by a decrease at ~ 413 ms. No significant modulations were observed during perception of high frequency deviants. These results suggest that both rare silence-breaking sounds and low-pitched deviants evoke automatic fluctuations of motor responses, which opens up the possibility that these force modulations are triggered by stimulus-specific change-detection processes.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    Political responses to the COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in city soundscapes around the globe. From March to October 2020, a consortium of 261 contributors from 35 countries brought together by the Silent Cities project built a unique soundscape recordings collection to report on local acoustic changes in urban areas. We present this collection here, along with metadata including observational descriptions of the local areas from the contributors, open-source environmental data, open-source confinement levels and calculation of acoustic descriptors. We performed a technical validation of the dataset using statistical models run on a subset of manually annotated soundscapes. Results confirmed the large-scale usability of ecoacoustic indices and automatic sound event recognition in the Silent Cities soundscape collection. We expect this dataset to be useful for research in the multidisciplinary field of environmental sciences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the effects of listening to nature sounds alone and virtual reality plus listening to nature sounds on pain and anxiety in hysterosalpingography.
    METHODS: This three-arm parallel randomized controlled trial included 135 (45 in each group) women who underwent hysterosalpingography in Turkey. The virtual reality+nature sounds group viewed a nature video with virtual reality glasses and listened to nature sounds during hysterosalpingography, whereas the nature sounds group only listened to nature sounds. The control group received only routine care.
    RESULTS: During hysterosalpingography, women in virtual reality+nature sounds group experienced less pain than those in control group (p=0.009). After hysterosalpingography, pain levels were lower in both virtual reality+nature sounds group and nature sounds group than in control group (p=0.000 and p=0.000, respectively), anxiety levels were lower in virtual reality+nature sounds group than in nature sounds group and control group (p=0.018 and p=0.000, respectively), and anxiety levels were lower in nature sounds group than in control group (p=0.013).
    CONCLUSIONS: Virtual reality with nature content plus listening to nature sounds and only listening to nature sounds are effective in reducing pain and anxiety related to hysterosalpingography procedures in women. Compared with only listening to nature sounds, virtual reality plus listening to nature sounds further reduced hysterosalpingography-related pain and anxiety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How we move our bodies affects how we perceive sound. For instance, head movements help us to better localize the source of a sound and to compensate for asymmetric hearing loss. However, many auditory experiments are designed to restrict head and body movements. To study the role of movement in hearing, we developed a behavioral task called sound-seeking that rewarded freely moving mice for tracking down an ongoing sound source. Over the course of learning, mice more efficiently navigated to the sound. Next, we asked how sound-seeking was affected by hearing loss induced by surgical removal of the malleus from the middle ear. After bilateral hearing loss sound-seeking performance drastically declined and did not recover. In striking contrast, after unilateral hearing loss mice were only transiently impaired and then recovered their sound-seek ability over about a week. Throughout recovery, unilateral mice increasingly relied on a movement strategy of sequentially checking potential locations for the sound source. In contrast, the startle reflex (an innate auditory behavior) was preserved after unilateral hearing loss and abolished by bilateral hearing loss without recovery over time. In sum, mice compensate with body movement for permanent unilateral damage to the peripheral auditory system. Looking forward, this paradigm provides an opportunity to examine how movement enhances perception and enables resilient adaptation to sensory disorders.





