
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of antimicrobial drugs in food-producing animals contributes to the selection pressure on pathogenic and commensal bacteria to become resistant. This study aims to evaluate the existence of trade-offs between treatment effectiveness, cost, and the dynamics of resistance in gut commensal bacteria. We developed a within-host ordinary differential equation model to track the dynamics of antimicrobial drug concentrations and bacterial populations in the site of infection (lung) and the gut. The model was parameterized to represent enrofloxacin treatment for bovine respiratory disease (BRD) caused by Pastereulla multocida in cattle. Three approved enrofloxacin dosing regimens were compared for their effects on resistance on P. multocida and commensal E. coli: 12.5 mg/kg and 7.5 mg/kg as a single dose, and 5 mg/kg as three doses. Additionally, we explored non-FDA-approved regimes. Our results indicated that both 12.5 mg/kg and 7.5 mg/kg as a single dose scenario increased the most the treatment costs and prevalence of P. multocida resistance in the lungs, while 5 mg/kg as three doses increased resistance in commensal E. coli bacteria in the gut the most out of the approved scenarios. A proposed non-FDA-approved scenario (7.5 mg/kg, two doses 24 h apart) showed low economic costs, minimal P. multocida, and moderate effects on resistant E. coli. Overall, the scenarios that decrease P. multocida, including resistant P. multocida did not coincide with those that decrease resistant E. coli the most, suggesting a trade-off between both outcomes. The sensitivity analysis suggests that bacterial populations were the most sensitive to drug conversion factors into plasma ( β ), elimination of the drug from the colon ( ϑ ), fifty percent sensitive bacteria (P. multocida) killing effect ( L s50 ), fifty percent of bacteria (E. coli) above ECOFF killing effect ( C r50 ), and net drug transfer rate in the lung ( γ ) parameters.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    A 10-year-old spayed female mixed-breed dog was brought to the Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center because of a suspected mass located to the right kidney. The mass was diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound following a recurrent lower urinary tract infection. Abdominal computed tomography revealed 2 isoattenuating, peripherally hypoattenuating, and centrally non-contrast-enhancing nodules in the right kidney; the larger one measured 1.9 cm. Initial attempts at fine-needle aspiration were unsuccessful. The dog was returned and the mass was aspirated using ultrasound guidance under heavy sedation. Cytology confirmed the presence of septic inflammation, consistent with a renal corticomedullary abscess. The dog was administered oral enrofloxacin (15 mg/kg, q24h) after diagnosis. Ultrasound guidance was used 2 wk later, under general anesthesia, to achieve percutaneous drainage of ~0.25 mL of fluid and instillation of 5.7 mg (0.25 mL) of enrofloxacin into the abscess capsule. Two weeks after percutaneous drainage, ultrasound examination showed complete resolution of the renal corticomedullary abscess. Urine culture confirmed resolution of the urinary tract infection. To the authors\' knowledge, kidney-sparing medical management has never been successfully reported in a dog with a renal corticomedullary abscess. Key clinical message: Renal corticomedullary abscesses occur infrequently in dogs. Medical management is feasible and can result in complete resolution of clinical signs and imaging abnormalities.
    Diagnostic et prise en charge médicale réussie d’un abcès corticomédullaire rénal chez un chienUne chienne croisée de 10 ans, stérilisée, a été amenée au centre médical vétérinaire de l’Ohio State University en raison d’une masse suspectée située au niveau du rein droit. La masse a été diagnostiquée par échographie abdominale à la suite d’une infection récurrente du tractus urinaire inférieur. La tomodensitométrie abdominale a révélé 2 nodules isoatténuants, hypoatténuants en périphérie et centralement sans contraste dans le rein droit; le plus grand mesurait 1,9 cm. Les premières tentatives d’aspiration à l’aiguille fine ont échoué. Le chien est revenu et la masse a été aspirée sous guidage échographique sous sédation lourde. La cytologie a confirmé la présence d’une inflammation septique, compatible avec un abcès corticomédullaire rénal. Le chien a reçu de l’enrofloxacine par voie orale (15 mg/kg, toutes les 24 heures) après le diagnostic. Le guidage échographique a été utilisé 2 semaines plus tard, sous anesthésie générale, pour obtenir un drainage percutané d’environ 0,25 mL de liquide et l’instillation de 5,7 mg (0,25 mL) d’enrofloxacine dans la capsule de l’abcès. Deux semaines après le drainage percutané, l’échographie a montré une résolution complète de l’abcès corticomédullaire rénal. La culture urinaire a confirmé la résolution de l’infection des voies urinaires. À la connaissance des auteurs, une prise en charge médicale préservant les reins n’a jamais été rapportée avec succès chez un chien présentant un abcès corticomédullaire rénal.Message clinique clé:Les abcès corticomédullaires rénaux surviennent rarement chez le chien. La prise en charge médicale est réalisable et peut aboutir à une résolution complète des signes cliniques et des anomalies d’imagerie.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study investigated the residue depletion and WTs of EF and its main metabolite, ciprofloxacin, in largemouth bass after ad libitum administration in commercial fish farming based on statistical approaches. Samples collected at pre-determined time points were assessed using high-performance liquid chromatography. If the concentrations of medicine were less than the quantitative limit, they were set to be half of the limit of quantitative. The terminal elimination of the target compound was assumed to fit a one-compartment model. The statistical methods of Bartlett\'s test and Cochran\'s test were used to inspect the homogeneity of the log-transformed data. The lack-of-fit test and F-test were used to check the linearity of the regression line. Outliers were assessed using standardized residuals. The final WT was estimated using the 95% percentile with a 95% confidence level. The WTs of EF were calculated to be 46, 29, 33, 46, and 20 days for the muscle + skin, plasma, gill, kidney, and liver, respectively. After the risk assessment, the values of the hazard quotient were calculated to be far less than 1, indicating that the risk of residual EF was particularly low in the edible tissues of largemouth bass after medicine depletion for various WTs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enrofloxacin (ENR), a member of the fluoroquinolone class of antibiotics, is widely used in veterinary medicine to treat bacterial infections. Like many antibiotics, ENR has limited water solubility and low bioavailability. To address these challenges, drug formulations using solid dispersions, nanosuspensions, surfactants, cocrystal/salt formation, and inclusion complexes with cyclodextrins may be employed. The approach described herein proposes the development of ENR formulations by co-electrospinning ENR with custom-prepared cyclodextrin-oligolactide (CDLA) derivatives. This method benefits from the high solubility of these derivatives, enabling polymer-free electrospinning. The electrospinning parameters were optimized to incorporate significant amounts of ENR into the CDLA nanofibrous webs, reaching up to 15.6% by weight. The obtained formulations were characterized by FTIR and NMR spectroscopy methods and evaluated for their antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This study indicates that the presence of CDLA derivative does not inhibit the antibacterial activity of ENR, recommending these formulations for further development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a leading cause of canine otitis externa. Enrofloxacin is often applied topically to treat this condition, although recalcitrant and recurring infections are common. There is evidence that exposure to blue light (400-470 nm) has a bactericidal effect on P. aeruginosa and other microorganisms.
    UNASSIGNED: In the present study, we tested the biocidal effect of blue light (375-450 nm), alone or in combination with enrofloxacin, against six isolates of P. aeruginosa from dogs with otitis externa (5 of which were resistant to enrofloxacin).
    UNASSIGNED: Treatment of planktonic cell cultures with blue light resulted in significant (p < 0.5) reductions in Colony Forming Units (CFU) for all seven strains tested, in some cases below the limit of detection. The greatest bactericidal effect was observed following exposure to light at 405 nm wavelength (p < 0.05). Exposure to blue light for 20 min usually resulted in a greater reduction in Pseudomonas aeruginosa than enrofloxacin treatment, and combination treatment typically resulted in the largest reductions in CFU. Analysis of the genome sequences of these strains established that enrofloxacin resistance was likely the result of a S466F substitution in GyrB. However, there was no clear association between genotype and susceptibility to blue light treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: These results suggest that blue light treatment, particularly at 405 nm wavelength, and especially in combination with enrofloxacin therapy, could be an effective treatment for otherwise recalcitrant canine otitis externa caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It may also provide a way of extending the usefulness of enrofloxacin therapy which would otherwise be ineffective as a sole therapeutic agent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Antimicrobials can select for antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. After treatment the active compound is excreted through urine and faeces. As some antimicrobials are chemically stable, recirculation of subinhibitory concentrations of antimicrobials may occur due to coprophagic behaviour of animals such as chickens.
    METHODS: The persistence of three antimicrobials over time and their potential effects on antimicrobial resistance were determined in four groups of broilers. Groups were left untreated (control) or were treated with amoxicillin (unstable), doxycycline or enrofloxacin (stable). Antimicrobials were extracted from the faecal samples and were measured by LC-MS/MS. We determined the resistome genotypically using shotgun metagenomics and phenotypically by using Escherichia coli as indicator microorganism.
    RESULTS: Up to 37 days after treatment, doxycycline and enrofloxacin had concentrations in faeces equal to or higher than the minimal selective concentration (MSC), in contrast to the amoxicillin treatment. The amoxicillin treatment showed a significant difference (P ≤ 0.01 and P ≤ 0.0001) in the genotypic resistance only directly after treatment. On the other hand, the doxycycline treatment showed approximately 52% increase in phenotypic resistance and a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05 and P ≤ 0.0001) in genotypic resistance throughout the trial. Furthermore, enrofloxacin treatment resulted in a complete non-WT E. coli population but the quantity of resistance genes was similar to the control group, likely because resistance is mediated by point mutations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on our findings, we suggest that persistence of antimicrobials should be taken into consideration in the assessment of priority classification of antimicrobials in livestock.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a serious pathogenic bacterium that poses a significant threat to young poultry and the cause of significant chick mortality and economic loss. We investigated the therapeutic efficacy of enrofloxacin in treating K. pneumoniae infections in chicks and employed an in vivo pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) model. In vivo efficacy was evaluated using 6 multiple-dose groups (oral administration once a day for 3 d) and 2 single-dose groups (oral administration once only). The PK and PD parameters of plasma and lung were analyzed using PK/PD fitting analysis. K. pneumoniae administered intratracheally (108 CFU/mL in 0.4 mL saline) was used to establish a model for pulmonary infection. The plasma protein binding of enrofloxacin was 20.18%. Enrofloxacin displayed T1/2β values of 4.78 ± 0.69 h and 4.78 ± 1.02 h in plasma and lung of infected chicks, respectively. When the dosage in the multiple-dose group was > 10 mg/kg, bactericidal activity was found and complete eradication was not achieved when the dosage was ≤ 40 mg/kg. When TMSW was set at 20%, the calculated dosage and bacterial reduction (E) based on plasma free drug data were 4.03 mg/kg and -1.982 Log10 CFU/mL, respectively. In the calculation of PK/PD parameters for reducing 3 Log10 CFU/mL and using Cmax/MIC, AUC72h/MIC and TMSW of free drug in plasma values at 9.479, 379.691, and 44.395%, respectively, the value of AUC72h/MIC based on the concentration of drug in lung was 530.800. According to the fitting correlation R2, the PK/PD fitting results of free drug in plasma were better. The corresponding enrofloxacin dosage for AUC72h/MIC of the plasma free drug concentration was 14.16 mg/kg. The administration regimen corresponding to these dosages was once daily for 3 d. This dosage regimen (14.16 mg/kg) was relatively high compared to the clinically recommended dosage in China (7.5 mg/kg) when treating infections caused by K. pneumoniae with MIC ≥ 0.125 μg/mL, so careful consideration is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the rising incidence of various diseases in China and the constant development of the pharmaceutical industry, there is a growing demand for floxacin-type antibiotics. Due to the large-scale production and high cost of waste treatment, the parent drug and its metabolites constantly enter the water environment through domestic sewage, production wastewater, and other pathways. In recent years, the pollution of the aquatic environment by floxacin has become increasingly serious, making the technology to degrade floxacin in the aquatic environment a research hotspot in the field of environmental science. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), as a new type of porous material, have attracted much attention in recent years. In this paper, four photocatalytic materials, MIL-53(Fe), NH2-MIL-53(Fe), MIL-100(Fe), and g-C3N4, were synthesised and applied to the study of the removal of ofloxacin and enrofloxacin. Among them, the MIL-100(Fe) material exhibited the best photocatalytic effect. The degradation efficiency of ofloxacin reached 95.1% after 3 h under visible light, while enrofloxacin was basically completely degraded. The effects of different materials on the visible photocatalytic degradation of the floxacin were investigated. Furthermore, the photocatalytic mechanism of enrofloxacin and ofloxacin was revealed by the use of three trappers (▪O2-, h+, and ▪OH), demonstrating that the role of ▪O2- promoted the degradation effect of the materials under photocatalysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) causes a variety of infections outside the intestine. The treatment of these infections is becoming increasingly difficult due to the emergence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains, which can also be a direct or indirect threat to humans as consumers of poultry products. Therefore, alternative antimicrobial agents are being sought, which could be essential oils, either administered individually or in interaction with antibiotics. Sixteen field isolates of E. coli (originating from 1-day-old broilers) and the ATCC 25922 reference strain were tested. Commercial cinnamon bark, clove bud, lavender flower essential oils (EOs) and enrofloxacin were selected to assess the sensitivity of the selected E. coli strains to antimicrobial agents. The checkerboard method was used to estimate the individual minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for each antimicrobial agent as well as to determine the interactions between the selected essential oil and enrofloxacin. In the case of enrofloxacin, ten isolates were resistant at MIC ≥ 2 μg/mL, three were classified as intermediate (0.5-1 μg/mL) and three as sensitive at ≤0.25 μg/mL. Regardless of the sensitivity to enrofloxacin, the MIC for cinnamon EO was 0.25% v/v and for clove EO was 0.125% v/v. All MDR strains had MIC values for lavender EO of 1% v/v, while drug-sensitive isolates had MIC of 0.5% v/v. Synergism between enrofloxacin and EO was noted more frequently in lavender EO (82.35%), followed by cinnamon EO (64.7%), than in clove EO (47.1%). The remaining cases exhibited additive effects. Owing to synergy, the isolates became susceptible to enrofloxacin at an MIC of ≤8 µg/mL. A time-kill study supports these observations. Cinnamon and clove EOs required for up to 1 h and lavender EO for up to 4 h to completely kill a multidrug-resistant strain as well as the ATCC 25922 reference strain of E. coli. Through synergistic or additive effects, blends with a lower than MIC concentration of enrofloxacin mixed with a lower EO content required 6 ± 2 h to achieve a similar effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fate and effects of fluoroquinolone antibacterial (FQ) on the environment are important since there appears to be a surge in FQ resistance like enrofloxacin (ENR) in both environmental and clinical organisms. Numerous reports indicate that the sensing capabilities of these antibiotics need to be improved. Here, we have investigated the interaction of ENR with our synthesized pentacenequinone-modulated gadolinium-tin (GdSn-PQ) nanosheets and the formation of intermolecular interactions that caused the occurrence of aggregation-induced emission enhancement. The concept for designing hybrid metallic nanosheets comes from the unique features inherited from the parent organic precursor. Due to the distinct interaction between ENR and GdSn-PQ, the interstate conversion (ISC) between GdSn-PQ and ENR induces a significant wavelength shift in photoluminescence (PL), improving reliability, selectivity, and visibility compared to quenching- or AIEE-based methods without peak shifts, allowing for highly sensitive and visually detectable analyses. The fluorescence signal of GdSn-PQ exhibited a linear relationship (R2 = 0.9911), with the added ENR concentrations ranging from 5 to 90 nM, with a detection limit of 0.10 nM. We have demonstrated its potential and wide use in the detection of ENR in biological samples (human urine and blood serum) and environmental samples (tap water and seawater) with a recovery rate of 98- 108%. The current approach has demonstrated that the 2D GdSn-PQ nanosheet is a novel and powerful platform for future biological and environmental studies.





