
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implicit visuomotor sequence learning is crucial for acquiring skills that result in automated behaviors. The oscillatory dynamics underpinning this learning process are not well understood. To address this gap, the current study employed electroencephalography with a medium-density array (64 electrodes) to investigate oscillatory activity associated with implicit visuomotor sequence learning in the Serial Reaction Time task. In the task, participants unknowingly learn a series of finger movements. Eighty-five healthy adults participated in the study. Analyses revealed that theta activity at the vertex and alpha/beta activity over the motor areas decreased over the course of learning. No associations between alpha/beta and theta power were observed. These findings are interpreted within a dual-process framework: midline theta activity is posited to regulate top-down attentional processes, whereas beta activity from motor areas underlies the bottom-up encoding of sensory information from movement. From this model, we suggest that during implicit visuomotor sequence learning, top-down processes become disengaged (indicated by a reduction in theta activity), and modality specific bottom-up processes encode the motor sequence (indicated by a reduction in alpha/beta activity).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Acute hemorrhage decreases blood pressure (BP) and sometimes causes hypovolemic shock. At this time, peripheral arteries are supposed to contract and increase peripheral vascular resistance to raise BP. However, there has not been an adequate index of a degree of arterial stiffness. We assessed changes in arterial stiffness during rapid bleeding using new BP-independent vascular indices, aBeta and ifBeta, determined by applying the cardio-ankle vascular index theory to the elastic (aorta) and muscular (common iliac-femoral) arteries, respectively, in rabbits.
    UNASSIGNED: Eleven Japanese white male rabbits were fixed at the supine position under pentobarbital anesthesia. Fifteen percent of the total blood volume was depleted at a rate of 2 mL/kg/min for 6 min; 15 min later, the withdrawn blood was re-transfused at the same rate. Pressure waves at the origin of the aorta (oA), distal end of the abdominal aorta (dA), distal end of the left common iliac artery (fA), and flow waves at oA were measured simultaneously. Beta was calculated using the following formula: beta = 2ρ/PP × ln(SBP/DBP) × PWV2, where ρ, SBP, DBP, and PP are blood density, systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressures, respectively. aBeta, ifBeta, and aortic-iliac-femoral beta (aifBeta) were calculated using aPWV, ifPWV, and aifPWV, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: BP declined significantly at oA, dA, and fA during the acute bleeding. aBeta and aifBeta increased significantly from 3.7 and 5.0 before the bleeding (control) to 5.0 (about 34%) and 6.3 (about 26%) on average, while ifBeta decreased significantly from 20.5 before the bleeding to 17.1 (about 17%) after the completion of the bleeding. Reverse reactions of those indices were observed by transfusing the removed blood.
    UNASSIGNED: Total arterial stiffness (aifBeta) increased; however, the elastic and muscular arteries stiffened and softened during the bleeding, respectively. These results would give useful diagnostic information during fall in BP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that is typically characterized by a range of motor dysfunctions, and its impact extends beyond physical abnormalities into emotional well-being and cognitive symptoms. The loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) leads to an array of dysfunctions in the functioning of the basal ganglia (BG) circuitry that manifests into PD. While active research is being carried out to find the root cause of SNc cell death, various therapeutic techniques are used to manage the symptoms of PD. The most common approach in managing the symptoms is replenishing the lost dopamine in the form of taking dopaminergic medications such as levodopa, despite its long-term complications. Another commonly used intervention for PD is deep brain stimulation (DBS). DBS is most commonly used when levodopa medication efficacy is reduced, and, in combination with levodopa medication, it helps reduce the required dosage of medication, prolonging the therapeutic effect. DBS is also a first choice option when motor complications such as dyskinesia emerge as a side effect of medication. Several studies have also reported that though DBS is found to be effective in suppressing severe motor symptoms such as tremors and rigidity, it has an adverse effect on cognitive capabilities. Henceforth, it is important to understand the exact mechanism of DBS in alleviating motor symptoms. A computational model of DBS stimulation for motor symptoms will offer great insights into understanding the mechanisms underlying DBS, and, along this line, in our current study, we modeled a cortico-basal ganglia circuitry of arm reaching, where we simulated healthy control (HC) and PD symptoms as well as the DBS effect on PD tremor and bradykinesia. Our modeling results reveal that PD tremors are more correlated with the theta band, while bradykinesia is more correlated with the beta band of the frequency spectrum of the local field potential (LFP) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) neurons. With a DBS current of 220 pA, 130 Hz, and a 100 microsecond pulse-width, we could found the maximum therapeutic effect for the pathological dynamics simulated using our model using a set of parameter values. However, the exact DBS characteristics vary from patient to patient, and this can be further studied by exploring the model parameter space. This model can be extended to study different DBS targets and accommodate cognitive dynamics in the future to study the impact of DBS on cognitive symptoms and thereby optimize the parameters to produce optimal performance effects across modalities. Combining DBS with rehabilitation is another frontier where DBS can reduce symptoms such as tremors and rigidity, enabling patients to participate in their therapy. With DBS providing instant relief to patients, a combination of DBS and rehabilitation can enhance neural plasticity. One of the key motivations behind combining DBS with rehabilitation is to expect comparable results in motor performance even with milder DBS currents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite substantial progress in investigating its psychophysical complexity, tinnitus remains a scientific and clinical enigma. The present study, through an ecological and multidisciplinary approach, aims to identify associations between electroencephalographic (EEG) and psycho-audiological variables.
    METHODS: EEG beta activity, often related to stress and anxiety, was acquired from 12 tinnitus patients (TIN group) and 7 controls (CONT group) during an audio cognitive task and at rest. We also investigated psychological (SCL-90-R; STAI-Y; BFI-10) and audiological (THI; TQ12-I; Hyperacusis) variables using non-parametric statistics to assess differences and relationships between and within groups.
    RESULTS: In the TIN group, frontal beta activity positively correlated with hyperacusis, parietal activity, and trait anxiety; the latter is also associated with depression in CONT. Significant differences in paranoid ideation and openness were found between groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: The connection between anxiety trait, beta activity in the fronto-parietal cortices and hyperacusis provides insights into brain functioning in tinnitus patients, offering quantitative descriptions for clinicians and new multidisciplinary treatment hypotheses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global dissemination of SARS-CoV-2 resulted in the emergence of several variants, including Alpha, Alpha + E484K, Beta, and Omicron. Our research integrated the study of eukaryotic translation factors and fundamental components in general protein synthesis with the analysis of SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccination status. Utilizing statistical methods, we successfully differentiated between variants in infected individuals and, to a lesser extent, between vaccinated and non-vaccinated infected individuals, relying on the expression profiles of translation factors. Additionally, our investigation identified common causal relationships among the translation factors, shedding light on the interplay between SARS-CoV-2 variants and the host\'s translation machinery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevalence of electronic screens in modern society has significantly increased our exposure to high-energy blue and violet light wavelengths. Accumulating evidence links this exposure to adverse visual and cognitive effects and sleep disturbances. To mitigate these effects, the optical industry has introduced a variety of filtering glasses. However, the scientific validation of these glasses has often been based on subjective reports and a narrow range of objective measures, casting doubt on their true efficacy. In this study, we used electroencephalography (EEG) to record brain wave activity to evaluate the effects of glasses that filter multiple wavelengths (blue, violet, indigo, and green) on human brain activity. Our results demonstrate that wearing these multi-colour light filtering glasses significantly reduces beta wave power (13-30 Hz) compared to control or no glasses. Prior research has associated a reduction in beta power with the calming of heightened mental states, such as anxiety. As such, our results suggest that wearing glasses such as the ones used in this study may also positively change mental states, for instance, by promoting relaxation. This investigation is innovative in applying neuroimaging techniques to confirm that light-filtering glasses can induce measurable changes in brain activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basolateral amygdala (BLA) mediates both fear and reward learning.1,2 Previous work has shown that parvalbumin (PV) interneurons in the BLA contribute to BLA oscillatory states integral to fear expression.3,4,5,6,7 However, despite it being critical to our understanding of reward behaviors, it is unknown whether BLA oscillatory states and PV interneurons similarly contribute to reward processing. Local field potentials in the BLA were collected as male and female mice consumed sucrose reward, where prominent changes in the beta band (15-30 Hz) emerged with reward experience. During consumption of one water bottle during a two-water-bottle choice test, rhythmic optogenetic stimulation of BLA PVs produced a robust bottle preference, showing that PVs can sufficiently drive reward seeking. Finally, to demonstrate that PV activity is necessary for reward value use, PVs were chemogenetically inhibited following outcome devaluation, rendering mice incapable of using updated reward representations to guide their behavior. Taken together, these experiments provide novel information about the physiological signatures of reward while highlighting BLA PV interneuron contributions to behaviors that are BLA dependent. This work builds upon established knowledge of PV involvement in fear expression and provides evidence that PV orchestration of unique BLA network states is involved in both learning types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present a new paradigm for the primary standardization of radionuclide activity per mass of solution (Bq/g). Two key enabling capabilities are 4π decay-energy spectrometry using chip-scale sub-Kelvin microcalorimeters and direct realization of mass by gravimetric inkjet dispensing using an electrostatic force balance. In contrast to traditional traceability, which typically relies on chemical separation of single-radionuclide samples, 4π integral counting, and additional spectrometry methods to verify purity, the system described here has both 4π counting efficiency and spectroscopic resolution sufficient to identify multiple radionuclides in the same sample at once. This enables primary standardization of activity concentrations of mixed-radionuclide samples. A major benefit of this capability, beyond metrology, is in assay of environmental and forensics samples, for which the quantification of multiplenuclide samples can be achieved where presently inhibited by interferences. This can be achieved without the need for chemical separations or efficiency tracers, thereby vastly reducing time, radioactive waste, and resulting measurement uncertainty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past three decades, deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson\'s disease (PD) has been applied in a continuous open loop fashion, unresponsive to changes in a given patient\'s state or symptoms over the course of a day. Advances in recent neurostimulator technology enable the possibility for closed loop adaptive DBS (aDBS) for PD as a treatment option in the near future in which stimulation adjusts in a demand-based manner. Although aDBS offers great clinical potential for treatment of motor symptoms, it also brings with it the need for better understanding how to implement it in order to maximize its benefits. In this perspective, we outline considerations for programing several key parameters for aDBS based on our experience across several aDBS-capable research neurostimulators. At its core, aDBS hinges on successful identification of relevant biomarkers that can be measured reliably in real-time working in cohesion with a control policy that governs stimulation adaption. However, auxiliary parameters such as the window in which stimulation is allowed to adapt, as well as the rate it changes, can be just as impactful on performance and vary depending on the control policy and patient. A standardize protocol for programming aDBS will be crucial to ensuring its effective application in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emerging evidence indicates that aberrations in sensorimotor cortical oscillations likely play a key role in uncharacteristic motor actions seen in cerebral palsy. This interpretation is largely centered on the assumption that the aberrant cortical oscillations primarily reflect the motor aspects, with less consideration of possible higher-order cognitive connections. To directly probe this view, we examined the impact of cognitive interference on the sensorimotor cortical oscillations seen in persons with cerebral palsy using magnetoencephalography. Persons with cerebral palsy (N = 26, 9-47 years old) and controls (N = 46, 11-49 years) underwent magnetoencephalographic imaging while completing an arrow-based version of the Eriksen flanker task. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the relationship between the extent of interference generated by the flanker task and the strength of the sensorimotor cortical oscillations and motor performance. Our results indicated that the impact of cognitive interference on beta and gamma oscillations moderated the interference effect on reaction times in persons with cerebral palsy, above and beyond that seen in controls. Overall, these findings suggest that alterations in sensorimotor oscillatory activity in those with cerebral palsy at least partly reflects top-down control influences on the motor system. Thus, suppression of distracting stimuli should be a consideration when evaluating altered motor actions in cerebral palsy.





