glutamine synthetase

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asparagine and glutamine depletion operated by the drug Asparaginase (ASNase) has revolutionized therapy in pediatric patients affected by Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), bringing remissions to a remarkable 90 % of cases. However, the knowledge of the proproliferative role of asparagine in adult and solid tumors is still limited. We have here analyzed the effect of ASNase on three adenocarcinoma cell lines (A549, lung adenocarcinoma, MCF-7, breast cancer, and 786-O, kidney cancer). In contrast to MCF-7 cells, 786-O and A549 cells proved to be a relevant target for cell cycle perturbation by asparagine and glutamine shortage. Indeed, when the cell-cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry, A549 showed a canonical response to asparaginase, 786-O cells, instead, showed a reduction of the percentage of cells in the G1 phase and an increase of those in the S-phase. Despite an increased number of PCNA and RPA70 positive nuclear foci, BrdU and EdU incorporation was absent or strongly delayed in treated 786-O cells, thus indicating a readiness of replication forks unmatched by DNA synthesis. In 786-O asparagine synthetase was reduced following treatment and glutamine synthetase was totally absent. Interestingly, DNA synthesis could be recovered by adding Gln to the medium. MCF-7 cells showed no significant changes in the cell cycle phases, in DNA-bound PCNA and in total PCNA, but a significant increase in ASNS and GS mRNA and protein expression. The collected data suggest that the effect observed on 786-O cells following ASNase treatment could rely on mechanisms which differ from those well-known and described for leukemic blasts, consisting of a complete block in the G1/S transition in proliferating cells and on an increase on non-proliferative (G0) blasts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    1-Naphthylamine (1NA), which is harmful to human and aquatic animals, has been used widely in the manufacturing of dyes, pesticides, and rubber antioxidants. Nevertheless, little is known about its environmental behavior and no bacteria have been reported to use it as the growth substrate. Herein, we describe a pathway for 1NA degradation in the isolate Pseudomonas sp. strain JS3066, determine the structure and mechanism of the enzyme NpaA1 that catalyzes the initial reaction, and reveal how the pathway evolved. From genetic and enzymatic analysis, a five gene-cluster encoding a dioxygenase system was determined to be responsible for the initial steps in 1NA degradation through glutamylation of 1NA. The γ-glutamylated 1NA was subsequently oxidized to 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene which was further degraded by the well-established pathway of naphthalene degradation via catechol. A glutamine synthetase-like (GS-like) enzyme (NpaA1) initiates 1NA glutamylation, and this enzyme exhibits a broad substrate selectivity toward a variety of anilines and naphthylamine derivatives. Structural analysis revealed that the aromatic residues in the 1NA entry tunnel and the V201 site in the large substrate-binding pocket significantly influence NpaA1\'s substrate preferences. The findings enhance understanding of degrading polycyclic aromatic amines, and will also enable the application of bioremediation at naphthylamine contaminated sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Glutamine synthetase (GS), glutamate synthase (GOGAT), and nitrate reductase (NR) are key enzymes involved in nitrogen assimilation and metabolism in plants. However, the systematic analysis of these gene families lacked reports in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), one of the most important crops worldwide.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, we performed genome-wide identification and characterization of GS, GOGAT, and NR genes in soybean under abiotic and nitrogen stress conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified a total of 10 GS genes, six GOGAT genes, and four NR genes in the soybean genome. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of multiple isoforms for each gene family, indicating their functional diversification. The distribution of these genes on soybean chromosomes was uneven, with segmental duplication events contributing to their expansion. Within the nitrogen assimilation genes (NAGs) group, there was uniformity in the exon-intron structure and the presence of conserved motifs in NAGs. Furthermore, analysis of cis-elements in NAG promoters indicated complex regulation of their expression. RT-qPCR analysis of seven soybean NAGs under various abiotic stresses, including nitrogen deficiency, drought-nitrogen, and salinity, revealed distinct regulatory patterns. Most NAGs exhibited up-regulation under nitrogen stress, while diverse expression patterns were observed under salt and drought-nitrogen stress, indicating their crucial role in nitrogen assimilation and abiotic stress tolerance. These findings offer valuable insights into the genomic organization and expression profiles of GS, GOGAT, and NR genes in soybean under nitrogen and abiotic stress conditions. The results have potential applications in the development of stress-resistant soybean varieties through genetic engineering and breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glutamine synthetase (GS) is a key enzyme involved in nitrogen metabolism. GS can be divided into cytosolic and plastidic subtypes and has been reported to respond to various biotic and abiotic stresses. However, little research has been reported on the function of GS in mulberry. In this study, the full length of MaGS2 was cloned, resulting in 1302 bp encoding 433 amino acid residues. MaGS2 carried the typical GS2 motifs and clustered with plastidic-subtype GSs in the phylogenetic analysis. MaGS2 localized in chloroplasts, demonstrating that MaGS2 is a plastidic GS. The expression profile showed that MaGS2 is highly expressed in sclerotiniose pathogen-infected fruit and sclerotiniose-resistant fruit, demonstrating that MaGS2 is associated with the response to sclerotiniose in mulberry. Furthermore, the overexpression of MaGS2 in tobacco decreased the resistance against Ciboria shiraiana, and the knockdown of MaGS2 in mulberry by VIGS increased the resistance against C. shiraiana, demonstrating the role of MaGS2 as a negative regulator of mulberry resistance to C. shiraiana infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central nervous system of Pacific salmon retains signs of embryonic structure throughout life and a large number of neuroepithelial neural stem cells (NSCs) in the proliferative areas of the brain, in particular. However, the adult nervous system and neurogenesis studies on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, are limited. Here, we studied the localization of glutamine synthetase (GS), vimentin (Vim), and nestin (Nes), as well as the neurons formed in the postembryonic period, labeled with doublecortin (DC), under conditions of homeostatic growth in adult cerebellum and brainstem of Oncorhynchus mykiss using immunohistochemical methods and Western Immunoblotting. We observed that the distribution of vimentin (Vim), nestin (Nes), and glutamine synthetase (GS), which are found in the aNSPCs of both embryonic types (neuroepithelial cells) and in the adult type (radial glia) in the cerebellum and the brainstem of trout, has certain features. Populations of the adult neural stem/progenitor cells (aNSPCs) expressing GS, Vim, and Nes have different morphologies, localizations, and patterns of cluster formation in the trout cerebellum and brainstem, which indicates the morphological and, obviously, functional heterogeneity of these cells. Immunolabeling of PCNA revealed areas in the cerebellum and brainstem of rainbow trout containing proliferating cells which coincide with areas expressing Vim, Nes, and GS. Double immunolabeling revealed the PCNA/GS PCNA/Vim coexpression patterns in the neuroepithelial-type cells in the PVZ of the brainstem. PCNA/GS coexpression in the RG was detected in the submarginal zone of the brainstem. The results of immunohistochemical study of the DC distribution in the cerebellum and brainstem of trout have showed a high level of expression of this marker in various cell populations. This may indicate: (i) high production of the adult-born neurons in the cerebellum and brainstem of adult trout, (ii) high plasticity of neurons in the cerebellum and brainstem of trout. We assume that the source of new cells in the trout brain, along with PVZ and SMZ, containing proliferating cells, may be local neurogenic niches containing the PCNA-positive and silent (PCNA-negative), but expressing NSC markers, cells. The identification of cells expressing DC, Vim, and Nes in the IX-X cranial nerve nuclei of trout was carried out.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a lack of systematic research exploring cross-species variation in liver lobular geometry and zonation patterns of critical drug-metabolizing enzymes, a knowledge gap essential for translational studies. This study investigated the critical interplay between lobular geometry and key cytochrome P450 (CYP) zonation in four species: mouse, rat, pig, and human. We developed an automated pipeline based on whole slide images (WSI) of hematoxylin-eosin-stained liver sections and immunohistochemistry. This pipeline allows accurate quantification of both lobular geometry and zonation patterns of essential CYP proteins. Our analysis of CYP zonal expression shows that all CYP enzymes (besides CYP2D6 with panlobular expression) were observed in the pericentral region in all species, but with distinct differences. Comparison of normalized gradient intensity shows a high similarity between mice and humans, followed by rats. Specifically, CYP1A2 was expressed throughout the pericentral region in mice and humans, whereas it was restricted to a narrow pericentral rim in rats and showed a panlobular pattern in pigs. Similarly, CYP3A4 is present in the pericentral region, but its extent varies considerably in rats and appears panlobular in pigs. CYP2D6 zonal expression consistently shows a panlobular pattern in all species, although the intensity varies. CYP2E1 zonal expression covered the entire pericentral region with extension into the midzone in all four species, suggesting its potential for further cross-species analysis. Analysis of lobular geometry revealed an increase in lobular size with increasing species size, whereas lobular compactness was similar. Based on our results, zonated CYP expression in mice is most similar to humans. Therefore, mice appear to be the most appropriate species for drug metabolism studies unless larger species are required for other purposes, e.g., surgical reasons. CYP selection should be based on species, with CYP2E1 and CYP2D6 being the most preferable to compare four species. CYP1A2 could be considered as an additional CYP for rodent versus human comparisons, and CYP3A4 for mouse/human comparisons. In conclusion, our image analysis pipeline together with suggestions for species and CYP selection can serve to improve future cross-species and translational drug metabolism studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Glutamine in milk is believed to play an important role in neonatal intestinal maturation and immune function. For lactating mothers, glutamine utilization is increased to meet the demands of the enlarged intestine and milk production. However, the source of such glutamine during lactation has not been studied.
    UNASSIGNED: We aimed to assess the effects of lactation on the expression of glutamine synthetase (GS) in the mammary gland and other tissues of lactating mice.
    UNASSIGNED: Mouse tissues were sampled at 4 time points: 8-wk-old (virgin, control), post-delivery day 5 (PD5, early lactation), PD15 (peak lactation), and involution (4 days after weaning at PD21). We examined the gene expression and protein concentrations of GS and the first 2 enzymes of branched-chain amino acid catabolism: branched-chain aminotransferase 2 (BCAT2) and branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase subunit E1α (BCKDHA).
    UNASSIGNED: The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression and protein concentrations of GS in mammary glands were significantly lower at PD5 and PD15 compared with the control but were restored at involution. Within the mammary gland, GS protein was only detected in adipocytes with no evidence of presence in mammary epithelial cells. Compared with the control, mRNA and protein concentrations of BCAT2 and BCKDHA in mammary glands significantly decreased during lactation and involution. No changes in GS protein concentrations during lactation were found in the liver, skeletal muscle, and lung. In non-mammary adipose tissue, GS protein abundance was higher during lactation compared with the virgin.
    UNASSIGNED: This work shows that, within the mouse mammary gland, GS is only expressed in adipocytes and that the relative GS abundance in mammary gland sections is lower during lactation. This suggests that mammary adipocytes may be a site of glutamine synthesis in the lactating mouse. Identifying the sources of glutamine production during lactation is important for optimizing milk glutamine concentration to enhance neonatal and maternal health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The reprogramming of glutamine metabolism is a key event in cancer more generally and in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in particular. Glutamine consumption supplies tumours with ATP and metabolites through anaplerosis of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, while glutamine production can be enhanced by the overexpression of glutamine synthetase. In HCC, increased glutamine production is driven by activating mutations in the CTNNB1 gene encoding β-catenin. Increased glutamine synthesis or utilisation impacts tumour epigenetics, oxidative stress, autophagy, immunity and associated pathways, such as the mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway. In this review, we will discuss studies which emphasise the pro-tumoral or tumour-suppressive effect of glutamine overproduction. It is clear that more comprehensive studies are needed as a foundation from which to develop suitable therapies targeting glutamine metabolic pathways, depending on the predicted pro- or anti-tumour role of dysregulated glutamine metabolism in distinct genetic contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The enzyme glutamine synthetase (GLN) is mainly responsible for the assimilation and reassimilation of nitrogen (N) in higher plants. Although the GLN gene has been identified in various plants, there is little information about the GLN family in cotton (Gossypium spp.). To elucidate the roles of GLN genes in cotton, we systematically investigated and characterized the GLN gene family across four cotton species (G. raimondii, G. arboreum, G. hirsutum, and G. barbadense). Our analysis encompassed analysis of members, gene structure, cis-element, intragenomic duplication, and exploration of collinear relationships. Gene duplication analysis indicated that segmental duplication was the primary driving force for the expansion of the GhGLN gene family. Transcriptomic and quantitative real-time reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) analyses indicated that the GhGLN1.1a gene is responsive to N induction treatment and several abiotic stresses. The results of virus-induced gene silencing revealed that the accumulation and N use efficiency (NUE) of cotton were affected by the inactivation of GhGLN1.1a. This study comprehensively analyzed the GhGLN genes in Gossypium spp., and provides a new perspective on the functional roles of GhGLN1.1a in regulating NUE in cotton.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studying the properties of neural stem progenitor cells (NSPCs) in a fish model will provide new information about the organization of neurogenic niches containing embryonic and adult neural stem cells, reflecting their development, origin cell lines and proliferative dynamics. Currently, the molecular signatures of these populations in homeostasis and repair in the vertebrate forebrain are being intensively studied. Outside the telencephalon, the regenerative plasticity of NSPCs and their biological significance have not yet been practically studied. The impressive capacity of juvenile salmon to regenerate brain suggests that most NSPCs are likely multipotent, as they are capable of replacing virtually all cell lineages lost during injury, including neuroepithelial cells, radial glia, oligodendrocytes, and neurons. However, the unique regenerative profile of individual cell phenotypes in the diverse niches of brain stem cells remains unclear. Various types of neuronal precursors, as previously shown, are contained in sufficient numbers in different parts of the brain in juvenile Pacific salmon. This review article aims to provide an update on NSPCs in the brain of common models of zebrafish and other fish species, including Pacific salmon, and the involvement of these cells in homeostatic brain growth as well as reparative processes during the postraumatic period. Additionally, new data are presented on the participation of astrocytic glia in the functioning of neural circuits and animal behavior. Thus, from a molecular aspect, zebrafish radial glia cells are seen to be similar to mammalian astrocytes, and can therefore also be referred to as astroglia. However, a question exists as to if zebrafish astroglia cells interact functionally with neurons, in a similar way to their mammalian counterparts. Future studies of this fish will complement those on rodents and provide important information about the cellular and physiological processes underlying astroglial function that modulate neural activity and behavior in animals.





