
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dryas octopetala L. var. asiatica (Nakai) Nakai 1918 is a dwarf shrub that mainly grow in alpine and arctic zones of the Northern Hemisphere, representing an endemic variety in Asia. In the present study, the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of D. octopetala var. asiatica was first characterized and used for its phylogenetic analysis. The cp genome span 158,271 bp with an overall GC content of 36.5%. A total of 129 genes were identified, including 84 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 37 tRNA genes, and 8 rRNA genes. In addition, repetitive sequences and microsatellites were detected within this species. Phylogenetic analysis involving 39 cp genomes from Rosaceae family indicated that D. octopetala var. asiatica was sister to the clade of Amygdaloideae. This study contributes fundamental insights into the cp genome of Dryas octopetala var. asiatica, which will have expanded its use in photosynthesis and evolutionary study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Red raspberries, Rubus idaeus L. 1753 are famous fruits which possess high value bioactive compounds. In this study, we report the complete chloroplast genome of R. idaeus, it displayed a typical quadripartite structure with 155687 bp in length. The genome encodes 127 genes including 79 protein coding genes, 8 rRNA genes and 40 tRNA genes, the overall GC content is 37.2%. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a close relationship between R. idaeus and R. sachalinensis in Section Malaehobatus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploring the level of intraspecific diversity in taxa experienced radiation is helpful to understanding speciation and biodiversity assembly. Gentiana section Chondrophyllae sensu lato encompasses more than 180 species and occupies more a half of species in the genus. In this study, we collected samples across the range of three species (Gentiana aristata, G. crassuloides and G. haynaldii) in section Chondrophyllae s.l., and recovered the intra-species variation by comparing with closely related taxon. Using 25 newly sequenced plastid genomes together with previously published data, we compared structural differences, quantified the variations in plastome size, and measured nucleotide diversity in various regions. Our results showed that the plastome size variation in the three Chondrophyllae species ranged from 285 to 628 bp, and the size variation in LSC, IR and SSC ranged from 236 to 898 bp, 52 to 393 bp and 135 to 356 bp, respectively. Nucleotide diversity of plastome or any of the four regions was much higher than the control species. The average nucleotide diversity in plastomes of the three species ranged from 0.0010 to 0.0023 in protein coding genes, and from 0.0023 to 0.0061 in intergenic regions. More repeat sequence variations were detected within the three Chondrophyllae species than the control species. Various plastid sequence matrixes resulted in different backbone topology in two target species, showed uncertainty in phylogenetic relationship based inference. In conclusion, our results recovered that species of G. section Chondrophyllae s.l. has high intraspecific plastome variation, and provided insights into the radiation in this speciose lineage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The genus Acronema, belonging to Apiaceae, includes approximately 25 species distributed in the high-altitude Sino-Himalayan region from E Nepal to SW China. This genus is a taxonomically complex genus with often indistinct species boundaries and problematic generic delimitation with Sinocarum and other close genera, largely due to the varied morphological characteristics.
    UNASSIGNED: To explore the phylogenetic relationships and clarify the limits of the genus Acronema and its related genera, we reconstructed a reliable phylogenetic framework with high support and resolution based on two molecular datasets (plastome data and ITS sequences) and performed morphological analyses.
    UNASSIGNED: Both phylogenetic analyses robustly supported that Acronema was a non-monophyletic group that fell into two clades: Acronema Clade and East-Asia Clade. We also newly sequenced and assembled sixteen Acronema complete plastomes and performed comprehensively comparative analyses for this genus. The comparative results showed that the plastome structure, gene number, GC content, codon bias patterns were high similarity, but varied in borders of SC/IR and we identified six different types of SC/IR border. The SC/IR boundaries of Acronema chienii were significantly different from the other Acronema members which was consistent with the type VI pattern in the genus Tongoloa. We also identified twelve potential DNA barcode regions (ccsA, matK, ndhF, ndhG, psaI, psbI, rpl32, rps15, ycf1, ycf3, psaI-ycf4 and psbM-trnD) for species identification in Acronema. The molecular evolution of Acronema was relatively conservative that only one gene (petG) was found to be under positive selection (ω = 1.02489).
    UNASSIGNED: The gene petG is one of the genes involved in the transmission of photosynthetic electron chains during photosynthesis, which plays a crucial role in the process of photosynthesis in plants. This is also a manifestation of the adaptive evolution of plants in high-altitude areas to the environment. In conclusion, our study provides novel insights into the plastome adaptive evolution, phylogeny, and taxonomy of genus Acronema.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Amomum includes over 111 species, 6 of which are widely utilized as medicinal plants and have already undergone taxonomic revision. Due to their morphological similarities, the presence of counterfeit and substandard products remains a challenge. Accurate plant identification is, therefore, essential to address these issues. This study utilized 11 newly sequenced samples and extensive NCBI data to perform molecular identification of the six medicinal \"Doukou\" species. The plastomes of these species exhibited a typical quadripartite structure with a conserved gene content. However, independent variation shifts of the SC/IR boundaries existed between and within species. The comprehensive set of genetic sequences, including ITS, ITS1, ITS2, complete plastomes, matK, rbcL, psbA-trnH, and ycf1, showed varying discrimination of the six \"Doukou\" species based on both distance and phylogenetic tree methods. Among these, the ITS, ITS1, and complete plastome sequences demonstrated the highest identification success rate (3/6), followed by ycf1 (2/6), and then ITS2, matK, and psbA-trnH (1/6). In contrast, rbcL failed to identify any species. This research established a basis for a reliable molecular identification method for medicinal \"Doukou\" plants to protect wild plant resources, promote the sustainable use of medicinal plants, and restrict the exploitation of these resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Narcissus pseudonarcissus L. is one of the most iconic plants of the European flora. It is a species of great horticultural interest, but also an endangered and protected plant in the wild as a consequence of loss of natural habitats. Complete plastid genome was assembled from next-generation sequencing data obtaining a circular genome of 160,008 bp long assembly. It comprises a pair of inverted repeat regions, a large single-copy region (108,400 bp), and a small single-copy region (16,434 bp). It encodes 131 genes, including 87 protein coding genes, 37 tRNA genes and seven rRNA genes. Phylogeny showed the strict relationship between N. pseudonarcissus and Narcissus poeticus L. The complete plastome will provide a useful genetic resource for future conservation programmes, phylogenetic studies and horticultural applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ophioglossaceae family, one of the oldest orders of extant ferns, exhibits diverse morphological and chromosomal characteristics. This study presents the first complete plastome sequence of thermal adder\'s-tongue fern (Ophioglossum thermale), a species renowned for its antioxidant properties in traditional Chinese medicine. Our analyses revealed 27 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in the plastome, with variations in SSR frequencies compared to related genera. Our phylogenetic analyses placed O. thermale within the Ophioglossum s.s. clade, supporting previous studies and suggesting polyphyly within the genus Ophioglossum based on the sensu PPG I system. The enlarged noncoding regions in fern organelles (ENRFOs) resulting from foreign DNA insertions in O. thermale were identified in the ycf2-trnH and trnT-trnfM regions, similar to other Ophioglossum species. ENRFOs were found at the LSC and SSC, but not in IRs in Ophioglossaceae. Consequently, foreign DNA insertions and lineage-specific SSRs shed light on plastome evolution in the Ophioglossaceae family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To elucidate the genetic information and evolutionary relationships of Swertia, we initiated the sequencing of the complete chloroplast genome of Swertia davidii Franch. 1888, complemented by comparative analyses with closely related species. The chloroplast genome of S. davidii was 153,516 bp in length and exhibited a typical quadripartite structure. It contained two regions with Inverted Repeat lengths of 25,767 bp, located between one Large Single-Copy region (83,617 bp) and one Short Single-Copy region (18,365 bp). The chloroplast genome of S. davidii encoded 132 genes, including 87 protein-coding genes, 37 transfer RNA genes, and 8 ribosomal RNA genes. The overall GC content was 38.15%. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of Swertia based on 26 available plastomes showed a close relationship between S. davidii and S. kouitchensi. This study will contribute to the genetic preservation of the species and the phylogenetic study of Swertia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Boehmeria is a taxonomically challenging group within the nettle family (Urticaceae). The polyphyly of the genus has been proposed by previous studies with respect to five genera (Debregeasia, Cypholophus, Sarcochlamys, Archiboehmeria, and Astrothalamus). Extensive homoplasy of morphological characters has made generic delimitation problematic. Previous studies in other plant groups suggest that plastome structural variations have the potential to provide characters useful in reconstructing evolutionary relationships. We aimed to test this across Boehmeria and its allied genera by mapping plastome structural variations onto a resolved strongly supported phylogeny. In doing so, we expanded the sampling of the plastome to include Cypholophus, Sarcochlamys, Archiboehmeria, and Astrothalamus for the first time. The results of our phylogenomic analyses provide strong support for Sarcochlamys as being more closely related to Leucosyke puya than to Boehmeria and for the clustering of Boehmeria s.l. into four subclades. The sizes of the plastomes in Boehmeria s.l. ranged from 142,627 bp to 170,958 bp. The plastomes recovered a typical quadripartite structure comprising 127~146 genes. We observe several obvious structural variations across the taxa such as gene loss and multiple gene duplication, inverted repeat (IR) contraction and wide expansions, and inversions. Moreover, we recover a trend for these variations that the early clades were relatively conserved in evolution, whereas the later diverging clades were variable. We propose that the structural variations documented may be linked to the adaptation of Boehmeria s.l. to a wide range of habitats, from moist broadleaf forests in Asia to xeric shrublands and deserts in Africa. This study confirms that variation in plastome gene loss/duplication, IR contraction/expansion, and inversions can provide evidence useful for the reconstruction of evolutionary relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyspora axillaris (Roxb. ex Ker Gawl.) Sweet 1825, is a shrub or tree that is about 9 meters tall in the Theaceae family, mainly distributed in China and Vietnam, and it is widely used as a green tree species in many regions owing to its rapid growth and good adaptability. It is rich in various beneficial extracts for humans, but there are limited studies on it. In this study, we sequenced and annotated the complete plastome of P. axillaris. The chloroplast genome length of P. axillaris is 156,770 bp, with a total of 132 genes, including 37 tRNA genes, 8 rRNA genes and 87 protein-coding genes. The complete chloroplast genome of P. axillaris contains two Inverted Repeats (IRs) of 26,077 bp, a Large Single-Copy (LSC) region of 86,286 bp and a Small Single-Copy (SSC) region of 18,330 bp. The overall G/C content in the chloroplast is 37.3%. Phylogenetic inference shows that P. axillaris formed a sister relationship with P. hainanensis, along with 10 Theaceae species. The research result of P. axillaris will contribute to the genetic preservation of the species and the phylogenetic study of Polyspora.





