neuronal differentiation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurodevelopmental disorders encompass a range of conditions such as intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, rare genetic disorders and developmental and epileptic encephalopathies, all manifesting during childhood. Over 1,500 genes involved in various signaling pathways, including numerous transcriptional regulators, spliceosome elements, chromatin-modifying complexes and de novo variants have been recognized for their substantial role in these disorders. Along with new machine learning tools applied to neuroimaging, these discoveries facilitate genetic diagnoses, providing critical insights into neuropathological mechanisms and aiding in prognosis, and precision medicine. Also, new findings underscore the importance of understanding genetic contributions beyond protein-coding genes and emphasize the role of RNA and non-coding DNA molecules but also new players, such as transposable elements, whose dysregulation generates gene function disruption, epigenetic alteration, and genomic instability. Finally, recent developments in analyzing neuroimaging now offer the possibility of characterizing neuronal cytoarchitecture in vivo, presenting a viable alternative to traditional post-mortem studies. With a recently launched digital atlas of human fetal brain development, these new approaches will allow answering complex biological questions about fetal origins of cognitive function in childhood. In this review, we present ten fascinating topics where major progress has been made in the last year.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stem cell therapy has the potential to meet unsolved problems in tissue repair and regeneration, particularly in the neural tissues. However, an optimal source has not yet been found. Growing evidence indicates that positive effects produced in vivo by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be due not only to their plasticity but also to secreted molecules including extracellular vesicles (EVs) and the extracellular matrix (ECM). Trophic effects produced by MSCs may reveal the key to developing effective tissue-repair strategies, including approaches based on brain implants or other implantable neural electrodes. In this sense, MSCs will become increasingly valuable and needed in the future. The placenta is a temporary organ devoted to protecting and supporting the fetus. At the same time, the placenta represents an abundant and extremely convenient source of MSCs. Nonetheless, placenta-derived MSCs (P-MSCs) remain understudied as compared to MSCs isolated from other sources. This review outlines the limited literature describing the neuroregenerative effects of P-MSC-derived biomaterials and advocates for exploiting the potential of this untapped source for human regenerative therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glyoxalase 1 (Glo1) is an essential enzyme to detoxify methylglyoxal (MGO), a cytotoxic byproduct of glycolysis. Accumulating studies have shown an important role of Glo1 in regulating cortical development and neurogenesis, potentially contributing to the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when impaired. We have previously shown that prenatal exposure to non-apoptotic low-dose methylmercury (MeHg), an environmental pollutant, induces premature cortical neurogenesis and ASD-like behaviors in a rodent model. In this study, we aimed to determine the underlying molecular mechanisms that mediate prenatal MeHg-induced premature neuronal differentiation and abnormal neurodevelopment. Using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR), we found that prenatal MeHg exposure at a non-apoptotic dose significantly reduced Glo1 gene expression in embryonic cultured radial glia precursors (RGPs). In cultured RGPs, the knockdown of Glo1 expression increased neuronal production at the expense of the cultured RGPs population, while overexpression of Glo1 restored MeHg-induced neuronal differentiation back to normal levels. Furthermore, we found that co-treatment with both MeHg and multiple MGO scavengers or a CREB inhibitor (iCREB) mitigated MeHg-induced premature neuronal differentiation, reinforcing the role of Glo1 and CREB in mediating MeHg-induced neuronal differentiation. Our findings demonstrate a direct link between MeHg exposure and expression of an ASD risk gene Glo1 in cortical development, supporting the important role of gene-environment interaction in contributing to the etiology of neural developmental disorders, such as ASD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Repressor element-1 silencing transcription factor (REST) is required for the formation of mature neurons. REST dysregulation underlies a key mechanism of neurodegeneration associated with neurological disorders. However, the mechanisms leading to alterations of REST-mediated silencing of key neurogenesis genes are not known. Here, we show that BRCA1 Associated ATM Activator 1 (BRAT1), a gene linked to neurodegenerative diseases, is required for the activation of REST-responsive genes during neuronal differentiation. We find that INTS11 and INTS9 subunits of Integrator complex interact with BRAT1 as a distinct trimeric complex to activate critical neuronal genes during differentiation. BRAT1 depletion results in persistence of REST residence on critical neuronal genes disrupting the differentiation of NT2 cells into astrocytes and neuronal cells. We identified BRAT1 and INTS11 co-occupying the promoter region of these genes and pinpoint a role for BRAT1 in recruiting INTS11 to their promoters. Disease-causing mutations in BRAT1 diminish its association with INTS11/INTS9, linking the manifestation of disease phenotypes with a defect in transcriptional activation of key neuronal genes by BRAT1/INTS11/INTS9 complex. Finally, loss of Brat1 in mouse embryonic stem cells leads to a defect in neuronal differentiation assay. Importantly, while reconstitution with wild-type BRAT1 restores neuronal differentiation, the addition of a BRAT1 mutant is unable to associate with INTS11/INTS9 and fails to rescue the neuronal phenotype. Taken together, our study highlights the importance of BRAT1 association with INTS11 and INTS9 in the development of the nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Combination therapy is one of the promising approaches in developing therapeutics to cure complex diseases, such as Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). In Thai traditional medicines, the clinical application often comprises multiple botanical drugs as a formulation. The synergistic interactions between botanical drugs in combination therapies are proposed to have several advantages, including increased therapeutic efficacy, and decreased toxicity and/or adverse effects. This study aimed to explore the therapeutic functions of a botanical hybrid preparation (BHP) of two botanical drugs within a traditional multi-herbal formulation. The synergistic actions of BHP of Dracaena cochinchinensis stemwood (DCS) and Ardisia elliptica fruit (AEF) at a specific ratio of 1:9 w/w were illustrated in neuroprotection and anti-inflammation. In cultured PC12 cells, BHP of DCS and AEF showed synergistic functions in inducing neuronal differentiation, characterized by neurofilament expression and neurite outgrowth. In addition, BHP of DCS and AEF exhibited a synergistic effect in inhibiting the aggregation of Aβ, a hallmark of AD pathology. The activated BV2 microglial cells induced by LPS were synergistically suppressed by the BHP of DCS and AEF, as evaluated by the expression of pro-inflammatory markers, including TNF-α, IL-1β, and iNOS, as well as the morphological change of microglial cells. The findings suggested that the effects of BHP of DCS and AEF were greater than individual botanical drugs in a specific ratio of 1:9 w/w to enhance neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurological disorders, ranging from acute forms such as stroke and traumatic brain injury to neurodegenerative diseases like dementia, are the leading cause of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) worldwide. A promising approach to address these conditions and promote nervous system regeneration is the use of the neuropeptide preparation Cerebrolysin, which has been shown to be effective in both clinical and preclinical studies. Despite claims of similar clinical efficacy and safety by several peptide preparations, concerns regarding their generic composition and efficacy have been previously raised. Based on these reports, we analyzed the peptide composition and neurotrophic activity of several peptide preparations allegedly similar to Cerebrolysin and approved in some countries for treating neurological diseases. Our results demonstrate that these preparations lack relevant biological activity and that the peptide composition is significantly different from Cerebrolysin. peptide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) are adult multipotent stem cells, able to differentiate toward neural elements other than cells of mesodermal lineage. The aim of this research was to test ASC neural differentiation using melatonin combined with conditioned media (CM) from glial cells. Isolated from the lipoaspirate of healthy donors, ASCs were expanded in a basal growth medium before undergoing neural differentiation procedures. For this purpose, CM obtained from olfactory ensheathing cells and from Schwann cells were used. In some samples, 1 µM of melatonin was added. After 1 and 7 days of culture, cells were studied using immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry to evaluate neural marker expression (Nestin, MAP2, Synapsin I, GFAP) under different conditions. The results confirmed that a successful neural differentiation was achieved by glial CM, whereas the addition of melatonin alone did not induce appreciable changes. When melatonin was combined with CM, ASC neural differentiation was enhanced, as demonstrated by a further improvement of neuronal marker expression, whereas glial differentiation was attenuated. A dynamic modulation was also observed, testing the expression of melatonin receptors. In conclusion, our data suggest that melatonin\'s neurogenic differentiation ability can be usefully exploited to obtain neuronal-like differentiated ASCs for potential therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Development of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into neurons requires intricate regulation of transcription, splicing, and translation, but how these processes interconnect is not understood. We found that polypyrimidine tract binding protein 1 (PTBP1) controls splicing of DPF2, a subunit of BRG1/BRM-associated factor (BAF) chromatin remodeling complexes. Dpf2 exon 7 splicing is inhibited by PTBP1 to produce the DPF2-S isoform early in development. During neuronal differentiation, loss of PTBP1 allows exon 7 inclusion and DPF2-L expression. Different cellular phenotypes and gene expression programs were induced by these alternative DPF2 isoforms. We identified chromatin binding sites enriched for each DPF2 isoform, as well as sites bound by both. In ESC, DPF2-S preferential sites were bound by pluripotency factors. In neuronal progenitors, DPF2-S sites were bound by nuclear factor I (NFI), while DPF2-L sites were bound by CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF). DPF2-S sites exhibited enhancer modifications, while DPF2-L sites showed promoter modifications. Thus, alternative splicing redirects BAF complex targeting to impact chromatin organization during neuronal development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ischemic stroke is a major cerebrovascular disease with high morbidity and mortality rates; however, effective treatments for ischemic stroke-related neurological dysfunction have yet to be developed. In this study, we generated neural progenitor cells from human leukocyte antigen major loci gene-homozygous-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-NPCs) and evaluated their therapeutic effects against ischemic stroke. hiPSC-NPCs were intracerebrally transplanted into rat ischemic brains produced by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion at either the subacute or acute stage, and their in vivo survival, differentiation, and efficacy for functional improvement in neurological dysfunction were evaluated. hiPSC-NPCs were histologically identified in host brain tissues and showed neuronal differentiation into vGLUT-positive glutamatergic neurons, extended neurites into both the ipsilateral infarct and contralateral healthy hemispheres, and synaptic structures formed 12 weeks after both acute and subacute stage transplantation. They also improved neurological function when transplanted at the subacute stage with γ-secretase inhibitor pretreatment. However, their effects were modest and not significant and showed a possible risk of cells remaining in their undifferentiated and immature status in acute-stage transplantation. These results suggest that hiPSC-NPCs show cell replacement effects in ischemic stroke-damaged neural tissues, but their efficacy is insufficient for neurological functional improvement after acute or subacute transplantation. Further optimization of cell preparation methods and the timing of transplantation is required to balance the efficacy and safety of hiPSC-NPC transplantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative RNA splicing is an essential and dynamic process in neuronal differentiation and synapse maturation, and dysregulation of this process has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Recent studies have revealed the importance of RNA-binding proteins in the regulation of neuronal splicing programs. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of these splicing regulators are still unclear. Here, we show that KIS, a kinase upregulated in the developmental brain, imposes a genome-wide alteration in exon usage during neuronal differentiation in mice. KIS contains a protein-recognition domain common to spliceosomal components and phosphorylates PTBP2, counteracting the role of this splicing factor in exon exclusion. At the molecular level, phosphorylation of unstructured domains within PTBP2 causes its dissociation from two co-regulators, Matrin3 and hnRNPM, and hinders the RNA-binding capability of the complex. Furthermore, KIS and PTBP2 display strong and opposing functional interactions in synaptic spine emergence and maturation. Taken together, our data uncover a post-translational control of splicing regulators that link transcriptional and alternative exon usage programs in neuronal development.





