chloride transport

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Together with its β-subunit OSTM1, ClC-7 performs 2Cl-/H+ exchange across lysosomal membranes. Pathogenic variants in either gene cause lysosome-related pathologies, including osteopetrosis and lysosomal storage. CLCN7 variants can cause recessive or dominant disease. Different variants entail different sets of symptoms. Loss of ClC-7 causes osteopetrosis and mostly neuronal lysosomal storage. A recently reported de novo CLCN7 mutation (p.Tyr715Cys) causes widespread severe lysosome pathology (hypopigmentation, organomegaly, and delayed myelination and development, \"HOD syndrome\"), but no osteopetrosis. We now describe two additional HOD individuals with the previously described p.Tyr715Cys and a novel p.Lys285Thr mutation, respectively. Both mutations decreased ClC-7 inhibition by PI(3,5)P2 and affected residues lining its binding pocket, and shifted voltage-dependent gating to less positive potentials, an effect partially conferred to WT subunits in WT/mutant heteromers. This shift predicts augmented pH gradient-driven Cl- uptake into vesicles. Overexpressing either mutant induced large lysosome-related vacuoles. This effect depended on Cl-/H+-exchange, as shown using mutants carrying uncoupling mutations. Fibroblasts from the p.Y715C patient also displayed giant vacuoles. This was not observed with p.K285T fibroblasts probably due to residual PI(3,5)P2 sensitivity. The gain of function caused by the shifted voltage-dependence of either mutant likely is the main pathogenic factor. Loss of PI(3,5)P2 inhibition will further increase current amplitudes, but may not be a general feature of HOD. Overactivity of ClC-7 induces pathologically enlarged vacuoles in many tissues, which is distinct from lysosomal storage observed with the loss of ClC-7 function. Osteopetrosis results from a loss of ClC-7, but osteoclasts remain resilient to increased ClC-7 activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian SLC26 proteins are membrane-based anion transporters that belong to the large SLC26/SulP family, and many of their variants are associated with hereditary diseases. Recent structural studies revealed a strikingly similar homodimeric molecular architecture for several SLC26 members, implying a shared molecular principle. Now a new question emerges as to how these structurally similar proteins execute diverse physiological functions. In this study, we sought to identify the common versus distinct molecular mechanism among the SLC26 proteins using both naturally occurring and artificial missense changes introduced to SLC26A4, SLC26A5, and SLC26A9. We found: (i) the basic residue at the anion binding site is essential for both anion antiport of SLC26A4 and motor functions of SLC26A5, and its conversion to a nonpolar residue is crucial but not sufficient for the fast uncoupled anion transport in SLC26A9; (ii) the conserved polar residues in the N- and C-terminal cytosolic domains are likely involved in dynamic hydrogen-bonding networks and are essential for anion antiport of SLC26A4 but not for motor (SLC26A5) and uncoupled anion transport (SLC26A9) functions; (iii) the hydrophobic interaction between each protomer\'s last transmembrane helices, TM14, is not of functional significance in SLC26A9 but crucial for the functions of SLC26A4 and SLC26A5, likely contributing to optimally orient the axis of the relative movements of the core domain with respect to the gate domains within the cell membrane. These findings advance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the diverse physiological roles of the SLC26 family of proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal regions, home to a significant portion of the world\'s population, confront a formidable challenge: the corrosive impact of chloride-rich environments on vital infrastructure. These areas often host essential transportation systems, such as trains and metros, reliant on pre-existing electrical infrastructure. Unfortunately, complete isolation of this infrastructure is rarely feasible, resulting in the emergence of stray currents and electrical potentials that expedite corrosion processes. When coupled with conducive mediums facilitating chemical electrocell formation, the corrosion of reinforced concrete elements accelerates significantly. To combat this issue, international standards have been established, primarily focusing on augmenting the thickness of reinforcement bar covers and restricting stray voltage between rails and the ground. Nevertheless, these measures only provide partial solutions. When subjected to service loads, these elements develop cracks, especially when exposed to stray currents and chlorides, dramatically increasing corrosion rates. Corrosion products, which expand in volume compared to steel, exert internal forces that widen cracks, hastening the deterioration of structural elements. The study deals with the degradation of reinforced concrete columns under the combined action of loads, chloride-rich environments, and electrical voltage-simulating stray currents. In these conditions, degradation and reduction of load-bearing capacity accelerate compared to unloaded conditions, significantly amplifying the corrosion rate. Astonishingly, even in the absence of mechanical loads, stray currents alone induce tensile stresses in elements due to corrosion product formation, leading to longitudinal cracks parallel to the reinforcement bars.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chloride transport within concrete is critical for the durability of reinforced concrete structures; however, its diffusion under the coupling action of temperature and humidity has not been fully comprehended. Therefore, in this work, the coupling effects of temperature, relative humidity, and mineral admixtures on chloride transport in concrete were investigated through experimental and numerical simulation work. The results show that the chloride diffusion coefficient decreases with the decreased temperature and growth of relative humidity; however, the chloride concentration on the concrete surface is increased with the growth of temperature and relative humidity. Moreover, compounding about 15% fly ash (FA) and 30% granulated ground blast furnace slag (GGBS) to replace the cement is the most beneficial for improving the antichloride capacity of concrete, considering also the strength. In addition, the numerical simulation considering the coupled effect of temperature and relative humidity of chloride transport in concrete has good agreement with that of experimental results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endosomes and lysosomes are intracellular vesicular organelles with important roles in cell functions such as protein homeostasis, clearance of extracellular material, and autophagy. Endolysosomes are characterized by an acidic luminal pH that is critical for proper function. Five members of the gene family of voltage-gated ChLoride Channels (CLC proteins) are localized to endolysosomal membranes, carrying out anion/proton exchange activity and thereby regulating pH and chloride concentration. Mutations in these vesicular CLCs cause global developmental delay, intellectual disability, various psychiatric conditions, lysosomal storage diseases, and neurodegeneration, resulting in severe pathologies or even death. Currently, there is no cure for any of these diseases. Here, we review the various diseases in which these proteins are involved and discuss the peculiar biophysical properties of the WT transporter and how these properties are altered in specific neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chloride transport is a vital issue in the research on the durability of alkali-activated materials (AAMs). Nevertheless, due to its miscellaneous types, complex mix proportions, and limitations in testing methods, the reports of different studies are numerous and vary greatly. Therefore, in order to promote the application and development of AAMs in chloride environments, this work systematically reviews the chloride transport behavior and mechanism, solidification of chloride, influencing factors, and test method of chloride transport of AAMs, along with conclusions regarding instructive insights to the chloride transport problem of AAMs in future work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the key problems that affect the durability of reinforced concrete structures is the corrosion of rebar induced by chloride. Despite the complicated transport mechanism of chloride ions in cementitious materials, diffusion is still the key mechanism of chloride ingress. The determination of the chloride diffusion coefficient will help to predict the chloride profile inside the cementitious materials and estimate the service life with regard to chloride-induced corrosion. However, this paper shows that the chloride diffusion coefficient in the literature is sometimes misunderstood. Such a misunderstanding results in the overestimation of the chloride resistance of cementitious materials. To clarify the chloride diffusion coefficient, this paper first presents the steady- and non-steady-state diffusion equations in cementitious materials. The factors that influence the diffusive flux are identified. The effective and apparent diffusion coefficients are then clearly explained and properly defined. We also point out the obscure definitions of the effective diffusion coefficient in the literature. The varied definitions of the effective diffusion coefficient are the result of the consideration of different factors affecting the diffusion process. Subsequently, this paper discusses two natural diffusion test methods that are frequently employed in cementitious materials to measure the chloride diffusion coefficient. The influencing factors considered by the measured diffusion coefficients are analyzed in detail. Then, the diffusion coefficients determined in some of the studies are reviewed. It is shown that three typical errors could occur when numerically determining the diffusion coefficients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Durability improvement is always important for steel-concrete structures exposed to chloride salt environment. The present research investigated the influence of a novel nano-precursor inhibiting material (NPI), organic carboxylic acid ammonium salt, on the mechanical and transport properties of concrete. The NPI caused a slight reduction in the strength of concrete at later ages. NPI significantly decreased water absorption and slowed down the speed of water absorption of concrete. In addition, the NPI decreased the charge passed and the chloride migration coefficient, and the results of the natural chloride diffusion showed that the NPI decreased the chloride concentration and the chloride diffusion coefficient. The NPI effectively improved the resistance of chloride penetration into testing concrete. The improvement in the impermeability of concrete was ascribed to the incorporation with the NPI, which resulted in increasing the contact angle of cement pastes. The contact angle went up from 17.8° to 85.8° for 0% and 1.2% NPI, respectively, and cement pastes became less hydrophilic. Some small pore throats were unconnected. Besides, the NPI also optimized the pore size distribution of hardened cement paste.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial chloride transporters have been intensely investigated in view of their potential medicinal applications. Recently, we have established 1,8-diamidocarbazoles as a versatile platform for the development of active chloride carriers. In the present contribution, we investigate the influence of various electron-withdrawing substituents in positions 3 and 6 of the carbazole core on the chloride transport activity of these anionophores. Using lucigenin assay and large unilamellar vesicles as models, the 3,6-dicyano- and 3,6-dinitro- substituted receptors were found to be highly active and perfectly deliverable chloride transporters, with EC50,270s value as low as 22 nM for the Cl-/NO3 - exchange. Mechanistic studies revealed that diamidocarbazoles form 1:1 complexes with chloride in lipid bilayers and facilitate chloride/nitrate exchange by carrier mechanism. Furthermore, owing to its increased acidity, the 3,6-dinitro- substituted receptor acts as a pH-switchable transporter, with physiologically relevant apparent pKa of 6.4.





