
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Primary immunodeficiencies are disorders of the immune system often caused by mutations of genes required for lymphocyte development. Phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1 (PIK3R1) gene mutations are associated with SHORT syndrome, a rare multisystem disease. The name stands for Short stature, Hyperextensibility, Ocular depression, Rieger anomaly and Teething delay. Our case describes a child who presented with agammaglobulinemia with phenotypical features of SHORT syndrome. Upon further investigation, he was found to have a rare variant of the PIK3R1 gene mutation. This new mutation combines two distinct diseases with the same gene defect, which otherwise has been reported as two separate entities. The objective of this report is to identify a new gene mutation associated with SHORT syndrome along with agammaglobulinemia and to highlight the importance of recognizing the features of SHORT syndrome. We describe a nine-year-old male who presented with developmental delay and recurrent infections at the age of 12 months. Immunological evaluation revealed agammaglobulinemia and he has been scheduled for regular intravenous immunoglobulin replacement therapy. In view of characteristic syndromic physical features, speech and teething delay, we investigated further for the underlying genetic reason for agammaglobulinemia. The molecular analysis demonstrated a rare homozygous variant, c.244dup, in the PIK3R1 gene. This case reveals the association of the PIK3R1 gene mutation with agammaglobulinemia and SHORT syndrome. It further demonstrates the discovery of a new pathological variant of the gene. A detailed history and examination along with an immunological and genetic workup should be carried out for children with certain distinct phenotypical features. SHORT syndrome has specific characteristics that call for awareness and early recognition for prompt diagnosis and intervention. Emphasis is placed on genetic counseling as the disease is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, as demonstrated by molecular genetic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex disease characterized by profound fatigue, post-exertional malaise (PEM), and neurocognitive dysfunction. Immune dysregulation and gastrointestinal symptoms are commonly observed in ME/CFS patients. Despite affecting approximately 0.89% of the general population, the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain poorly understood. This study aimed to elucidate the relationship between immunological characteristics and intestinal barrier function in ME/CFS patients. ME/CFS patients were stratified into two groups based on their immune competence. After documentation of detailed medical records, serum and plasma samples were collected for the assessment of inflammatory immune mediators and biomarkers for intestinal barrier integrity by ELISA. We found reduced complement protein C4a levels in immunodeficient ME/CFS patients suggesting a subgroup-specific innate immune dysregulation. ME/CFS patients without immunodeficiencies exhibit a mucosal barrier leakage, as indicated by elevated levels of Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP). Stratifying ME/CFS patients based on immune competence enabled the distinction of two subgroups with different pathophysiological patterns. The study highlights the importance of emphasizing precise patient stratification in ME/CFS, particularly in the context of defining suitable treatment strategies. Given the substantial health and socioeconomic burden associated with ME/CFS, urgent attention and research efforts are needed to define causative treatment approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Cytomegalovirus (CMV) reactivation may occur as the shedding of the virus from various body sites or could represent an active disease that might be fatal if untreated. Distinguishing between the two states may prove very difficult. The role of the CMV disease in patients with hematological malignancies or transplant patients is more defined than that in other immunocompromised patients where neither anti-CMV prophylaxis is used nor plasma CMV levels are monitored. Here, we try to examine cases with CMV viremia in the latter group of patients in an attempt to make a distinction between CMV infection and disease to determine which patients would benefit from treatment. Methods Elderly patients, patients with rheumatological disorders, and patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and with clinical suspicion of CMV disease who were referred to the infectious diseases service at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital were examined from 1 January 2018 to 31 January 2023. We added a patient we found in our referral log book from 2012. Clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory data were retrieved from the hospital information system. Plasma CMV levels and CMV body fluid levels including pulmonary samples obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in suspected cases of CMV pneumonitis and gastrointestinal (GI) CMV levels obtained from stool and gastrointestinal tissue biopsies in suspected cases of gastrointestinal CMV disease were collected. COBAS® AmpliPrep/COBAS® TaqMan®assay (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Branchburg, NJ) was used to measure CMV copies per milliliter. Results A total of 28 patients were considered to have CMV disease, 12 of whom were elderly (≥60 years) and the rest were young and middle aged (Y/M). The most common comorbidities of the elderly included chronic kidney disease (CKD), hypertension (HTN), and diabetes mellitus (DM). In the Y/M group, seven patients had systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), one had antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) associated vasculitis, four patients had IBD, two had IBD plus primary immunodeficiencies (one patient had agammaglobulinemia and one had combined deficiencies), and one patient had combined immunodeficiency. CKD was a common finding in the SLE patients. Diarrhea was the most common CMV presentation occurring in 19 patients (67.9%), being bloody in 10 patients. Four patients had pulmonary presentations, and four had hematological presentations in the form of anemia or pancytopenia. Nineteen patients were given CMV antiviral treatment, and one patient received it during the first episode but not in the second episode. Twenty-eight-day mortality in the treated group was 20% versus 55.5% in the untreated group. The majority of the deaths occurred in the SLE and elderly patients. Thrombocytopenia occurred in 60.7%, 70.6% of whom died signaling a potential predictive role for thrombocytopenia in early empirical CMV antiviral treatment and in prognosis. Conclusion The difficulty in distinguishing CMV infection from CMV disease remains a concern in the elderly and SLE patients. In our small study, there was a survival benefit in early screening for CMV and initiating preemptive CMV antiviral therapy in these two groups even before CMV disease is proven. This urgency was not observed for patients with IBD or primary immunodeficiencies. A major common factor for CMV disease was CKD, whereas thrombocytopenia was an indicator of disease and prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with (CRSwNP) or without (CRSsNP) nasal polyps is a prevalent and heterogeneous disorder existing as a spectrum of clinical conditions with complex underlying pathomechanisms. CRS comprises a broad syndrome characterized by multiple immunological features involving complex interactions between the genes, the microbiome, host- and microbiota-derived exosomes, the epithelial barrier, and environmental and micromilieu exposures. The main pathophysiological feature is an epithelial barrier disruption, accompanied by microbiome alterations and unpredictable and multifactorial immunologic overreactions. Extrinsic pathogens and irritants interact with multiple epithelial receptors, which show distinct expression patterns, activate numerous signaling pathways, and lead to diverse antipathogen responses. CRSsNP is mainly characterized by fibrosis and mild inflammation and is often associated with Th1 or Th17 immunological profiles. CRSwNP appears to be associated with moderate or severe type 2 (T2) or Th2 eosinophilic inflammation. The diagnosis is based on clinical, endoscopic, and imaging findings. Possible CRS biomarkers from the peripheral blood, nasal secretions, tissue biopsies, and nasally exhaled air are studied to subgroup different CRS endotypes. The primary goal of CRS management is to maintain clinical control by nasal douching with isotonic or hypertonic saline solutions, administration of nasal and systemic steroids, antibiotics, biologic agents, or, in persistent and more severe cases, appropriate surgical procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The J Project (JP) physician education and clinical research collaboration program was started in 2004 and includes by now 32 countries mostly in Eastern and Central Europe (ECE). Until the end of 2021, 344 inborn errors of immunity (IEI)-focused meetings were organized by the JP to raise awareness and facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of patients with IEI.
    In this study, meeting profiles and major diagnostic and treatment parameters were studied. JP center leaders reported patients\' data from 30 countries representing a total population of 506 567 565. Two countries reported patients from JP centers (Konya, Turkey and Cairo University, Egypt). Diagnostic criteria were based on the 2020 update of classification by the IUIS Expert Committee on IEI. The number of JP meetings increased from 6 per year in 2004 and 2005 to 44 and 63 in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The cumulative number of meetings per country varied from 1 to 59 in various countries reflecting partly but not entirely the population of the respective countries. Altogether, 24,879 patients were reported giving an average prevalence of 4.9. Most of the patients had predominantly antibody deficiency (46,32%) followed by patients with combined immunodeficiencies (14.3%). The percentages of patients with bone marrow failure and phenocopies of IEI were less than 1 each. The number of patients was remarkably higher that those reported to the ESID Registry in 13 countries. Immunoglobulin (IgG) substitution was provided to 7,572 patients (5,693 intravenously) and 1,480 patients received hematopoietic stem cell therapy (HSCT). Searching for basic diagnostic parameters revealed the availability of immunochemistry and flow cytometry in 27 and 28 countries, respectively, and targeted gene sequencing and new generation sequencing was available in 21 and 18 countries. The number of IEI centers and experts in the field were 260 and 690, respectively. We found high correlation between the number of IEI centers and patients treated with intravenous IgG (IVIG) (correlation coefficient, cc, 0,916) and with those who were treated with HSCT (cc, 0,905). Similar correlation was found when the number of experts was compared with those treated with HSCT. However, the number of patients treated with subcutaneous Ig (SCIG) only slightly correlated with the number of experts (cc, 0,489) and no correlation was found between the number of centers and patients on SCIG (cc, 0,174).
    1) this is the first study describing major diagnostic and treatment parameters of IEI care in countries of the JP; 2) the data suggest that the JP had tremendous impact on the development of IEI care in ECE; 3) our data help to define major future targets of JP activity in various countries; 4) we suggest that the number of IEI centers and IEI experts closely correlate to the most important treatment parameters; 5) we propose that specialist education among medical professionals plays pivotal role in increasing levels of diagnostics and adequate care of this vulnerable and still highly neglected patient population; 6) this study also provides the basis for further analysis of more specific aspects of IEI care including genetic diagnostics, disease specific prevalence, newborn screening and professional collaboration in JP countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    By the April 12, 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic had resulted in over half a billion people being infected worldwide. There have been 6.1 million deaths directly due to the infection, but the pandemic has had many more short- and long-term pervasive effects on the physical and mental health of the population. Allergic diseases are among the most prevalent noncommunicable chronic diseases in the pediatric population, and health-care professionals and researchers were seeking answers since the beginning of pandemic. Children are at lower risk of developing severe COVID-19 or dying from infection. Allergic diseases are not associated with a higher COVID-19 severity and mortality, apart from severe/poorly controlled asthma. The pandemic disrupted routine health care, but many mitigation strategies, including but not limited to telemedicine, were successfully implemented to continue delivery of high-standard care. Although children faced a multitude of pandemic-related issues, allergic conditions were effectively treated remotely while reduction in air pollution and lack of contact with outdoor allergens resulted in improvement, particularly respiratory allergies. There is no evidence to recommend substantial changes to usual management modalities of allergic conditions in children, including allergen immunotherapy and use of biologicals. Allergic children are not at greater risk of multisystem inflammatory syndrome development, but some associations with Long COVID were reported, although the data are limited, and further research is needed. This statement of the EAACI Section on Pediatrics provides recommendations based on the lessons learnt from the pandemic, as available evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with STAT1 gain-of-function (GOF) mutations suffer from an inborn error of immunity hallmarked by chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC). The pathogenesis behind this complex and heterogeneous disease is still incompletely understood. Beyond the well-recognized Th17 failure, linked to the STAT1/STAT3 dysbalance-driven abrogation of antifungal defense, only little is known about the consequences of augmented STAT1 signaling in other cells, including, interestingly, the innate immune cells. STAT1-mediated signaling was previously shown to be increased in STAT1 GOF CD14+ monocytes. Therefore, we hypothesized that monocytes might represent important co-orchestrators of antifungal defense failure, as well as various immunodysregulatory phenomena seen in patients with STAT1 GOF CMC, including autoimmunity. In this article, we demonstrate that human STAT1 GOF monocytes are characterized by proinflammatory phenotypes and a strong inflammatory skew of their secretory cytokine profile. Moreover, they exhibit diminished CD16 expression, and reduction of classical (CD14++C16-) and expansion of intermediate (CD14++16+) subpopulations. Amongst the functional aberrations, a selectively enhanced responsiveness to TLR7/8 stimulation, but not to other TLR ligands, was noted, which might represent a contributing mechanism in the pathogenesis of STAT1 GOF-associated autoimmunity. Importantly, some of these features extend to STAT1 GOF monocyte-derived dendritic cells and to STAT1 GOF peripheral myeloid dendritic cells, suggesting that the alterations observed in monocytes are, in fact, intrinsic due to STAT1 mutation, and not mere bystanders of chronic inflammatory environment. Lastly, we observe that the proinflammatory bias of STAT1 GOF monocytes may be ameliorated with JAK inhibition. Taken together, we show that monocytes likely play an active role in both the microbial susceptibility and autoimmunity in STAT1 GOF CMC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid advances in genomic technologies to screen, diagnose, and treat newborns will significantly increase the number of conditions in newborn screening (NBS). We previously identified four factors that delay and/or complicate NBS expansion: 1) variability in screening panels persists; 2) the short duration of pilots limits information about interventions and health outcomes; 3) recent recommended uniform screening panel (RUSP) additions are expanding the definition of NBS; and 4) the RUSP nomination and evidence review process has capacity constraints. In this paper, we developed a use case for each factor and suggested how model(s) could be used to evaluate changes and improvements. The literature on models was reviewed from a range of disciplines including system sciences, management, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The results from our analysis highlighted that there is at least one model which could be applied to each of the four factors that has delayed and/or complicate NBS expansion. In conclusion, our paper supports the use of modeling to address the four challenges in the expansion of NBS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atypical B cells (atBCs) are a distinct B-cell population and represent approximately 5% of B cells in peripheral blood (PB) of healthy adult individuals. However, in adults these cells are expanded in conditions of chronic infections, inflammation, primary immunodeficiencies, autoimmune diseases, and aging. Their immunophenotype is characterized by the lack of CD21 expression and the hallmark human memory B-cell marker CD27. In this study, we investigated the immunophenotype of atBCs in different pediatric pathological conditions and correlated their expansion with the children\'s clinical diagnosis. We were able to retrospectively evaluate 1,571 consecutive PB samples, corresponding to 1,180 pediatric patients, by using a 9-color flow-cytometric panel. The results, compared with a pediatric healthy cohort, confirmed an expansion of atBCs in patient samples with percentages greater than 5% of total B cells. Four subpopulations with different expressions of IgM and IgD were discriminated: IgM+IgD+, IgM+-only, IgD+-only, and IgM-IgD-. IgG+ atBCs were predominant in the IgM- IgD- subpopulation. Moreover, the study highlighted some features of atBCs, such as a low CD38 expression, a heterogeneity of CD24, a high expression of CD19 and a large cell size. We also demonstrated that an increase of atBCs in a pediatric cohort is correlated with immunodeficiencies, autoimmune, inflammatory, and hematological disorders, consistent with previous studies mainly performed in adults. Furthermore, our flow cytometric clustering analysis corroborated the recent hypothesis of an alternative B origin for atBCs.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





