genomic structural variation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Complex structural variants (SVs) are genomic rearrangements that involve multiple segments of DNA. They contribute to human diversity and have been shown to cause Mendelian disease. Nevertheless, our abilities to analyse complex SVs are very limited. As opposed to deletions and other canonical types of SVs, there are no established tools that have explicitly been designed for analysing complex SVs.
    RESULTS: Here, we describe a new computational approach that we specifically designed for genotyping complex SVs in short-read sequenced genomes. Given a variant description, our approach computes genotype-specific probability distributions for observing aligned read pairs with a wide range of properties. Subsequently, these distributions can be used to efficiently determine the most likely genotype for any set of aligned read pairs observed in a sequenced genome. In addition, we use these distributions to compute a genotyping difficulty for a given variant, which predicts the amount of data needed to achieve a reliable call. Careful evaluation confirms that our approach outperforms other genotypers by making reliable genotype predictions across both simulated and real data. On up to 7829 human genomes, we achieve high concordance with population-genetic assumptions and expected inheritance patterns. On simulated data, we show that precision correlates well with our prediction of genotyping difficulty. This together with low memory and time requirements makes our approach well-suited for application in biomedical studies involving small to very large numbers of short-read sequenced genomes.
    METHODS: Source code is available at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural variants (SVs) significantly contribute to human genome diversity and play a crucial role in precision medicine. Although advancements in single-molecule long-read sequencing offer a groundbreaking resource for SV detection, identifying SV breakpoints and sequences accurately and robustly remains challenging. We introduce VolcanoSV, an innovative hybrid SV detection pipeline that utilizes both a reference genome and local de novo assembly to generate a phased diploid assembly. VolcanoSV uses phased SNPs and unique k-mer similarity analysis, enabling precise haplotype-resolved SV discovery. VolcanoSV is adept at constructing comprehensive genetic maps encompassing SNPs, small indels, and all types of SVs, making it well-suited for human genomics studies. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that VolcanoSV surpasses state-of-the-art assembly-based tools in the detection of insertion and deletion SVs, exhibiting superior recall, precision, F1 scores, and genotype accuracy across a diverse range of datasets, including low-coverage (10x) datasets. VolcanoSV outperforms assembly-based tools in the identification of complex SVs, including translocations, duplications, and inversions, in both simulated and real cancer data. Moreover, VolcanoSV is robust to various evaluation parameters and accurately identifies breakpoints and SV sequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    African swine fever (ASF) is a rapidly fatal viral haemorrhagic fever in Chinese domestic pigs. Although very high mortality is observed in pig farms after an ASF outbreak, clinically healthy and antibody-positive pigs are found in those farms, and viral detection is rare from these pigs. The ability of pigs to resist ASF viral infection may be modulated by host genetic variations. However, the genetic basis of the resistance of domestic pigs against ASF remains unclear. We generated a comprehensive set of structural variations (SVs) in a Chinese indigenous Xiang pig with ASF-resistant (Xiang-R) and ASF-susceptible (Xiang-S) phenotypes using whole-genome resequencing method. A total of 53,589 nonredundant SVs were identified, with an average of 25,656 SVs per individual in the Xiang pig genome, including insertion, deletion, inversion and duplication variations. The Xiang-R group harboured more SVs than the Xiang-S group. The F-statistics (FST) was carried out to reveal genetic differences between two populations using the resequencing data at each SV locus. We identified 2,414 population-stratified SVs and annotated 1,152 Ensembl genes (including 986 protein-coding genes), in which 1,326 SVs might disturb the structure and expression of the Ensembl genes. Those protein-coding genes were mainly enriched in the Wnt, Hippo, and calcium signalling pathways. Other important pathways associated with the ASF viral infection were also identified, such as the endocytosis, apoptosis, focal adhesion, Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis, junction, NOD-like receptor, PI3K-Akt, and c-type lectin receptor signalling pathways. Finally, we identified 135 candidate adaptive genes overlapping 166 SVs that were involved in the virus entry and virus-host cell interactions. The fact that some of population-stratified SVs regions detected as selective sweep signals gave another support for the genetic variations affecting pig resistance against ASF. The research indicates that SVs play an important role in the evolutionary processes of Xiang pig adaptation to ASF infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The identification of structural variants (SVs) in genomic data represents an ongoing challenge because of difficulties in reliable SV calling leading to reduced sensitivity and specificity. We prepared high-quality DNA from 9 parent-child trios, who had previously undergone short-read whole-genome sequencing (Illumina platform) as part of the Genomics England 100,000 Genomes Project. We reanalysed the genomes using both Bionano optical genome mapping (OGM; 8 probands and one trio) and Nanopore long-read sequencing (Oxford Nanopore Technologies [ONT] platform; all samples). To establish a \"truth\" dataset, we asked whether rare proband SV calls (n = 234) made by the Bionano Access (version 1.6.1)/Solve software (version 3.6.1_11162020) could be verified by individual visualisation using the Integrative Genomics Viewer with either or both of the Illumina and ONT raw sequence. Of these, 222 calls were verified, indicating that Bionano OGM calls have high precision (positive predictive value 95%). We then asked what proportion of the 222 true Bionano SVs had been identified by SV callers in the other two datasets. In the Illumina dataset, sensitivity varied according to variant type, being high for deletions (115/134; 86%) but poor for insertions (13/58; 22%). In the ONT dataset, sensitivity was generally poor using the original Sniffles variant caller (48% overall) but improved substantially with use of Sniffles2 (36/40; 90% and 17/23; 74% for deletions and insertions, respectively). In summary, we show that the precision of OGM is very high. In addition, when applying the Sniffles2 caller, the sensitivity of SV calling using ONT long-read sequence data outperforms Illumina sequencing for most SV types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene misexpression is the aberrant transcription of a gene in a context where it is usually inactive. Despite its known pathological consequences in specific rare diseases, we have a limited understanding of its wider prevalence and mechanisms in humans. To address this, we analyzed gene misexpression in 4,568 whole-blood bulk RNA sequencing samples from INTERVAL study blood donors. We found that while individual misexpression events occur rarely, in aggregate they were found in almost all samples and a third of inactive protein-coding genes. Using 2,821 paired whole-genome and RNA sequencing samples, we identified that misexpression events are enriched in cis for rare structural variants. We established putative mechanisms through which a subset of SVs lead to gene misexpression, including transcriptional readthrough, transcript fusions, and gene inversion. Overall, we develop misexpression as a type of transcriptomic outlier analysis and extend our understanding of the variety of mechanisms by which genetic variants can influence gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Structural variation (SV) detection methods using third-generation sequencing data are widely employed, yet accurately detecting SVs remains challenging. Different methods often yield inconsistent results for certain SV types, complicating tool selection and revealing biases in detection.
    RESULTS: This study comprehensively evaluates 53 SV detection pipelines using simulated and real data from PacBio (CLR: Continuous Long Read, CCS: Circular Consensus Sequencing) and Nanopore (ONT) platforms. We assess their performance in detecting various sizes and types of SVs, breakpoint biases, and genotyping accuracy with various sequencing depths. Notably, pipelines such as Minimap2-cuteSV2, NGMLR-SVIM, PBMM2-pbsv, Winnowmap-Sniffles2, and Winnowmap-SVision exhibit comparatively higher recall and precision. Our findings also show that combining multiple pipelines with the same aligner, like pbmm2 or winnowmap, can significantly enhance performance. The individual pipelines\' detailed ranking and performance metrics can be viewed in a dynamic table: .
    CONCLUSIONS: This study comprehensively characterizes the strengths and weaknesses of numerous pipelines, providing valuable insights that can improve SV detection in third-generation sequencing data and inform SV annotation and function prediction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural variation (SV) is an important form of genomic variation that influences gene function and expression by altering the structure of the genome. Although long-read data have been proven to better characterize SVs, SVs detected from noisy long-read data still include a considerable portion of false-positive calls. To accurately detect SVs in long-read data, we present SVDF, a method that employs a learning-based noise filtering strategy and an SV signature-adaptive clustering algorithm, for effectively reducing the likelihood of false-positive events. Benchmarking results from multiple orthogonal experiments demonstrate that, across different sequencing platforms and depths, SVDF achieves higher calling accuracy for each sample compared to several existing general SV calling tools. We believe that, with its meticulous and sensitive SV detection capability, SVDF can bring new opportunities and advancements to cutting-edge genomic research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidy, the result of whole-genome duplication (WGD), is a major driver of eukaryote evolution. Yet WGDs are hugely disruptive mutations, and we still lack a clear understanding of their fitness consequences. Here, we study whether WGDs result in greater diversity of genomic structural variants (SVs) and how they influence evolutionary dynamics in a plant genus, Cochlearia (Brassicaceae). By using long-read sequencing and a graph-based pangenome, we find both negative and positive interactions between WGDs and SVs. Masking of recessive mutations due to WGDs leads to a progressive accumulation of deleterious SVs across four ploidal levels (from diploids to octoploids), likely reducing the adaptive potential of polyploid populations. However, we also discover putative benefits arising from SV accumulation, as more ploidy-specific SVs harbor signals of local adaptation in polyploids than in diploids. Together, our results suggest that SVs play diverse and contrasting roles in the evolutionary trajectories of young polyploids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tibetan sheep were introduced to the Qinghai Tibet plateau roughly 3,000 B.P., making this species a good model for investigating genetic mechanisms of high-altitude adaptation over a relatively short timescale. Here, we characterize genomic structural variants (SVs) that distinguish Tibetan sheep from closely related, low-altitude Hu sheep, and we examine associated changes in tissue-specific gene expression. We document differentiation between the two sheep breeds in frequencies of SVs associated with genes involved in cardiac function and circulation. In Tibetan sheep, we identified high-frequency SVs in a total of 462 genes, including EPAS1, PAPSS2, and PTPRD. Single-cell RNA-Seq data and luciferase reporter assays revealed that the SVs had cis-acting effects on the expression levels of these three genes in specific tissues and cell types. In Tibetan sheep, we identified a high-frequency chromosomal inversion that exhibited modified chromatin architectures relative to the noninverted allele that predominates in Hu sheep. The inversion harbors several genes with altered expression patterns related to heart protection, brown adipocyte proliferation, angiogenesis, and DNA repair. These findings indicate that SVs represent an important source of genetic variation in gene expression and may have contributed to high-altitude adaptation in Tibetan sheep.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The duplication-triplication/inverted-duplication (DUP-TRP/INV-DUP) structure is a complex genomic rearrangement (CGR). Although it has been identified as an important pathogenic DNA mutation signature in genomic disorders and cancer genomes, its architecture remains unresolved. Here, we studied the genomic architecture of DUP-TRP/INV-DUP by investigating the DNA of 24 patients identified by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) on whom we found evidence for the existence of 4 out of 4 predicted structural variant (SV) haplotypes. Using a combination of short-read genome sequencing (GS), long-read GS, optical genome mapping, and single-cell DNA template strand sequencing (strand-seq), the haplotype structure was resolved in 18 samples. The point of template switching in 4 samples was shown to be a segment of ∼2.2-5.5 kb of 100% nucleotide similarity within inverted repeat pairs. These data provide experimental evidence that inverted low-copy repeats act as recombinant substrates. This type of CGR can result in multiple conformers generating diverse SV haplotypes in susceptible dosage-sensitive loci.





