social inequalities in health

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: If in the past the relationship between caregiver and patient was paternalistic based on the principle of protection, the advent of health democracy has made this relationship evolve to build it on the principles of equality and autonomy for the patient. However, this practice leaves something to be desired, given the forms of inequality in access to information that mark the relationship between caregiver and cancer patient.
    METHODS: The objective of this qualitative study is to present a sociological view of the process of shaping inequalities in access to information and its determinants. The study took place in the medical prefecture of Meknes, with a target population consisting of cancer patients treated in public and private health establishments. A qualitative content analysis approach using semi-structured interviews was employed.
    RESULTS: A diversity of attitudes of the cancer patient with regard to the information, depending on whether the patient is strongly or weakly involved by the health professional in his or her illness or in the care he or she receives. In this case: a) active patient better informed; b) passive patient more or less informed; c) patient in denial who refuses to be informed.
    CONCLUSIONS: It seems that the issue of inequality of access to information is not a topical one, and yet it is given little consideration in the policies of the Ministry of Health, particularly in the fight against cancer in Morocco.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the impact of social inequalities in health (SIH). Various studies have shown significant inequalities in mortality and morbidity associated with COVID-19 and the influence of social determinants of health. The objective of this qualitative case study was to analyze the consideration of SIH in the design of two key COVID-19 prevention and control interventions in France: testing and contact tracing. Interviews were conducted with 36 key informants involved in the design of the intervention and/or the government response to the pandemic as well as relevant documents (n = 15) were reviewed. We applied data triangulation and a hybrid deductive and inductive analysis to analyze the data. Findings revealed the divergent understandings and perspectives about SIH, as well as the challenges associated with consideration for these at the beginning stages of the pandemic. Despite a shared concern for SIH between the participants, an epidemiological frame of reference dominated the design of the intervention. It resulted in a model in which consideration for SIH appeared as a complement, with a clinical goal of the intervention: breaking the chain of COVID-19 transmission. Although the COVID-19 health crisis highlighted the importance of SIH, it did not appear to be an opportunity to further their consideration in response efforts. This article provides original insights into consideration for SIH in the design of testing and contact-tracing interventions based upon a qualitative investigation.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of social inequalities in health (SIH) and the disproportionate burden of the pandemic and its consequences related to socioeconomic status, ethnicity and race, among other determinants of health. Public health interventions are likely to increase SIH when they are not considered in the design phase. Through a qualitative case study, we analyzed the design of one of the first local initiative providing testing and contact tracing offer to the general population in the Île-de-France region (Paris region, France) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This article discusses the uncertainty and challenges associated with consideration for SIH in the intervention design. It explores the diverse understandings of SIH among the actors and the complexities of cross-sectoral partnerships addressing SIH in times of health crisis. Despite a consensual concern for this issue among the respondents, an epidemiological frame of reference dominated the intervention design. It resulted in a model in which consideration for SIH appeared as a complement, with a clinical goal of the intervention: breaking the chain of COVID-19 transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence continues to demonstrate that certain marginalised populations are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. While many studies document the impacts of COVID-19 on social inequalities in health, none has examined how public health responses to the pandemic have unfolded to address these inequities in Canada. The purpose of our study was to assess how social inequalities in health were considered in the design and planning of large-scale COVID-19 testing programs in Montréal (Québec, Canada).
    Part of the multicountry study HoSPiCOVID, this article reports on a qualitative case study of large-scale testing for COVID-19 in Montréal. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 19 stakeholders involved in planning large-scale testing or working with vulnerable populations during the pandemic. We developed interview guides and a codebook using existing literature on policy design and planning, and analysed data deductively and inductively using thematic analysis in NVivo.
    Our findings suggest that large-scale COVID-19 testing in Montréal did not initially consider social inequalities in health in its design and planning phases. Considering the sense of urgency brought by the pandemic, participants noted the challenges linked to the uptake of an intersectoral approach and of a unified vision of social inequalities in health. However, adaptations were gradually made to large-scale testing to improve its accessibility, acceptability, and availability. Actors from the community sector, among others, played an important role in supporting the health sector to address the needs of specific subgroups of the population.
    These findings contribute to the reflections on the lessons learned from COVID-19, highlighting that public health programs must tackle structural barriers to accessing healthcare services during health crises. This will be necessary to ensure that pandemic preparedness and response, including large-scale testing, do not further increase social inequalities in health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to analyse previous explanations of social inequality in health and argue for a closer integration of sociological theory into future empirical research.
    METHODS: We examine cultural-behavioural, materialist, psychosocial and life-course approaches, in addition to fundamental cause theory. Giddens\' structuration theory and a neo-materialist approach, inspired by Bruno Latour, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, are proposed as ways of rethinking the causal relationship between socio-economic status and health.
    CONCLUSIONS: Much of the empirical research on health inequalities has tended to rely on explanations with a static and unidirectional view of the association between socio-economic status and health, assuming a unidirectional causal relationship between largely static categories. We argue for the use of sociological theory to develop more dynamic models that enhance the understanding of the complex pathways and mechanisms linking social structures to health.





