sensorimotor area

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to investigate the structural reorganization in the sensorimotor area of the brain in patients with gliomas, distinguishing between those with impaired and unimpaired strength. Using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and region of interest (ROI) analysis, gray matter volumes (GMV) were compared in the contralesional primary motor gyrus, primary sensory gyrus, premotor area, bilateral supplementary motor area, and medial Brodmann area 8 (BA8). The results revealed that in patients with right hemisphere gliomas, the right medial BA8 volume was significantly larger in the impaired group than in the unimpaired group, with both groups exceeding the volume in 16 healthy controls (HCs). In patients with left hemisphere gliomas, the right supplementary motor area (SMA) was more pronounced in the impaired group compared to the unimpaired group, and both groups were greater than HCs. Additionally, the volumes of the right medial BA8 in both the impaired group were greater than HCs. Contralateral expansions in the gray matter of hand- and trunk-related cortices of the premotor area, precentral gyrus, and postcentral gyrus were observed compared to HCs. Furthermore, a negative correlation was found between hand Medical Research Council (MRC) score and volumes of the contralateral SMA and bilateral medial BA8. Notably, our findings reveal consistent results across both analytical approaches in identifying significant structural reorganizations within the sensorimotor cortex. These consistent findings underscore the adaptive neuroplastic responses to glioma presence, highlighting potential areas of interest for further neurosurgical planning and rehabilitation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-invasive brain stimulation using focused ultrasound has largely been carried out in small animals. In the present study, we applied stimulatory focused ultrasound transcranially to the primary sensorimotor (SM1) and visual (V1) brain areas in sheep (Dorset, all female, n = 8), under the guidance of magnetic resonance imaging, and examined the electrophysiologic responses. By use of a 250-kHz focused ultrasound transducer, the area was sonicated in pulsed mode (tone-burst duration of 1 ms, duty cycle of 50%) for 300 ms. The acoustic intensity at the focal target was varied up to a spatial peak pulse-average intensity (Isppa) of 14.3 W/cm(2). Sonication of SM1 elicited electromyographic responses from the contralateral hind leg, whereas stimulation of V1 generated electroencephalographic potentials. These responses were detected only above a certain acoustic intensity, and the threshold intensity, as well as the degree of responses, varied among sheep. Post-sonication animal behavior was normal, but minor microhemorrhages were observed from the V1 areas exposed to highly repetitive sonication (every second for ≥500 times for electroencephalographic measurements, Isppa = 6.6-10.5 W/cm(2), mechanical index = 0.9-1.2). Our results suggest the potential translational utility of focused ultrasound as a new brain stimulation modality, yet also call for caution in the use of an excessive number of sonications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vocal communication depends on the coordinated activity of sensorimotor neurons important to vocal perception and production. How vocalizations are represented by spatiotemporal activity patterns in these neuronal populations remains poorly understood. Here we combined intracellular recordings and two-photon calcium imaging in anesthetized adult zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) to examine how learned birdsong and its component syllables are represented in identified projection neurons (PNs) within HVC, a sensorimotor region important for song perception and production. These experiments show that neighboring HVC PNs can respond at markedly different times to song playback and that different syllables activate spatially intermingled PNs within a local (~100 μm) region of HVC. Moreover, noise correlations were stronger between PNs that responded most strongly to the same syllable and were spatially graded within and between classes of PNs. These findings support a model in which syllabic and temporal features of song are represented by spatially intermingled PNs functionally organized into cell- and syllable-type networks within local spatial scales in HVC.





