
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Understanding the causes and mechanisms underlying musculoskeletal pain is crucial for developing effective treatments and improving patient outcomes. Self-report measures, such as the Pain Drawing Scale, involve individuals rating their level of pain on a scale. In this technique, individuals color the area where they experience pain, and the resulting picture is rated based on the depicted pain intensity. Analyzing pain drawings (PDs) typically involves measuring the size of the pain region. There are several studies focusing on assessing the clinical use of PDs, and now, with the introduction of digital PDs, the usability and reliability of these platforms need validation. Comparative studies between traditional and digital PDs have shown good agreement and reliability. The evolution of PD acquisition over the last 2 decades mirrors the commercialization of digital technologies. However, the pen-on-paper approach seems to be more accepted by patients, but there is currently no standardized method for scanning PDs.
    UNASSIGNED: The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of PD analysis performed by a web platform using various digital scanners. The primary goal was to demonstrate that simple and affordable mobile devices can be used to acquire PDs without losing important information.
    UNASSIGNED: Two sets of PDs were generated: one with the addition of 216 colored circles and another composed of various red shapes distributed randomly on a frontal view body chart of an adult male. These drawings were then printed in color on A4 sheets, including QR codes at the corners in order to allow automatic alignment, and subsequently scanned using different devices and apps. The scanners used were flatbed scanners of different sizes and prices (professional, portable flatbed, and home printer or scanner), smartphones with varying price ranges, and 6 virtual scanner apps. The acquisitions were made under normal light conditions by the same operator.
    UNASSIGNED: High-saturation colors, such as red, cyan, magenta, and yellow, were accurately identified by all devices. The percentage error for small, medium, and large pain spots was consistently below 20% for all devices, with smaller values associated with larger areas. In addition, a significant negative correlation was observed between the percentage of error and spot size (R=-0.237; P=.04). The proposed platform proved to be robust and reliable for acquiring paper PDs via a wide range of scanning devices.
    UNASSIGNED: This study demonstrates that a web platform can accurately analyze PDs acquired through various digital scanners. The findings support the use of simple and cost-effective mobile devices for PD acquisition without compromising the quality of data. Standardizing the scanning process using the proposed platform can contribute to more efficient and consistent PD analysis in clinical and research settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Older adults are at greater risk of eating rotten fruits and of getting food poisoning because cognitive function declines as they age, making it difficult to distinguish rotten fruits. To address this problem, researchers have developed and evaluated various tools to detect rotten food items in various ways. Nevertheless, little is known about how to create an app to detect rotten food items to support older adults at a risk of health problems from eating rotten food items.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to (1) create a smartphone app that enables older adults to take a picture of food items with a camera and classifies the fruit as rotten or not rotten for older adults and (2) evaluate the usability of the app and the perceptions of older adults about the app.
    METHODS: We developed a smartphone app that supports older adults in determining whether the 3 fruits selected for this study (apple, banana, and orange) were fresh enough to eat. We used several residual deep networks to check whether the fruit photos collected were of fresh fruit. We recruited healthy older adults aged over 65 years (n=15, 57.7%, males and n=11, 42.3%, females) as participants. We evaluated the usability of the app and the participants\' perceptions about the app through surveys and interviews. We analyzed the survey responses, including an after-scenario questionnaire, as evaluation indicators of the usability of the app and collected qualitative data from the interviewees for in-depth analysis of the survey responses.
    RESULTS: The participants were satisfied with using an app to determine whether a fruit is fresh by taking a picture of the fruit but are reluctant to use the paid version of the app. The survey results revealed that the participants tended to use the app efficiently to take pictures of fruits and determine their freshness. The qualitative data analysis on app usability and participants\' perceptions about the app revealed that they found the app simple and easy to use, they had no difficulty taking pictures, and they found the app interface visually satisfactory.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests the possibility of developing an app that supports older adults in identifying rotten food items effectively and efficiently. Future work to make the app distinguish the freshness of various food items other than the 3 fruits selected still remains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) remains a leading cause of infant mortality; therefore, understanding parental practices of infant sleep at home is essential. Since social media analyses yield invaluable patient perspectives, understanding sleep practices in the context of safe sleep recommendations via a Facebook mothers\' group is instrumental for policy makers, health care providers, and researchers.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to identify photos shared by mothers discussing SUID and safe sleep online and assess their consistency with infant sleep guidelines per the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). We hypothesized the photos would not be consistent with guidelines based on prior research and increasing rates of accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed.
    UNASSIGNED: Data were extracted from a Facebook mothers\' group in May 2019. After trialing various search terms, searching for the term \"SIDS\" on the selected Facebook group resulted in the most relevant discussions on SUID and safe sleep. The resulting data, including 20 posts and 912 comments among 512 mothers, were extracted and underwent qualitative descriptive content analysis. In completing the extraction and subsequent analysis, 24 shared personal photos were identified among the discussions. Of the photos, 14 pertained to the infant sleep environment. Photos of the infant sleep environment were then assessed for consistency with safe sleep guidelines per the AAP standards by 2 separate reviewers.
    UNASSIGNED: Of the shared photos relating to the infant sleep environment, 86% (12/14) were not consistent with AAP safe sleep guidelines. Specific inconsistencies included prone sleeping, foreign objects in the sleeping environment, and use of infant sleeping devices. Use of infant monitoring devices was also identified.
    UNASSIGNED: This study is unique because the photos originated from the home setting, were in the context of SUID and safe sleep, and were obtained without researcher interference. Despite study limitations, the commonality of prone sleeping, foreign objects, and the use of both infant sleep and monitoring devices (ie, overall inconsistency regarding AAP safe sleep guidelines) sets the stage for future investigation regarding parental barriers to practicing safe infant sleep and has implications for policy makers, clinicians, and researchers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Picture in online customer reviews conveys detailed product information to help potential customers make purchase decisions, which is an important form of digital data. Therefore, understanding the predictors of picture sharing in online customer reviews is crucial for retail businesses to achieve digital transformation strategies for competitive advantage, high quality service and sustainable performance. By analyzing 6211 online customer reviews of 16 products crawled from the famous online shopping site JD.com in China, this study tests the effects of reviewer rank (who), product type (what), time interval (when), review device (where), consumption satisfaction (why), and the level of involvement (how) on whether customers sharing picture and picture count in online customer reviews based on the 5W1H analysis framework. The results show that: (1) with or without picture and picture count both influence the helpfulness of online customer reviews; (2) product type, time interval, review device, consumption satisfaction and the level of involvement significantly affect whether consumers share picture; and (3) review device, consumption satisfaction and the level of involvement significantly affect picture count. The findings can help managers manage picture reviews to improve business performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Self-administered paper or electronic surveys can create accessibility issues for people with language barriers and limited literacy, whereas face-to-face interviews can create privacy issues and give rise to reporting biases, particularly in the context of sensitive subject matters. An audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI) offers an alternative mode of survey administration, and its use has been tested against other survey modes to determine whether the presence of a background narration helps overcome literacy and privacy issues. There are still gaps with the ACASI survey administration because audio narration alone does not assist respondents with limited literacy in choosing response options. To overcome literacy issues, a few studies have used illustrated pictures for a limited number of response options.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to illustrate all the questions and response options in an ACASI application. This research is part of a larger study comparing different modes of survey administration (ACASI, face-to-face interviews, and self-administered paper surveys) to collect data on hepatitis B knowledge, attitudes, and practices among the Myanmar-born community in Perth, Australia. This study describes the 2-phase process of developing a web-based ACASI application using illustrated pictures.
    METHODS: The first phase was the preparation of the ACASI elements, such as questionnaire, pictures, brief descriptions of response options, and audio files. Each element was pretested on 20 participants from the target population. The second phase involved synchronizing all the elements into the web-based ACASI application and adapting the application features, in particular, autoplay audio and illustrated pictures. The preprototype survey application was tested for user acceptance on 5 participants from the target population, resulting in minor adjustments to the display and arrangement of response options.
    RESULTS: After a 12-month development process, the prototype ACASI application with illustrated pictures was fully functional for electronic survey administration and secure data storage and export.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pretesting each element separately was a useful approach because it saved time to reprogram the application at a later stage. Future studies should also consider the participatory development of pictures and visual design of user interfaces. This picture-assisted ACASI survey administration mode can be further developed and used to collect sensitive information from populations that are usually marginalized because of literacy and language barriers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present the Empathy for Pain Stimuli System (EPSS): a large-scale database of stimuli for studying people\'s empathy for pain. The EPSS comprises five sub-databases. First, the Empathy for Limb Pain Picture Database (EPSS-Limb) provides 68 painful and 68 non-painful limb pictures, exhibiting people\'s limbs in painful and non-painful situations, respectively. Second, the Empathy for Face Pain Picture Database (EPSS-Face) provides 80 painful and 80 non-painful pictures of people\'s faces being penetrated by a syringe or touched by a Q-tip. Third, the Empathy for Voice Pain Database (EPSS-Voice) provides 30 painful and 30 non-painful voices exhibiting either short vocal cries of pain or neutral interjections. Fourth, the Empathy for Action Pain Video Database (EPSS-Action_Video) provides 239 painful and 239 non-painful videos of whole-body actions. Finally, the Empathy for Action Pain Picture Database (EPSS-Action_Picture) provides 239 painful and 239 non-painful pictures of whole-body actions. To validate the stimuli in the EPSS, participants evaluated the stimuli using four different scales, rating pain intensity, affective valence, arousal, and dominance. The EPSS is available to download for free at https://osf.io/muyah/?view_only=33ecf6c574cc4e2bbbaee775b299c6c1 .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have produced contradictory findings about whether static or animated format is the better instructional tool. With a comparison between graphs and animations that has a genuine impact on learning and teaching, this review provides a comprehensive examination of (a) the theoretical foundations of visualized learning, (b) influencing factors, and (c) prospective future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Language production experiments with overt articulation have thus far only scarcely been conducted online, mostly due to technical difficulties related to measuring voice onset latencies. Especially the poor audiovisual synchrony in web experiments (Bridges et al. 2020) is a challenge to time-locking stimuli and participants\' spoken responses. We tested the viability of conducting language production experiments with overt articulation in online settings using the picture-word interference paradigm - a classic task in language production research. In three pre-registered experiments (N = 48 each), participants named object pictures while ignoring visually superimposed distractor words. We implemented a custom voice recording option in two different web experiment builders and recorded naming responses in audio files. From these stimulus-locked audio files, we extracted voice onset latencies offline. In a control task, participants classified the last letter of a picture name as a vowel or consonant via button-press, a task that shows comparable semantic interference effects. We expected slower responses when picture and distractor word were semantically related compared to unrelated, independently of task. This semantic interference effect is robust, but relatively small. It should therefore crucially depend on precise timing. We replicated this effect in an online setting, both for button-press and overt naming responses, providing a proof of concept that naming latency - a key dependent variable in language production research - can be reliably measured in online experiments. We discuss challenges for online language production research and suggestions of how to overcome them. The scripts for the online implementation are made available.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In research from the 1990s, very young children failed to use pictures as representations of real events. Today, many children in the \"selfie generation\" are constantly photographed by their families using smartphones. While family photos are created, children are exposed to live video on the phone screen that, with a screen touch, becomes an instant photo. Children also revisit these family photos in the phone\'s photo library. This study explored whether toddlers growing up around smartphone photography are more successful in applying information from a photo to a real event, compared to children in the earlier research. Sixty 2-year-old children (23.0 to 26.2 months; M = 24.5 months) were asked to use pictures of a toy\'s hiding place (printed photographs or digital photos on an iPhone) to search for the hidden toy in 5 conditions. Toddlers were not successful with printed or digital images, whether the digital photos were accessed from the phone photo library or the researcher took the photos during the study. However, after children collaborated with the researcher to create digital photos to help an adult confederate, they were significantly more likely to use photos themselves to solve the search task. Children who experienced this scaffolding with printed photos were somewhat more successful than those without training. As with traditional symbolic media, young children\'s learning from emerging technologies needs the support of an adult who co-views the medium and helps clarify the symbolic relation between screen and world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Both pictures and words are frequently employed as experimental stimuli to investigate the neurocognitive mechanisms of emotional processing. However, it remains unclear whether emotional picture processing and emotional word processing share neural underpinnings. To address this issue, we focus on neuroimaging studies examining the implicit processing of affective words and pictures, which require participants to meet cognitive task demands under the implicit influence of emotional pictorial or verbal stimuli. A coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis was conducted on these studies, which revealed no common activation maximum between the picture and word conditions. Specifically, implicit negative picture processing (35 experiments, 393 foci, and 932 subjects) engages the bilateral amygdala, left hippocampus, fusiform gyri, and right insula, which are mainly located in the subcortical network and visual network associated with bottom-up emotional responses. In contrast, implicit negative word processing (34 experiments, 316 foci, and 799 subjects) engages the default mode network and fronto-parietal network including the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, indicating the involvement of top-down semantic processing and emotion regulation. Our findings indicate that affective pictures (that intrinsically have an affective valence) and affective words (that inherit the affective valence from their object) modulate implicit emotional processing in different ways, and therefore recruit distinct brain systems.





