
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A number of studies have been conducted on monogenean seasonality, though primarily in continental regions with wide annual temperatures ranges. We investigated seasonal changes in the prevalence and intensity of Salsuginus seculus infesting sexually dimorphic western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in New Zealand. This represents the first examination of seasonality for this species globally, and the first seasonal assessment of any monogenean population in New Zealand, a temperate country with a mild oceanic climate. Prevalence and intensity of S. seculus with respect to fish size and sex was also examined. Prevalence of S. seculus changed temporally, peaking in summer, and was strongly positively correlated with algal concentrations. This relationship may be associated with increasing food levels, leading to an increase in fish courting and mating, resulting in high numbers and close physical associations of G. affinis individuals, facilitating transmission of the monogeneans. Thus, biotic factors may be important in determining temporal changes in S. seculus prevalence in New Zealand. Female G. affinis had a significantly higher prevalence and mean intensity of S. seculus than males. Longer fish had a higher mean intensity and prevalence of S. seculus. Female G. affinis likely host disproportionately more monogeneans as they are larger than males. Alternatively, females may have a compromised immune response during reproductive periods. Overall, seasonal change was observed in S. seculus prevalence and intensity under New Zealand\'s mild climatic conditions, and the larger female G. affinis in this dimorphic species supported a greater prevalence and intensity of infestation than males.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Male-male contests for access to females or breeding resources are critical in determining male reproductive success. Larger males and those with more effective weaponry are more likely to win fights. However, even after controlling for such predictors of fighting ability, studies have reported a winner-loser effect: previous winners are more likely to win subsequent contests, while losers often suffer repeated defeats. While the effect of winning-losing is well-documented for the outcome of future fights, its effect on other behaviors (e.g. mating) remains poorly investigated. Here, we test whether a winning versus losing experience influenced subsequent behaviors of male mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) toward rivals and potential mates. We housed focal males with either a smaller or larger opponent for 24 h to manipulate their fighting experience to become winners or losers, respectively. The focal males then underwent tests that required them to enter and swim through a narrow corridor to reach females, bypassing a cylinder that contained either a larger rival male (competitive scenario), a juvenile or was empty (non-competitive scenarios). The tests were repeated after 1 wk. Winners were more likely to leave the start area and to reach the females, but only when a larger rival was presented, indicating higher levels of risk-taking behavior in aggressive interactions. This winner-loser effect persisted for at least 1 wk. We suggest that male mosquitofish adjust their assessment of their own and/or their rival\'s fighting ability following contests in ways whose detection by researchers depends on the social context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In male Poeciliid fishes, the modified anal fin (i.e., gonopodium) and its axial and appendicular support are repositioned within the axial skeleton, creating a novel sexually dimorphic ano-urogenital region. During copulation, the relative location of the gonopodium is crucial for successful insemination. Therefore, the repositioning of these structures and organ relied on the reorganization of the efferent circuitry that controls spinal motor neurons innervating appendicular muscles critical for the movement of the gonopodium, including the fast and synchronous torque-trust motion during insemination attempts. Copulation occurs when a male positions himself largely outside a female\'s field of view, circumducts his gonopodium, and performs a rapid, complex maneuver to properly contact the female urogenital sinus with the distal tip of the gonopodium and transfers sperm. Although understanding of the efferent circuitry has significantly increased in the last 24 years, nothing is known about the cutaneous receptors involved in gonopodium movement, or how the afferent signals are processed to determine the location of this organ during copulation. Using Western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, as our model, we attempt to fill this gap in knowledge. Preliminary data showed cutaneous nerves and sensory neurons innervating superficial neuromasts surrounding the base of adult male gonopodium; those cutaneous nerves projected ventrally from the spinal cord through the 14th dorsal root ganglion and its corresponding ventral root towards the base and fin rays of the gonopodium. We asked what role the cutaneous superficial neuromasts play in controlling the positioning and timing of the gonopodium\'s fast and synchronous movements for effective sperm transfer. First, we found a greater number of superficial neuromasts surrounding the base of the male\'s gonopodium compared to the base of the female\'s anal fin. Second, we systemically removed superficial neuromasts surrounding the gonopodium base and observed significant impairment of the positioning and timing of gonopodial movements. Our findings provide a first step to supporting the following hypothesis: during radical reorganization of the Poeciliid body plan, superficial neuromasts have been partially co-opted as proprioceptors that allow the gonopodium to control precise positioning and timing during copulatory attempts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High levels of within-population behavioural variation can have drastic demographic consequences, thus changing the evolutionary fate of populations. A major source of within-population heterogeneity is personality. Nonetheless, it is still relatively rarely accounted for in social learning studies that constitute the most basic process of cultural transmission. Here, we performed in female mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) a social learning experiment in the context of mate choice, a situation called mate copying (MC), and for which there is strong evidence that it can lead to the emergence of persistent traditions of preferring a given male phenotype. When accounting for the global tendency of females to prefer larger males but ignoring differences in personality, we detected no evidence for MC. However, when accounting for the bold-shy dichotomy, we found that bold females did not show any evidence for MC, while shy females showed significant amounts of MC. This illustrates how the presence of variation in personality can hamper our capacity to detect MC. We conclude that MC may be more widespread than we thought because many studies ignored the presence of within-population heterogeneities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute exposure to warming temperatures increases minimum energetic requirements in ectotherms. However, over and within multiple generations, increased temperatures may cause plastic and evolved changes that modify the temperature sensitivity of energy demand and alter individual behaviors. Here, we aimed to test whether populations recently exposed to geothermally elevated temperatures express an altered temperature sensitivity of metabolism and behavior. We expected that long-term exposure to warming would moderate metabolic rate, reducing the temperature sensitivity of metabolism, with concomitant reductions in boldness and activity. We compared the temperature sensitivity of metabolic rate (acclimation at 20 vs. 30°C) and allometric slopes of routine, standard, and maximum metabolic rates, in addition to boldness and activity behaviors, across eight recently divergent populations of a widespread fish species (Gambusia affinis). Our data reveal that warm-source populations express a reduced temperature sensitivity of metabolism, with relatively high metabolic rates at cool acclimation temperatures and relatively low metabolic rates at warm acclimation temperatures compared to ambient-source populations. Allometric scaling of metabolism did not differ with thermal history. Across individuals from all populations combined, higher metabolic rates were associated with higher activity rates at 20°C and bolder behavior at 30°C. However, warm-source populations displayed relatively bolder behavior at both acclimation temperatures compared to ambient-source populations, despite their relatively low metabolic rates at warm acclimation temperatures. Overall, our data suggest that in response to warming, multigenerational exposure (e.g., plasticity, adaptation) may not result in trait change directed along a simple \"pace-of-life syndrome\" axis, instead causing relative decreases in metabolism and increases in boldness. Ultimately, our data suggest that multigenerational warming may produce a novel combination of physiological and behavioral traits, with consequences for animal performance in a warming world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growth-survival tradeoffs may be a generalizable mechanism influencing trajectories of prey evolution. Here, we investigate evolutionary contributions to growth and survival in western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) from 10 populations from high- and low-predation ancestral environments. We assess (i) the degree to which evolutionary components of growth and survival are consistent or inconsistent across populations within ancestral predation environments, and (ii) whether growth and survival trade off at the population level. We measure growth and survival on groups of common-reared mosquitofish in pond mesocosms. We find that evolution of growth is consistent, with fish from low-predation ancestral environments showing higher growth, while the evolution of survival is inconsistent, with significant population-level divergence unrelated to ancestral predation environment. Such inconsistency prevents a growth-survival tradeoff across populations. Thus, the generalizability of contemporary evolution probably depends on local context of evolutionary tradeoffs, and a continued focus on singular selective agents (e.g. predators) without such local context will impede insights into generalizable evolutionary patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rising temperatures may alter consumer diets through increased metabolic demand and altered resource availability. However, current theories assessing dietary shifts with warming do not account for a change in resource availability. It is unknown whether consumers will increase consumption rates or consume different resources to meet increased energy requirements and whether the dietary change will lead to associated variation in morphology and nutrient utilization. Here, we used populations of Gambusia affinis across parallel thermal gradients in New Zealand (NZ) and California (CA) to understand the influence of temperature on diets, morphology and stoichiometric phenotypes. Our results show that with increasing temperature in NZ, mosquitofish consumed more plant material, whereas in CA mosquitofish shifted towards increased consumption of invertebrate prey. In both regions, populations with plant-based diets had fuller guts, longer relative gut lengths, better-orientated mouths and reduced body elemental %C and N/P. Together, our results show multiple pathways by which consumers may alter their feeding patterns with rising temperatures, and they suggest that warming-induced changes to resource availability may be the principal determinant of which pathway is taken.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gambusia holbrooki is one of the world\'s most environmentally damaging introduced species, being notoriously difficult to control once established. A composite double-winged fyke net comprising four vertically stacked compartments was developed to determine the potential to control G. holbrooki, while reducing negative interactions of this aggressive species with small threatened fishes. The stacked fyke net captured three times as many G. holbrooki as a conventional fyke net while maintaining consistent catches of native fishes relative to that from a conventional fyke net, and detected species-specific vertical distributions. This stratified net design represents a valuable management option for controlling this agonistic species or for limiting antagonistic interactions between G. holbrooki and native species during typical fyke sampling of native ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Gambusia represents approximately 45 species of polyandrous livebearing fishes with reversed sexual size dimorphism (i.e. males smaller than females) and with copulation predominantly via male coercion. Male body size has been suggested as an important sexually selected trait, but despite abundant research, evidence for sexual selection on male body size in this genus is mixed. Studies have found that large males have an advantage in both male-male competition and female choice, but that small males perform sneaky copulations better and at higher frequency and thus may sire more offspring in this coercive mating system. Here, we synthesized this inconsistent body of evidence using pre-registered methods and hypotheses. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of summary and primary (raw) data combining both published (n = 19 studies, k = 106 effect sizes) and unpublished effect sizes (n = 17, k = 242) to test whether there is overall selection on male body size across studies in Gambusia. We also tested several specific hypotheses to understand the sources of heterogeneity across effects. Meta-analysis revealed an overall positive correlation between male size and reproductive performance (r = 0.23, 95% confidence interval: 0.10-0.35, n = 36, k = 348, 4,514 males, three Gambusia species). Despite high heterogeneity, the large-male advantage appeared robust across all measures studied (i.e. female choice, mating success, paternity, sperm quantity and quality), and was considerably larger for female choice (r = 0.43, 95% confidence interval: 0.28-0.59, n = 14, k = 43). Meta-regressions found several important factors explaining heterogeneity across effects, including type of sperm characteristic, male-to-female ratio, female reproductive status and environmental conditions. We found evidence of publication bias; however, its influence on our estimates was attenuated by including a substantial amount of unpublished effects, highlighting the importance of open primary data for more accurate meta-analytic estimates. In addition to positive selection on male size, our study suggests that we need to rethink the role and form of sexual selection in Gambusia and, more broadly, to consider the ecological factors that affect reproductive behaviour in livebearing fishes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present results of a multiyear study of the Everglades (Florida, USA) detailing how differences in environmental variables can alter mercury concentrations in the food web. About 1000 random locations throughout the freshwater Everglades marsh have been sampled for the United States Environmental Protection Agency\'s Everglades Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (\"REMAP\") since 1995. REMAP sampling is synoptic and multimedia, including an abundant prey fish (eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki) as an indicator of mercury bioaccumulation. Amplifying an approach we reported to Everglades National Park, we used Generalized Boosted Models on the REMAP data to estimate how much of the mercury concentration in mosquitofish could be explained by water quality constituents or indicators of ecological health (covariates). The resulting model accounts for 60% of the environmental influence on variation in mosquitofish mercury, a robust outcome for a large, disturbed ecosystem such as the Everglades, given its seasonal, annual, and spatial differences. Of the eight most influential covariates, two were methyl mercury in periphyton and water, two can be indicators of trophic state (alkaline phosphatase and chlorophyll-a), one can be a marker of stormwater transport (conductivity), and two can be enablers of mercury methylation (sulfate in soil and water). While these covariates had an average individual influence ranging from 4.0% to 10.1%, together they accounted for 52.2% of the total relative influence. Water with low phosphorus, but with sulfur and carbon above background, moved into the less disturbed parts of the Everglades via modifications to the existing water management system, could increase mercury bioaccumulation in those parts of the marsh.





