auditory cognition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Problems with speech-in-noise (SiN) perception are extremely common in hearing loss. Clinical tests have generally been based on measurement of SiN. My group has developed an approach to SiN based on the auditory cognitive mechanisms that subserve this, that might be relevant to speakers of any language. I describe how well these predict SiN, the brain systems for them, and tests of auditory cognition based on them that might be used to characterise SiN deficits in the clinic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hippocampus has a well-established role in spatial and episodic memory but a broader function has been proposed including aspects of perception and relational processing. Neural bases of sound analysis have been described in the pathway to auditory cortex, but wider networks supporting auditory cognition are still being established. We review what is known about the role of the hippocampus in processing auditory information, and how the hippocampus itself is shaped by sound. In examining imaging, recording, and lesion studies in species from rodents to humans, we uncover a hierarchy of hippocampal responses to sound including during passive exposure, active listening, and the learning of associations between sounds and other stimuli. We describe how the hippocampus\' connectivity and computational architecture allow it to track and manipulate auditory information - whether in the form of speech, music, or environmental, emotional, or phantom sounds. Functional and structural correlates of auditory experience are also identified. The extent of auditory-hippocampal interactions is consistent with the view that the hippocampus makes broad contributions to perception and cognition, beyond spatial and episodic memory. More deeply understanding these interactions may unlock applications including entraining hippocampal rhythms to support cognition, and intervening in links between hearing loss and dementia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with misophonia, a disorder involving extreme sound sensitivity, report significant anger, disgust, and anxiety in response to select but usually common sounds. While estimates of prevalence within certain populations such as college students have approached 20%, it is currently unknown what percentage of people experience misophonic responses to such \"trigger\" sounds. Furthermore, there is little understanding of the fundamental processes involved. In this study, we aimed to characterize the distribution of misophonic symptoms in a general population, as well as clarify whether the aversive emotional responses to trigger sounds are partly caused by acoustic salience of the sound itself, or by recognition of the sound. Using multi-talker babble as masking noise to decrease participants\' ability to identify sounds, we assessed how identification of common trigger sounds related to subjective emotional responses in 300 adults who participated in an online study. Participants were asked to listen to and identify neutral, unpleasant and trigger sounds embedded in different levels of the masking noise (signal-to-noise ratios: -30, -20, -10, 0, +10 dB), and then to evaluate their subjective judgment of the sounds (pleasantness) and emotional reactions to them (anxiety, anger, and disgust). Using participants\' scores on a scale quantifying misophonia sensitivity, we selected the top and bottom 20% scorers from the distribution to form a Most-Misophonic subgroup (N = 66) and Least-Misophonic subgroup (N = 68). Both groups were better at identifying triggers than unpleasant sounds, which themselves were identified better than neutral sounds. Both groups also recognized the aversiveness of the unpleasant and trigger sounds, yet for the Most-Misophonic group, there was a greater increase in subjective ratings of negative emotions once the sounds became identifiable, especially for trigger sounds. These results highlight the heightened salience of trigger sounds, but furthermore suggest that learning and higher-order evaluation of sounds play an important role in misophonia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A consistent relationship has been found between rhythmic processing and reading skills. Impairment of the ability to entrain movements to an auditory rhythm in clinical populations with language-related deficits, such as children with developmental dyslexia, has been found in both behavioral and neural studies. In this study, we explored the relationship between rhythmic entrainment, behavioral synchronization, reading fluency, and reading comprehension in neurotypical English- and Mandarin-speaking adults. First, we examined entrainment stability by asking participants to coordinate taps with an auditory metronome in which unpredictable perturbations were introduced to disrupt entrainment. Next, we assessed behavioral synchronization by asking participants to coordinate taps with the syllables they produced while reading sentences as naturally as possible (tap to syllable task). Finally, we measured reading fluency and reading comprehension for native English and native Mandarin speakers. Stability of entrainment correlated strongly with tap to syllable task performance and with reading fluency, and both findings generalized across English and Mandarin speakers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Everyday challenges impact our ability to hear and comprehend spoken language with ease, such as accented speech (source factors), spectral degradation (transmission factors), complex or unfamiliar language use (message factors), and predictability (context factors). Auditory degradation and linguistic complexity in the brain and behavior have been well investigated, and several computational models have emerged. The work here provides a novel test of the hypotheses that listening effort is partially reliant on higher cognitive auditory attention and working memory mechanisms in the frontal lobe, and partially reliant on hierarchical linguistic computation in the brain\'s left hemisphere. We specifically hypothesize that these models are robust and can be applied in ecologically relevant and coarse-grain contexts that rigorously control for acoustic and linguistic listening challenges. Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy during an auditory plausibility judgment task, we show the hierarchical cortical organization for listening effort in the frontal and left temporal-parietal brain regions. In response to increasing levels of cognitive demand, we found (i) poorer comprehension, (ii) slower reaction times, (iii) increasing levels of perceived mental effort, (iv) increasing levels of brain activity in the prefrontal cortex, (v) hierarchical modulation of core language processing regions that reflect increasingly higher-order auditory-linguistic processing, and (vi) a correlation between participants\' mental effort ratings and their performance on the task. Our results demonstrate that listening effort is partly reliant on higher cognitive auditory attention and working memory mechanisms in the frontal lobe and partly reliant on hierarchical linguistic computation in the brain\'s left hemisphere. Further, listening effort is driven by a voluntary, motivation-based attention system for which our results validate the use of a single-item post-task questionnaire for measuring perceived levels of mental effort and predicting listening performance. We anticipate our study to be a starting point for more sophisticated models of listening effort and even cognitive neuroplasticity in hearing aid and cochlear implant users.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The present study explored the auditory benefits of abacus-training using a battery of tests (auditory acuity, clarity, and cognition). The study also aimed to identify the relative contributions of auditory processing tests that are most sensitive to the effects of abacus-training.
    METHODS: The study was conducted on 60 children aged between 9 - 14 years. These participants were divided into two groups (abacus trained and untrained) of 30 each, who underwent a series of auditory functioning tests. The battery of tests included: auditory acuity (frequency, intensity, temporal, binaural and spatial resolution), auditory clarity (speech perception in noise), and auditory cognition (working digit and syllable memory).
    RESULTS: Statistically (t-test and Mann Whitney U test), significant changes were observed in the spatial resolution, auditory clarity, and cognition tests, suggestive of positive outcomes of abacus training at the higher-order auditory processing. This finding was complemented by the discriminant function (DF) analyses, which showed that clarity and cognitive measures helped for effective group segregation (abacustrained and untrained). These measures had significantly higher contributions to the DF.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the study provide evidence of the multi-component benefits of abacus training in children and the transferability of learning effects to the auditory modality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A subregion of the auditory cortex (AC) was proposed to selectively process voices. This selectivity of the temporal voice area (TVA) and its role in processing non-voice sounds however have remained elusive. For a better functional description of the TVA, we investigated its neural responses both to voice and non-voice sounds, and critically also to textural sound patterns (TSPs) that share basic features with natural sounds but that are perceptually very distant from voices. Listening to these TSPs, first, elicited activity in large subregions of the TVA, which was mainly driven by perpetual ratings of TSPs along a voice similarity scale. This similar TVA activity in response to TSPs might partially explain activation patterns typically observed during voice processing. Second, we reconstructed the TVA activity that is usually observed in voice processing with a linear combination of activation patterns from TSPs. An analysis of the reconstruction model weights demonstrated that the TVA similarly processes both natural voice and non-voice sounds as well as TSPs along their acoustic and perceptual features. The predominant factor in reconstructing the TVA pattern by TSPs were the perceptual voice similarity ratings. Third, a multi-voxel pattern analysis confirms that the TSPs contain sufficient sound information to explain TVA activity for voice processing. Altogether, rather than being restricted to higher-order voice processing only, the human \"voice area\" uses mechanisms to evaluate the perceptual and acoustic quality of non-voice sounds, and responds to the latter with a \"voice-like\" processing pattern when detecting some rudimentary perceptual similarity with voices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epidemiological studies identify midlife hearing loss as an independent risk factor for dementia, estimated to account for 9% of cases. We evaluate candidate brain bases for this relationship. These bases include a common pathology affecting the ascending auditory pathway and multimodal cortex, depletion of cognitive reserve due to an impoverished listening environment, and the occupation of cognitive resources when listening in difficult conditions. We also put forward an alternate mechanism, drawing on new insights into the role of the medial temporal lobe in auditory cognition. In particular, we consider how aberrant activity in the service of auditory pattern analysis, working memory, and object processing may interact with dementia pathology in people with hearing loss. We highlight how the effect of hearing interventions on dementia depends on the specific mechanism and suggest avenues for work at the molecular, neuronal, and systems levels to pin this down.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the popularity of using deep learning-based models in various categorization problems and their proven robustness compared to conventional methods, a growing number of researchers have exploited such methods in environment sound classification tasks in recent years. However, the performances of existing models use auditory features like log-mel spectrogram (LM) and mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC), or raw waveform to train deep neural networks for environment sound classification (ESC) are unsatisfactory. In this paper, we first propose two combined features to give a more comprehensive representation of environment sounds Then, a fourfour-layer convolutional neural network (CNN) is presented to improve the performance of ESC with the proposed aggregated features. Finally, the CNN trained with different features are fused using the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory to compose TSCNN-DS model. The experiment results indicate that our combined features with the four-layer CNN are appropriate for environment sound taxonomic problems and dramatically outperform other conventional methods. The proposed TSCNN-DS model achieves a classification accuracy of 97.2%, which is the highest taxonomic accuracy on UrbanSound8K datasets compared to existing models.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Musical training has been demonstrated to benefit speech-in-noise perception. It is however unknown whether this effect translates to selective listening in cocktail party situations, and if so what its neural basis might be. We investigated this question using magnetoencephalography-based speech envelope reconstruction and a sustained selective listening task, in which participants with varying amounts of musical training attended to 1 of 2 speech streams while detecting rare target words. Cortical frequency-following responses (FFR) and auditory working memory were additionally measured to dissociate musical training-related effects on low-level auditory processing versus higher cognitive function. Results show that the duration of musical training is associated with a reduced distracting effect of competing speech on target detection accuracy. Remarkably, more musical training was related to a robust neural tracking of both the to-be-attended and the to-be-ignored speech stream, up until late cortical processing stages. Musical training-related increases in FFR power were associated with a robust speech tracking in auditory sensory areas, whereas training-related differences in auditory working memory were linked to an increased representation of the to-be-ignored stream beyond auditory cortex. Our findings suggest that musically trained persons can use additional information about the distracting stream to limit interference by competing speech.






