
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Family Parvoviridae consists of small, non-enveloped viruses with linear, single-stranded DNA genomes of approximately 4-6 kilobases, subdivided into three subfamilies, Parvovirinae, Densovirinae, and Hamaparvovirinae, and unassigned genus Metalloincertoparvovirus. Parvoviruses of aquatic animals infect crustaceans, mollusks, and finfish. This review describes these parvoviruses, which are highly host-specific and associated with mass morbidity and mortality in both farmed and wild aquatic animals. They include Cherax quadricarinatus densovirus (CqDV) in freshwater crayfish in Queensland, Australia; sea star-associated densovirus (SSaDV) in sunflower sea star on the Northeastern Pacific Coast; Clinch densovirus 1 in freshwater mussels in the Clinch River, Virginia, and Tennessee, USA, in subfamily Densovirinae; hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV) and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) in farmed shrimp worldwide; Syngnathid ichthamaparvovirus 1 in gulf pipefish in the Gulf of Mexico and parts of South America; tilapia parvovirus (TiPV) in farmed tilapia in China, Thailand, and India, in the subfamily Hamaparvovirinae; and Penaeus monodon metallodensovirus (PmMDV) in Vietnamese P. monodon, in unassigned genus Metalloincertoparvovirus. Also included in the family Parvoviridae are novel parvoviruses detected in both diseased and healthy animals using metagenomic sequencing, such as zander parvovirus from zander in Hungary and salmon parvovirus from sockeye salmon smolts in British Columbia, Canada.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine pollution caused by heavy metals has emerged as a significant environmental concern, garnering increased attention in recent years. The accumulation of heavy metals in the tissues of marine organisms poses substantial threats to both marine ecosystems and human populations that rely on seafood as a primary food source. Fish and crustaceans are effective biomonitors for assessing heavy metal contamination in aquatic environments. In this study, we determined the concentrations of several heavy metals, including cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), and tin (Sn), in four fish species (Mugil cephalus, Mugil capito, L. aurata, and Morone labrax) and five crustacean species (S. rivulatus, Cerastoderma glaucum, Paratapes undulatus, R. decussatus, Callinectes sapidus, and Metapenaeus Stebbingi) from Temsah Lake during both winter and summer seasons. To evaluate the potential ecological and health risks associated with consuming these fish and crustacean species, we calculated the metal pollution index (MPI), weekly intake (EWI), target hazard quotient (THQ), and carcinogenic risk (CR) values. The results revealed a noticeable increase in metal levels during the summer compared to winter in the studied samples. Moreover, the concentration of heavy metals in the muscles of the species generally exceeded those in the liver and gills. The MPI values indicated that Morone labrax exhibited the highest values during winter, while L. aurata showed the highest values during summer. Mugil cephalus demonstrated the lowest MPI values in both seasons. The EWI values for the studied metals were found to be lower than the corresponding tolerable weekly intake (TWI) values. Additionally, under average exposure conditions, the THQ and HI data were generally below one for most study species in the area. The calculated CR values for investigated metals in the studied species indicated acceptable carcinogenic risk levels. Therefore, this suggests that consuming studied species within Temsah lake does not present any potential health hazards for consumers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Statocyst anatomy and fine morphology in Norwegian lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) are studied for the first time using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. N. norvegicus exhibits sensory setae projecting from the statocyst inner cavity floor into a mass of sand granules (statoconia) embedded in a gelatinous substance. The setae are distributed in four areas: a curved field made up of an inner single row and an outer double row that run on a circle around the medial and lateral rim of the central depression, a small setal field in the posterior part, a large setal field, opposite to the small field, and a short row, running internally and lying parallel to the inner single row, next to the small setal field. A study of the fine morphology of the statocyst sensory setae shows that the structure of the setae in the different areas is similar, with a bulb (the proximal portion of the sensillum), a setal shaft, a tooth (the smooth portion of the bulb), a fulcrum (a transverse fold), and filamentous hairs. The hair cells are firmly implanted within the cuticular layer. Although the type of innervation of the statocyst was not determined in the present study, the close taxonomic position of the lobster to that of the crayfish and crab would suggest that the setae in N. norvegicus are pure mechanoreceptors rather than sensory cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This HPLC method is suitable for chitin quantitation (reported as glucosamine) in food raw materials like insects (mealworm larvae, crickets), shrimps, mushrooms and fungi in a research (non-routine) laboratory using a C18 column with HPLC system <600 bar with UV detection capability (at 265 nm). To remove interferences, the sample is defatted (Soxhlet) and deproteinized (by alkali) prior to acid hydrolysis in 6 M HCl. A five-point linear calibration (5-100 µg/mL) is used. The use of fluorescence detection (λex = 260 nm, λem = 350 nm) is also possible with this method [1].•18 min HPLC run time•LOD = 0.05 µg/mL and LOQ = 5 µg/mL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aratus pisonii and Minuca rapax are two brachyuran crabs living with bacterial ectosymbionts located on gill lamellae. One previous study has shown that several rod-shaped bacterial morphotypes are present and the community is dominated by Alphaproteobacteria and Bacteroidota. This study aims to identify the mode of transmission of the symbionts to the new host generations and to identify the bacterial community colonizing the gills of juveniles. We tested for the presence of bacteria using PCR with universal primers targeting the 16S rRNA encoding gene from gonads, eggs, and different larval stages either obtained in laboratory conditions or from the field. The presence of bacteria on juvenile gills was also characterized by scanning electron microscopy, and subsequently identified by metabarcoding analysis. Gonads, eggs, and larvae were negative to PCR tests, suggesting that bacteria are not present at these stages in significant densities. On the other hand, juveniles of both species display three rod-shaped bacterial morphotypes on gill lamellae, and sequencing revealed that the community is dominated by Bacteroidota and Alphaproteobacteria on A. pisonii juveniles, and by Alphaprotobacteria, Bacteroidota, and Acidimicrobia on M. rapax juveniles. Despite the fact that juveniles of both species co-occur in the same biotope, no shared bacterial phylotype was identified. However, some of the most abundant bacteria present in adults are also present in juveniles of the same species, suggesting that juvenile-associated communities resemble those of adults. Because some of these bacteria were also found in crab burrow water, we hypothesize that the bacterial community is established gradually during the life of the crab starting from the megalopa stage and involves epibiosis-competent bacteria that occur in the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is a persistent contaminant that has been found globally within the environment. Key data gaps exist in the toxicity of PFOS to marine organisms, especially estuarine species that are crucial to the food web: fish, shrimp, and mollusks. This study developed toxicity thresholds for larval estuarine species, including grass shrimp (Palaemon pugio), sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus), mysids (Americamysis bahia), and Eastern mud snails (Tritia obsoleta). Multiple abiotic stressors (salinity and temperature) were included as variables in testing the toxicity of PFOS. Acute 96 h toxicity testing under standard test conditions of 25 °C and 20 ppt seawater yielded LC50 values of 0.919 mg/L for C. variegatus, 1.375 mg/L for A. bahia, 1.559 mg/L for T. obsoleta, and 2.011 mg/L for P. pugio. The effects of increased temperature (32 °C) and decreased salinity (10 ppt) varied with test species. PFOS toxicity for the sheepshead minnows increased with temperature but was not altered by decreased salinity. For grass shrimp and mud snails, PFOS toxicity was greater under lower salinity. The combination of higher temperature and lower salinity was observed to lower the toxicity thresholds for all species. These data demonstrate that expanding toxicity testing to include a wider range of parameters will improve the environmental risk assessment of chemical contaminants, especially for species inhabiting dynamic estuarine ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chitin is a water insoluble nitrogen-containing polysaccharide made from N-acetyl-D-glucosamine containing β-(1→4)-linkages. In food, chitin is considered as a source of fiber with prebiotic properties to gut microflora. Chitin content varies widely in nature from 1% (yeasts) up to 64% (butterfly cuticles) and is mostly found in filamentous or mushroom forming fungi, insects and crustaceans. This spectrophotometric method is suitable for chitin quantitation (reported as glucosamine) in food raw materials like insects (mealworm larvae, crickets), shrimps, mushrooms and fungi in a research (non-routine) laboratory. To remove interferences, the sample is defatted (Soxhlet) prior to acid hydrolysis in 6 M HCl. The color complex is developed after the addition of Katano\'s reagent (a mix of 0.05 mol/L sodium metasilicate, 0.6 mol/L sodium molybdate, 30% dimethyl sulfoxide and 1.42 mol/L acetic acid) at 70 °C for 30 min and measured at 750 nm against blank. A five-point linear calibration (5-100 µg/mL) is used. Limit of detection is 3 µg GLCN/mL. The correlation (R2) with an HPLC method for chitin analysis is at least 0.93.•a reliable alternative to an HPLC method•does not require expensive equipment•deproteination by alkali is not necessary for most matrices - saves about 30% of time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the concentrations and profiles of 19 perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the muscle and liver of four freshwater species from Lake Trasimeno (Italy): Anguilla anguilla (European eel), Carassius auratus (goldfish), Perca fluviatilis (European perch), and Procambarus clarkii (red swamp crayfish). In livers, the amount of PFASs ranged from 3.1 to 10 µg kg-1, significantly higher than that in muscle (0.032-1.7 µg kg-1). The predominant PFASs were perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and long-chain carboxylic acids (C8-C14). Short-chain compounds (C4-C5), as well as the long-chain sulfonic acids (C9-C12), were not quantified. The contamination patterns were similar among species with few differences, suggesting the influence of species-specific accumulation. The PFAS concentrations in livers were comparable among species, while in muscle, the higher values were measured in European eel, followed by goldfish, European perch, and red swamp crayfish. The levels were generally lower than those reported for fish from Northern Italian lakes and rivers. The concentrations of regulated PFASs were lower than the maximum limits set by Regulation EU 2023/915 and did not exceed the Environmental Quality Standards (PFOS in biota). This study provides the first valuable insights on PFASs in freshwater species from Lake Trasimeno.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial genomes play important roles in studying genome evolution, phylogenetic analyses, and species identification. Amphipods (Class Malacostraca, Order Amphipoda) are one of the most ecologically diverse crustacean groups occurring in a diverse array of aquatic and terrestrial environments globally, from freshwater streams and lakes to groundwater aquifers and the deep sea, but we have a limited understanding of how habitat influences the molecular evolution of mitochondrial energy metabolism. Subterranean amphipods likely experience different evolutionary pressures on energy management compared to surface-dwelling taxa that generally encounter higher levels of predation and energy resources and live in more variable environments. In this study, we compared the mitogenomes, including the 13 protein-coding genes involved in the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) pathway, of surface and subterranean amphipods to uncover potentially different molecular signals of energy metabolism between surface and subterranean environments in this diverse crustacean group. We compared base composition, codon usage, gene order rearrangement, conducted comparative mitogenomic and phylogenomic analyses, and examined evolutionary signals of 35 amphipod mitogenomes representing 13 families, with an emphasis on Crangonyctidae. Mitogenome size, AT content, GC-skew, gene order, uncommon start codons, location of putative control region (CR), length of rrnL and intergenic spacers differed between surface and subterranean amphipods. Among crangonyctid amphipods, the spring-dwelling Crangonyx forbesi exhibited a unique gene order, a long nad5 locus, longer rrnL and rrnS loci, and unconventional start codons. Evidence of directional selection was detected in several protein-encoding genes of the OXPHOS pathway in the mitogenomes of surface amphipods, while a signal of purifying selection was more prominent in subterranean species, which is consistent with the hypothesis that the mitogenome of surface-adapted species has evolved in response to a more energy demanding environment compared to subterranean amphipods. Overall, gene order, locations of non-coding regions, and base-substitution rates points to habitat as an important factor influencing the evolution of amphipod mitogenomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Rhizocephalan interaction with their decapod hosts is a superb example of host manipulation. These parasites are able to alter the host\'s physiology and behavior. Host-parasite interaction is performed, presumably, via special modified rootlets invading the ventral ganglions.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, we focus on the morphology and ultrastructure of these special rootlets in Polyascus polygeneus (Lützen & Takahashi, 1997), family Polyascidae, invading the neuropil of the host\'s nervous tissue. The ventral ganglionic mass of the infected crabs were fixed, and the observed sites of the host-parasite interplay were studied using transmission electron microscopy, immunolabeling and confocal microscopy.
    UNASSIGNED: The goblet-shaped organs present in the basal families of parasitic barnacles were presumably lost in a common ancestor of Polyascidae and crown \"Akentrogonida\", but the observed invasive rootlets appear to perform similar functions, including the synthesis of various substances which are transferred to the host\'s nervous tissue. Invasive rootlets significantly differ from trophic ones in cell layer composition and cuticle thickness. Numerous multilamellar bodies are present in the rootlets indicating the intrinsic cell rearrangement. The invasive rootlets of P. polygeneus are enlaced by the thin projections of glial cells. Thus, glial cells can be both the first hosts\' respondents to the nervous tissue damage and the mediator of the rhizocephalan interaction with the nervous cells. One of the potential molecules engaged in the relationships of P. polygeneus and its host is serotonin, a neurotransmitter which is found exclusively in the invasive rootlets but not in trophic ones. Serotonin participates in different biological pathways in metazoans including the regulation of aggression in crustaceans, which is reduced in infected crabs. We conclude that rootlets associated with the host\'s nervous tissue are crucial for the regulation of host-parasite interplay and for evolution of the Rhizocephala.





