nasal tumours

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hamartomas are rare, tumour-forming, benign lesions that have been reported throughout the body that can resemble other malignant entities. Hamartoma subtypes can be distinguished based on their histological features. Sinonasal hamartomas may have presenting symptoms and radiological features that mimic other nasal neoplastic lesions. Therefore, it is essential to diagnose it accurately, as the treatment approaches can range from radical surgeries in malignant cases to a simple excision in hamartoma. In this paper, we report a novel case of sinonasal hamartoma, which demonstrates an unprecedented histological feature of glial tissue with astrocyte-like cells. Furthermore, we present the unconventional presenting symptoms and radiological features seen in this case that mimic the behaviours of nasal inverted papilloma (IP) lesions, thereby highlighting the need for careful investigation of such patients in order to distinguish both glial hamartoma and IP lesions. Concluding that identification of glial hamartoma as a new subtype of sinonasal hamartoma is crucial, as mistaking it for other lesions may subject patients to overly aggressive treatment and potential unnecessary harm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and objective Nasal and paranasal lesions are one of the most common otorhinolaryngological presentations encountered in clinical practice. Common presenting symptoms of these lesion range from nasal blockades, facial swellings, pain, nasal discharge, and epistaxis to orbital and ear symptoms. Diagnosis can be tricky as these symptoms are common in inflammatory conditions and tumors. The aim of our study was to observe the epidemiology and clinical pathological findings in patients with nasal and paranasal masses presenting to our institute and discuss the challenges in proper diagnosis and management due to similar presentations, and the role of histopathological examination (HPE) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in overcoming these challenges. Methods The IPD records of 396 patients were taken up for the study. All the specimens were sent in 10% neutral buffered formalin for examination as biopsy for diagnosis or after surgical excision. After adequate fixation, the biopsy specimen was submitted for routine processing, followed by paraffin embedding, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Special stains like periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stains for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) were used as required. IHC was performed in the required samples. IHC markers were performed on representative paraffin-embedded sections according to the streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase technique as needed. The findings were noted, and histology was correlated with clinical presentations and investigations, tabulated, and statistically analyzed using SPSS Statistics (IBM, Armonk, NY). Results Of note, 67.92%% were non-neoplastic lesions whereas 18.18% came out to be benign neoplasms and 13.88% were malignant lesions on HPE. Nasal obstruction was the most common presenting symptom (73.23% of patients) followed by nasal mass (64.14% of cases). Inflammatory sinonasal polyps were the most prominent cases in our study, accounting for 41.16% of all lesions; 18.68% fungal RS (mucormycosis) were seen in our study and 4.54% were cases of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA). The majority of benign neoplasms encountered were Schneiderian papilloma or inverted papilloma (06.81%). Eighteen (4.54%) cases of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) were seen in our study and 2.77% (n=11) cases were of adenoid cystic carcinoma. Of 18 cases of SCC, moderately differentiated SCC carcinoma accounted for 10 cases followed by poorly differentiated SCC (5/18) and nonkeratinizing SCC (3/18). IHC for p40 was performed in all the cases of nonkeratinizing SCC, which showed strong and diffuse nuclear positivity. Conclusion The nasal cavity is the site of the most varied presentation of tumors in the upper respiratory tract. Mass in the nose and paranasal sinus (PNS) form a heterogeneous group of lesions with varied histopathological features. The proximity of the area to the eyes and brain warrants early definitive diagnosis so that the lesion is treated before it can involve important and vital centers. Even though malignant nasal tumors have a very low incidence, they cause a lot of morbidity due to their long course and frequent local recurrences. Nasal tumors tend to become polypoidal. Epithelioid papilloma of the nasal cavity often resembles a nasal polyp. Clinical diagnosis can be challenging due to similar presentations and appearances, and hence histological examination is a vital tool for the timely diagnosis of such patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Radiation therapy is the treatment of choice for cats with sinonasal carcinomas. Different protocols have been described in the literature, though a clear consensus regarding the optimal protocol is lacking. The aim of the study was to describe the tolerability, efficacy and outcome of cats treated with a cyclical hypofractionated protocol.
    Cats with histologically diagnosed sinonasal carcinomas in a single institution were retrospectively included. All patients were treated with a cyclical hypofractionated protocol (\'QUAD shot\' regime). Cats were treated with 4 Gray (Gy) delivered in four fractions within 48 h, with a minimum of 6 h between two treatments, and repeated every 3-4 weeks for a total dose of 48 Gy in three cycles.
    Seven cats met the inclusion criteria. Nasal discharge and sneezing were the most common presenting complaints. All cats presented with advanced stage of disease with CT examination (three with modified Adams stage 3 and four with stage 4). Clinical improvement was seen in six cats. Five cats had a follow-up CT; one had a complete response, two had partial responses, one had stable disease and one had progressive disease. Two cats were still alive at the time of writing while four were euthanased owing to tumour-related causes. The median overall survival time was 460 days. The 1-year survival time was 80% and the 2-year survival time was 0%. Severe acute or late toxicity was not reported.
    This is the first report of a cyclical hypofractionated protocol in the veterinary literature that can provide prolonged survival in cats with advanced stage sinonasal carcinoma. Its use should be considered in patients when prolonged hospitalisation can be detrimental to quality of life, while still delivering a therapeutic total dose of radiation therapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Olfactory neuroblastoma is a rare malignancy of the nasal cavity in dogs that is thought to arise from specialised sensory neuroendocrine olfactory cells derived from the neural crest.
    METHODS: An 8-year-old dog was presented for reclusiveness and pacing. On CT and MRI, a contract-enhancing mass was disclosed within the rostral fossa, extending caudally from the cribriform plate into the left nasal sinus. Surgical excision was performed and the diagnosis was histological grade III (Hyams grading scheme) olfactory neuroblastoma. Based on human CT criteria this was high stage (modified Kadish stage C). Surgical excision was incomplete and was followed by curative-intent radiation therapy using a linear accelerator to a total dose of 48 Gy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The dog survived 20 months after diagnosis. Although olfactory neuroblastoma is a rare tumour in dogs, aggressive local therapy may allow for prolonged survival, even when the tumour is advanced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A retrospective evaluation of 232 feline nasal biopsies initially diagnosed as either carcinoma or lymphoma was performed by two pathologists. One or both pathologists disagreed with the original diagnosis in 15 cases (7%), 14 of which had original diagnoses of carcinoma. Out of the 232 cases, 140, including the disputed ones, were subjected to immunohistochemical staining with epithelial and lymphoid markers. Immunohistochemical staining of the 15 disputed cases showed that the original diagnoses were incorrect in 67% (10/15), unverified in 13% (2/15) and correct in 20% (3/15). Among the consensual diagnoses, immunohistochemistry revealed that 3% (4/125) of diagnoses were unverified because they did not stain for any of the markers evaluated. This report demonstrates the importance of immunohistochemistry in establishing a correct histologic diagnosis for nasal neoplasms in cats.





