
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The photosynthetic amoeba, Paulinella provides a recent (ca. 120 Mya) example of primary plastid endosymbiosis. Given the extensive data demonstrating host lineage-driven endosymbiont integration, we analysed nuclear genome and transcriptome data to investigate mechanisms that may have evolved in Paulinella micropora KR01 (hereinafter, KR01) to maintain photosynthetic function in the novel organelle, the chromatophore. The chromatophore is of α-cyanobacterial provenance and has undergone massive gene loss due to Muller\'s ratchet, but still retains genes that encode the ancestral α-carboxysome and the shell carbonic anhydrase, two critical components of the biophysical CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM) in cyanobacteria. We identified KR01 nuclear genes potentially involved in the CCM that arose via duplication and divergence and are upregulated in response to high light and downregulated under elevated CO2. We speculate that these genes may comprise a novel CO2 delivery system (i.e., a biochemical CCM) to promote the turnover of the RuBisCO carboxylation reaction and counteract photorespiration. We posit that KR01 has an inefficient photorespiratory system that cannot fully recycle the C2 product of RuBisCO oxygenation back to the Calvin-Benson cycle. Nonetheless, both these systems appear to be sufficient to allow Paulinella to persist in environments dominated by faster-growing phototrophs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is a severe infection of the cornea. Prevention and treatment are difficult due to the inefficacy of currently available compounds. The impact of many commonly used compounds for routine examinations of Acanthamoeba is unexplored but might offer insight useful in combatting AK. In this study, we demonstrate that sodium metabisulfite, a common preservation constituent of eye care solutions, was found to be active against Acanthamoeba trophozoites at concentrations lower than that commonly found in eye drops (IC50 0.03 mg/mL). We demonstrate that sodium metabisulfite depletes thiamine from growth medium and that Acanthamoeba is a thiamine auxotroph, requiring thiamine salvage for growth. The inhibitory effects of sodium metabisulfite can be overcome by thiamine supplementation. These results are consistent with the lack of key enzymes for thiamine biosynthesis in the genome of Acanthamoeba, an area which might prove exploitable using new or existing compounds. Indeed, this study highlights sodium metabisulfite as a useful inhibitor of Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites in vitro and that it acts, at least in part, by limiting available thiamine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amoeba-bacteria interactions are prevalent in both natural ecosystems and engineered environments. Amoebae, as essential consumers, hold significant ecological importance within ecosystems. Besides, they can establish stable symbiotic associations with bacteria. Copper plays a critical role in amoeba predation by either killing or restricting the growth of ingested bacteria in phagosomes. However, certain symbiotic bacteria have evolved mechanisms to persist within the phagosomal vacuole, evading antimicrobial defenses. Despite these insights, the impact of copper on the symbiotic relationships between amoebae and bacteria remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the effects of copper stress on amoebae and their symbiotic relationships with bacteria. Our findings revealed that elevated copper concentration adversely affected amoeba growth and altered cellular fate. Symbiont type significantly influenced the responses of the symbiotic relationships to copper stress. Beneficial symbionts maintained stability under copper stress, but parasitic symbionts exhibited enhanced colonization of amoebae. Furthermore, copper stress favored the transition of symbiotic relationships between amoebae and beneficial symbionts toward the host\'s benefit. Conversely, the pathogenic effects of parasitic symbionts on hosts were exacerbated under copper stress. This study sheds light on the intricate response mechanisms of soil amoebae and amoeba-bacteria symbiotic systems to copper stress, providing new insights into symbiotic dynamics under abiotic factors. Additionally, the results underscore the potential risks of copper accumulation in the environment for pathogen transmission and biosafety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Free-living amoebae (FLA) are found in diverse environments, such as soils, rivers, and seas. Hence, they can be used as bioindicators to assess the water quality based solely on their presence. In this study, we determined the presence of FLA in river water by filtering water samples collected from various sites and culturing the resulting filtrates. FLA were detected in all the water samples with varying quality grades (Grades Ι-V). The significant increase in the size of the amoebae population with the deterioration in the water quality. Monoxenic cultures of the amoebae were performed, and genomic DNAs were isolated, among which 18S rDNAs were sequenced to identify the amoeba species. Of the 12 species identified, 10 belonged to the Acanthamoeba genus; of the remaining 2 species, one was identified as Vannella croatica and the other as a species of Vermamoeba. Acanthamoeba was detected in samples with Grades Ι to VI quality, whereas the Vermamoeba species was present only in Grade Ι water. V. croatica was found exclusively in water with Grade ΙΙ quality. Following morphological observations, genomic DNA was sequenced using 16S rDNA to determine whether the species of Acanthamoeba harbored endosymbionts. Most of the isolated Acanthamoeba contained endosymbionts, among which 4 species of endogenous bacteria were identified and examined using transmission electron microscopy. This study provides evidence that the distribution of amoebae other than Acanthamoeba may be associated with water quality. However, further confirmation will be required based on accurate water quality ratings and assessments using a more diverse range of FLA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasites and free-living amoebae (FLA) are common pathogens that pose threats to wildlife and humans. The black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis) is a near-threatened species and there is a shortage of research on its parasite diversity. Our study aimed to use noninvasive methods to detect intestinal parasites and pathogenic FLA in G. nigricollis using high-throughput sequencing (HTS) based on the 18S rDNA V9 region. A total of 38 fresh fecal samples were collected in Dashanbao, China, during the overwintering period (early-, middle I-, middle II-, and late-winter). Based on the 18S data, eight genera of parasites were identified, including three protozoan parasites: Eimeria sp. (92.1%) was the dominant parasite, followed by Tetratrichomonas sp. (36.8%) and Theileria sp. (2.6%). Five genera of helminths were found: Echinostoma sp. (100%), Posthodiplostomum sp. (50.0%), Euryhelmis sp. (26.3%), Eucoleus sp. (50.0%), and Halomonhystera sp. (2.6%). Additionally, eight genera of FLA were detected, including the known pathogens Acanthamoeba spp. (n = 13) and Allovahlkampfia spp. (n = 3). Specific PCRs were used to further identify the species of some parasites and FLA. Furthermore, the 18S data indicated significant changes in the relative abundance and genus diversity of the protozoan parasites and FLA among the four periods. These results underscore the importance of long-term monitoring of pathogens in black-necked cranes to protect this near-endangered species.
    UNASSIGNED: Métabarcoding des protozoaires et des helminthes chez les grues à cou noir : forte prévalence de parasites et d’amibes libres.
    UNASSIGNED: Les parasites et les amibes libres sont des agents pathogènes courants qui constituent une menace pour la faune et les humains. La grue à cou noir (Grus nigricollis) est une espèce quasi menacée et les recherches sur sa diversité parasitaire sont insuffisantes. Notre étude visait à utiliser des méthodes non invasives pour détecter les parasites intestinaux et les amibes libres pathogènes chez G. nigricollis en utilisant le séquençage à haut débit basé sur la région V9 de l’ADNr 18S. Au total, 38 échantillons de matières fécales fraîches ont été collectés à Dashanbao, en Chine, au cours de la période d’hivernage (début, milieu I, milieu II et fin de l’hiver). Sur la base des données 18S, huit genres de parasites ont été identifiés, dont trois parasites protozoaires : Eimeria sp. (92,1 %) était le parasite dominant, suivi de Tetratrichomonas sp. (36,8 %) et Theileria sp. (2,6 %). Cinq genres d’helminthes ont été trouvés : Echinostoma sp. (100 %), Posthodiplostomum sp. (50,0 %), Euryhelmis sp. (26,3 %), Eucoleus sp. (50,0 %) et Halomonhystera sp. (2,6 %). De plus, huit genres d’amibes libres ont été détectés, y compris les agents pathogènes connus Acanthamoeba spp. (n = 13) et Allovahlkampfia spp. (n = 3). Des PCR spécifiques ont été utilisées pour identifier davantage les espèces de certains parasites et amibes libres. En outre, les données 18S ont indiqué des changements significatifs dans l’abondance relative et la diversité des genres des parasites protozoaires et des amibes au cours des quatre périodes. Ces résultats soulignent l’importance de la surveillance à long terme des agents pathogènes chez les grues à cou noir pour protéger cette espèce quasi menacée.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neutrophils are the most abundant polymorphonuclear granular leukocytes in human blood and are an essential part of the innate immune system. Neutrophils are efficient cells that eliminate pathogenic bacteria and fungi, but their role in dealing with protozoan parasitic infections remains controversial. At sites of protozoan parasite infections, a large number of infiltrating neutrophils is observed, suggesting that neutrophils are important cells for controlling the infection. Yet, in most cases, there is also a strong inflammatory response that can provoke tissue damage. Diseases like malaria, trichomoniasis, leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, and amoebiasis affect millions of people globally. In this review, we summarize these protozoan diseases and describe the novel view on how neutrophils are involved in protection from these parasites. Also, we present recent evidence that neutrophils play a double role in these infections participating both in control of the parasite and in the pathogenesis of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cooperation is widespread across life, but its existence can be threatened by exploitation. The rise of obligate social cheaters that are incapable of contributing to a necessary cooperative function can lead to the loss of that function. In the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, obligate social cheaters cannot form dead stalk cells and in chimeras instead form living spore cells. This gives them a competitive advantage within chimeras. However, obligate cheaters of this kind have thus far not been found in nature, probably because they are often enough in clonal populations that they need to retain the ability to produce stalks. In this study we discovered an additional cost to obligate cheaters. Even when there are wild-type cells to parasitize, the chimeric fruiting bodies that result have shorter stalks and these are disadvantaged in spore dispersal. The inability of obligate cheaters to form fruiting bodies when they are on their own combined with the lower functionality of fruiting bodies when they are not represent limits on obligate social cheating as a strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum switches between solitary growth and social fruitification depending on nutrient availability. Under starvation, cells aggregate and form fruiting bodies consisting of spores and altruistic stalk cells. Once cells socially committed, they complete fruitification, even if a new source of nutrients becomes available. This social commitment is puzzling because it hinders individual cells from resuming solitary growth quickly. One idea posits that traits that facilitate premature de-commitment are hindered from being selected. We studied outcomes of the premature de-commitment through forced refeeding. Our results show that when refed cells interacted with non-refed cells, some of them became solitary, whereas a fraction was redirected to the altruistic stalk, regardless of their original fate. The refed cells exhibited reduced cohesiveness and were sorted out during morphogenesis. Our findings provide an insight into a division of labor of the social amoeba, in which less cohesive individuals become altruists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amoebae are micropredators that play an important role in controlling fungal populations in ecosystems. However, the interaction between fungi and their amoebic predators suggests that the pressure from predatory selection can significantly influence the development of fungal virulence and evolutionary processes. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the adaptation of saprotrophic Candida albicans strains during their interactions with Acanthamoeba castellanii. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of survival after co-culture by colony counting of the yeast cells and examining yeast cell phenotypic and genetic characteristics. Our results indicated that exposure to amoebae enhanced the survival capacity of environmental C. albicans and induced visible morphological alterations in C. albicans, particularly by an increase in filamentation. These observed phenotypic changes were closely related to concurrent genetic variations. Notably, mutations in genes encoding transcriptional repressors (TUP1 and SSN6), recognized for their negative regulation of filamentous growth, were exclusively identified in amoeba-passaged isolates, and absent in unexposed isolates. Furthermore, these adaptations increased the exposed isolates\' fitness against various stressors, simultaneously enhancing virulence factors and demonstrating an increased ability to invade A549 lung human epithelial cells. These observations indicate that the sustained survival of C. albicans under ongoing amoebic predation involved a key role of mutation events in microevolution to modulate the ability of these isolates to change phenotype and increase their virulence factors, demonstrating an enhanced potential to survive in diverse environmental niches.





