
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phylogenomic conflicts are widespread among genomic data, with most previous studies primarily focusing on nuclear datasets instead of organellar genomes. In this study, we investigate phylogenetic conflict analyses within and between plastid and mitochondrial genomes using Potentilla as a case study. We generated three plastid datasets (coding, noncoding, and all-region) and one mitochondrial dataset (coding regions) to infer phylogenies based on concatenated and multispecies coalescent (MSC) methods. Conflict analyses were then performed using PhyParts and Quartet Sampling (QS). Both plastid and mitochondrial genomes divided the Potentilla into eight highly supported clades, two of which were newly identified in this study. While most organellar loci were uninformative for the majority of nodes (bootstrap value < 70%), PhyParts and QS detected conflicting signals within the two organellar genomes. Regression analyses revealed that conflict signals mainly occurred among shorter loci, whereas longer loci tended to be more concordant with the species tree. In addition, two significant disagreements between the two organellar genomes were detected, likely attributed to hybridization and/or incomplete lineage sorting. Our results demonstrate that mitochondrial genes can fully resolve the phylogenetic relationships among eight major clades of Potentilla and are not always linked with plastome in evolutionary history. Stochastic inferences appear to be the primary source of observed conflicts among the gene trees. We recommend that the loci with short sequence length or containing limited informative sites should be used cautiously in MSC analysis, and suggest the joint application of concatenated and MSC methods for phylogenetic inference using organellar genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pulsatilla patens is a rare and endangered species in Europe and its population resources have significantly decreased over the past decades. Previous genetic studies of this species made it possible to estimate the genetic diversity of the European population and to describe the structure of chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes. The main aim of these studies was to characterize the variability of chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes in more detail at the intra-population and inter-population levels. Our study presents new organelle genome reference sequences that allow the design of novel markers that can be the starting point for testing hypotheses, past and modern biogeography of rare and endangered species P. patens, and adaptive responses of this species to changing environments. The study included sixteen individuals from five populations located in Northeastern Poland. Comparative analysis of 16 P. patens plastomes from 5 populations enabled us to identify 160 point mutations, including 64 substitutions and 96 InDels. The most numerous detected SNPs and Indels (75%) were accumulated in three intergenic spacers: ndhD-ccsA, rps4-rps16, and trnL(UAG)-ndhF. The mitogenome dataset, which was more than twice as large as the plastome (331 kbp vs. 151 kbp), revealed eight times fewer SNPs (8 vs. 64) and six times fewer InDels (16 vs. 96). Both chloroplast and mitochondrial genome identified the same number of haplotypes-11 out of 16 individuals, but both organellar genomes slightly differ in haplotype clustering. Despite the much lower variation, mitogenomic data provide additional resolution in the haplotype detection of P. patens, enabling molecular identification of individuals, which were unrecognizable based on the plastome dataset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phylogenomic studies based on plastid genome have resolved recalcitrant relationships among various plants, yet the phylogeny of Dennstaedtiaceae at the level of family and genera remains unresolved due to conflicting plastid genes, limited molecular data and incomplete taxon sampling of previous studies. The present study generated 30 new plastid genomes of Dennstaedtiaceae (9 genera, 29 species), which were combined with 42 publicly available plastid genomes (including 24 families, 27 genera, 42 species) to explore the evolution of Dennstaedtiaceae. In order to minimize the impact of systematic errors on the resolution of phylogenetic inference, we applied six strategies to generate 30 datasets based on CDS, intergenic spacers, and whole plastome, and two tree inference methods (maximum-likelihood, ML; and multispecies coalescent, MSC) to comprehensively analyze the plastome-scale data. Besides, the phylogenetic signal among all loci was quantified for controversial nodes using ML framework, and different topologies hypotheses among all datasets were tested. The species trees based on different datasets and methods revealed obvious conflicts at the base of the polypody ferns. The topology of the \"CDS-codon-align-rm3\" (CDS with the removal of the third codon) matrix was selected as the primary reference or summary tree. The final phylogenetic tree supported Dennstaedtiaceae as the sister group to eupolypods, and Dennstaedtioideae was divided into four clades with full support. This robust reconstructed phylogenetic backbone establishes a framework for future studies on Dennstaedtiaceae classification, evolution and diversification. The present study suggests considering plastid phylogenomic conflict when using plastid genomes. From our results, reducing saturated genes or sites can effectively mitigate tree conflicts for distantly related taxa. Moreover, phylogenetic trees based on amino acid sequences can be used as a comparison to verify the confidence of nucleotide-based trees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herbal products play an important role globally in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. However, some specific groups of herbal products are easily adulterated by confused materials on the market, which seriously reduces the products\' quality. Universal conventional DNA barcodes would function poorly since the processed herbal products generally suffer from varying degrees of DNA degradation and DNA mixing during processing or manufacturing. For quality control purposes, an accurate and effective method should be provided for species identification of these herbal products. Here, we provided a strategy of developing the specific mini-barcode using Senna as an example, and by coupling with the metabarcoding technique, it realized the qualitative and quantitative identification of processed herbal products. The plastomes of Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby and Senna occidentalis (L.) Link were newly assembled, and the hypervariable coding-regions were identified by comparing their genomes. Then, the specific mini-barcodes were developed based on the identified hypervariable regions. Finally, we applied the DNA metabarcoding technique to the developed mini-barcodes. Results showed that the lengths of plastomes of S. obtusifolia and S. occidentalis were 162,426 and 159,993 bp, respectively. Four hypervariable coding-regions ycf1, rpl23, petL, and matK were identified. Two specific mini-barcodes were successfully developed from matK, and the mini-barcode of primer 647F-847R was proved to be able to qualitatively and quantitatively identify these two processed Senna seeds. Overall, our study established a valuable way to develop the specific mini-barcode, which may provide a new idea for the quality control of processed herbal products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chloroplast (cp) genome organization, gene order, and content have long been considered conserved among land plants. Despite that, the generation of thousands of complete plastomes through next-generation sequencing (NGS) has challenged their conserved nature. In this study, we analyze 11 new complete plastomes of Amphilophium (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), a diverse genus of Neotropical lianas, and that of Anemopaegma prostratum. We explored the structure and content of the assembled plastomes and performed comparative analyses within Amphilophium and among other plastomes available for Bignoniaceae. The overall gene content and orientation of plastomes is similar in all species studied. Plastomes are not conserved among Amphilophium, showing significant differences in length (155,262-164,786 bp), number of genes duplicated in the IRs (eight, 18, or 19), and location of the SC/IR boundaries (i.e., LSC/IRa junction between rps19 and rpl2 genes, within petD, or within petB). Length differences reflect expansions of the IRs and contractions of the LSC regions. The plastome of A. prostratum is 168,172 bp, includes 19 duplicated genes, and has the LSC/IRa boundary located within the petB gene. Amphilophium plastomes show high nucleotide diversity, with many hypervariable regions, and 16 genes with signatures of positive selection. Multiple SSRs and repeat regions were identified for Amphilophium and Anemopaegma prostratum. The differences in structure detected within Amphilophium plastomes in terms of LSC/IR and IR/SSC boundaries, number of duplicated genes, and genome sizes are mostly shared between taxa that belong to the same clade. Our results bring new insights into the evolution of plastomes at low taxonomic levels.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mitogenome is rarely used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of plants, contrary to nuclear and plastid markers. Here, we evaluate the usefulness of mitochondrial DNA for molecular evolutionary studies in Oleaceae, in which cases of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and of potentially contrasted organelle inheritance are known. We compare the diversity and the evolution of mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes by focusing on the olive complex and related genera. Using high-throughput techniques, we reconstructed complete mitogenomes (ca. 0.7 Mb) and plastomes (ca. 156 kb) for six olive accessions and one Chionanthus. A highly variable organization of mitogenomes was observed at the species level. In olive, two specific chimeric genes were identified in the mitogenome of lineage E3 and may be involved in CMS. Plastid-derived regions (mtpt) were observed in all reconstructed mitogenomes. Through phylogenetic reconstruction, we demonstrate that multiple integrations of mtpt regions have occurred in Oleaceae, but mtpt regions shared by all members of the olive complex derive from a common ancestor. We then assembled 52 conserved mitochondrial gene regions and complete plastomes of ten additional accessions belonging to tribes Oleeae, Fontanesieae and Forsythieae. Phylogenetic congruence between topologies based on mitochondrial regions and plastomes suggests a strong disequilibrium linkage between both organellar genomes. Finally, while phylogenetic reconstruction based on plastomes fails to resolve the evolutionary history of maternal olive lineages in the Mediterranean area, their phylogenetic relationships were successfully resolved with complete mitogenomes. Overall, our study demonstrates the great potential of using mitochondrial DNA in plant phylogeographic and metagenomic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In angiosperms, gene conversion has been known to reduce the mutational load of plastid genomes (the plastomes). Particularly, more frequent gene conversions in inverted repeat (IR) than in single copy (SC) regions result in contrasting substitution rates between these two regions. However, little has been known about the effect of gene conversion in the evolution of gymnosperm plastomes. Cycads (Cycadophyta) are the second largest gymnosperm group. Evolutionary study of their plastomes is limited to the basal cycad genus, Cycas. In this study, we addressed three questions. 1) Do the plastomes of other cycad genera evolve slowly as previously observed in the plastome of Cycas taitungensis? 2) Do substitution rates differ between their SC and IR regions? And 3) Does gene conversion occur in the cycad plastomes? If yes, is it AT-biased or GC-biased? Plastomes of eight species from other eight genera of cycads were sequenced. These plastomes are highly conserved in genome organization. Excluding ginkgo, cycad plastomes have significantly lower synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates than other gymnosperms, reflecting their evolutionary stasis in nucleotide mutations. In the IRs of cycad plastomes, the reduced substitution rates and GC-biased mutations are associated with a GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC) mechanism. Further investigations suggest that in cycads, gBGC is able to rectify plastome-wide mutations. Therefore, this study is the first to uncover the plastomic gBGC in seed plants. We also propose a gBGC model to interpret the dissimilar evolutionary patterns as well as the compositionally biased mutations in the SC and IR regions of cycad plastomes.






