
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, the detailed description of a smartphone-based analytical method to turn a smartphone into a colorimeter is described and applied to mural painting replicas. The method consists of a camera characterization process, to estimate CIELAB values from RGB camera responses, correcting for potential experimental interferences, like the effect of the lighting/capture geometry or software for color modification and enhancement. Next, the estimated CIELAB descriptors were used to build a chemometric Support Vector Classifier to objectively distinguish among the colors of the different pigments. The method was validated in terms of color reproduction and classification performance.•A smartphone-based method is described to capture mural painting color.•A color gamut-specific camera characterization procedure is developed and the performance of the smartphone-based colorimeter is compared with a spectrophotometer.•A classification method based on the estimated CIELAB descriptors is validated in terms of classification performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review explains the strategies behind genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, metallomics and isotopolomics approaches and their applicability to written artefacts. The respective sub-chapters give an insight into the analytical procedure and the conclusions drawn from such analyses. A distinction is made between information that can be obtained from the materials used in the respective manuscript and meta-information that cannot be obtained from the manuscript itself, but from residues of organisms such as bacteria or the authors and readers. In addition, various sampling techniques are discussed in particular, which pose a special challenge in manuscripts. The focus is on high-resolution, non-targeted strategies that can be used to extract the maximum amount of information about ancient objects. The combination of the various omics disciplines (panomics) especially offers potential added value in terms of the best possible interpretations of the data received. The information obtained can be used to understand the production of ancient artefacts, to gain impressions of former living conditions, to prove their authenticity, to assess whether there is a toxic hazard in handling the manuscripts, and to be able to determine appropriate measures for their conservation and restoration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The optimization and application of a new hyphenated procedure for iron ionic speciation, i.e., high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with short cation-exchange column (50 mm × 4 mm) coupled to high resolution inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP hrOES), is presented in this paper. Fe(III) and Fe(II) species were separated on the column with the mobile phase containing pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (PDCA). The total time of the analysis was approx. 5 min, with a significantly low eluent flow rate (0.5 mL min-1) compared to the literature. Additionally, a long cation-exchange column (250 mm × 4.0 mm) was used as reference. Depending on the total iron content in the sample, two plasma views were chosen, e.g., an attenuated axial (<2 g kg-1) and an attenuated radial. The standard addition method was performed for the method\'s accuracy studies, and the applicability was presented on three types of samples: sediments, soils, and archaeological pottery. This study introduces a fast, efficient, and green method for leachable iron speciation in both geological and pottery samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diagnostic physical methods are increasingly applied to Cultural Heritage both for scientific investigations and conservation purposes. In particular, the X-ray imaging techniques of computed tomography (CT) and digital radiography (DR) are non-destructive investigation methods to study an object, being able to give information on its inner structure. In this paper, we present the results of the X-ray imaging study on an ancient Egyptian statuette (Late Period 722-30 BCE) belonging to the collection of Museo Egizio in Torino and representing an Egyptian goddess called Taweret, carved on wood and gilded with some colored details. Since few specific studies have been focused on materials and techniques used in Ancient Egypt for gilding, a detailed investigation was started in order to verify the technical features of the decoration in this sculpture. Specifically, DR and CT analyses have been performed at the Centro Conservazione e Restauro \"La Venaria Reale\" (CCR), with a new high resolution flat-panel detector, that allowed us to perform tomographic analysis reaching a final resolution better than the one achievable with the previous apparatus operating in the CCR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents studies on iron speciation in the pottery obtained from archaeological sites. The determination of iron forms Fe(II) and Fe(III) has been provided by a very simple test that is available for routine analysis involving the technique of molecular absorption spectrophotometry (UV-Vis) in the acid leachable fraction of pottery. The elemental composition of the acid leachable fraction has been determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Additionally, the total concentration of the selected elements has been determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with energy dispersion (EDXRF). The results of the iron forms\' determinations in archaeological pottery samples have been applied in the archaeometric studies on the potential recognition of the pottery production technology, definitely going beyond the traditional analysis of the pottery colour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pottery sherds from Teotihuacan, Mexico, belonging to the Formative and Classic periods (150 BCE-700 CE) were investigated using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). LIBS results show that most of the investigated samples have primarily the same elemental composition. Nevertheless, there are also a few sherds that could be associated to foreign ceramic groups with characteristic concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mn, Rb, and Sr. The relative elemental composition of red pigments applied on ceramic bodies was also analyzed through a LIBS depth profiling. Diverse hematite-based pigments were distinguished according to the detected iron content. Hematite was also combined with red soils with a high relative content of Mn, Sr, Ba, or Ti. The ICP-OES analysis of ceramic pastes is consistent with the emission intensities obtained using LIBS. Principal component analysis indicates that all samples identified as locals belong to a single chemical group. Moreover, locally made ceramics and the analyzed clays from the nearby area have the same elemental composition, which appears clearly differentiated from imported samples.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The dating of organic findings is a fundamental task for many scientific fields. Radiocarbon dating is currently the most commonly used method. For wood, dendrochronology is another state-of-the-art method. Both methods suffer from systematic restrictions, leading to samples that have not yet been able to be dated. Molecular changes over time are reported for many materials under different preservation conditions. Many of them are intrinsically monotonous. These monotonous molecular decay (MD) patterns can be understood as clocks that start at the time when a given molecule was formed. Factors that influence these clocks include input material composition and preservation conditions. Different wood species, degrees of pyrolysis, and pretreatments lead to different prediction models. Preservation conditions might change the speed of a given clock and lead to different prediction models. Currently published models for predicting the age of wood, paper, and parchment depend on infrared spectroscopy. In contrast to radiocarbon dating, dating via MD does not comprise a single methodology. Some clocks may deliver less precise results than the others. Ultimately, developing a completely different, new dating strategy-such as MD dating-will help to bring to light a treasure trove of information hidden in the darkness of organic findings.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work summarizes the spectroscopic-assisted archaeometric study of the most important terracotta statue of Poseidonia-Paestum (Italy), the so-called Zeus Enthroned (VI sec. BC). The selected analytical strategy combines the mineralogical and molecular information provided by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman analysis with the elemental data obtained from X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled to Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM/EDS). To shed light on the raw materials used to create and decorate this unique artwork, the analytical results gathered in this study helped disclosing the applied production technology. As suggested by the detected mineral assemblages, the body was prepared in two steps, using calcareous clay (CC) rich in Mg- and Fe- minerals as raw materials. The inner core and the outer depurated layers were both fired in oxidizing conditions but reaching different temperatures (≥900 °C and 850-900 °C respectively). The statue was decorated by firing manganese- (jacobsite MnFe2O4) and iron- (hematite Fe2O3) oxides in oxidizing conditions. Knowing that the decoration techniques based on the use of Mn-oxides were mastered by Etruscans rather than by Ancient Greeks, the obtained results suggest a transfer of production technology across borders, thus providing an additional clue about the flourishing commercial and cultural exchanges occurred between Greek colonies and Italic pre-Roman societies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Aurignacian (ca. 43-35 ka) of southwestern Germany is well known for yielding some of the oldest artifacts related to symbolic behaviors, including examples of figurative art, musical instruments, and personal ornaments. Another aspect of these behaviors is the presence of numerous pieces of iron oxide (ocher); however, these are comparatively understudied, likely owing to the lack of painted artifacts from this region and time period. Several Aurignacian-aged carved ivory personal ornaments from the sites of Hohle Fels and Vogelherd contain traces of what appear to be red ocher residues. We analyzed these beads using a combination of macroanalytical and microanalytical methods, including scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. We found that the residue is composed of the iron oxide mineral hematite (Fe2O3). Further analyses on associated archaeological sediments by X-ray diffraction revealed the absence of hematite and other iron oxide mineral phases, suggesting that the hematite residues were intentionally applied to the ivory personal ornaments by human agents. These findings have important implications as they represent evidence for the direct application of ocher on portable symbolic objects by early Homo sapiens in Europe. Furthermore, our results reveal shared behavioral practices from two key Aurignacian sites maintained over several millennia and illuminate aspects of pigment use and symbolic practices during a pivotal time in the cultural evolution of humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The so-called sea spray effect influences animals and humans living in coastal regions. As a consequence, δ13Ccarbonate, δ18Ocarbonate, δ18Ophosphate, and δ34Scollagen isotope values of affected individuals are more positive than otherwise expected. However, the effect is hidden in the case of humans who actually might have consumed marine food what would (partly) explain their isotopic signature. In order to correct for the sea spray effect in humans the dietary proportions were calculated based on the δ13Ccollagen and δ15Ncollagen isotope values using stable isotope mixing models. Four different programs (SISUS, simmr, IsotopeR, MixSIAR) were applied which resulted in quite different calculated diets. Each individual human can be corrected for the sea spray effect using the calculated proportion of terrestrial food (e.g. domesticated mammals, plants) and the approximated sea spray effect for each isotopic system. The differences in the calculated food proportions detected for the different mixing model programs, however, lead to differences in the correction procedure. We suggest using the dietary proportions as obtained by probabilistic SISUS rather than those of the Bayesian programs (simmr, IsotopeR, MixSIAR). The correction against the sea spray effect using the dietary proportions calculated by SISUS was supported by Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) clustering which also enables the identification of probably non-local individuals in the dataset.





