pioneer neurons

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During embryonic development, the olfactory placode (OP) generates migratory neurons, including olfactory pioneer neurons, cells of the terminal nerve (TN), gonadotropin-releasing hormone-1 (GnRH-1) neurons, and other uncharacterized neurons. Pioneer neurons from the OP induce olfactory bulb (OB) morphogenesis. In mice, GnRH-1 neurons appear in the olfactory system around mid-gestation and migrate via the TN axons to different brain regions. The GnRH-1 neurons are crucial in controlling the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Kallmann syndrome is characterized by impaired olfactory system development, defective OBs, secretion of GnRH-1, and infertility. The precise mechanistic link between the olfactory system and GnRH-1 development remains unclear. Studies in humans and mice highlight the importance of the prokineticin-2/prokineticin-receptor-2 (Prokr2) signaling pathway in OB morphogenesis and GnRH-1 neuronal migration. Prokr2 loss-of-function mutations can cause Kallmann syndrome (KS), and hence the Prokr2 signaling pathway represents a unique model to decipher the olfactory/GnRH-1 connection. We discovered that Prokr2 is expressed in the TN neurons during the critical period of GnRH-1 neuron formation, migration, and induction of OB morphogenesis. Single-cell RNA sequencing identified that the TN is formed by neurons distinct from the olfactory neurons. The TN neurons express multiple genes associated with KS. Our study suggests that the aberrant development of pioneer/TN neurons might cause the KS spectrum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the increasing data concerning the structure of the adult nervous system in various Lophotrochozoa groups, the early events during the neurogenesis of rare and unique groups need clarification. Annelida are a diverse clade of Lophotrochozoa, and their representatives demonstrate a variety of body plans, lifestyles, and life cycles. Comparative data about the early development are available for Errantia, Sedentaria, Sipuncula, and Palaeoannelida; however, our knowledge of Dinophiliformia is currently scarce. Representatives of Dinophiliformia are small interstitial worms combining unique morphological features of different Lophotrochozoan taxa and expressing paedomorphic traits. We describe in detail the early neurogenesis of two related species: Dimorphilus gyrociliatus and Dinophilus vorticoides, from the appearance of first nerve cells until the formation of an adult body plan. In both species, the first cells were detected at the anterior and posterior regions at the early trochophore stage and demonstrated positive reactions with pan-neuronal marker anti-acetylated tubulin only. Long fibers of early cells grow towards each other and form longitudinal bundles along which differentiating neurons later appear and send their processes. We propose that these early cells serve as pioneer neurons, forming a layout of the adult nervous system. The early anterior cell of D. vorticoides is transient and present during the short embryonic period, while early anterior and posterior cells in D. gyrociliatus are maintained throughout the whole lifespan of the species. During development, the growing processes of early cells form compact brain neuropile, paired ventral and lateral longitudinal bundles; unpaired medial longitudinal bundle; and commissures in the ventral hyposphere. Specific 5-HT- and FMRFa-immunopositive neurons differentiate adjacent to the ventral bundles and brain neuropile in the middle trochophore and late trochophore stages, i.e. after the main structures of the nervous system have already been established. Processes of 5-HT- and FMRFa-positive cells constitute a small proportion of the tubulin-immunopositive brain neuropile, ventral cords, and commissures in all developmental stages. No 5-HT- and FMRFa-positive cells similar to apical sensory cells of other Lophotrochozoa were detected. We conclude that: (i) like in Errantia and Sedentaria, Dinophiliformia neurogenesis starts from the peripheral cells, whose processes prefigure the forming adult nervous system, (ii) Dinophiliformia early cells are negative to 5-HT and FMRFa antibodies like Sedentaria pioneer cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nervous system development is an interplay of many processes: the formation of individual neurons, which depends on whole-body and local patterning processes, and the coordinated growth of neurites and synapse formation. While knowledge of neural patterning in several animal groups is increasing, data on pioneer neurons that create the early axonal scaffold are scarce. Here we studied the first steps of nervous system development in the annelid Malacoceros fuliginosus.
    We performed a dense expression profiling of a broad set of neural genes. We found that SoxB expression begins at 4 h postfertilization, and shortly later, the neuronal progenitors can be identified at the anterior and the posterior pole by the transient and dynamic expression of proneural genes. At 9 hpf, the first neuronal cells start differentiating, and we provide a detailed description of axonal outgrowth of the pioneer neurons that create the primary neuronal scaffold. Tracing back the clonal origin of the ventral nerve cord pioneer neuron revealed that it is a descendant of the blastomere 2d (2d221), which after 7 cleavages starts expressing Neurogenin, Acheate-Scute and NeuroD.
    We propose that an anterior and posterior origin of the nervous system is ancestral in annelids. We suggest that closer examination of the first pioneer neurons will be valuable in better understanding of nervous system development in spirally cleaving animals, to determine the potential role of cell-intrinsic properties in neuronal specification and to resolve the evolution of nervous systems.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How spiking activity reverberates through neuronal networks, how evoked and spontaneous activity interacts and blends, and how the combined activities represent external stimulation are pivotal questions in neuroscience. We simulated minimal models of unstructured spiking networks in silico, asking whether and how gentle external stimulation might be subsequently reflected in spontaneous activity fluctuations. Consistent with earlier findings in silico and in vitro, we observe a privileged subpopulation of \'pioneer neurons\' that, by their firing order, reliably encode previous external stimulation. We also confirm that pioneer neurons are \'sensitive\' in that they are recruited by small fluctuations of population activity. We show that order-based representations rely on a \'chain\' of pioneer neurons with different degrees of sensitivity and thus constitute an emergent property of collective dynamics. The forming of such representations is greatly favoured by a broadly heterogeneous connection topology-a broad \'middle class\' in degree of connectedness. In conclusion, we offer a minimal model for the representational role of pioneer neurons, as observed experimentally in vitro. In addition, we show that broadly heterogeneous connectivity enhances the representational capacity of unstructured networks.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The antennal nervous system of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria features two parallel axon tracts each established early in embryogenesis by discrete pairs of pioneer neurons located at the antennal tip and whose growth cones contact so-called base pioneers en route to the brain. Here we present two antennal phenotypes in which a stereotypic dysregulation of axogenesis in a given tract is observed when only the base pioneer associated with that pathway is missing, consistent with a role for this cell type in guided axogenesis. Dysregulation involves defasciculation and aberrant navigation by pioneer axons resulting in a missing or depleted primordial antennal nerve to the brain. The dysregulated phenotypes reveal that axogenesis in each pathway is regulated independently. Previously unseen discrepancies in the navigational decisions made by pioneer neurons which derive sequentially from the same mother cell demonstrate that these progeny have separate identities. Possible mechanisms for the dysregulated phenotypes are considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nervous system of the antenna of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria consists of two nerve tracts in which sensory cells project their axons to the brain. Each tract is pioneered early in embryogenesis by a pair of identified cells located apically in the antennal lumen. The pioneers are thought to originate in the epithelium of the antenna and then delaminate into the lumen where they commence axogenesis. However, unambiguous molecular identification of these cells in the epithelium, of an identifiable precursor, and of their mode of generation has been lacking. In this study, we have used immunolabeling against neuron-specific horseradish peroxidase and against Lachesin, a marker for differentiating epithelial cells, in combination with the nuclear stain DAPI, to identify the pioneers within the epithelium of the early embryonic antenna. We then track their delamination into the lumen as differentiated neurons. The pioneers are not labeled by the mesodermal/mesectodermal marker Mes3, consistent with an epithelial (ectodermal) origin. Intracellular dye injection, as well as labeling against the mitosis marker phospho-histone 3, identifies precursor cells in the epithelium, each associated with a column of cells. Culturing with the S-phase label 5-ethynyl-2\'-deoxyuridine (EdU) shows that both a precursor and its column have incorporated the label, confirming a lineage relationship. Each set of pioneers can be shown to belong to a separate lineage of such epithelial cells, and the precursors remain and are proliferative after generating the pioneers. Analyses of mitotic spindle orientation then enable us to propose a model in which a precursor generates its pioneers asymmetrically via self-renewal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the early embryonic grasshopper, two pairs of sibling cells near the apex of the antenna pioneer its dorsal and ventral nerve tracts to the brain. En route, the growth cones of these pioneers contact a so-called base pioneer associated with each tract and which acts as a guidepost cell. Both apical and basal pioneers express stereotypic molecular labels allowing them to be uniquely identified. Although their developmental origins are largely understood, the fates of the respective pioneers remain unclear. We therefore employed the established cell death markers acridine orange and TUNEL to determine whether the apical and basal pioneers undergo apoptosis during embryogenesis. Our data reveal that the apical pioneers maintain a consistent molecular profile from their birth up to mid-embryogenesis, at which point the initial antennal nerve tracts to the brain have been established. Shortly after this the apical pioneers undergo apoptosis. Death occurs at a developmental stage similar to that reported elsewhere for pioneers in a leg - an homologous appendage. Base pioneers, by contrast, progressively change their molecular profile and can no longer be unequivocally identified after mid-embryogenesis. At no stage up to then do they exhibit death labels. If they persist, the base pioneers must be assumed to adopt a new role in the developing antennal nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The twin nerve tracts of the antenna of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria are established early in embryogenesis by sibling pairs of pioneers which delaminate from the epithelium into the lumen at the antennal tip. These cells can be uniquely identified via their co-expression of the neuronal labels horseradish peroxidase and the lipocalin Lazarillo. The apical pioneers direct axons toward the antennal base where they encounter guidepost-like cells called base pioneers which transiently express the same molecular labels as the apical pioneers. To what extent the pioneer growth cones then progress into the brain neuropil proper, and what their targets there might be, has remained unclear. In this study, we show that the apical antennal pioneers project centrally beyond the antennal base first into the deutocerebral, and then into the protocerebral brain neuropils. In the protocerebrum, we identify their target circuitry as being identified Lazarillo-positive cells which themselves pioneer the primary axon scaffold of the brain. The apical and base antennal pioneers therefore form part of a molecularly contiguous pathway from the periphery to an identified central circuit of the embryonic grasshopper brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Santiago Ramón y Cajal developed a great body of scientific research during the last decade of 19th century, mainly between 1888 and 1892, when he published more than 30 manuscripts. The neuronal theory, the structure of dendrites and spines, and fine microscopic descriptions of numerous neural circuits are among these studies. In addition, numerous cell types (neuronal and glial) were described by Ramón y Cajal during this time using this \"reazione nera\" or Golgi method. Among these neurons were the special cells of the molecular layer of the neocortex. These cells were also termed Cajal cells or Retzius cells by other colleagues. Today these cells are known as Cajal-Retzius cells. From the earliest description, several biological aspects of these fascinating cells have been analyzed (e.g., cell morphology, physiological properties, origin and cellular fate, putative function during cortical development, etc). In this review we will summarize in a temporal basis the emerging knowledge concerning this cell population with specific attention the pioneer studies of Santiago Ramón y Cajal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The preplate of the cerebral cortex contains projection neurons that connect the cortical primordium with the subpallium. These are collectively named pioneer neurons. After preplate partition, most of these pioneer neurons become subplate neurons. Certain preplate neurons, however, never associate with the subplate but rather with the marginal zone. In the present overview, we propose a novel classification of non-subplate pioneer neurons in rodents into two subtypes. In rats, the neurons of the first subtype are calbindin(+) (CB), calretinin(+) (CR) and L1(+) and are situated in the upper part of the preplate before its partition. Neurons of the second subtype are TAG-1(+) and are located slightly deeper to the previous population in the preplate. After the preplate partition, the CB(+), CR(+) and L1(+) neurons remain in the marginal zone whereas TAG-1(+) neurons become transiently localized in the upper cortical plate. In mice, by contrast, calcium binding proteins did not label pioneer neurons. We define in mice two subtypes of non-subplate pioneer neurons, either L1(+) or TAG-1(+)/cntn2(+). We propose these to be the homologues of the two subtypes of non-subplate pioneer neurons of rats. The anatomical distribution of these neuron populations is similar in rats and mice. The two populations of non-subplate pioneer neurons differ in their axonal projections. Axons of L1(+) pioneer neurons project to the ganglionic eminences and the anterior preoptic area, but avoid entering the posterior limb of the internal capsule towards the thalamus. Axons of TAG-1(+) pioneer neurons project to the lateral parts of the ganglionic eminences at the early stages of cortical histogenesis examined.






