
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intestinal parasites, including helminths and protozoa, account for a significant portion of the global health burden. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract not only serves as the stage for these parasitic infections but also as the residence for millions of microbes. As the intricacies of the GI microbial milieu continue to unfold, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the interactions between host, parasite, and resident microbes help dictate parasite survival and, ultimately, disease outcomes. Across both clinical and experimental models, intestinal parasites have been shown to impact microbial composition and diversity. Reciprocally, microbes can directly influence parasitic survival, colonization and expulsion. The gut microbiota can also indirectly impact parasites through the influence and manipulation of the host. Studying this host-parasite-microbiota axis may help bring about novel therapeutic strategies for intestinal parasitic infection as well as conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this review, we explore the relationship between intestinal parasites, with a particular focus on common protozoa and helminths, and the gut microbiota, and how these interactions can influence the host defence and intestinal immune response. We will also explore the impact of this tripartite relationship in a clinical setting and its broader implications for human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although previous studies have characterized the helminth fauna of wild boars kept in captivity in Brazil, records on these helminths in free-ranging animals are still scarce. In view of this, we aimed in our work to investigate the occurrence and morphological and morphometric characteristics of gastrointestinal helminths in wild Sus scrofa from the northwest region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The digestive systems of 10 animals (5 males and 5 females of different ages) were used in this study. Each anatomical segment was washed and sieved under running water, and the helminths were separated and identified using light and scanning electron microscopy, according to their morphological characteristics. A total of 2750 (1152 males and 1598 females) nematode specimens were collected from the small intestine of these wild boars, and all of them presented the morphological characteristics of Globocephalus urosubulatus. However, one characteristic is of particular interest because it has not yet been reported in the literature: a marked asymmetry between the lobes and their respective rays of the copulatory bursa, with the left one being larger than the right one. In this research, we identified the presence of G. urosubulatus in all the examined free-ranging wild boars and reported for the first time in the literature the asymmetry in the copulatory bursa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rodents act as reservoirs, intermediate hosts, or definitive hosts for various zoonotic helminths. Parasitic diseases are among the critical factors affecting the survival and composition of wild rodent populations. Wild rodents share their habitat with domestic free-grazing animals, mainly sheep, stray dogs, and cats, which allows the transmission of helminth infections, such as Toxocara and Trichinella, to these animals. This study investigated the helminth parasite fauna of wild rodents in East Azerbaijan province, north-western Iran, and discussed the possibility of parasite transmission among wild rodents. A total of 204 rodents of 17 different species (spp.) were collected in north-western Iran. Information about the genus, developmental stage, and rodent spp. was recorded for each animal. The gastrointestinal tract, liver, and diaphragm were examined for the presence of helminths. The recovered specimens were identified based on references. The prevalence rate of helminth infection among the captured rodents was 67.16%. Meriones persicus (M. persicus) showed the highest infection and diversity rates. This spp. harbored the zoonotic helminth Capillaria hepatica and some spp. belonging to the genera Toxocara, Syphacia, and Hymenolepis. M. persicus specimens from mountainous areas showed the highest infection rate. This study aimed at evaluating the potential role of wild rodent spp. as reservoirs of helminth infection in East Azerbaijan province, Iran. M. persicus was the most common spp. in our study and represented a higher proportion of the infected rodents in terms of helminth diversity and frequency. Harboring zoonotic helminths, M. persicus represents a health risk. Further studies are recommended to evaluate the prevalence of these parasites in the human community and inform people concerned about the risk of disease transmission to humans through rodents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disseminated leishmaniasis is an emerging clinical form of Leishmania braziliensis infection. Evidence shows that co-infection by L. braziliensis and intestinal helminths does not affect clinical manifestations or response to therapy in cutaneous leishmaniasis patients. We evaluated whether co-infection was associated with those aspects in disseminated leishmaniasis patients in Brazil.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nematodes of the Onchocercidae family, such as Pelecitus spp., are filarial parasites of medical and veterinary importance. Although infections are widely distributed among avian species, only 2 cases of human Pelecitus ocular infection, both in South America, have been reported. We describe a 61-year-old man in northeast Thailand diagnosed with an ocular infection. Morphologic characteristics suggested the causative agent was a female Pelecitus nematode: coiled body, rounded anterior and posterior extremities, a distinct preesophageal cuticular ring, lateral alae, a postdeirid, and a protuberant vulva. Sequences of the 12S rDNA gene indicated 95%-96% identity and cox1 gene 92%-96% identity with published P. copsychi sequences. P-distance for cox1 sequences between the causative agent and P. copsychi was 6.71%. Phylogenetic trees of 12S rDNA and cox1 genes indicated the species differed from but is closely associated with P. copsychi. Healthcare providers should be aware of the threat of ocular infection from Pelecitus spp. nematodes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Italy, pig breeding is characterised by intensive farms in which parasitic diseases often present a subclinical pattern, while being responsible for decreased animal welfare and great economic losses. The present study aimed to assess the prevalence of major parasites in pigs, and, for this purpose, 880 faecal samples of fattening pigs raised in 22 intensive farms located in northern Italy were collected in two different sampling sessions, at the beginning and end of the fattening cycle. For the detection of helminth eggs and coccidian oocysts, a quantitative flotation technique was used, whereas a conventional PCR was performed to confirm the identification of cestode eggs found by copromicroscopic analysis. Moreover, data regarding herd management were collected to assess risk factors for parasite occurrence. A total of 95 samples were positive for at least one parasitic taxon (10.8%); the most detected parasite was Ascaris suum (7.6%), followed by Trichuris suis (1.7%) and Cystoisospora suis (0.9%). Further, eggs with morphometric features compatible with those of Hymenolepis diminuta were detected in 16 samples (1.8%), and the analysis of sequences confirmed the identification of cestode eggs. Statistical analysis showed that large farms and those applying the all-in/all-out system were associated with a lower risk of nematode infection. This study provided data on prevalence and burden of gastrointestinal parasites in two different times of the fattening cycle. It was evidenced that endoparasites are persistent, albeit with low prevalences, and would need specific measures to reduce their effects on both animal health and productivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This paper documents changes in the prevalence and intensity of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections in the Geshiyaro project in the Wolaita zone of Southern Ethiopia.
    METHODS: The Geshiyaro project comprises three intervention arms. Arm 1 is subdivided into the Arm 1 pilot (one district) and Arm 1 (four other districts), both receiving integrated community-wide mass drug administration MDA (cMDA) with intensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) interventions. Arm 2 involves 18 districts with cMDA interventions plus the existing government-led One WaSH program, while Arm 3 serves as a control with school-based MDA (sMDA) interventions plus the existing government-led One WaSH program in three districts. The study is designed as a cohort investigation over time, with the establishment of longitudinal sentinel sites where infection levels are assessed annually. A total of 45 longitudinal parasitological surveillance sentinel sites are being used across all three intervention arms to monitor STH prevalence and intensity of infection. From each of the 45 sentinel sites, 150 individuals were randomly selected, stratified by age and gender. The t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were employed to compare infection prevalence and intensity across the three study arms over time.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of STH decreased significantly from 34.5% (30.6%, 38.5%) in 2019 to 10.6% (8.3%, 13.4%) in 2022/2023 (df = 1, P < 0.0001) in the Arm 1 pilot, from 27.4% (25.2%, 29.7%) in 2020 to 5.5% (4.4%, 6.7%) in 2023 (df = 1, P < 0.0001) in Arm 1, from 23% (21.3%, 24.8%) in 2020 to 4.5% (3.7%, 5.3%) in 2023 (df = 1, P < 0.001) in Arm 2, and from 49.6% (47.4%, 51.7%) in 2021 to 26.1% in 2023 (df = 1, P < 0.0001) in Arm 3. The relative reduction in the prevalence of any STH was the highest in the arms employing cMDA, namely Arm 2, with a decrease of 82.5% (79.3%, 84.2%), followed by Arm 1 with a reduction of 80.1% (75.3%, 84.6%), and then the Arm 1 pilot with a decrease of 69.4% (60.1%. 76.6%). Arm 3 employing sMDA had the lowest decrease, with a reduction of 46.9% (43.6%, 51%). The mean intensity of infection (based on Kato-Katz egg count measures) for Ascaris lumbricoides species, which was the dominant STH species present in the study area, decreased significantly in Arms 1 and 2, but only slightly in Arm 3. The prevalence of hookworm and Trichuris trichiura infections were found to be very low in all arms but also decreased significantly.
    CONCLUSIONS: The reduction in the prevalence and intensity of STH in Arms 1 and 2 revealed steady progress towards transmission interruption based on cMDA intervention, but additional efforts with MDA coverage and WaSH interventions are needed to achieve a prevalence threshold < 2% based on the quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) diagnostic method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as key intercellular communication and pathogenesis mediators. Parasitic organisms\' helminths, cause widespread infections with significant health impacts worldwide. Recent research has shed light on the role of EVs in the lifecycle, immune evasion, and disease progression of these parasitic organisms. These tiny membrane-bound organelles including microvesicles and exosomes, facilitate the transfer of proteins, lipids, mRNAs, and microRNAs between cells. EVs have been isolated from various bodily fluids, offering a potential diagnostic and therapeutic avenue for combating infectious agents. According to recent research, EVs from helminths hold great promise in the diagnosis of parasitic infections due to their specificity, early detection capabilities, accessibility, and the potential for staging and monitoring infections, promote intercellular communication, and are a viable therapeutic tool for the treatment of infectious agents. Exploring host-parasite interactions has identified promising new targets for diagnostic, therapy, and vaccine development against helminths. This literature review delves into EVS\'s origin, nature, biogenesis, and composition in these parasitic organisms. It also highlights the proteins and miRNAs involved in EV release, providing a comprehensive summary of the latest findings on the significance of EVs in the biology of helminths, promising targets for therapeutic and diagnostic biomarkers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Neotropical freshwater stingrays of Potamotrygon genus present a unique and complex natural history and biogeographical pattern that can be traced to a marine origin and the colonization of the continental environment during the Miocene. During the evolution of potamotrygonids, several species of the parasitic fauna coevolved and co-opted concomitantly to their hosts during the colonization of the new environments. One striking example can be observed during the colonization of the upper Paraná River region. However, few studies explored the ecological and taxonomic aspects of potamotrygonid parasites. In this work, we investigate aspects of the ecology and taxonomy of the species of Monogenea and Cestoda that are parasites the species of freshwater stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon in the upper Paraná River. Our results indicate that at least six species of parasites are present in potamotrygonids in the region. Two of the observed parasites are putative new species and three of the parasitic species were identified for the first time in the region, hence expanding their geographic distributions. We quantified ecological aspects at different levels of communities for the collected parasite species. We compared the diversity in different locations and hosts and performed an exploratory analysis to investigate the differences in parasite abundance. Additionally, an identification key for the Monogenea and Cestoda species of the sampled region is provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) is a protected species in Kazakhstan. Little is known about the parasitofauna of these mammals. Therefore, the focus of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and species diversity of Eimeria spp. infection in the Volga-Ural Saiga antelope population. In June 2023, 104 Saiga antelope fecal samples collected from the district of Zhanibek, located in the province of West Kazakhstan were evaluated using microscopic and molecular techniques. Based on coprovoscopy results, Eimeria spp. Oocysts were present in 22 samples (21%). The four fecal samples containing the largest numbers of Eimeria spp. Oocysts per 10x field were selected for further genetic analysis. DNA extraction, nested PCR amplification, and sequencing were performed on 91 clones, with 80 clones forming a distinct clade and exhibiting genetic similarity to MT801034 Eimeria sp. Voucher HY3. These clones possibly represent an Eimeria specific to Saiga antelopes and gazelle that has previously been morphologically described as Eimeria elegans (Svanbaev, 1979), underscoring the importance of further research into parasitic infections in this protected species.





