interspecific interactions

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbes are key drivers of global biogeochemical cycles, and their functional roles arey dependent on temperature. Large population sizes and rapid turnover rates mean that the predominant response of microbes to environmental warming is likely to be evolutionary, yet our understanding of evolutionary responses to temperature change in microbial systems is rudimentary. Natural microbial communities are diverse assemblages of interacting taxa. However, most studies investigating the evolutionary response of bacteria to temperature change are focused on monocultures. Here, we utilize high-throughput experimental evolution of bacteria in both monoculture and community contexts along a thermal gradient to determine how interspecific interactions influence the thermal adaptation of community members. We found that community-evolved isolates tended toward higher maximum growth rates across the temperature gradient compared to their monoculture-evolved counterparts. We also saw little evidence of systematic evolutionary change in the shapes of bacterial thermal tolerance curves along the thermal gradient. However, the effect of community background and selection temperature on the evolution of thermal tolerance curves was variable and highly taxon-specific,with some taxa exhibiting pronounced changes in thermal tolerance while others were less impacted. We also found that temperature acted as a strong environmental filter, resulting in the local extinction of taxa along the thermal gradient, implying that temperature-driven ecological change was a key factor shaping the community background upon which evolutionary selection can operate. These findings offer novel insight into how community background impacts thermal adaptation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leaf litter microbes collectively degrade plant polysaccharides, influencing land-atmosphere carbon exchange. An open question is how substrate complexity-defined as the structure of the saccharide and the amount of external processing by extracellular enzymes-influences species interactions. We tested the hypothesis that monosaccharides (i.e. xylose) promote negative interactions through resource competition, and polysaccharides (i.e. xylan) promote neutral or positive interactions through resource partitioning or synergism among extracellular enzymes. We assembled a three-species community of leaf litter-degrading bacteria isolated from a grassland site in Southern California. In the polysaccharide xylan, pairs of species stably coexisted and grew equally in coculture and in monoculture. Conversely, in the monosaccharide xylose, competitive exclusion and negative interactions prevailed. These pairwise dynamics remained consistent in a three-species community: all three species coexisted in xylan, while only two species coexisted in xylose, with one species capable of using peptone. A mathematical model showed that in xylose these dynamics could be explained by resource competition. Instead, the model could not predict the coexistence patterns in xylan, suggesting other interactions exist during biopolymer degradation. Overall, our study shows that substrate complexity influences species interactions and patterns of coexistence in a synthetic microbial community of leaf litter degraders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Maize/soybean intercropping is a common cropping practice in Chinese agriculture, known to boost crop yield and enhance soil fertility. However, the role of below-ground interactions, particularly root exudates, in maintaining intercropping advantages in soybean/maize intercropping systems remains unclear.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to investigate the differences in root exudates between intercropping and monocropping systems through two pot experiments using metabolomics methods. Multiple omics analyses were conducted to explore correlations between differential metabolites and the community of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF), shedding light on the mechanisms underlying the dominance of intercropping from the perspective of root exudates-soil microorganism interactions.
    UNASSIGNED: The study revealed that intercropping significantly increased the types and contents of root exudates, lowered soil pH, increased the availability of nutrients like available nitrogen (AN) and available phosphorus (AP), and enhanced AMF colonization, resulting in improving the community composition of AMF. Besides, root exudates in intercropping systems differed significantly from those in monocropping, with 41 and 39 differential metabolites identified in the root exudates of soybean/maize, predominantly amino acids and organic acids. The total amount of amino acids in the root exudates of soybean intercropping was 3.61 times higher than in monocropping. Additionally, the addition of root exudates significantly improved the growth of soybean/maize and AMF colonization, with the mycorrhizal colonization rate in intercropping increased by 105.99% and 111.18% compared to monocropping, respectively. The identified metabolic pathways associated with root exudates were closely linked to plant growth, soil fertility improvement, and the formation of AMF. Correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship (P < 0.05) between certain metabolites such as tartaric acid, oxalic acid, malic acid, aspartic acid, alanine, and the AMF community. Notably, the photosynthetic carbon fixation pathway involving aspartic acid showed a strong association with the function of Glomus_f_Glomerace, the dominant genus of AMF. A combined analysis of metabolomics and high throughput sequencing revealed that the root exudates of soybean/maize intercropping have direct or indirect connections with AMF and soil nutrients.
    UNASSIGNED: This suggests that the increased root exudates of the soybean/maize intercropping system mediate an improvement in AMF community composition, thereby influencing soil fertility and maintaining the advantage of intercropping.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Birds and ants co-occur in most terrestrial ecosystems and engage in a range of interactions. Competition, mutualism and predation are prominent examples of these interactions, but there are possibly many others that remain to be identified and characterized. This study provides quantitative estimates of the frequency of toe amputations resulting from ant bites in a population of migratory red-necked nightjars (Caprimulgus ruficollis) monitored for 15 years (2009-2023) in S Spain, and identifies the attacker(s) based on taxonomic analyses of ant-mandible remains found on injured toes. Less than 1% of examined adults (N = 369) missed one or more toes. The analysis of ant remains identified African army ants (Dorylus sp.) as the primary cause of toe amputations in nightjars and revealed that body parts of the attacker may remain attached to the birds even after intercontinental migration. No cases of severe damage were observed in juveniles (N = 269), apart from the mandible of a Messor barbarus - a local ant species - attached to one of the teeth of the characteristic comb of the medial toe of nightjars. The incidence of ant-bite damage may appear unimportant for nightjar populations, but this might not be true if only birds that manage to survive their injuries and potential complications (e.g. severe bleeding and sepsis from opportunistic infections) return from the tropics. More field studies, ideally in tropical areas, that incorporate routine examination of ant-induced injuries into their protocols are needed to understand the true incidence and eco-evolutionary implications of antagonistic ant-bird interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whale sharks Rhincodontypus frequently appear to interact or associate with other species, which vary depending on the community structure and the demographic of the whale sharks at each location globally. Here, we present the species sighted frequently around whale sharks in the Galapagos Archipelago and reported by dive guides and scientists and also in earlier publications. These associated species include cetacean species: bottlenose dolphins Tursiopstruncatus, other shark species: silky sharks Carcharhinusfalciformis, Galapagos sharks Carcharhinusgalapagensis, scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyrnalewini, tiger sharks Galeocerdocuvier and teleost fish species: remoras Remora remora, yellowfin tuna Thunnusalbacares, almaco jacks Seriolarivoliana and black jacks Caranxlugubris. The recording of interspecies associations and interactions may lead to better understanding of the natural history of whale sharks and can show important symbiotic relationships or interdependence between different species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the advent of high-resolution GPS tracking technology has helped increase our understanding of individual and multispecies behavior in wildlife systems, detecting and recording direct interactions between free-ranging animals remains difficult. In 2023, we deployed GPS collars equipped with proximity sensors (GPS proximity collars) on brown bears (Ursus arctos) and moose (Alces alces) as part of a multispecies interaction study in central Sweden. On 6 June, 2023, a collar on an adult female moose and a collar on an adult male bear triggered each other\'s UHF signal and started collecting fine-scale GPS positioning data. The moose collar collected positions every 2 min for 89 min, and the bear collar collected positions every 1 min for 41 min. On 8 June, field personnel visited the site and found a female neonate moose carcass with clear indications of bear bite marks on the head and neck. During the predation event, the bear remained at the carcass while the moose moved back and forth, moving toward the carcass site about five times. The moose was observed via drone with two calves on 24 May and with only one remaining calf on 9 June. This case study describes, to the best of our knowledge, the first instance of a predation event between two free ranging, wild species recorded by GPS proximity collars. Both collars successfully triggered and switched to finer-scaled GPS fix rates when the individuals were in close proximity, producing detailed movement data for both predator and prey during and after a predation event. We suggest that, combined with standard field methodology, GPS proximity collars placed on free-ranging animals offer the ability for researchers to observe direct interactions between multiple individuals and species in the wild without the need for direct visual observation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid climate warming has boosted biological invasions and the distribution or expansion polewards of many species: this can cause serious impacts on local ecosystems within the invaded areas. Subsequently, native species may be exposed to threats of both interspecific competition with invaders and temperature rises. However, effects of warming on interspecific interactions, especially competition between invader and native species remains unclear. To better understand the combined threats of biological invasions and warming, the effect of temperature on competitive interactions between two dragonfly species, the expanding Trithemis aurora from Southeast Asia and the Japanese native Orthetrum albistylum speciosum were assessed based on their foraging capacity. Although the stand-alone effect of temperature on foraging intake of the native dragonfly was not apparent, its intake significantly decreased with increasing temperatures when the invader T. aurora was present. Such reductions in foraging might lead to displacement of the native species through competition for food resources. This suggests that impacts of invader species against native species are expected to be more severe when interspecific competition is exacerbated by temperature rises.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prey adjust their antipredator behavioral tactics to minimize the risk of an encounter with predators. Spatiotemporal responses of prey to predators have been reported, but the nature of antipredator response is not ubiquitous and it is the object of increasing interest, especially considering the recent recovery of large carnivores in Europe, and the potential for behavioral antipredator responses to elicit consequences at the ecosystem level. We have tested multiple antipredator responses by fallow deer Dama dama to wolf Canis lupus in a Mediterranean protected area recently recolonized by this apex predator. Through intensive camera trapping, we tested for temporal and spatial association between predator and prey, and we have also studied deer vigilance in forest habitats where focal observations are usually impossible. Wolf detection rates were spatially associated with those of fallow deer. Accordingly, no evidence was found for fallow deer avoiding sites with higher predator detection rates. Temporal activity patterns were significantly different between the 2 species, with the wolf being mainly nocturnal whereas fallow deer was active especially during daylight. A comparison with a preliminary study strongly suggests an increase in the diurnal activity of fallow deer along with the stabilization of wolf presence in the area. Both the rate and the duration of vigilance of female fallow deer increased with the local frequency of wolf activity. We suggest an antipredator response based on temporal-rather than spatial-avoidance, as well as increased vigilance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shelter building caterpillars act as ecosystem engineers by creating and maintaining leaf shelters, which are then colonized by other arthropods. Foliage quality has been shown to influence initial colonization by shelter-building caterpillars. However, the effects of plant quality on the interactions between ecosystem engineers and their communities have yet to be studied at the whole plant level. We examined how leaf tying caterpillars, as ecosystem engineers, impact arthropod communities on Quercus alba (white oak), and the modifying effect of foliage quality on these interactions. We removed all leaf tying caterpillars and leaf ties on 35 Q. alba saplings during the season when leaf tying caterpillars were active (June-September), and compared these leaf tie removal trees to 35 control trees whose leaf ties were left intact. Removal of these ecosystem engineers had no impact on overall arthropod species richness, but reduced species diversity, and overall arthropod abundance and that of most guilds, and changed the structure of the arthropod community as the season progressed. There was an increase in plant-level species richness with increasing number of leaf ties, consistent with Habitat Diversity Hypothesis. In turn, total arthropod density, and that of both leaf tying caterpillars and free-feeding caterpillars were affected by foliar tannin and nitrogen concentrations, and leaf water content. The engineering effect was greatest on low quality plants, consistent with the Stress-Gradient Hypothesis. Our results demonstrate that interactions between ecosystem engineering and plant quality together determine community structure of arthropods on Q. alba in Missouri.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple species of Fusarium can contribute to the development of root rot in canola (Brassica napus), making disease management difficult. We conducted field and greenhouse experiments to investigate the impacts of Fusarium avenaceum and Fusarium proliferatum, and the interaction between Fusarium oxysporum and F. proliferatum on root rot severity and canola yields. Inoculation with any of the three Fusarium spp. resulted in significant disease severity and reduced seedling emergence compared with non-inoculated controls, leading to yield reductions of up to 35%. Notably, there was a strong correlation (r = 0.93) between root rot severity at the seedling stage and at maturity. Regression analysis indicated a linear decline in seedling emergence with increasing disease severity. Furthermore, disease severity at maturity adversely affected the pod number per plant and the seed weight per plant, with both parameters ultimately approaching zero at a severity of 4.0 on a 0-4 scale. Co-inoculation with F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum induced more severe root rot than inoculation with each species on its own, suggesting synergistic interactions between these fungi. Knowledge of these interactions and the relative virulence of Fusarium spp. will contribute to the improved management of root rot in canola.





