molecular cytogenetics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Do all birds\' sex chromosomes follow the same canonical one-way direction of evolution? We combined cytogenetic and genomic approaches to analyze the process of the W chromosomal differentiation in two selected Passeriform species, named the Pale-breasted Thrush Turdus leucomelas and the Rufous-bellied thrush T. rufiventris. We characterized the full catalog of satellite DNAs (satellitome) of T. leucomelas, and the 10 TleSatDNA classes obtained together with 16 microsatellite motifs were in situ mapped in both species. Additionally, using Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) assays, we investigated their intragenomic variations. The W chromosomes of both species did not accumulate higher amounts of both heterochromatin and repetitive sequences. However, while T. leucomelas showed a heterochromatin-poor W chromosome with a very complex evolutionary history, T. rufiventris showed a small and partially heterochromatic W chromosome that represents a differentiated version of its original autosomal complement (Z chromosome). The combined approach of CGH and sequential satDNA mapping suggest the occurrence of a former W-autosomal translocation event in T. leucomelas, which had an impact on the W chromosome in terms of sequence gains and losses. At the same time, an autosome, which is present in both males and females in a polymorphic state, lost sequences and integrated previously W-specific ones. This putative W-autosomal translocation, however, did not result in the emergence of a multiple-sex chromosome system. Instead, the generation of a neo-W chromosome suggests an unexpected evolutionary trajectory that deviates from the standard canonical model of sex chromosome evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Utilization of crop wild relatives of wheat can be very effective in building the genetic diversity to cater to the evolving strains of disease pathogens. Aegilops speltoides is a rich source of rust resistance genes however transferring those to wheat genome can be tedious due to co-transfer and preferential transmission of undesirable genes causing gametocidal activity. Such an unholy association was observed in Triticum aestivum-Ae. speltoides derivative line Sel. 2427 which possess the broad-spectrum leaf rust seedling resistance gene (LrS2427). Molecular analysis based on 35 K wheat breeder\'s array revealed the maximum percentage of Ae. speltoides genome introgression on homoeologous group 2. In situ hybridization studies revealed the presence of S genome in Sel. 2427, showing six translocations on four chromosomes. Karyotyping using repetitive probe (AAG)6 revealed that the two chromosomes involved are 2D and 2B. Genic regions causing gametocidal activity were identified by dissecting it into component traits and QTLs on 2D and 2B chromosomes were revealed in case of the trait seed shrivelling index. To break the inadvertent association of LrS2427 with gametocidal genes, F1(Agra Local X Sel. 2427) seeds were irradiated with gamma rays and stable leaf rust resistant mutants lacking gametocidal activity were developed. These mutants showed resistance to different races of leaf rust pathogen and showed superior agronomic performance as well. These mutants could be a great resource in wheat improvement for utilization of the leaf rust resistance gene LrS2427 without any yield penalty.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11032-024-01491-8.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, hypotheses regarding the evolutionary patterns of ribosomal genes in ant chromosomes have been under discussion. One of these hypotheses proposes a relationship between chromosomal location and the number of rDNA sites, suggesting that terminal locations facilitate the dispersion of rDNA clusters through ectopic recombination during meiosis, while intrachromosomal locations restrict them to a single chromosome pair. Another hypothesis suggests that the multiplication of rDNA sites could be associated with an increase in the chromosome number in Hymenoptera due to chromosomal fissions. In this study, we physically mapped rDNA sites in 15 new ant species and also reviewed data on rDNA available since the revision by Teixeira et al. (2021a). Our objectives were to investigate whether the new data confirm the relationship between chromosomal location and the number of rDNA sites, and whether the increase in the chromosome number is significant in the dispersion of rDNA clusters in ant karyotypes. Combining our new data with all information on ant cytogenetics published after 2021, 40 new species and nine new genera were assembled. Most species exhibited intrachromosomal rDNA sites on a single chromosome pair, while three species showed these genes in terminal regions of multiple chromosome pairs. On one hand, the hypothesis that the chromosomal location of rDNA clusters may facilitate the dispersion of rDNA sites in the ant genome, as previously discussed, was strengthened, but, on the other hand, the hypothesis of chromosomal fission as the main mechanism for dispersion of ribosomal genes in ants is likely to be refuted. Furthermore, in certain genera, the location of rDNA sites remained similar among the species studied, whereas in others, the distribution of these genes showed significant variation between species, suggesting a more dynamic chromosomal evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Unreduced gamete formation during meiosis plays a critical role in natural polyploidization. However, the unreduced gamete formation mechanisms in Triticum turgidum-Aegilops umbellulata triploid F1 hybrid crosses and the chromsome numbers and compostions in T. turgidum-Ae. umbellulata F2 still not known.
    RESULTS: In this study, 11 T.turgidum-Ae. umbellulata triploid F1 hybrid crosses were produced by distant hybridization. All of the triploid F1 hybrids had 21 chromosomes and two basic pathways of meiotic restitution, namely first-division restitution (FDR) and single-division meiosis (SDM). Only FDR was found in six of the 11 crosses, while both FDR and SDM occurred in the remaining five crosses. The chromosome numbers in the 127 selfed F2 seeds from the triploid F1 hybrid plants of 10 crosses (no F2 seeds for STU 16) varied from 35 to 43, and the proportions of euploid and aneuploid F2 plants were 49.61% and 50.39%, respectively. In the aneuploid F2 plants, the frequency of chromosome loss/gain varied among genomes. The chromosome loss of the U genome was the highest (26.77%) among the three genomes, followed by that of the B (22.83%) and A (11.81%) genomes, and the chromosome gain for the A, B, and U genomes was 3.94%, 3.94%, and 1.57%, respectively. Of the 21 chromosomes, 7U (16.54%), 5 A (3.94%), and 1B (9.45%) had the highest loss frequency among the U, A, and B genomes. In addition to chromosome loss, seven chromosomes, namely 1 A, 3 A, 5 A, 6 A, 1B, 1U, and 6U, were gained in the aneuploids.
    CONCLUSIONS: In the aneuploid F2 plants, the frequency of chromosome loss/gain varied among genomes, chromsomes, and crosses. In addition to variations in chromosome numbers, three types of chromosome translocations including 3UL·2AS, 6UL·1AL, and 4US·6AL were identified in the F2 plants. Furthermore, polymorphic fluorescence in situ hybridization karyotypes for all the U chromosomes were also identified in the F2 plants when compared with the Ae. umbellulata parents. These results provide useful information for our understanding the naturally occurred T. turgidum-Ae. umbellulata amphidiploids.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Different patterns of sex chromosome differentiation are seen in Palaeognathae birds, a lineage that includes the ratites (Struthioniformes, Rheiformes, Apterygiformes, Casuariiformes, and the sister group Tinamiformes). While some Tinamiform species have well-differentiated W chromosomes, both Z and W of all the flightless ratites are still morphologically undifferentiated. Here, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the ZW differentiation in birds using a combination of cytogenetic, genomic, and bioinformatic approaches. The whole set of satDNAs from the emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) was described and characterized. Furthermore, we examined the in situ locations of these satDNAs alongside several microsatellite repeats and carried out Comparative Genomic Hybridizations in two related species: the greater rhea (Rhea americana) and the tataupa tinamou (Crypturellus tataupa).
    RESULTS: From the 24 satDNA families identified (which represent the greatest diversity of satDNAs ever uncovered in any bird species), only three of them were found to accumulate on the emu\'s sex chromosomes, with no discernible accumulation observed on the W chromosome. The W chromosomes of both the greater rhea and the emu did not exhibit a significant buildup of either C-positive heterochromatin or repetitive DNAs, indicating their large undifferentiation both at morphological and molecular levels. In contrast, the tataupa tinamou has a highly differentiated W chromosome that accumulates several DNA repeats.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings provide new information on the architecture of the avian genome and an inside look at the starting points of sex chromosome differentiation in birds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by clonal heterogeneity, leading to frequent relapses and drug resistance despite intensive clinical therapy. Although AML\'s clonal architecture has been addressed in many studies, practical monitoring of dynamic changes in those subclones during relapse and treatment is still understudied.
    METHODS: Fifteen longitudinal bone marrow (BM) samples were collected from three relapsed and refractory (R/R) AML patients. Using droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR), the frequencies of patient\'s leukemic variants were assessed in seven cell populations that were isolated from each BM sample based on cellular phenotypes. By quantifying mutant clones at the diagnosis, remission, and relapse stages, the distribution of AML subclones was sequentially monitored.
    RESULTS: Minimal residual (MR) leukemic subclones exhibit heterogeneous distribution among BM cell populations, including mature leukocyte populations. During AML progression, these subclones undergo active phenotypic transitions and repopulate into distinct cell population regardless of normal hematopoiesis hierarchic order. Of these, MR subclones in progenitor populations of patient BM predominantly carry MR leukemic properties, leading to more robust expansion and stubborn persistence than those in mature populations. Moreover, a minor subset of MR leukemic subclones could be sustained at an extremely low frequency without clonal expansion during relapse.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we observed treatment persistent MR leukemic subclones and their phenotypic changes during the treatment process of R/R AML patients. This underscores the importance of preemptive inhibition of clonal promiscuity in R/R AML, proposing a practical method for monitoring AML MR subclones.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Introduction: The majority of small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) are derived from one single chromosome. Complex sSMCs, on the other hand, consist of genetic material derived from more than one, normally two chromosomes. Complex sSMCs involving chromosomes 8 and 14 are rarely encountered. Case presentation: We present here a 14-month-old boy born from an unrelated couple. At birth, the baby was hypotonic and had a cleft lip and palate, as well as ocular involvement. Throughout the course of development, the baby experienced feeding difficulties, stunted growth, and delayed psychomotor development. Banding together with molecular cytogenetics revealed a balanced maternal translocation t(8;14)(p22.3;q21)mat, leading due to meiotic 3:1 segregation to a partial trisomy of chromosomes 8 and 14 in the affected boy. Discussion/Conclusion: This report highlights the importance of cytogenetics in diagnosis of rare genetic disorders, with impact on genetic counselling of patients and their families. There are three comparable cases in the literature involving both chromosomes 8 and 14, but with different breakpoints; the complex sSMC derived from chromosomes 8 and 14 in this case, characterized as der(14)t(8;14) (p22.3;q21)mat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although both are salient features of genomes, at first glance ribosomal DNAs and transposable elements are genetic elements with not much in common: whereas ribosomal DNAs are mainly viewed as housekeeping genes that uphold all prime genome functions, transposable elements are generally portrayed as selfish and disruptive. These opposing characteristics are also mirrored in other attributes: organization in tandem (ribosomal DNAs) versus organization in a dispersed manner (transposable elements); evolution in a concerted manner (ribosomal DNAs) versus evolution by diversification (transposable elements); and activity that prolongs genomic stability (ribosomal DNAs) versus activity that shortens it (transposable elements). Re-visiting relevant instances in which ribosomal DNA-transposable element interactions have been reported, we note that both repeat types share at least four structural and functional hallmarks: (1) they are repetitive DNAs that shape genomes in evolutionary timescales, (2) they exchange structural motifs and can enter co-evolution processes, (3) they are tightly controlled genomic stress sensors playing key roles in senescence/aging, and (4) they share common epigenetic marks such as DNA methylation and histone modification. Here, we give an overview of the structural, functional, and evolutionary characteristics of both ribosomal DNAs and transposable elements, discuss their roles and interactions, and highlight trends and future directions as we move forward in understanding ribosomal DNA-transposable element associations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is an indispensable technique for studying chromosomes in plants. However, traditional FISH methods, such as BAC, rDNA, tandem repeats, and distributed repetitive sequence probe-based FISH, have certain limitations, including difficulties in probe synthesis, low sensitivity, cross-hybridization, and limited resolution. In contrast, oligo-based FISH represents a more efficient method for chromosomal studies in plants. Oligo probes are computationally designed and synthesized for any plant species with a sequenced genome and are suitable for single and repetitive DNA sequences, entire chromosomes, or chromosomal segments. Furthermore, oligo probes used in the FISH experiment provide high specificity, resolution, and multiplexing. Moreover, oligo probes made from one species are applicable for studying other genetically and taxonomically related species whose genome has not been sequenced yet, facilitating molecular cytogenetic studies of non-model plants. However, there are some limitations of oligo probes that should be considered, such as requiring prior knowledge of the probe design process and FISH signal issues with shorter probes of background noises during oligo-FISH experiments. This review comprehensively discusses de novo oligo probe synthesis with more focus on single-copy DNA sequences, preparation, improvement, and factors that affect oligo-FISH efficiency. Furthermore, this review highlights recent applications of oligo-FISH in a wide range of plant chromosomal studies.





