social inequalities in health

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: If in the past the relationship between caregiver and patient was paternalistic based on the principle of protection, the advent of health democracy has made this relationship evolve to build it on the principles of equality and autonomy for the patient. However, this practice leaves something to be desired, given the forms of inequality in access to information that mark the relationship between caregiver and cancer patient.
    METHODS: The objective of this qualitative study is to present a sociological view of the process of shaping inequalities in access to information and its determinants. The study took place in the medical prefecture of Meknes, with a target population consisting of cancer patients treated in public and private health establishments. A qualitative content analysis approach using semi-structured interviews was employed.
    RESULTS: A diversity of attitudes of the cancer patient with regard to the information, depending on whether the patient is strongly or weakly involved by the health professional in his or her illness or in the care he or she receives. In this case: a) active patient better informed; b) passive patient more or less informed; c) patient in denial who refuses to be informed.
    CONCLUSIONS: It seems that the issue of inequality of access to information is not a topical one, and yet it is given little consideration in the policies of the Ministry of Health, particularly in the fight against cancer in Morocco.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Somatic symptoms are common in a wide range of medical conditions. In severe cases, they are associated with high individual and economic burden. To explore social inequalities in somatic symptom severity (SSS) and to identify social groups with highest SSS, we applied an intersectional research approach. Analyses are based on cross-sectional data of the adult population living in Germany (N = 2413). SSS was assessed with the Somatic Symptom Scale-8. A multiple linear regression model with three-way interaction of gender, income and history of migration and post-hoc pairwise comparison of estimated marginal means was conducted. Analyses revealed intersectional inequalities in SSS along the axis of gender, income, and history of migration. Highest SSS was found in males with low income whose parent(s) immigrated, females with low income who immigrated themselves, and females with low income and no history of migration. Intersectional approaches contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of health disparities. To reduce disparities in SSS, proportionate universal interventions combining universal screening and targeted treatment seem promising.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    With the increase in the number of long-term survivors, interest is shifting from cancer survival to life and quality of life after cancer. These include consequences of long-term side effects of treatment, such as gonadotoxicity. Fertility preservation is becoming increasingly important in cancer management. International recommendations agree on the need to inform patients prior to treatments about the risk of fertility impairment and refer them to specialized centers to discuss fertility preservation. However, the literature reveals suboptimal access to fertility preservation on an international scale, and particularly in France, making information for patients and oncologists a potential lever for action. Our overall goal is to improve access to fertility preservation consultations for women with breast cancer through the development and evaluation of a combined intervention targeting the access and diffusion of information for these patients and brief training for oncologists.
    Firstly, we will improve existing information tools and create brief training content for oncologists using a qualitative, iterative, user-centred and participatory approach (objective 1). We will then use these tools in a combined intervention to conduct a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial (objective 2) including 750 women aged 18 to 40 newly treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer at one of the 6 participating centers. As the primary outcome of the trial will be the access to fertility preservation counselling before and after using the combined intervention (brochures and brief training for oncologists), we will compare the rate of fertility preservation consultations between the usual care and intervention phases using linear regression models. Finally, we will analyse our approach using a context-sensitive implementation analysis and provide key elements for transferability to other contexts in France (objective 3).
    We expect to observe an increase in access to fertility preservation consultations as a result of the combined intervention. Particular attention will be paid to the effect of this intervention on socially disadvantaged women, who are known to be at greater risk of inappropriate treatment. The user-centred design principles and participatory approaches used to optimize the acceptability, usability and feasibility of the combined intervention will likely enhance its impact, diffusion and sustainability.
    NCT05989776. Date of registration: 7th September 2023. URL: https://classic.
    gov/ct2/show/NCT05989776 .
    Manuscript based on study protocol version 2.0, 21st may 2023.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent studies suggest that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection may be greater in more densely populated areas and in cities with a higher proportion of persons who are poor, immigrant, or essential workers. This study examines spatial inequalities in SARS-CoV-2 exposure in a health region of the province of Quebec in Canada.
    The study was conducted on the 1206 Canadian census dissemination areas in the Capitale-Nationale region of the province of Quebec. The observation period was 21 months (March 2020 to November 2021). The number of cases reported daily in each dissemination area was identified from available administrative databases. The magnitude of inequalities was estimated using Gini and Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) indices. The association between transmission and socioeconomic deprivation was identified based on the concentration of transmission in socially disadvantaged areas and on nonparametric regressions relating the cumulative incidence rate by area to ecological indicators of spatial disadvantage. Quantification of the association between median family income and degree of exposure of dissemination areas was supplemented by an ordered probit multiple regression model.
    Spatial disparities were elevated (Gini = 0.265; 95% CI [0.251, 0.279]). The spread was more limited in the less densely populated areas of the Quebec City agglomeration and outlying municipalities. The mean cumulative incidence in the subsample made up of the areas most exposed to the pandemic was 0.093. The spread of the epidemic was concentrated in the most disadvantaged areas, especially in the densely populated areas. Socioeconomic inequality appeared early and increased with each successive pandemic wave. The models showed that areas with economically disadvantaged populations were three times more likely to be among the areas at highest risk for COVID-19 (RR = 3.55; 95% CI [2.02, 5.08]). In contrast, areas with a higher income population (fifth quintile) were two times less likely to be among the most exposed areas (RR = 0.52; 95% CI [0.32, 0.72]).
    As with the H1N1 pandemics of 1918 and 2009, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic revealed social vulnerabilities. Further research is needed to explore the various manifestations of social inequality in relation to the pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We examined trends from 2000 to 2019 in child pedestrian motor vehicle collision (PMVC) injury rates in Toronto, Canada, to see if injury trends varied by neighbourhood deprivation. This 20-year period was associated with major road safety policy changes in the City. A Poisson regression analysis examined police-reported data on children (age 1-19 years), killed or seriously injured (KSI) PMVC rates, by deprivation status (using the Ontario Marginalization Index), over the period 2000-2019. Models controlled for location (urban core v. inner suburbs) and evaluated potential interactions. There were 523 child pedestrian KSI collisions from 2000 to 2019. Over this period, KSI rates decreased by more than 50 % across all neighbourhood deprivation levels. Steep declines from 2000 to 2010 were followed by level or increasing child PMVC rates from 2010 to 2019. Higher deprivation was associated with slightly elevated KSI rates; although not statistically significant. It is important to learn from road safety policy \"successes\" and ensure that future road safety interventions are applied equitably across areas, accounting for deprivation and location.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Systemic racism within health care is increasingly garnering critical attention, but to date attention to the racism experienced by health professionals themselves has been scant. In Canada, anti-Black racism may be embodied in structures, policies, institutional practices and interpersonal interactions. Epistemic racism is an aspect of systemic racism wherein the knowledge claims, ways of knowing and \'knowers\' themselves are constructed as invalid, or less credible. This critical interpretive qualitative study examined the experiences of epistemic racism among 13 healthcare professionals across Canada who self-identified as Black women. It explores the ways knowledge claims and expert authority are discredited and undermined, despite the attainment of professional credentials. Three themes were identified: 1. Not being perceived or portrayed as credible health professionals; 2. Requiring invisible labour to counter professional credibility \'deficit\'; and 3. Devaluing knowledge while imposing stereotypes. The Black women in our study faced routine epistemic racism. They were not afforded the position of legitimate knower, expert, authority, despite their professional credentials as physicians, nurses and occupational therapists. Their embodied cultural and community knowledges were disregarded in favour of stereotyped assumptions. Adopting the professional comportment of \'Whiteness\' was one way these health care providers strived to be perceived as credible professionals. Their experiences are characteristic of \'misogynoir\', a particular form of racism directed at Black women. Anti-Black epistemic racism constitutes one way Whiteness is perpetuated in health professions institutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper explores the general relationship between peoples\' health-related practices and their affiliation with different fields in the occupational structure. It argues that \'healthy behaviour\' may be particularly induced in the field of service occupations (jobs where one is providing a service, rather than producing a physical product), rendering such practices an emerging capital in the sense advanced by Bourdieu. The paper presents an empirical elaboration of this theoretical argument by assessing comparative European data on health behavioural dispositions. Across occupational class levels, defined according to Esping-Andersen\'s post-industrial class scheme, service workers display dispositions suggesting greater possessions of health capital than their counterparts in the industrial hierarchy. In a multilevel analysis, considering societal context, the paper furthermore associates such endowments with post-industrial development. Elaborating on the general relationships identified, we suggest the rising importance of individual health investments to be considered as potentially instigating and reinforcing symbolic boundaries (social closure).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence-based policy-making to reduce perinatal health inequalities requires an accurate measure of social disparities. We aimed to evaluate the relevance of two municipality-level deprivation indices (DIs), the French-Deprivation-Index (FDep) and the French-European-Deprivation-Index (FEDI) in perinatal health through two key perinatal outcomes: preterm birth (PTB) and small-for-gestational-age (SGA).
    We used two data sources: The French National Perinatal Surveys (NPS) and the French national health data system (SNDS). Using the former, we compared the gradients of the associations between individual socioeconomic characteristics (educational level and income) and \"PTB and SGA\" and associations between municipality-level DIs (Q1:least deprived; Q5:most deprived) and \"PTB and SGA\". Using the SNDS, we then studied the association between each component of the two DIs (census data, 2015) and \"PTB and SGA\". Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) were estimated using multilevel logistic regression with random intercept at the municipality level.
    In the NPS (N = 26,238), PTB and SGA were associated with two individual socioeconomic characteristics: maternal educational level (≤ lower secondary school vs. ≥ Bachelor\'s degree or equivalent, PTB: aOR = 1.43 [1.22-1.68], SGA: (1.31 [1.61-1.49]) and household income (< 1000 € vs. ≥ 3000 €, PTB: 1.55 [1.25-1.92], SGA: 1.69 [1.45-1.98]). For both FDep and FEDI, PTB and SGA were more frequent in deprived municipalities (Q5: 7.8% vs. Q1: 6.3% and 9.0% vs. 5.9% for PTB, respectively, and 12.0% vs. 10.3% and 11.9% vs. 10.2% for SGA, respectively). However, after adjustment, neither FDep nor FEDI showed a significant gradient with PTB or SGA. In the SNDS (N = 726,497), no FDep component, and only three FEDI components were significantly associated (specifically, the % of the population with ≤ lower secondary level of education with both outcomes (PTB: 1.5 [1.15-1.96]); SGA: 1.25 [1.03-1.51]), the % of overcrowded (i.e., > 1 person per room) houses (1.63 [1.15-2.32]) with PTB only, and unskilled farm workers with SGA only (1.52 [1.29-1.79]).
    Some components of FDep and FEDI were less relevant than others for capturing ecological inequalities in PTB and SGA. Results varied for each DI and perinatal outcome studied. These findings highlight the importance of testing DI relevance prior to examining perinatal health inequalities, and suggest the need to develop DIs that are suitable for pregnant women. .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence continues to demonstrate that certain marginalised populations are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. While many studies document the impacts of COVID-19 on social inequalities in health, none has examined how public health responses to the pandemic have unfolded to address these inequities in Canada. The purpose of our study was to assess how social inequalities in health were considered in the design and planning of large-scale COVID-19 testing programs in Montréal (Québec, Canada).
    Part of the multicountry study HoSPiCOVID, this article reports on a qualitative case study of large-scale testing for COVID-19 in Montréal. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 19 stakeholders involved in planning large-scale testing or working with vulnerable populations during the pandemic. We developed interview guides and a codebook using existing literature on policy design and planning, and analysed data deductively and inductively using thematic analysis in NVivo.
    Our findings suggest that large-scale COVID-19 testing in Montréal did not initially consider social inequalities in health in its design and planning phases. Considering the sense of urgency brought by the pandemic, participants noted the challenges linked to the uptake of an intersectoral approach and of a unified vision of social inequalities in health. However, adaptations were gradually made to large-scale testing to improve its accessibility, acceptability, and availability. Actors from the community sector, among others, played an important role in supporting the health sector to address the needs of specific subgroups of the population.
    These findings contribute to the reflections on the lessons learned from COVID-19, highlighting that public health programs must tackle structural barriers to accessing healthcare services during health crises. This will be necessary to ensure that pandemic preparedness and response, including large-scale testing, do not further increase social inequalities in health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Local health systems are increasingly tasked to play a more central role in driving action to reduce social inequalities in health. Past experience, however, has demonstrated the challenge of reorienting health system actions towards prevention and the wider determinants of health. In this review, I use meta-ethnographic methods to synthesise findings from eleven qualitative research studies that have examined how ambitions to tackle social inequalities in health take shape within local health systems. The resulting line-of-argument illustrates how such inequalities continue to be problematised in narrow and reductionist ways to fit both with pre-existing conceptions of health, and the institutional practices which shape thinking and action. Instances of health system actors adopting a more social view of inequalities, and taking a more active role in influencing the social and structural determinants of health, were attributed to the beliefs and values of system leaders, and their ability to push-back against dominant discourses and institutional norms. This synthesised account provides an additional layer of understanding about the specific challenges experienced by health workforces when tasked to address this complex and enduring problem, and provides essential insights for understanding the success and shortcomings of future cross-sectoral efforts to tackle social inequalities in health.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1057/s41285-022-00176-6.





