
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We detected a novel poxvirus from a gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) from the North Sea, Germany. The juvenile animal showed pox-like lesions and deteriorating overall health condition and was finally euthanized. Histology, electron microscopy, sequencing, and PCR confirmed a previously undescribed poxvirus of the Chordopoxvirinae subfamily, tentatively named Wadden Sea poxvirus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the fear of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic subsides, countries around the globe are now dealing with a fear of the epidemic surrounding the prevalence of monkeypox cases in various regions. Previously endemic to regions of Africa, the majority of monkeypox cases associated with the 2022 outbreak are being noted in countries around Europe and in the western hemisphere. While contact-tracing projects are being conducted by various organizations, it is unknown how this outbreak began. Monkeypox virus is one of the many zoonotic viruses that belong to the Orthopoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family. Monkeypox cases received global attention during the 1970s, after the global eradication of smallpox. The smallpox vaccine provided cross-immunity to the monkeypox virus. Upon the cessation of smallpox vaccine administration, monkeypox cases became more prevalent. It was not until the 2003 US outbreak that monkeypox truly gained global attention. Despite the virus being named monkeypox, monkeys are not the origin of the virus. Several rodents and small mammals have been attributed as the source of the virus; however, it is unknown what the true origin of monkeypox is. The name monkeypox is due to the viral infection being first witnessed in macaque monkeys. Though human-to-human transmission of monkeypox is very rare, it is commonly attributed to respiratory droplets or direct contact with mucocutaneous lesions of an infected individual. Currently, there is no treatment allocated for infected individuals, however, supportive treatments can be administered to provide symptom relief to individuals; Medications such as tecovirimat may be administered in very severe cases. These treatments are subjective, as there are no exact guidelines for symptom relief.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Brazilian porcupine poxvirus (BPoPV) is a new poxvirus recently described in porcupines (Coendou prehensilis) from Brazil. Herein, we described a free-ranging adult male Coendou (Sphiggurus) spinosus rescued after being found lethargic on the ground in a rural area. The animal presented crusty, edematous, and suppurative skin lesions on the face, tail, and perineum, and yellowish ocular secretion. The diagnosis was performed by histopathology, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), PCR, and sequencing. Microscopically, proliferative and necrotizing dermatitis, subacute, multifocal with ballooning degeneration, and eosinophilic intracytoplasmic viral inclusion bodies were observed. TEM confirmed large brick-shaped virions inside the keratinocyte cytoplasm, measuring about 200-280 × 120-180 nm. Partial fragment of intracellular mature virion membrane protein gene and putative metalloproteinase gene was successfully amplified and sequenced, and the strain herein denoted IAL/21 V-102 was classified as BPoPV, showing 99.4% of nucleotide identity to the reference strain UFU/USP001. Enrofloxacin 10% (10 mg/kg) was administered every 24 h through intramuscular injection for 10 days, dipyrone/metamizole (25 mg/kg) every 24 h orally (PO) for 3 days, 0.5 ml (mL) of thymomodulin every 24 h PO for 30 days, and each 48 h for another 15 days. The lesions were cleaned and debrided every 15 days. Seventy-five days after the beginning of the treatment, the cutaneous lesions regressed, the animal gained weight, and was clinically stable. After treatment, the skin biopsy showed only mild epidermal acanthosis, intra-cellular edema, and mild lymphoplasmacytic perivascular dermatitis. No viral particles were observed by TEM and no poxviral DNA was amplified by PCR. This study documents the first case of confirmed and treated BPoPV infection in a hairy dwarf porcupine. The implemented therapeutic plan eliminated the infection and improved the general state of the animal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vaccinia virus produces two types of virions known as single-membraned intracellular mature virus (MV) and double-membraned extracellular enveloped virus (EV). EV production peaks earlier when initial MVs are further wrapped and secreted to spread infection within the host. However, late during infection, MVs accumulate intracellularly and become important for host-to-host transmission. The process that regulates this switch remains elusive and is thought to be influenced by host factors. Here, we examined the hypothesis that EV and MV production are regulated by the virus through expression of F13 and the MV-specific protein A26. By switching the promoters and altering the expression kinetics of F13 and A26, we demonstrate that A26 expression downregulates EV production and plaque size, thus limiting viral spread. This process correlates with A26 association with the MV surface protein A27 and exclusion of F13, thus reducing EV titers. Thus, MV maturation is controlled by the abundance of the viral A26 protein, independently of other factors, and is rate limiting for EV production. The A26 gene is conserved within vertebrate poxviruses but is strikingly lost in poxviruses known to be transmitted exclusively by biting arthropods. A26-mediated virus maturation thus has the appearance to be an ancient evolutionary adaptation to enhance transmission of poxviruses that has subsequently been lost from vector-adapted species, for which it may serve as a genetic signature. The existence of virus-regulated mechanisms to produce virions adapted to fulfill different functions represents a novel level of complexity in mammalian viruses with major impacts on evolution, adaptation, and transmission. IMPORTANCE Chordopoxviruses are mammalian viruses that uniquely produce a first type of virion adapted to spread within the host and a second type that enhances transmission between hosts, which can take place by multiple ways, including direct contact, respiratory droplets, oral/fecal routes, or via vectors. Both virion types are important to balance intrahost dissemination and interhost transmission, so virus maturation pathways must be tightly controlled. Here, we provide evidence that the abundance and kinetics of expression of the viral protein A26 regulates this process by preventing formation of the first form and shifting maturation toward the second form. A26 is expressed late after the initial wave of progeny virions is produced, so sufficient viral dissemination is ensured, and A26 provides virions with enhanced environmental stability. Conservation of A26 in all vertebrate poxviruses, but not in those transmitted exclusively via biting arthropods, reveals the importance of A26-controlled virus maturation for transmission routes involving environmental exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We obtained the complete sequence of a novel poxvirus, tentatively named Brazilian porcupinepox virus, from a wild porcupine (Coendou prehensilis) in Brazil that had skin and internal lesions characteristic of poxvirus infection. The impact of this lethal poxvirus on the survival of this species and its potential zoonotic importance remain to be investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cervidpoxvirus is one of the more recently designated genera within the subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, with Deerpox virus (DPV) as the only recognized species to date. In this study, the authors describe spontaneous disease and infection in the North American moose (Alces americanus) by a novel Cervidpoxvirus, here named Moosepox virus (MPV). Three 4-month-old moose calves developed a multifocal subacute-to-chronic, necrotizing, suppurative-to-granulomatous dermatitis that affected the face and the extremities. Ultrastructurally, all stages of MPV morphogenesis-that is, crescents, spherical immature particles, mature particles, and enveloped mature virus-were observed in skin tissue. In vitro infection with MPV confirmed that its morphogenesis was similar to that of the prototype vaccinia virus. The entire coding region, including 170 putative genes of this MPV, was sequenced and annotated. The sequence length was 164,258 bp with 98.5% nucleotide identity with DPV (strain W-1170-84) based on the whole genome. The genome of the study virus was distinct from that of the reference strain (W-1170-84) in certain genes, including the CD30-like protein (83.9% nucleotide, 81.6% amino acid), the endothelin precursor (73.2% nucleotide including some indels, 51.4% amino acid), and major histocompatibility class (MHC) class I-like protein (81.0% nucleotide, 68.2% amino acid). This study provides biological characterization of a new Cervidpoxvirus attained through in vivo and in vitro ultrastructural analyses. It also demonstrates the importance of whole-genome sequencing in the molecular characterization of poxviruses identified in taxonomically related hosts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cetaceanpox viruses (CePVs) are associated with a cutaneous disease in cetaceans often referred to as \"tattoo\" lesions. To date, only partial genomic data are available for CePVs, and thus, they remain unclassified members of the subfamily Chordopoxvirinae within the family Poxviridae. Herein, we describe the first complete CePV genome sequenced from the tattoo lesion of a managed Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus), using next-generation sequencing. The T. aduncus CePV genome (CePV-TA) was determined to encode 120 proteins, including eight genes unique to the CePV-TA and five genes predicted to function as immune-evasion genes. The results of CePV-TA genetic analyses supported the creation of a new chordopoxvirus genus for CePVs. The complete sequencing of a CePV represents an important first step in unraveling the evolutionary relationship and taxonomy of CePVs, and significantly increases our understanding of the genomic characteristics of these chordopoxviruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saltwater crocodilepox virus (SwCRV), belonging to the genus Crocodylidpoxvirus, are large DNA viruses posing an economic risk to Australian saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) farms by extending production times. Although poxvirus-like particles and sequences have been confirmed, their infection dynamics, inter-farm genetic variability and evolutionary relationships remain largely unknown. In this study, a poxvirus infection dynamics study was conducted on two C. porosus farms. One farm (Farm 2) showed twice the infection rate, and more concerningly, an increase in the number of early- to late-stage poxvirus lesions as crocodiles approached harvest size, reflecting the extended production periods observed on this farm. To determine if there was a genetic basis for this difference, 14 complete SwCRV genomes were isolated from lesions sourced from five Australian farms. They encompassed all the conserved genes when compared to the two previously reported SwCRV genomes and fell within three major clades. Farm 2\'s SwCRV sequences were distributed across all three clades, highlighting the likely mode of inter-farm transmission. Twenty-four recombination events were detected, with one recombination event resulting in consistent fragmentation of the P4c gene in the majority of the Farm 2 SwCRV isolates. Further investigation into the evolution of poxvirus infection in farmed crocodiles may offer valuable insights in evolution of this viral family and afford the opportunity to obtain crucial information into natural viral selection processes in an in vivo setting.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interest in bat-related viruses has increased considerably during the last decade, leading to the discovery of a rising number of new viruses in several bat species. Poxviridae are a large, diverse family of DNA viruses that can infect a wide range of vertebrates and invertebrates. To date, only a few documented detections of poxviruses have been described in bat populations on three different continents (America, Africa, and Australia). These viruses are phylogenetically dissimilar and have diverse clinical impacts on their hosts. Herein, we report the isolation, nearly complete genome sequencing, and annotation of a novel poxvirus detected from an insectivorous bat (Hypsugo savii) in Northern Italy. The virus is tentatively named Hypsugopoxvirus (HYPV) after the bat species from which it was isolated. The nearly complete genome size is 166,600 nt and it encodes 161 genes. Genome analyses suggest that HYPV belongs to the Chordopoxvirinae subfamily, with the highest nucleotide identity (85%) to Eptesipoxvirus (EPTV) detected from a microbat Eptesicus fuscus in WA, USA, in 2011. To date, HYPV represents the first poxvirus detected in bats in Europe; thus, its viral ecology and disease associations should be investigated further.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During September and October 2017, a highly fatal outbreak of a disease clinically indistinguishable from goat pox occurred in the villages around the Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India. This was investigated through clinical examination of affected animals, individual interviews with goat keepers and participatory village meetings. Laboratory confirmation was impractical due to the isolation and poverty of the affected community and unnecessary due to the specific nature of the clinical signs. Respondents reported not having encountered the disease previously, and it would appear that a naïve local population developed within an endemically affected region because of a trend to avoid purchasing animals from outside the village. Local grazing practices appear to have had a role in both the spread and control of the outbreak. Goats are an important form of savings and cash income to people in the locality, and the outbreak may result in considerable financial hardship for affected goat keepers. We provide a detailed description of the clinical disease and the spread of the outbreak in the locality. Awareness of the disease with reference to farming practices will provide opportunities for future disease control to enhance animal welfare and rural prosperity.






