
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small-molecule drug design hinges on obtaining co-crystallized ligand-protein structures. Despite AlphaFold2\'s strides in protein native structure prediction, its focus on apo structures overlooks ligands and associated holo structures. Moreover, designing selective drugs often benefits from the targeting of diverse metastable conformations. Therefore, direct application of AlphaFold2 models in virtual screening and drug discovery remains tentative. Here, we demonstrate an AlphaFold2-based framework combined with all-atom enhanced sampling molecular dynamics and Induced Fit docking, named AF2RAVE-Glide, to conduct computational model-based small-molecule binding of metastable protein kinase conformations, initiated from protein sequences. We demonstrate the AF2RAVE-Glide workflow on three different mammalian protein kinases and their type I and II inhibitors, with special emphasis on binding of known type II kinase inhibitors which target the metastable classical DFG-out state. These states are not easy to sample from AlphaFold2. Here, we demonstrate how with AF2RAVE these metastable conformations can be sampled for different kinases with high enough accuracy to enable subsequent docking of known type II kinase inhibitors with more than 50% success rates across docking calculations. We believe the protocol should be deployable for other kinases and more proteins generally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are heterotetrametric ion channels composed of two obligatory GluN1 subunits and two alternative GluN2 or GluN3 subunits, forming GluN1-N2, GluN1-N3, and GluN1-N2-N3 type of NMDA receptors. Extensive research has focused on the functional and structural properties of conventional GluN1-GluN2 NMDA receptors due to their early discovery and high expression levels. However, the knowledge of unconventional GluN1-N3 NMDA receptors remains limited. In this study, we modeled the GluN1-N3A, GluN1-N3B, and GluN1-N3A-N3B NMDA receptors using deep-learned protein-language predication algorithms AlphaFold and RoseTTAFold All-Atom. We then compared these structures with GluN1-N2 and GluN1-N3A receptor cryo-EM structures and found that GluN1-N3 receptors have distinct properties in subunit arrangement, domain swap, and domain interaction. Furthermore, we predicted the agonist- or antagonist-bound structures, highlighting the key molecular-residue interactions. Our findings shed new light on the structural and functional diversity of NMDA receptors and provide a new direction for drug development. This study uses advanced AI algorithms to model GluN1-N3 NMDA receptors, revealing unique structural properties and interactions compared to conventional GluN1-N2 receptors. By highlighting key molecular-residue interactions and predicting ligand-bound structures, our research enhances the understanding of NMDA receptor diversity and offers new insights for targeted drug development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to accurately predict antibody-antigen complex structures from their sequences could greatly advance our understanding of the immune system and would aid in the development of novel antibody therapeutics. There have been considerable recent advancements in predicting protein-protein interactions (PPIs) fueled by progress in machine learning (ML). To understand the current state of the field, we compare six representative methods for predicting antibody-antigen complexes from sequence, including two deep learning approaches trained to predict PPIs in general (AlphaFold-Multimer and RoseTTAFold), two composite methods that initially predict antibody and antigen structures separately and dock them (using antibody-mode ClusPro), local refinement in Rosetta (SnugDock) of globally docked poses from ClusPro, and a pipeline combining homology modeling with rigid-body docking informed by ML-based epitope and paratope prediction (AbAdapt). We find that AlphaFold-Multimer outperformed other methods, although the absolute performance leaves considerable room for improvement. AlphaFold-Multimer models of lower quality display significant structural biases at the level of tertiary motifs (TERMs) toward having fewer structural matches in non-antibody-containing structures from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Specifically, better models exhibit more common PDB-like TERMs at the antibody-antigen interface than worse ones. Importantly, the clear relationship between performance and the commonness of interfacial TERMs suggests that the scarcity of interfacial geometry data in the structural database may currently limit the application of ML to the prediction of antibody-antigen interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crystallography at low resolution must determine the atomic model from less experimental observations, which is challenging in the absence of a model. In addition, model bias is more severe when independent experimental data are scarce. Our methods solve the phase problem by combining the location of accurate model fragments using Phaser with density modification and interpretation of the resulting maps using SHELXE. From a partial, correct structure, the density modification process and the stereochemical constraints draw the rest of the structure, validating the result. This same principle is now exploited at low resolution. Coiled coils are important, ubiquitous structures but notoriously difficult to phase and to predict. Both correct solutions and incorrect ones are poorly discriminated by the crystallographic figures of merit as long as helices are correctly oriented. We incorporate coiled-coil verification, designed to set up competing, incompatible structural hypotheses to probe both the results and establish the power of the data to discriminate them. Efficiency of coiled-coil phasing and validation in test cases from 3 to 4 Å is demonstrated in ARCIMBOLDO_LITE, placing single helices, and in ARCIMBOLDO_SHREDDER, with fragments derived from AlphaFold models. SHELXE tracing at low resolution has been enhanced, maintaining its local character but extending the environment assessment. For non-helical structures, verification is demonstrated in the fragment location process. Its use is exemplified with the solution of the VSR1 structure at 3.5 Å, depending on LLG optimization and the emergence of new features in the electron density. Relying on verification, we have extended the use of the ARCIMBOLDO software to low resolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two years on from the initial release of AlphaFold, we have seen its widespread adoption as a structure prediction tool. Here, we discuss some of the latest work based on AlphaFold, with a particular focus on its use within the structural biology community. This encompasses use cases like speeding up structure determination itself, enabling new computational studies, and building new tools and workflows. We also look at the ongoing validation of AlphaFold, as its predictions continue to be compared against large numbers of experimental structures to further delineate the model\'s capabilities and limitations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein structure prediction is important for understanding their function and behavior. This review study presents a comprehensive review of the computational models used in predicting protein structure. It covers the progression from established protein modeling to state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) frameworks. The paper will start with a brief introduction to protein structures, protein modeling, and AI. The section on established protein modeling will discuss homology modeling, ab initio modeling, and threading. The next section is deep learning-based models. It introduces some state-of-the-art AI models, such as AlphaFold (AlphaFold, AlphaFold2, AlphaFold3), RoseTTAFold, ProteinBERT, etc. This section also discusses how AI techniques have been integrated into established frameworks like Swiss-Model, Rosetta, and I-TASSER. The model performance is compared using the rankings of CASP14 (Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction) and CASP15. CASP16 is ongoing, and its results are not included in this review. Continuous Automated Model EvaluatiOn (CAMEO) complements the biennial CASP experiment. Template modeling score (TM-score), global distance test total score (GDT_TS), and Local Distance Difference Test (lDDT) score are discussed too. This paper then acknowledges the ongoing difficulties in predicting protein structure and emphasizes the necessity of additional searches like dynamic protein behavior, conformational changes, and protein-protein interactions. In the application section, this paper introduces some applications in various fields like drug design, industry, education, and novel protein development. In summary, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in established protein modeling and deep learning-based models for protein structure predictions. It emphasizes the significant advancements achieved by AI and identifies potential areas for further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endosomal membrane trafficking is mediated by specific protein coats and formation of actin-rich membrane domains. The Retromer complex coordinates with sorting nexin (SNX) cargo adaptors including SNX27, and the SNX27-Retromer assembly interacts with the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein and SCAR homolog (WASH) complex which nucleates actin filaments establishing the endosomal recycling domain. Crystal structures, modeling, biochemical, and cellular validation reveal how the FAM21 subunit of WASH interacts with both Retromer and SNX27. FAM21 binds the FERM domain of SNX27 using acidic-Asp-Leu-Phe (aDLF) motifs similar to those found in the SNX1 and SNX2 subunits of the ESCPE-1 complex. Overlapping FAM21 repeats and a specific Pro-Leu containing motif bind three distinct sites on Retromer involving both the VPS35 and VPS29 subunits. Mutation of the major VPS35-binding site does not prevent cargo recycling; however, it partially reduces endosomal WASH association indicating that a network of redundant interactions promote endosomal activity of the WASH complex. These studies establish the molecular basis for how SNX27-Retromer is coupled to the WASH complex via overlapping and multiplexed motif-based interactions required for the dynamic assembly of endosomal membrane recycling domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular immunity relies on the ability of a T-cell receptor (TCR) to recognize a peptide (p) presented by a class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) receptor on the surface of a cell. The TCR-peptide-MHC (TCRpMHC) interaction is a crucial step in activating T-cells, and the structural characteristics of these molecules play a significant role in determining the specificity and affinity of this interaction. Hence, obtaining 3D structures of TCRpMHC complexes offers valuable insights into various aspects of cellular immunity and can facilitate the development of T-cell-based immunotherapies. Here, we aimed to compare three popular web servers for modeling the structures of TCRpMHC complexes, namely ImmuneScape (IS), TCRpMHCmodels, and TCRmodel2, to examine their strengths and limitations. Each method employs a different modeling strategy, including docking, homology modeling, and deep learning. The accuracy of each method was evaluated by reproducing the 3D structures of a dataset of 87 TCRpMHC complexes with experimentally determined crystal structures available on the Protein Data Bank (PDB). All selected structures were limited to human MHC alleles, presenting a diverse set of peptide ligands. A detailed analysis of produced models was conducted using multiple metrics, including Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) and standardized assessments from CAPRI and DockQ. Special attention was given to the complementarity-determining region (CDR) loops of the TCRs and to the peptide ligands, which define most of the unique features and specificity of a given TCRpMHC interaction. Our study provides an optimistic view of the current state-of-the-art for TCRpMHC modeling but highlights some remaining challenges that must be addressed in order to support the future application of these tools for TCR engineering and computer-aided design of TCR-based immunotherapies.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The African swine fever virus (ASFV) is an often deadly disease in swine and poses a threat to swine livestock and swine producers. With its complex genome containing more than 150 coding regions, developing effective vaccines for this virus remains a challenge due to a lack of basic knowledge about viral protein function and protein-protein interactions between viral proteins and between viral and host proteins. In this work, we identified ASFV-ASFV protein-protein interactions (PPIs) using artificial intelligence-powered protein structure prediction tools. We benchmarked our PPI identification workflow on the Vaccinia virus, a widely studied nucleocytoplasmic large DNA virus, and found that it could identify gold-standard PPIs that have been validated in vitro in a genome-wide computational screening. We applied this workflow to more than 18,000 pairwise combinations of ASFV proteins and were able to identify seventeen novel PPIs, many of which have corroborating experimental or bioinformatic evidence for their protein-protein interactions, further validating their relevance. Two protein-protein interactions, I267L and I8L, I267L__I8L, and B175L and DP79L, B175L__DP79L, are novel PPIs involving viral proteins known to modulate host immune response.





