
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Eye contact is one of the most fundamental forms of interhuman communication. However, to date, there has been no comprehensive research comparing how eye contact is made and interpreted in all possible populations worldwide. This study presents a summary of the existing literature on these modalities stratified to social categorizations and psychiatric disorders.
    METHODS: A scoping review with critical appraisal of the literature according to the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology. Databases AnthroSource, Medline, CINAHL, the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO) and PsychInfo were searched.
    RESULTS: 7068 articles were screened for both the grey literature and reference lists, of which 385 were included, 282 for social categorizations and 103 for psychiatric disorders. In total, 603 thematic clustered outcomes of variations were included. Methodological quality was generally moderate to good.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a great degree of variation in the presentation and interpretation of eye contact between and within populations. It remains unclear why specific variations occur in populations. Additionally, no gold standard for how eye contact should be used or interpreted emerged from the studies. Further research into the reason for differences in eye contact between and within populations is recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: One Health (OH) is defined as a unifying approach aiming to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals and the ecosystem. It recognises that the health of humans, animals (both domestic and wild), plants and the wider ecosystem are both interdependent and linked. As a concept, it aims to address complex problems requiring input from multiple disciplines. Suitable issues for OH approaches typically include global issues which can widely impact not only the health of humans and animals, but also have a significant environmental impact. Examples include emerging zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Interpretations and use of the term OH differ in the literature and have the potential to dilute its impact. The meaning of OH among the research community has evolved over time. Here, we collate the OH relevant literature from the last two decades, identifying major themes and trends and considering how OH has been embraced differently across various geographical regions.
    RESULTS: Bibliographic databases were searched using the term \"One Health\" AND (\"Veterinary\" OR \"Animal\") AND (\"Medicine\" OR \"Human\") AND (\"Environment\" OR \"Ecosystem\") during the period between 1980 and 2022. Data analysis and narrative synthesis identified themes, similarities, and differences within literature. Web of Science and PubMed returned 948 and 1250 results for the period mentioned above. The predominant literature focused on human health, with veterinary health second, although often to benefit human health. It was found that OH is often utilised as a public health approach, generally towards the end of disease surveillance and control. Interestingly, while authors from low- and middle-income countries were well-represented within studies using the term OH, they were less well-represented as corresponding authors.
    CONCLUSIONS: The predominant focus of the literature was on human and veterinary health, implying OH approach is human-orientated, despite its suggestion that all domains share a common \'health\'. Potential improvement to OH could be achieved through greater incorporation of the environmental and social sciences for a more encompassing approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most oncology trials define superiority of an experimental therapy compared to a control therapy according to frequentist significance thresholds, which are widely misinterpreted. Posterior probability distributions computed by Bayesian inference may be more intuitive measures of uncertainty, particularly for measures of clinical benefit such as the minimum clinically important difference (MCID). Here, we manually reconstructed 194,129 individual patient-level outcomes across 230 phase III, superiority-design, oncology trials. Posteriors were calculated by Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling using standard priors. All trials interpreted as positive had probabilities > 90% for marginal benefits (HR < 1). However, 38% of positive trials had ≤ 90% probabilities of achieving the MCID (HR < 0.8), even under an enthusiastic prior. A subgroup analysis of 82 trials that led to regulatory approval showed 30% had ≤ 90% probability for meeting the MCID under an enthusiastic prior. Conversely, 24% of negative trials had > 90% probability of achieving marginal benefits, even under a skeptical prior, including 12 trials with a primary endpoint of overall survival. Lastly, a phase III oncology-specific prior from a previous work, which uses published summary statistics rather than reconstructed data to compute posteriors, validated the individual patient-level data findings. Taken together, these results suggest that Bayesian models add considerable unique interpretative value to phase III oncology trials and provide a robust solution for overcoming the discrepancies between refuting the null hypothesis and obtaining a MCID.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Outcome measurement instruments (OMIs) are used to gauge the effects of treatment. In post-stroke aphasia rehabilitation, benchmarks for meaningful change are needed to support the interpretation of patient outcomes. This study is part of a research programme to establish minimal important change (MIC) values (the smallest change above which patients perceive themselves as importantly changed) for core OMIs. As a first step in this process, the views of people with aphasia and clinicians were explored, and consensus was sought on a threshold for clinically meaningful change.
    METHODS: Sequential mixed-methods design was employed. Participants included people with post-stroke aphasia and speech pathologists. People with aphasia were purposively sampled based on time post-stroke, age and gender, whereas speech pathologists were sampled according to their work setting (hospital or community). Each participant attended a focus group followed by a consensus workshop with a survey component. Within the focus groups, experiences and methods for measuring meaningful change during aphasia recovery were explored. Qualitative data were transcribed and analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. In the consensus workshop, participants voted on thresholds for meaningful change in core outcome constructs of language, communication, emotional well-being and quality of life, using a six-point rating scale (much worse, slightly worse, no change, slightly improved, much improved and completely recovered). Consensus was defined a priori as 70% agreement. Voting results were reported using descriptive statistics.
    RESULTS: Five people with aphasia (n = 4, > 6 months after stroke; n = 5, < 65 years; n = 3, males) and eight speech pathologists (n = 4, hospital setting; n = 4, community setting) participated in one of four focus groups (duration: 92-112 min). Four themes were identified describing meaningful change as follows: (1) different for every single person; (2) small continuous improvements; (3) measured by progress towards personally relevant goals; and (4) influenced by personal factors. \'Slightly improved\' was agreed as the threshold of MIC on the anchor-rating scale (75%-92%) within 6 months of stroke, whereas after 6 months there was a trend towards supporting \'much improved\' (36%-66%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our mixed-methods research with people with aphasia and speech pathologists provides novel evidence to inform the definition of MIC in aphasia rehabilitation. Future research will aim to establish MIC values for core OMIs.
    UNASSIGNED: This work is the result of engagement between people with lived experience of post-stroke aphasia, including people with aphasia, family members, clinicians and researchers. Engagement across the research cycle was sought to ensure that the research tasks were acceptable and easily understood by participants and that the outcomes of the study were relevant to the aphasia community. This engagement included the co-development of a plain English summary of the results. Advisors were remunerated in accordance with Health Consumers Queensland guidelines. Interview guides for clinicians were piloted by speech pathologists working in aphasia rehabilitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP), as a partner to artesunate as ACT is the treatment of choice for uncomplicated P. falciparum infections in the majority of India and SP-resistance has a potential to lead to ACT failure. In the lack of robust surveillance of therapeutic efficacy of SP, validate molecular markers of SP-resistance offer a hint of failing SP. However, studies reporting these validated markers often suffer from certain pitfalls that warrant a careful interpretation.
    METHODS: Critical analyses of the results and their reported interpretations from a recent study and other studies conducted on the WHO-validated molecular markers of SP-resistance in India were analysed and the main problems with studying and reporting of these markers are presented here. It was noted that almost all studies analysed flawed either on the usage, estimation and/or interpretation of the standardized classification of the studies SP mutations. These flaws not only impart spatiotemporal incomparability of the published data but also have the potential of being misunderstood and wrongly translated.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on this universal problem in studying, reporting and interpreting the data from the studies on molecular markers of SP-resistance, it is stressed that the future studies should be conducted with utmost caution so that robust evidence may be generated and correctly translated to policy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ethanol blood analysis is the most common request in forensic toxicology, and some studies point to positive results in approximately one-third of all unnatural deaths. However, distinguishing sober deaths from drunk deaths is not as simple as it may seem. This technical, clinical, and forensic interpretation is proposed to interpret the ethanol toxicological results, discussing several artefacts and pitfalls that must be considered, namely focusing on driving under the influence. This work is presented with a practical and objective approach, aiming to alleviate the complexities associated with clinical, physiological, pathophysiological, and toxicological aspects to enhance comprehension, practicality, and applicability of its content, especially to courts. Particularly the physical integrity of the body, the postmortem interval, putrefactive signs, anatomic place of blood collection, alternative samples such as vitreous humour and urine, the possibility of postmortem redistribution, the inclusion of preservatives in containers, and optimal temperature conditions of shipment are among some of the aspects to pay attention. Although several biomarkers related to postmortem microbial ethanol production have been proposed, their translation into forensic routine is slow to be implemented due to the uncertainties of their application and analytical difficulties. Specifically, in the interpretation of ethanol toxicological results, \"not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted\" (attributed to Albert Einstein).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are pivotal in diagnosing and managing a broad spectrum of respiratory disorders. These tests provide critical insights into lung health, guiding diagnoses, assessing disease severity, and shaping patient management strategies. This review addresses the complexities and nuances inherent in interpreting PFT data, particularly in light of recent updates from the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and American Thoracic Society (ATS). These updates have refined interpretive strategies, moving away from definitive diagnostic uses of spirometry to a more probabilistic approach that better accounts for individual variability through the use of Z-scores and lower limits of normal (LLNs). Significantly, this narrative review delves into the philosophical shift in spirometry interpretation, highlighting the transition from direct clinical diagnostics to a more nuanced evaluation geared towards determining the likelihood of disease. It critiques the reliance on fixed ratios and emphasizes the need for reference values that consider demographic variables such as age, sex, height, and ethnicity, in line with the latest Global Lung Function Initiative (GLI) equations. Despite these advances, challenges remain in ensuring uniformity across different predictive models and reference equations, which can affect the accuracy and consistency of interpretations. This paper proposes a streamlined three-step framework for interpreting PFTs, aiming to unify and simplify the process to enhance clarity and reliability across various medical specialties. This approach not only aids in accurate patient assessments but also mitigates the potential for misdiagnosis and ensures more effective patient management. By synthesizing contemporary guidelines and integrating robust physiological principles, this review fosters a standardized yet flexible approach to PFT interpretation that is both scientifically sound and practically feasible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drawing on data from ethnographic fieldwork and interprofessional focus group discussions, this study enquires into staff\'s everyday life on a geriatric ward to explore and understand conditions for engaging in narrative relations in in-patient geriatric care. Avoiding individualistic understandings of narrative practices, we applied a narrative-in-action methodology built on a relational understanding of narrativity, where individual narratives are not separated from social and cultural features. This helped us explore how individual interpretations of the conditions for everyday practices come together with broader social or cultural understandings to gain situated insights about how these are continuously related and reformed by one another in everyday situations of geriatric care. The findings offer insights into the opportunities to engage in narrative relations based on how healthcare staff on a geriatric ward interpret conditions for their practices, and how they act based on such interpretations. While some interpretations were associated with attitudes and activities encouraging narrative relations, others simultaneously thwarted narrative relations by enacting task-orientation, division, or a focus on measurable biomedical or function-related outcomes. Moreover, the findings suggest and discuss consequences of the tensions created as interpretations are enacted in everyday healthcare situations, thus questioning assumptions about conditions as something static and linear.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Interpreting hand X-rays is crucial for emergency medicine residents to accurately diagnose traumatic injuries and conditions affecting the hand. This study aimed to assess the competency of emergency medicine residents in interpreting hand X-rays across three major regions in Saudi Arabia. Methodology We conducted a cross-sectional study involving 100 emergency medicine residents from the Central, Eastern, and Western regions of Saudi Arabia. Participants were presented with 10 clinical case scenarios each accompanied by hand X-rays and were asked to provide their interpretations. Assessment scores were calculated based on the proportion of correct answers for each case. Results Half of the participants (50 residents) fell within the age range of 25 to 27 years, with 61 male and 39 female participants, respectively. Residents in the third year of training (R3) exhibited the highest mean score of 74.83% ± 20.46%. Participants using desktops to view the images achieved the highest mean score of 75% ± 10.49% compared to those using smartphones or tablets. Significant associations were found between age (F = 4.072, p = 0.020), training level (F = 3.161, p = 0.028), and choice of viewing device (F = 7.811, p = 0.001) and assessment scores. Conclusions Our study highlighted that emergency medicine residents in Saudi Arabia demonstrate competent proficiency in interpreting hand X-rays, with higher competency observed among senior residents (R3 and R4), those aged 28 to 30 years, and those using desktops for image viewing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dilated cardiomyopathy is a heterogeneous entity that leads to heart failure and malignant arrhythmias. Nearly 50% of cases are inherited; therefore, genetic analysis is crucial to unravel the cause and for the early identification of carriers at risk. A large number of variants remain classified as ambiguous, impeding an actionable clinical translation. Our goal was to perform a comprehensive update of variants previously classified with an ambiguous role, applying a new algorithm of already available tools. In a cohort of 65 cases diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, a total of 125 genetic variants were classified as ambiguous. Our reanalysis resulted in the reclassification of 12% of variants from an unknown to likely benign or likely pathogenic role, due to improved population frequencies. For all the remaining ambiguous variants, we used our algorithm; 60.9% showed a potential but not confirmed deleterious role, and 24.5% showed a potential benign role. Periodically updating the population frequencies is a cheap and fast action, making it possible to clarify the role of ambiguous variants. Here, we perform a comprehensive reanalysis to help to clarify the role of most of ambiguous variants. Our specific algorithms facilitate genetic interpretation in dilated cardiomyopathy.





