expression regulation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), including the lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) and lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) subtypes, is a malignant tumor type with a poor 5-year survival rate. The identification of new powerful diagnostic biomarkers, prognostic biomarkers, and potential therapeutic targets in NSCLC is urgently required.
    UNASSIGNED: The UCSC Xena, UALCAN, and GEO databases were used to screen and analyze differentially expressed genes, regulatory modes, and genetic/epigenetic alterations in NSCLC. The UCSC Xena database, GEO database, tissue microarray, and immunohistochemistry staining analyses were used to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic values. Gain-of-function assays were performed to examine the roles. The ESTIMATE, TIMER, Linked Omics, STRING, and DAVID algorithms were used to analyze potential molecular mechanisms.
    UNASSIGNED: NR3C2 was identified as a potentially important molecule in NSCLC. NR3C2 is expressed at low levels in NSCLC, LUAD, and LUSC tissues, which is significantly related to the clinical indexes of these patients. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis suggests that the altered NR3C2 expression patterns have diagnostic value in NSCLC, LUAD, and especially LUSC patients. Decreased NR3C2 expression levels can help predict poor prognosis in NSCLC and LUAD patients but not in LUSC patients. These results have been confirmed both with database analysis and real-world clinical samples on a tissue microarray. Copy number variation contributes to low NR3C2 expression levels in NSCLC and LUAD, while promoter DNA methylation is involved in its downregulation in LUSC. Two NR3C2 promoter methylation sites have high sensitivity and specificity for LUSC diagnosis with clinical application potential. NR3C2 may be a key participant in NSCLC development and progression and is closely associated with the tumor microenvironment and immune cell infiltration. NR3C2 co-expressed genes are involved in many cancer-related signaling pathways, further supporting a potentially significant role of NR3C2 in NSCLC.
    UNASSIGNED: NR3C2 is a novel potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target in NSCLC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A), a highly conserved dimeric glycoprotein, is a key regulatory gene and a marker molecule of angiogenesis. The upregulation of VEGF-A facilitates the process of tumor vascularization, thereby fostering the initiation and progression of malignant neoplasms. Many genes can adjust the angiogenesis of tumors by changing the expression of VEGF-A. In addition, VEGF-A also exhibits immune regulatory properties, which directly or indirectly suppresses the antitumor activity of immune cells. The emergence of VEGF-A-targeted therapy alone or in rational combinations has revolutionized the treatment of various cancers. This review discusses how diverse mechanisms in various tumors regulate VEGF-A expression to promote tumor angiogenesis and the role of VEGF-A in tumor immune microenvironment. The application of drugs targeting VEGF-A in tumor therapy is also summarized including antibody molecule drugs and traditional Chinese medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) is a pore protein located in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Its channel gating mediates mitochondrial respiration and cell metabolism, and it has been identified as a critical modulator of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis. In many diseases characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, VDAC1 is considered a promising potential therapeutic target. However, there is limited research on the regulatory factors involved in VDAC1 protein expression in both normal and pathological states. In this study, we find that VDAC1 protein expression is up-regulated in various neuronal cell lines in response to intracellular metabolic and oxidative stress. We further demonstrate that VDAC1 expression is modulated by intracellular ATP level. Through the use of pharmacological agonists and inhibitors and small interfering RNA (siRNA), we reveal that the AMPK/PGC-1α signaling pathway is involved in regulating VDAC1 expression. Additionally, based on bioinformatics predictions and biochemical verification, we identify p53 as a potential transcription factor that regulates VDAC1 promoter activity during metabolic oxidative stress. Our findings suggest that VDAC1 expression is regulated by the AMPK/PGC-1α and p53 pathways, which contributes to the maintenance of stress adaptation and apoptotic homeostasis in neuronal cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the progress in the knowledge of disease pathogenesis and the identification of many molecular markers as potential targets of new therapies, the cure of acute myeloid leukemia remains challenging. Disease recurrence after an initial response and the development of resistance to old and new therapies account for the poor survival rate and still make allogeneic stem cell transplantation the only curative option. Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a multifactorial phenomenon resulting from host-related characteristics and leukemia factors. Among these, the overexpression of membrane drug transporter proteins belonging to the ABC (ATP-Binding Cassette)-protein superfamily, which diverts drugs from their cellular targets, plays an important role. Moreover, a better understanding of leukemia biology has highlighted that, at least in cancer, ABC protein\'s role goes beyond simple drug transport and affects many other cell functions. In this paper, we summarized the current knowledge of ABCG2 (formerly Breast Cancer Resistance Protein, BCRP) in acute myeloid leukemia and discuss the potential ways to overcome its efflux function and to revert its ability to confer stemness to leukemia cells, favoring the persistence of leukemia progenitors in the bone marrow niche and justifying relapse also after therapy intensification with allogeneic stem cell transplantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epigenetic modifications are critical in precisely regulating gene expression. The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is an economically important fish species, and females exhibit faster growth rates than males. However, the studies related to epigenetic modifications in the common carp gonads are limited. In this study, we conducted the Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin sequencing (ATAC-seq) and Bisulfite sequencing (BS-seq) to explore the roles of epigenetic modifications in the common carp gonads. We identified 84,207 more accessible regions and 77,922 less accessible regions in ovaries compared to testes, and some sex-biased genes showed differential chromatin accessibility in their promoter regions, such as sox9a and zp3. Motif enrichment analysis showed that transcription factors (TFs) associated with embryonic development and cell proliferation were heavily enriched in ovaries, and the TFs Foxl2 and SF1 were only identified in ovaries. We also analyzed the possible regulations between chromatin accessibility and gene expression. By BS-seq, we identified 2087 promoter differentially methylated genes (promoter-DMGs) and 5264 gene body differentially methylated genes (genebody-DMGs) in CG contexts. These genebody-DMGs were significantly enriched in the Wnt signaling pathway, TGF-beta signaling pathway, and GnRH signaling pathway, indicating that methylation in gene body regions could play an essential role in sex maintenance, just like methylation in promoter regions. Combined with transcriptomes, we revealed that the expression of dmrtb1-like, spag6, and fels was negatively correlated with their methylation levels in promoter regions. Our study on the epigenetic modifications of gonads contributes to elucidating the molecular mechanism of sex differentiation and sex maintenance in the common carp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    WRKY transcription factor genes compose an important family of transcriptional regulators that are present in several plant species. According to previous studies, these genes can also perform important roles in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) metabolism, making it essential to deepen our understanding of fruit ripening regulation and anthocyanin biosynthesis. In this context, the detailed characterization of these proteins will provide a comprehensive view of the functional features of VmWRKY genes in different plant organs and in response to different intensities of light. In this study, the investigation of the complete genome of the bilberry identified 76 VmWRKY genes that were evaluated and distributed in all twelve chromosomes. The proteins encoded by these genes were classified into four groups (I, II, III, and IV) based on their conserved domains and zinc finger domain types. Fifteen pairs of VmWRKY genes in segmental duplication and four pairs in tandem duplication were detected. A cis element analysis showed that all promoters of the VmWRKY genes contain at least one potential cis stress-response element. Differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data revealed that VmWRKY genes from bilberry show preferential or specific expression in samples. These findings provide an overview of the functional characterization of these proteins in bilberry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asthma is a complex disease, often with evident genetic predisposition; for example, the single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs7130588 was significantly associated with asthma by genome-wide association study (GWAS). Analysis of 1000 Genomes Project data suggests that there is another SNP, rs6592645, in complete linkage disequilibrium with rs7130588 and should present the same signal in GWAS. However, the causal SNP and the mechanism for the association between rs7130588 and asthma remain to be elucidated. In the presents study, results from dual-luciferase assays indicated that the A/G alleles of rs7130588 failed to present significantly different reporter gene expression. By contrast, A allele of rs6592645 presented a significant increase in relative luciferase activity than G allele, thus suggesting that rs6592645 may be a causal SNP. Using chromosome conformation capture, the enhancer region containing rs6592645 was observed to interact with promoter region of leucine-rich repeat-containing 32 (LRRC32). Gene expression quantification suggested that LRRC32 expression is significantly increased in lung tissue of patients with asthma and is dependent on the genotype of this locus, thus verifying that LRRC32 may be involved in asthma onset and that rs6592645 can regulate LRRC32 expression. Through chromatin immunoprecipitation, transcription factor 3 (TCF3) was identified to bind to rs6592645 surrounding region and the interaction between TCF3 and rs6592645 surrounding region was investigated. Results from the present study may improve our understanding of the mechanism by which the genetic variation in this locus might influence asthma susceptibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) brains accumulate DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which could contribute to neurodegeneration and dysfunction. The genomic distribution of AD brain DSBs is unclear.
    To map genome-wide DSB distributions in AD and age-matched control brains.
    We obtained autopsy brain tissue from 3 AD and 3 age-matched control individuals. The donors were men between the ages of 78 to 91. Nuclei extracted from frontal cortex tissue were subjected to Cleavage Under Targets & Release Using Nuclease (CUT&RUN) assay with an antibody against γH2AX, a marker of DSB formation. γH2AX-enriched chromatins were purified and analyzed via high-throughput genomic sequencing.
    The AD brains contained 18 times more DSBs than the control brains and the pattern of AD DSBs differed from the control brain pattern. In conjunction with published genome, epigenome, and transcriptome analyses, our data revealed aberrant DSB formation correlates with AD-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms, increased chromatin accessibility, and upregulated gene expression.
    Our data suggest in AD, an accumulation of DSBs at ectopic genomic loci could contribute to an aberrant upregulation of gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    tRNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs) represent a novel category of small non-coding RNAs and serve as a new regulator of gene expression at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Growing evidence indicates that tsRNAs can be induced by diverse stimuli and regulate stress-responsive target genes, allowing plants to adapt to unfavorable environments. Here, we discuss the latest developments about the biogenesis and classification of tsRNAs and highlight the expression regulation and potential function of tsRNAs in plant biotic and abiotic stress responses. Of note, we also collect useful bioinformatics tools and resources for tsRNAs study in plants. Finally, we propose current limitations and future directions for plant tsRNAs research. These recent discoveries have refined our understanding of whether and how tsRNAs enhance plant stress tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a risk factor that leads to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development. Epigenetic changes are known to play an important role in the molecular genetic mechanisms of virus-induced oncogenesis. Aberrant DNA methylation is a mediator of epigenetic changes that are closely associated with the HCC pathogenesis and considered a biomarker for its early diagnosis. The ANDSystem software package was used to reconstruct and evaluate the statistical significance of the pathways HCV could potentially use to regulate 32 hypermethylated genes in HCC, including both oncosuppressor and protumorigenic ones identified by genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation. The reconstructed pathways included those affecting protein-protein interactions (PPI), gene expression, protein activity, stability, and transport regulations, the expression regulation pathways being statistically significant. It has been shown that 8 out of 10 HCV proteins were involved in these pathways, the HCV NS3 protein being implicated in the largest number of regulatory pathways. NS3 was associated with the regulation of 5 tumor-suppressor genes, which may be the evidence of its central role in HCC pathogenesis. Analysis of the reconstructed pathways has demonstrated that following the transcription factor inhibition caused by binding to viral proteins, the expression of a number of oncosuppressors (WT1, MGMT, SOCS1, P53) was suppressed, while the expression of others (RASF1, RUNX3, WIF1, DAPK1) was activated. Thus, the performed gene-network reconstruction has shown that HCV proteins can influence not only the methylation status of oncosuppressor genes, but also their transcriptional regulation. The results obtained can be used in the search for pharmacological targets to develop new drugs against HCV-induced HCC.
    Вирус гепатита С (ВГС) считается фактором риска для возникновения гепатоцеллюлярной карциномы (ГЦК). Известно, что большую роль в молекулярно-генетических механизмах вирус-индуцированного онкогенеза играют эпигенетические изменения. Аберрантное метилирование ДНК служит медиатором эпигенетических изменений, которые тесно связаны с патогенезом ГЦК, и признано биомаркером для его ранней диагностики. С помощью ANDSystem проведены реконструкция и оценка статистической значимости путей потенциальной регуляции вирусными белками ВГС 32 генов человека, гиперметилированных при ГЦК. Среди исследованных генов были как онкосупрессоры, так и проопухолевые гены, идентифицированных по данным полногеномного анализа метилирования ДНК. Реконструированы регуляторные пути, включающие белок-белковые взаимодействия, регуляцию экспрессии генов, регуляцию активности, стабильности и транспорта белков. Среди статистически значимых оказались пути регуляции экспрессии. Показано, что восемь из десяти белков ВГС являются участниками данных путей. Белок ВГС NS3 был вовлечен в наибольшее число регуляторных путей. NS3 связан с регуляцией пяти генов-онкосупрессоров, что может свидетельствовать о его центральной роли в патогенезе ГЦК. Анализ реконструированных путей показал, что при ингибировании транскрипционных факторов в результате связывания с вирусными белками, экспрессия ряда онкосупрессоров (WT1, MGMT, SOCS1, P53) подавлялась, тогда как экспрессия других (RASF1, RUNX3, WIF1, DAPK1) активировалась. Таким образом, с помощью реконструкции генных сетей показано, что вирусные белки гепатита С способны влиять не только на статус метилирования генов-онкосупрессоров, но и на их транскрипционную регуляцию. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы при поиске фармакологических мишеней для разработки новых средств против ГЦК, индуцированной ВГС.





