common marmosets

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gut microbiome has the potential to buffer temporal variations in resource availability and consumption, which may play a key role in the ability of animals to adapt to a broad range of habitats. We investigated the temporal composition and function of the gut microbiomes of wild common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) exploiting a hot, dry environment-Caatinga-in northeastern Brazil. We collected fecal samples during two time periods (July-August and February-March) for 2 years from marmosets belonging to eight social groups. We used 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, metagenomic sequencing, and butyrate RT-qPCR to assess changes in the composition and potential function of their gut microbiomes. Additionally, we identified the plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate components of the marmosets\' diet via DNA metabarcoding. Invertebrate, but not plant or vertebrate, consumption varied across the year. However, gut microbiome composition and potential function did not markedly vary across study periods or as a function of diet composition. Instead, the gut microbiome differed markedly in both composition and potential function across marmosets residing in different social groups. We highlight the likely role of factors, such as behavior, residence, and environmental heterogeneity, in modulating the structure of the gut microbiome.
    OBJECTIVE: In a highly socially cohesive and cooperative primate, group membership more strongly predicts gut microbiome composition and function than diet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Concerns about poor animal to human translation have come increasingly to the fore, in particular with regards to cognitive improvements in rodent models, which have failed to translate to meaningful clinical benefit in humans. This problem has been widely acknowledged, most recently in the field of Alzheimer\'s disease, although this issue pervades the spectrum of central nervous system (CNS) disorders, including neurodevelopmental, neuropsychiatric, and neurodegenerative diseases. Consequently, recent efforts have focused on improving preclinical to clinical translation by incorporating more clinically analogous outcome measures of cognition, such as touchscreen-based assays, which can be employed across species, and have great potential to minimize the translational gap. For aging-related research, it also is important to incorporate model systems that facilitate the study of the long prodromal phase in which cognitive decline begins to emerge and which is a major limitation of short-lived species, such as laboratory rodents. We posit that to improve translation of cognitive function and dysfunction, nonhuman primate models, which have conserved anatomical and functional organization of the primate brain, are necessary to move the field of translational research forward and to bridge the translational gaps. The present studies describe the establishment of a comprehensive battery of touchscreen-based tasks that capture a spectrum of domains sensitive to detecting aging-related cognitive decline, which will provide the greatest benefit through longitudinal evaluation throughout the prolonged lifespan of the marmoset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus; CMs) are small New World primates widely used in biomedical research. Early stages of such research often include in vitro experiments which require standardized and well-characterized CM cell cultures derived from different tissues. Despite the long history of laboratory work with CMs and high translational potential of such studies, the number of available standardized, well-defined, stable, and validated CM cell lines is still small. While primary cells and immortalized cell lines are mostly used for the studies of infectious diseases, biochemical research, and targeted gene therapy, the main current applications of CM embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells are regenerative medicine, stem cell research, generation of transgenic CMs, transplantology, cell therapy, reproductive physiology, oncology, and neurodegenerative diseases. In this review we summarize the data on the main advantages, drawbacks and research applications of CM cell lines published to date including primary cells, immortalized cell lines, lymphoblastoid cell lines, embryonic stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role by which the gut microbiome influences host health (e.g., energy equilibrium and immune system) may be partly mediated by short-chain fatty acids, which are bacterial fermentation products from the dietary fibers. However, little is known about longitudinal changes in gut microbiome metabolites during cohabitation alongside social contact. In common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), the gut microbiome community is influenced by social contact, as newly paired males and females develop convergent microbial profiles. Here, we monitored the dynamics of short-chain fatty acid concentrations in common marmoset feces from the prepairing (PRE) to postpairing (POST) stages. In males, we observed that the concentrations of acetate, propionate, isobutyrate, and isovalerate significantly increased in the POST stage compared to the PRE stage. However, no significant changes were found in females. We further found that the propionate concentration was significantly positively correlated with the abundance of Phascolarctobacterium in the male feces. Thus, the sex difference in the changes in the concentrations of short-chain fatty acids might be related to sex-biased gut microbiome transmission after pairing. We suggest that the significant changes in the gut microbiomes and some short-chain fatty acids of the common marmoset during cohabitation may contribute to physiological homeostasis during pairing.IMPORTANCE This study addressed a knowledge gap about longitudinal changes in the gut microbiome metabolites during animal pairing. This research in the laboratory common marmoset can control for the confounding factors such as diet and other environmental conditions. Phascolarctobacterium showed the highest contribution to the sex-biased transmission of the female to the male after pairing. Here, we observed the sex difference in the increase in short-chain fatty acid concentration in the feces of newly paired marmosets, which may be caused by the sex-biased gut microbiome transmission after pairing.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hair cortisol concentration (HCC) provides a long-term retrospective measure of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity, and is increasingly used to assess the life history, health and ecology of wild mammals. Given that sex, age, season and pregnancy influence HCC, and that it may indicate ongoing stress, we examined HCC in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) naturally inhabiting a hot and dry semi-desert like habitat, Caatinga, in northeastern Brazil. We trapped, measured, weighed, marked and collected shaved hair from the back of the neck of 61 wild marmosets during the wet and dry seasons. Using enzyme immunoassay, we found that HCC was higher in the dry season compared with the wet season among all age/sex classes. Females had significantly higher HCC than males, juveniles had higher HCC than adults, and reproductively active adult females and non-pregnant/non lactating adult females did not differ in HCC. There were no interaction effects of sex, age, group, or season on HCC. The magnitude of the effect of this extremely hot and dry environment (average yearly rainfall was only 271 mm) on HCC in common marmosets is difficult to ascertain as these animals are also experiencing a variety of other stressors. However, the elevated HCC seen in common marmosets during the 5-8 month dry season, suggests these primates face an extended period of heat, water and possibly nutritional stress, which appears to result in a high rate of juvenile mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common marmosets infected with GB virus-B (GBV-B) chimeras containing hepatitis C virus (HCV) core and envelope proteins (CE1E2p7) developed more severe hepatitis than those infected with HCV envelope proteins (E1E2p7), suggesting that HCV core protein might be involved in the pathogenesis of viral hepatitis. The potential role of HCV core in hepatic inflammation was investigated. Six individual cDNA libraries of liver tissues from HCV CE1E2p7 or E1E2p7 chimera-infected marmosets (three animals per group) were constructed and sequenced. By differential expression gene analysis, 30 of 632 mRNA transcripts were correlated with the immune system process, which might be associated with hepatitis. A protein-protein interaction network was constituted by STRING database based on these 30 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), showing that IL-32 might play a central regulatory role in HCV core-related hepatitis. To investigate the effect of HCV core protein on IL-32 production, HCV core expressing and mock constructs were transfected into Huh7 cells. IL-32 mRNA and secretion protein were detected at significantly higher levels in cells expressing HCV core protein than in those without HCV core expression (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). By KEGG enrichment analysis and using the specific signaling pathway inhibitor LY294002 for inhibition of PI3K, IL-32 expression was significantly reduced (P < 0.001). In conclusion, HCV core protein induces an increase of IL-32 expression via the PI3K pathway in hepatic cells, which played a major role in development of HCV-related severe hepatitis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social behavior can alter the microbiome composition via transmission among social partners, but there have been few controlled experimental studies of gut microbiome transmission among social partners in primates. We collected longitudinal fecal samples from eight unrelated male-female pairs of marmoset monkeys prior to pairing and for 8 weeks following pairing. We then sequenced 16S rRNA to characterize the changes in the gut microbiome that resulted from the pairing. Marmoset pairs had a higher similarity in gut microbiome communities after pairing than before pairing. We discovered sex differences in the degrees of change in gut microbiome communities following pairing. Specifically, the gut microbiome communities in males exhibited greater dissimilarity from the prepairing stage (baseline) than the gut microbiome communities in females. Conversely, females showed a gradual stabilization in the rate of the gut microbiome community turnover. Importantly, we found that the male fecal samples harbored more female-source gut microbes after pairing, especially early in pairing (paired test, P < 0.05), possibly linked to sex bias in the frequencies of social behavior. From this controlled study, we report for the first time that pair-living primates undergo significant changes in gut microbiome during pairing and that females transmit more microbes to their partners than males do. The potential biases influencing which microbes are transmitted on the basis of sex and whether they are due to sex biases in other behavioral or physiological features need to be widely investigated in other nonhuman primates and humans in the future.IMPORTANCE In this controlled study, we collected longitudinal fecal samples from 16 male and female marmoset monkeys for 2 weeks prior to and for 8 weeks after pairing in male-female dyads. We report for the first time that marmoset monkeys undergo significant changes to the gut microbiome following pairing and that these changes are sex-biased; i.e., females transmit more microbes to their social partners than males do. Marmosets exhibit pair bonding behavior such as spatial proximity, physical contact, and grooming, and sex biases in these behavioral patterns may contribute to the observed sex bias in social transmission of gut microbiomes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective gait evaluation in humans is used as a predictive disability outcome measure as well as an indicator for intervention effectiveness. Parallel methods of gait analysis in nonhuman primate models are essential for clinical translation. The goal of this study was to first assess whether marmosets\' gait data could be reliably collected in a Noldus CatWalk XT10.6 and second, establish a testing protocol to assess gait and the intraindividual variability during repeated testing.
    The CatWalk, originally developed for rodents, was modified and used to assess gait in eight adult common marmoset monkeys across multiple days and trials. Data was first analyzed to identify valid runs. Repeated measures ANOVA was completed for the following gait measures: mean base of support, average stride length, average swing time, and average stance time.
    Raters had a high level of concurrence of usable data across all trials with successful trials including four consecutive hindfoot footfalls, during a continuous, uninterrupted segment of walking. A significant main effect of time (p < 0.000) but not rater (p = 0.98) was present with significant interactions for time by subject (p < 0.000), but not rater per subject (p = 0.538), time (p = 0.186), or three-way interaction (p = 0.297).
    Gait has been assessed using force-plate and video data. The CatWalk allowed reproducible, automated and translational locomotor data to be collected at multiple time points with detailed analyses that identified a diagonal gait pattern.
    The CatWalk system, similar to those used in humans, can be effectively used to quantify spatiotemporal characteristics of gait in the common marmoset.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optogenetics is now a fundamental tool for investigating the relationship between neuronal activity and behavior. However, its application to the investigation of motor control systems in nonhuman primates is rather limited, because optogenetic stimulation of cortical neurons in nonhuman primates has failed to induce or modulate any hand/arm movements. Here, we used a tetracycline-inducible gene expression system carrying CaMKII promoter and the gene encoding a Channelrhodopsin-2 variant with fast kinetics in the common marmoset, a small New World monkey. In an awake state, forelimb movements could be induced when Channelrhodopsin-2-expressing neurons in the motor cortex were illuminated by blue laser light with a spot diameter of 1 mm or 2 mm through a cranial window without cortical invasion. Forelimb muscles responded 10 ms to 50 ms after photostimulation onset. Long-duration (500 ms) photostimulation induced discrete forelimb movements that could be markerlessly tracked with charge-coupled device cameras and a deep learning algorithm. Long-duration photostimulation mapping revealed that the primary motor cortex is divided into multiple domains that can induce hand and elbow movements in different directions. During performance of a forelimb movement task, movement trajectories were modulated by weak photostimulation, which did not induce visible forelimb movements at rest, around the onset of task-relevant movement. The modulation was biased toward the movement direction induced by the strong photostimulation. Combined with calcium imaging, all-optical interrogation of motor circuits should be possible in behaving marmosets.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measuring body surface temperature changes with infrared thermography has recently been put forward as a non-invasive alternative measure of physiological correlates of emotional reactions. In particular, the nasal region seems to be highly sensitive to emotional reactions. Several studies suggest that nasal temperature is negatively correlated with the level of arousal in humans and other primates, but some studies provide inconsistent results. Our goal was to establish the use of infrared thermography to quantify emotional reactions in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), with a focus on the nasal region. To do so we exposed 17 common marmosets to a set of positive, negative and control stimuli (positive: preferred food, playback of food calls; negative: playback of aggressive vocalizations, teasing; control: no stimulus). We compared nasal temperature before and after the stimuli and expected that highly aroused emotional states would lead to a drop in nasal temperature. To validate the thermography measure, we coded piloerection of the tail as an independent measure of arousal and expected a negative correlation between the two measures. Finally, we coded physical activity to exclude its potential confounding impact on nasal temperature. Our results show that all predictions were met: the animals showed a strong decrease in nasal temperature after the presentation of negative arousing stimuli (teasing, playback of aggressive vocalizations). Furthermore, these changes in nasal temperature were correlated with piloerection of the tail and could not be explained by changes in physical activity. In the positive and the control conditions, we found systematic sex differences: in males, the preferred food, the playbacks of food calls, as well as the control stimulus led to an increase in nasal temperature, whereas in females the temperature remained stable (preferred food, control) or decreased (playback of food calls). Based on naturalistic observations that document higher food motivation and competition among female marmosets, as well as stronger reactions to separation from group members in male marmosets, these sex differences corroborate a negative correlation between arousal and nasal temperature. Overall, our results support that measuring nasal temperature by infrared thermography is a promising method to quantify emotional arousal in common marmosets in a fully non-invasive and highly objective way.





