
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The delineation of cortical areas on magnetic resonance images (MRI) is important for understanding the complexities of the developing human brain. The previous version of the Melbourne Children\'s Regional Infant Brain (M-CRIB-S) (Adamson et al. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 10, 2020) is a software package that performs whole-brain segmentation, cortical surface extraction and parcellation of the neonatal brain. Available cortical parcellation schemes in the M-CRIB-S are the adult-compatible 34- and 31-region per hemisphere Desikan-Killiany (DK) and Desikan-Killiany-Tourville (DKT), respectively. We present a major update to the software package which achieves two aims: 1) to make the voxel-based segmentation outputs derived from the Freesurfer-compatible M-CRIB scheme, and 2) to improve the accuracy of whole-brain segmentation and cortical surface extraction. Cortical surface extraction has been improved with additional steps to improve penetration of the inner surface into thin gyri. The improved cortical surface extraction is shown to increase the robustness of measures such as surface area, cortical thickness, and cortical volume.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the term sulcus is known for almost four centuries, its formal, precise, consistent, constructive, and quantitative definition is practically lacking. As the cerebral sulci (and gyri) are vital in cortical anatomy which, in turn, is central in neuroeducation and neuroimage processing, a new sulcus definition is needed. The contribution of this work is threefold, namely to (1) propose a new, morphology-based definition of the term sulcus (and consequently that of gyrus), (2) formulate a constructive method for sulcus calculation, and (3) provide a novel way for the presentation of sulci. The sulcus is defined here as a volumetric region on the cortical mantle between adjacent gyri separated from them at the levels of their gyral white matter crest lines. Consequently, the sulcal inner surface is demarcated by the crest lines of the gyral white matter of its adjacent gyri. Correspondingly, the gyrus is defined as a volumetric region on the cortical mantle separated from its adjacent sulci at the level of its gyral white matter crest line. This volumetric sulcus definition is conceptually simple, anatomy-based, educationally friendly, quantitative, and constructive. Considering the sulcus as a volumetric object is a major differentiation from other works. Based on the introduced sulcus definition, a method for volumetric sulcus construction is proposed in two, conceptually straightforward, steps, namely, sulcal intersection formation followed by its propagation which steps are to be repeated for every sulcal segment. These sulcal and gyral constructions can be automated by applying existing methods and public tools. As a volumetric sulcus forms an imprint into the white matter, this enables prominent sulcus presentation. Since this type of presentation is novel yet unfamiliar to the reader, also a dual surface presentation was proposed here by employing the spatially co-registered white matter and cortical surfaces. The results were presented as dual surface labeled sulci on eight standard orthogonal views, anterior, left lateral, posterior, right lateral, superior, inferior, medial left, and medial right by using a 3D brain atlas. Moreover, additional 108 labeled images were created with sulcus-oriented views for 27 individual left and right sulci forming 54 dual white matter-cortical surface images strengthening in this way the educational value of the proposed approach. These images were included for public use in the NOWinBRAIN neuroimage repository with over 7700 3D images available at The results demonstrated the superiority of white matter surface sulci presentation over the standard cortical surface and cross-sectional presentations in terms of sulcal course, continuity, size, shape, width, depth, side branches, and pattern. To my best knowledge, this is the first work ever presenting the labeling of sulci on all cerebral white matter surfaces as well as on dual white matter-cortical surfaces. Additionally to neuroeducation, three other applications of the proposed approach were discussed, sulcal reference maps, sulcus quantification in terms of new parameters introduced here (sulcal volume, wall skewness, and the number of white matter basins), and an atlas-assisted tool for exploration and studying of cerebral sulci and gyri .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cortical thickness varies throughout the cortex in a systematic way. However, it is challenging to investigate the patterns of cortical thickness due to the intricate geometry of the cortex. The cortex has a folded nature both in radial and tangential directions which forms not only gyri and sulci but also tangential folds and intersections. In this article, cortical curvature and depth are used to characterize the spatial distribution of the cortical thickness with much higher resolution than conventional regional atlases. To do this, a computational pipeline was developed that is capable of calculating a variety of quantitative measures such as surface area, cortical thickness, curvature (mean curvature, Gaussian curvature, shape index, intrinsic curvature index, and folding index), and sulcal depth. By analyzing 501 neurotypical adult human subjects from the ABIDE-I dataset, we show that cortex has a very organized structure and cortical thickness is strongly correlated with local shape. Our results indicate that cortical thickness consistently increases along the gyral-sulcal spectrum from concave to convex shape, encompassing the saddle shape along the way. Additionally, tangential folds influence cortical thickness in a similar way as gyral and sulcal folds; outer folds are consistently thicker than inner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: During the surgery for intrinsic brain lesions, it is important to plan the proper site of the craniotomy and to identify the relations with the gyri and superficial veins. This might be a challenge, especially in small subcortical lesions and when there is a distortion of the cortical anatomy.
    UNASSIGNED: Using the free computer software Osirix, we have created a 3-dimensional reconstruction of the head and cerebral showing the gyri and superficial veins. With the aid of some tools, it is possible to create a colored image of the lesion and also to calculate the distance between the areas of interest and some easily identifiable structure, making it easier to plan the site of the craniotomy identify the topography of the lesion.
    UNASSIGNED: The reconstructions were compared to the intraoperative view. We found this technique to be useful to help identify the gyri and cortical veins and use them to find the lesions. The use of a region of interest to show better the lesion under the cortical surface and in the three-dimensional reconstruction of the head was also helpful.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a low-cost and easy technique that can be quickly learned and performed before every surgery. It helps the surgeon to plan a safe craniotomy and lesionectomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Folds of the cerebral cortex (gyri and sulci) are among the most important properties of the mammalian brain. Uncovering the physiological roles, developmental mechanisms and evolution of the cortical folds would greatly facilitate our understanding of the human brain and its diseases. Although the anatomical features of the cortical folds have been intensively investigated, our knowledge about their molecular bases is still limited. To overcome this limitation, we recently established rapid and efficient genetic manipulation techniques for the brain of gyrencephalic mammal ferrets (Mustela putorius furo). Using these techniques, we successfully uncovered the molecular mechanisms of cortical folding. In this article, I will summarize our recent research on the molecular mechanisms of development and diseases of cortical folding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) syndrome is a mitochondrial disorder often causing progressive brain injury that is not confined to large arterial territories. Severe insults ultimately lead to gyral necrosis affecting the cortex and juxtacortical white matter; the neuroimaging correlate is partial gyral signal suppression on T2/FLAIR sequences that resemble black toenails. We aimed to characterize the imaging features and the natural history of MELAS-related gyral necrosis.
    METHODS: Databases at two children\'s hospitals were searched for brain magnetic resonance imaging studies of individuals with MELAS. Examinations with motion artifact and those lacking T2/FLAIR sequences were excluded. The location, the cumulative number, and the maximum transverse diameter of necrotic gyral lesions were assessed using T2-weighted images and T2/FLAIR sequences. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was employed to evaluate the relationship between disease duration and the number of necrotic lesions.
    RESULTS: One hundred twenty-four examinations from patients with 14 unique MELAS patients (16 ± 3 years) were evaluated. Six of the eight patients who developed brain lesions also developed gyral necroses (mean 13, range 0 to 44). Necrotic lesions varied in maximal diameter from 4 to 25 mm. Cumulative necrotic lesions correlated with disease duration (P < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The black toenail sign signifying gyral necrosis is a common imaging feature in individuals with MELAS syndrome. The extent of gyral necrosis correlates with disease duration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interest in the function of the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) has resulted in increased understanding of its involvement in visuospatial and cognitive functioning, and its role in semantic networks. A basic understanding of the nuanced white-matter anatomy in this region may be useful in improving outcomes when operating in this region of the brain. We sought to derive the surgical relationship between the IPL and underlying major white-matter bundles by characterizing macroscopic connectivity.
    Data of 10 healthy adult controls from the Human Connectome Project were used for tractography analysis. All IPL connections were mapped in both hemispheres, and distances were recorded between cortical landmarks and major tracts. Ten postmortem dissections were then performed using a modified Klingler technique to serve as ground truth.
    We identified three major types of connections of the IPL. (1) Short association fibers connect the supramarginal and angular gyri, and connect both of these gyri to the superior parietal lobule. (2) Fiber bundles from the IPL connect to the frontal lobe by joining the superior longitudinal fasciculus near the termination of the Sylvian fissure. (3) Fiber bundles from the IPL connect to the temporal lobe by joining the middle longitudinal fasciculus just inferior to the margin of the superior temporal sulcus.
    We present a summary of the relevant anatomy of the IPL as part of a larger effort to understand the anatomic connections of related networks. This study highlights the principle white-matter pathways and highlights key underlying connections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A high replicability in region-of-interest (ROI) morphometric or ROI-based connectivity analyses is essential for such methods to provide biomarkers of good health or disease. In this article, we focus on package design, and more specifically on cortical parcellation protocols, for novel insight into their contribution to inter-package differences. A critical analysis of cortical parcellation protocols from FreeSurfer, BrainSuite, BrainVISA and BrainGyrusMapping revealed major limitations. Details of reference populations are generally missing, cortical variability is not always explicitly accounted for and, more importantly, definition of gyral borders can be inconsistent. We recommend that in the package selection process end users incorporate protocol suitability for the ROIs under investigation, with these particular points in mind, as inter-package differences are likely to be significant and the source of incompatibility between studies\' results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to quantitatively clarify differences in laminar structure and myeloarchitecture of sulcal and gyral regions of the cerebral cortex of ferrets. Histological sections of cerebrum from male and female ferrets at postnatal day 90 were made at the coronal plane, and were immunostained with anti-NeuN or anti-myelin basic protein (MBP). Thickness was estimated in the entire depth or three strata, that is, layer I, outer (layers II-III) and inner (layers IV-VI) strata of the neocortex in representative five sulcal and seven gyral regions. As with the entire cortical depth, outer and inner strata were significantly thinner in the sulcal bottoms than in the gyral crowns, whereas layer I had about twofold greater thickness in the sulcal bottoms. However, thicknesses of the entire cortical depth and each cortical stratum were not statistically different among five sulcal regions or seven gyral regions examined. By MBP immunostaining, myelin fibers ran tangentially through the superficial regions of layer I in gyral crowns. Those fibers were relatively denser in gyri of frontal and temporal regions, and relatively sparse in gyri of parietal and occipital regions, although their density in any gyri was not different between sexes. These results show a differential laminar structure and myeloarchitecture between the sulcal and gyral regions of the ferret cerebral cortex present in both sexes. Myelination of layer I tangential fibers varied among primary gyri and was weaker in phylogenetically higher-order cortical gyri. Anat Rec, 299:1003-1011, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The central lobe consists of the pre- and postcentral gyri on the lateral surface and the paracentral lobule on the medial surface and corresponds to the sensorimotor cortex. The objective of the present study was to define the neural features, craniometric relationships, arterial supply, and venous drainage of the central lobe.
    METHODS: Cadaveric hemispheres dissected using microsurgical techniques provided the material for this study.
    RESULTS: The coronal suture is closer to the precentral gyrus and central sulcus at its lower rather than at its upper end, but they are closest at a point near where the superior temporal line crosses the coronal suture. The arterial supply of the lower two-thirds of the lateral surface of the central lobe was from the central, precentral, and anterior parietal branches that arose predominantly from the superior trunk of the middle cerebral artery. The medial surface and the superior third of the lateral surface were supplied by the posterior interior frontal, paracentral, and superior parietal branches of the pericallosal and callosomarginal arteries. The venous drainage of the superior two-thirds of the lateral surface and the central lobe on the medial surface was predominantly through the superior sagittal sinus, and the inferior third of the lateral surface was predominantly through the superficial sylvian veins to the sphenoparietal sinus or the vein of Labbé to the transverse sinus.
    CONCLUSIONS: The pre- and postcentral gyri and paracentral lobule have a morphological and functional anatomy that differentiates them from the remainder of their respective lobes and are considered by many as a single lobe. An understanding of the anatomical relationships of the central lobe can be useful in preoperative planning and in establishing reliable intraoperative landmarks.





