forensic genetics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In forensic genetics, utilizing massively parallel sequencing (MPS) to analyze short tandem repeats (STRs) has demonstrated several advantages compared to conventional capillary electrophoresis (CE). Due to the current technical limitations, although flanking region polymorphisms had been mentioned in several previous studies, most studies focused on the core repeat regions of STRs or the variations in the adjacent flanking regions. In this study, we developed an MPS system consisting of two sets of multiplex PCR systems to detect not only the STR core repeat regions but also to observe variants located at relatively distant positions in the flanking regions. The system contained 42 commonly used forensic STRs, including 21 autosomal STRs (A-STRs) and 21 Y-chromosomal STRs (Y-STRs), and a total of 350 male individuals from a Chinese Han population were genotyped. The length and sequence variants per locus were tallied and categorized based on length (length-based, LB), sequence without flanking region (core repeat regions sequence-based, RSB), and sequence with flanking region (core repeat and flanking regions sequence-based, FSB), respectively. Allele frequencies, Y-haplotype frequencies, and forensic parameters were calculated based on LB, RSB, and FSB, respectively, to evaluate the improvement in discrimination power, heterozygosity, and effectiveness of forensic systems. The results suggested the sequence variations have more influence on A-STRs and could improve the identification ability of MPS-STR genotyping. Concordance between MPS and CE methods was confirmed by using commercial CE-based STR kits. The impact of flanking region variations on STR genotype analysis and potential factors contributing to discordances were discussed. A total of 58 variations in the flanking regions (53 SNPs/SNVs and 5 InDels) were observed and most variations (48/58) were distributed in A-STRs. In summary, this study delved deeper into the genetic information of forensic commonly used STR and advanced the application of massively parallel sequencing in forensic genetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the widespread use of the Y chromosome in genetics, a lot of commercially available Y chromosome kits were developed, validated, and applied to forensic science practice. The AGCU YNFS Y Kit is a new Y chromosome system containing forty-four preferred Y short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) and five common Y-InDels. In this study, the AGCU YNFS Y system was validated to verify its performance by following the guidelines of the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM). A series of validation experiments included the following parameters: PCR-based studies, sensitivity studies, species specificity studies, stability studies, mixture studies, precision studies, stutter calculation, mutation and statistical analysis, population study, and case samples and degradation studies. The results suggested that appropriately changing PCR amplification conditions did not affect genotyping; the kit had good sensitivity for trace amounts of DNA (0.0625 ng), mixtures of multiple male individuals (minor: major = 1: 9), and three PCR inhibitors (more than 250 μM hematin, 250 ng/μL humic acid and 50 ng/μL tannic acid). The maximum standard deviation of allele size did not exceed 0.1552 reflecting the high accuracy of the system. By this, 87 DNA-confirmed pairs of father-son pairs were also analyzed for mutations. A total of 18 loci were mutated, with mutation rates ranging from 11.5×10-3 to 34.5×10-3 (95% CI 7.2×10-3-97.5×10-3, DYS627 and DYF404S1). In the population study, the haplotype diversity of 87 unrelated individuals was 0.9997, and discrimination capacity was 0.9885. Degradation studies have demonstrated that UV-C light exposure for up to 120 hours has no effect on male blood and semen-vaginal secretion mixtures. However, complete typing could no longer be obtained after 48 hours of UV exposure in single male saliva and in male saliva and female blood mixed samples. Collectively, the AGCU YNFS Y Kit is sensitive and accurate and can play its application value in forensic science practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evidential value of an mtDNA match between biological remains and their potential donor is determined by the random match probability of the haplotype. This probability is based on the haplotype\'s population frequency estimate. Consequently, implementing a population study representative of the population relevant to a forensic case is vital to correctly evaluating the evidence. The emerging number of poaching cases and the limited availability of such data emphasizes the need for an improved fallow deer mtDNA population databank for forensic purposes, including targeting the entire mitochondrial control region. By sequencing a 945-base-pair-long segment of the mitochondrial control region in 138 animals from five populations in Hungary, we found four different haplotypes, including one which had not yet been described. Our results, supplemented with data already available from previous research, do not support the possibility of determining the population of origin, although some patterns of geographical separation can be distinguished. Estimates of molecular diversity indicate similarly low mtDNA diversity (Hd = 0.565 and π = 0.002) compared to data from other countries. The calculated random match probability of 0.547 shows a high probability of coincidence and, therefore, a limited capacity for exclusion. Our results indicate that despite the overall low genetic diversity of mtDNA within the Hungarian fallow deer samples, a pattern of differentiation among the regions is present, which can have relevance from a forensic point of view.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although guidelines exist for identifying mixtures, these measures often occur at the end-point of analysis and are protracted. To facilitate early mixture detection, we integrated a high-resolution melt (HRM) mixture screening assay into the qPCR step of the forensic workflow, producing the integrated QuantifilerTM Trio-HRM assay. The assay, when coupled with a prediction tool, allowed for 75.0% accurate identification of the contributor status of a sample (single source vs. mixture). To elucidate the limitations of the developed qPCR-HRM assay, developmental validation studies were conducted assessing the reproducibility and samples with varying DNA ratios, contributors, and quality. From this work, it was determined that the integrated QuantifilerTM Trio-HRM assay is capable of accurately identifying mixtures with up to five contributors and mixtures at ratios up to 1:100. Further, the optimal performance concentration range was found to be between 0.025 and 0.5 ng/µL. With these results, evidentiary-like DNA samples were then analyzed, resulting in 100.0% of the mixture samples being accurately identified; furthermore, every time a sample was predicted as a single source, it was true, giving confidence to any single-source calls. Overall, the integrated QuantifilerTM Trio-HRM assay has exhibited an enhanced ability to discern mixture samples from single-source samples at the qPCR stage under commonly observed conditions regardless of the contributor\'s sex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The quantification of human DNA extracts from forensic samples plays a key role in the forensic genetics process, ensuring maximum efficiency and avoiding repeated analyses, over-amplified samples, or unnecessary examinations. In our laboratory, we use the Quantifiler® Trio system to quantify DNA extracts from a wide range of samples extracted from traces (bloodstains, saliva, semen, tissues, etc.), including swabs from touched objects, which are very numerous in the forensic context. This method has been extensively used continuously for nine years, following an initial validation process, and is part of the ISO/IEC 17025 accredited method. In routine practice, based on the quantitative values determined from the extracts of each trace, we use a standard method or a low-copy-number method that involves repeating the amplification with the generation of a consensus genetic profile. Nowadays, when the quantification results are less than 0.003 ng/μL in the minimum extraction volume (40 μL), we do not proceed with the DNA extract analysis. By verifying the limits of the method, we make a conscious cost-benefit choice, in particular by using the least amount of DNA needed to obtain sufficiently robust genetic profiles appropriate for submission to the Italian DNA Forensic Database. In this work, we present a critical re-evaluation of this phase of the method, which is based on the use of standard curves obtained from the average values of the control DNA analysed in duplicate. Considering the various contributions to uncertainty that are difficult to measure, such as manual pipetting or analytical phases carried out by different operators, we have decided to thoroughly investigate the contribution of variability in the preparation of calibration curves to the final results. Thus, 757 samples from 20 independent experiments were re-evaluated using two different standards for the construction of curves, determining the quantitative differences between the two methods. The experiments also determined the parameters of the slope, Y-intercept, R2, and the values of the synthetic control probe to verify how these parameters can provide information on the final outcome of each analysis. The outcome of this revalidation demonstrated that it is preferable to use quantification ranges rather than exact quantitative limits before deciding how to analyse the extracts via PCR or forgoing the determination of profiles. Additionally, we present some preliminary data related to the analysis of samples that would not have been analysed based on the initial validation, from which genetic profiles were obtained after applying a concentration method to the extracts. Our goal is to improve the accredited analytical method, with a careful risk assessment as indicated by accreditation standards, ensuring that no source of evidence is lost in the reconstruction of a criminal event.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA quantification is a crucial step in the STR typing workflow for human identification purposes. Given the reaction\'s nature, qPCR assays may be subjected to the same stochastic effects of traditional PCR for low-input concentrations. The study aims to evaluate the precision of the PowerQuant® (Promega) kit assay measurements and the degree of variability for DNA templates falling below the optimal threshold of the PowerPlex® ESX-17 Fast STR typing kit (Promega). Five three-fold dilutions of the 2800 M control DNA (Promega) were set up. Each dilution (concentrations: 0.05, 0.0167, 0.0055, 0.00185, and 0.000617 ng/µL) was quantified and amplified in four replicates. Variability for qPCR results, STR profile completeness, and EPGs\' peak height were evaluated. The qPCR-estimated concentration of casework samples was correlated with profile completeness and peak intensity, to assess the predictive value of qPCR results for the successful STR typing of scarce samples. qPCR was subjected to stochastic effects, of which the degree was inversely proportional to the initial input template. Quantitation results and the STR profile\'s characteristics were strongly correlated. Due to the intrinsic nature of real casework samples, a qPCR-derived DNA concentration threshold for correctly identifying probative STR profiles may be difficult to establish. Quantitation data may be useful in interpreting and corroborating STR typing results and for clearly illustrating them to the stakeholders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bones and teeth represent a common finding in ancient DNA studies and in forensic casework, even after a long burial. Genetic typing is the gold standard for the personal identification of skeletal remains, but there are two main factors involved in the successful DNA typing of such samples: (1) the set-up of an efficient DNA extraction method; (2) the identification of the most suitable skeletal element for the downstream genetic analyses. In this paper, a protocol based on the processing of 0.5 g of bone powder decalcified using Na2EDTA proved to be suitable for a semi-automated DNA extraction workflow using the Maxwell® FSC DNA IQ™ Casework Kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). The performance of this method in terms of DNA recovery and quality was compared with a full demineralisation extraction protocol based on Qiagen technology and kits. No statistically significant differences were scored according to the DNA recovery and DNA degradation index (p-values ≥ 0.176; r ≥ 0.907). This new DNA extraction protocol was applied to 88 bone samples (41 femurs, 19 petrous bones, 12 metacarpals and 16 molars) allegedly belonging to 27 World War II Italian soldiers found in a mass grave on the isle of Cres (Croatia). The results of the qPCR performed by the Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification kit showed values above the lowest Limit of Quantification (lLOQ; 23 pg/µL) for all petrous bones, whereas other bone types showed, in most cases, lower amounts of DNA. Replicate STR-CE analyses showed successful typing (that is, >12 markers) in all tests on the petrous bones, followed by the metacarpals (83.3%), femurs (52.2%) and teeth (20.0%). Full profiles (22/22 autosomal markers) were achieved mainly in the petrous bones (84.2%), followed by the metacarpals (41.7%). Stochastic amplification artefacts such as drop-outs or drop-ins occurred with a frequency of 1.9% in the petrous bones, whereas they were higher when the DNA recovered from other bone elements was amplified (up to 13.9% in the femurs). Overall, the results of this study confirm that petrous bone outperforms other bone elements in terms of the quantity and quality of the recovered DNA; for this reason, if available, it should always be preferred for genetic testing. In addition, our results highlight the need for accurate planning of the DVI operation, which should be carried out by a multi-disciplinary team, and the tricky issue of identifying other suitable skeletal elements for genetic testing. Overall, the results presented in this paper support the need to adopt preanalytical strategies positively related to the successful genetic testing of aged skeletal remains in order to reduce costs and the time of analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kinship analysis is a crucial aspect of forensic genetics. This study analyzed 1,222 publications on kinship analysis from 1960 to 2023 using bibliometric analysis techniques, investigating the annual publication and citation patterns, most productive countries, organizations, authors and journals, most cited documents and co-occurrence of keywords. The initial publication in this field occurred in 1960. Since 2007, there has been a significant increase in publications, with over 30 published annually except for 2010. China had the most publications (n = 213, 17.43%), followed by the United States (n = 175, 14.32%) and Germany (n = 89, 7.28%). The United States also had the highest citation count. Sichuan University in China has the largest number of published articles. The University of Leipzig and the University of Cologne in Germany exhibit the highest total citation count and average citation, respectively. Budowle B was the most prolific author and Kayser M was the most cited author. In terms of publications, Forensic Science International- Genetics, Forensic Science International, and International Journal of Legal Medicine were the most prolific journals. Among them, Forensic Science International-Genetics boasted the highest h-index, citation count, and average citation rate. The most frequently cited publication was \"Van Oven M, 2009, Hum Mutat\", with a total of 1,361 citations. The most frequent co-occurrence keyword included \"DNA\", \"Loci\", \"Paternity testing\", \"Population\", \"Markers\", and \"Identification\", with recent interest focusing on \"Kinship analysis\", \"SNP\" and \"Inference\". The current research is centered around microhaplotypes, forensic genetic genealogy, and massively parallel sequencing. The field advanced with new DNA analysis methods, tools, and genetic markers. Collaborative research among nations, organizations, and authors benefits idea exchange, problem-solving efficiency, and high-quality results.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The field of forensic DNA analysis has experienced significant advancements over the years, such as the advent of DNA fingerprinting, the introduction of the polymerase chain reaction for increased sensitivity, the shift to a primary genetic marker system based on short tandem repeats, and implementation of national DNA databases. Now, the forensics field is poised for another revolution with the advent of dense single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) testing. SNP testing holds the potential to significantly enhance source attribution in forensic cases, particularly those involving low-quantity or low-quality samples. When coupled with genetic genealogy and kinship analysis, it can resolve countless active cases as well as cold cases and cases of unidentified human remains, which are hindered by the limitations of existing forensic capabilities that fail to generate viable investigative leads with DNA. The field of forensic genetic genealogy combined with genome-wide sequencing can associate relatives as distant as the seventh-degree and beyond. By leveraging volunteer-populated databases to locate near and distant relatives, genetic genealogy can effectively narrow the candidates linked to crime scene evidence or aid in determining the identity of human remains. With decreasing DNA sequencing costs and improving sensitivity of detection, forensic genetic genealogy is expanding its capabilities to generate investigative leads from a wide range of biological evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Invasive alien species have extensively impacted the ecosystems, where they may affect the native biodiversity. The North American raccoon Procyon lotor is one of the most successful invaders in Europe since its introduction in the early twentieth century. In Italy, a wild population was first established in the North at the beginning of the 2000s following a local introduction event. A further self-sustaining population was reported ten years later in Central Italy. To support an official investigation by the authorities, who suspected a captive origin of the free-ranging raccoons in Central Italy, we used nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers, combined with different statistical approaches, to characterise their gene pool and trace the source of the founders. Results revealed that founders came from a private zoo-park from which they had inadvertently escaped, soon establishing a reproductive population in the wild. Additionally, our mitochondrial DNA data were used to supplement the haplotype variability known to date in captive and wild raccoons from Europe, Asia and their native range. The comparisons allowed us to update previous networks based on the control region with a new mitochondrial lineage, which had not been detected so far.





