inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The structure of human language is inherently hierarchical. The left posterior inferior frontal gyrus (LpIFG) is proposed to be a core region for constructing syntactic hierarchies. However, it remains unclear whether LpIFG plays a causal role in syntactic processing in Mandarin Chinese and whether its contribution depends on syntactic complexity, working memory, or both. We addressed these questions by applying inhibitory continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS) over LpIFG. Thirty-two participants processed sentences containing embedded relative clauses (i.e., complex syntactic processing), syntactically simpler coordinated sentences (i.e., simple syntactic processing), and non-hierarchical word lists (i.e., word list processing) after receiving real or sham cTBS. We found that cTBS significantly increased the coefficient of variation, a representative index of processing stability, in complex syntactic processing (esp., when subject relative clause was embedded) but not in the other two conditions. No significant changes in d\' and reaction time were detected in these conditions. The findings suggest that (a) inhibitory effect of cTBS on the LpIFG might be prominent in perturbing the complex syntactic processing stability but subtle in altering the processing quality; and (b) the causal role of the LpIFG seems to be specific for syntactic processing rather than working memory capacity, further evidencing their separability in LpIFG. Collectively, these results support the notion of the LpIFG as a core region for complex syntactic processing across languages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: There is a continuous consumer demand for ever superior cosmetic products. In marketing, various forms of sensory evaluation are used to measure the consumer experience and provide data with which to improve cosmetics. Nonetheless, potential downsides of existing approaches have led to the exploration of the use of neuroimaging methods, such as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), to provide addition information about consumers\' experiences with cosmetics. The aim of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of a real-time brain-based product evaluation method which detects the incongruency between a product, in this case lipstick, and a consumer\'s expectations.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirty healthy, female, habitual lipstick users were asked to apply six different lipsticks varying in softness and to rate the softness of and their willingness to pay (WTP) for each lipstick. Cerebral hemodynamic responses in frontal areas were measured with fNIRS during lipstick application and analyzed using the general linear model (GLM). Incongruency scores between softness and expectation were calculated in order to understand how far removed each lipstick was from a participant\'s optimal softness preference. The correlation between brain activation (beta scores) during the application of each lipstick and the respective incongruency scores from each participant were acquired using semi-partial correlation analysis, controlling for the effects of WTP.
    UNASSIGNED: We revealed a significant intra-subject correlation between incongruency scores and activation in the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). This confirms that as the texture incongruency scores increased for the lipstick samples, activation in each individual\'s right IFG also increased.
    UNASSIGNED: The correlation observed between incongruency perceived by participants and activation of the right IFG not only suggests that the right IFG may play an important role in detecting incongruity when there is a discrepancy between the perceived texture and the consumer\'s expectations but also that measuring activity in the IFG may provide a new objective measurement of the consumer experience, thus contributing to the development of superior cosmetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) struggle with impaired verbal fluency as an executive function. The left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and the right inferior frontal gurus (IFG), which show reduced functionality in individuals with ADHD, are involved in verbal fluency. In this study, a total of thirty-seven children with ADHD participated in two separate experiments. Each experiment included three different stimulation conditions: anodal left dlPFC/cathodal right vmPFC stimulation, the reversed montage, and a sham stimulation in Experiment 1, and anodal right dlPFC, anodal right IFG with extracranial return electrode, and a sham stimulation in Experiment 2. During each session, participants performed semantic and phonemic verbal fluency tasks while receiving tDCS. The results revealed a significant main effect of stimulation condition on phonemic verbal fluency during anodal left dlPFC stimulation in Experiment 1, and on semantic verbal fluency during both real stimulation conditions in Experiment 2. In conclusion, this study suggests that anodal left dlPFC stimulation improves phonemic verbal fluency, while anodal right dlPFC and right IFG stimulation enhance semantic verbal fluency. This domain-specific improvement can be attributed to the distinct cognitive demands of phonemic and semantic verbal fluency tasks. Phonemic verbal fluency heavily relies on working memory processes, whereas semantic verbal fluency requires effective inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is characterized by enhanced cue-reactivity and the opposing control processes being insufficient. The ability to inhibit reactions to alcohol-related cues, alcohol-specific inhibition, is thus crucial to AUD; and trainings strengthening this ability might increase treatment outcome. The present study investigated whether neurophysiological correlates of alcohol-specific inhibition (I) vary with craving, (II) predict drinking outcome in AUD and (III) are modulated by alcohol-specific inhibition training. A total of 45 recently abstinent patients with AUD and 25 controls participated in this study. All participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a Go-NoGo task with alcohol-related as well as neutral conditions. Patients with AUD additionally participated in a double-blind RCT, where they were randomized to either an alcohol-specific inhibition training or an active control condition (non-specific inhibition training). After the training, patients participated in a second fMRI measurement where the Go-NoGo task was repeated. Percentage of days abstinent was assessed as drinking outcome 3 months after discharge from residential treatment. Whole brain analyses indicated that in the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), activation related to alcohol-specific inhibition varied with craving and predicted drinking outcome at 3-months follow-up. This neurophysiological correlate of alcohol-specific inhibition was however not modulated by the training version. Our results suggest that enhanced rIFG activation during alcohol-specific (compared to neutral) inhibition (I) is needed to inhibit responses when craving is high and (II) fosters sustained abstinence in patients with AUD. As alcohol-specific rIFG activation was not affected by the training, future research might investigate whether potential training effects on neurophysiology are better detectable with other methodological approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) was found to improve oral and written naming in post-stroke and primary progressive aphasia (PPA), speech fluency in stuttering, a developmental speech-motor disorder, and apraxia of speech (AOS) symptoms in post-stroke aphasia. This paper addressed the question of whether tDCS over the left IFG coupled with speech therapy may improve sound duration in patients with apraxia of speech (AOS) symptoms in non-fluent PPA (nfvPPA/AOS) more than sham. Eight patients with non-fluent PPA/AOS received either active or sham tDCS, along with speech therapy for 15 sessions. Speech therapy involved repeating words of increasing syllable-length. Evaluations took place before, immediately after, and two months post-intervention. Words were segmented into vowels and consonants and the duration of each vowel and consonant was measured. Segmental duration was significantly shorter after tDCS compared to sham and tDCS gains generalized to untrained words. The effects of tDCS sustained over two months post-treatment in trained and untrained sounds. Taken together, these results demonstrate that tDCS over the left IFG may facilitate speech production by reducing segmental duration. The results provide preliminary evidence that tDCS may maximize efficacy of speech therapy in patients with nfvPPA/AOS.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clinical link between spatial and non-spatial attentional aspects in patients with hemispatial neglect is well known; in particular, an increase in alerting can transitorily help to allocate attention towards the contralesional side. In models of attention, this phenomenon is postulated to rely on an interaction between ventral and dorsal cortical networks, subtending non-spatial and spatial attentional aspects, respectively. However, the exact neural underpinnings of the interaction between these two networks are still poorly understood. In the present study, we included 80 right-hemispheric patients with subacute stroke (50% women; age range: 24-96), 33 with and 47 without neglect, as assessed by paper-pencil cancellation tests. The patients performed a computerized task in which they were asked to respond as quickly as possible by button-press to central targets, which were either preceded or not preceded by non-spatial, auditory warning tones. Reaction times in the two different conditions were measured. In neglect patients, a warning tone, enhancing activity within the ventral attentional \'alerting\' network, could boost the reaction (in terms of shorter reaction times) of the dorsal attentional network to a visual stimulus up to the level of patients without neglect. Critically, using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping analyses, we show that this effect significantly depends on the integrity of the right anterior insula and adjacent inferior frontal gyrus, i.e., right-hemispheric patients with lesions involving these areas were significantly less likely to show shorter reaction times when a warning tone was presented prior to visual target appearance. We propose that the right anterior insula and inferior frontal gyrus are a critical hub through which the ventral attentional network can \'alert\' and increase the efficiency of the activity of the dorsal attentional network.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mismatch negativity (MMN) or its magnetic counterpart (MMNm) is a neurophysiological signal to reflect the automatic change-detection ability. However, MMN studies in patients with panic disorder (PD) showed contrasting results using electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings. The present study attempted to overcome the limitations of EEG methodology by means of a whole-head magnetoencephalography (MEG) combined with the depth-weighted minimum norm estimate method to conduct an in-depth investigation on the MMNm at the cortical level in patients with PD.
    We recruited 22 healthy controls (HC) and 20 patients with PD to perform auditory oddball paradigm during MEG recordings. The cortical MMNm amplitudes and latencies in the superior temporal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) were compared between the HC and PD groups. The correlations between MMNm responses and clinical measurement were also examined.
    Compared with the HC group, the PD group demonstrated significantly reduced MMNm amplitudes in the IFG. Furthermore, higher trait scores of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory were associated with lower MMNm amplitudes of the right IFG among patients with PD.
    Generalization of the current results to other settings or samples should be made cautiously due to the use of different medication regimens and presence of comorbidities in our patients.
    Our data suggest dysfunctional pre-attentive change-detection ability in patients with PD, particularly in the IFG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Verbal working memory (VWM) involves visual and auditory verbal information. Neuroimaging studies have shown significant modality effects for VWM in the left posterior parietal cortex (PPC). The left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) is more sensitive to auditory and phonological information. However, much less is known about the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the left PPC and IFG on different sensory modalities of VWM (auditory vs. visual). Therefore, the present study aimed to examine whether tDCS over the left PPC and IFG affects visual and auditory VWM updating performance using a single-blind design. Fifty-one healthy participants were randomly assigned to three tDCS groups (left PPC/left IFG/sham) and were asked to complete both the visual and auditory letter 3-back tasks. Results showed that stimulating the left PPC enhanced the response efficiency of visual, but not auditory, VWM compared with the sham condition. Anodal stimulation to the left IFG improved the response efficiency of both tasks. The present study revealed a modality effect of VWM in the left PPC, while the left IFG had a causal role in VWM updating of different sensory modalities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In logical reasoning, difficulties in inhibition of currently-held beliefs may lead to unwarranted conclusions, known as belief bias. Aging is associated with difficulties in inhibitory control, which may lead to deficits in inhibition of currently-held beliefs. No study to date, however, has investigated the underlying neural substrates of age-related differences in logical reasoning and the impact of belief load. The aim of the present study was to delineate age differences in brain activity during a syllogistic logical reasoning task while the believability load of logical inferences was manipulated. Twenty-nine, healthy, younger and thirty, healthy, older adults (males and females) completed a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment in which they were asked to determine the logical validity of conclusions. Unlike younger adults, older adults engaged a large-scale network including anterior cingulate cortex and inferior frontal gyrus during conclusion stage. Our functional connectivity results suggest that while older adults engaged the anterior cingulate network to overcome their intuitive responses for believable inferences, the inferior frontal gyrus network contributed to higher control over responses during both believable and unbelievable conditions. Our functional results were further supported by structure-function-behavior analyses indicating the importance of cingulum bundle and uncinate fasciculus integrity in rejection of believable statements. These novel findings lend evidence for age-related differences in belief bias, with potentially important implications for decision making where currently-held beliefs and given assumptions are in conflict.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a non-invasive neuromodulation technique, is an effective adjunct to naming treatments in post-stroke aphasia and primary progressive aphasia (PPA). Enhanced performance in oral and written naming and spelling of nouns with tDCS has been quantified in detail, but it is not known whether it is effective for verb treatment in PPA. We addressed the question of whether performance in naming and spelling of verbs can be augmented with anodal tDCS over the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). We compared tDCS coupled with oral and written verb naming/spelling treatment with oral and written verb naming/spelling treatment alone. In a double-blind, sham-controlled, crossover design, 11 participants with logopenic or non-fluent variant PPA received approximately 15 consecutive sessions of anodal tDCS and sham over the left IFG coupled with oral and written verb-naming + spelling treatment. Written verb-naming performance improved significantly more for trained verbs in the tDCS than the sham condition. Importantly, tDCS effects generalized to untrained items for written verb naming and were significant even at 2 months post-treatment. We conclude that tDCS over the left IFG can improve written verb naming and spelling in PPA.






