Xenopus Proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The TRESK (K2P18.1, KCNK18) background potassium channel is expressed in primary sensory neurons and has been reported to contribute to the regulation of pain sensations. In the present study, we examined the interaction of TRESK with NDFIP1 (Nedd4 family-interacting protein 1) in the Xenopus oocyte expression system by two-electrode voltage clamp and biochemical methods. We showed that the coexpression of NDFIP1 abolished the TRESK current under the condition where the other K+ channels were not affected. Mutations in the three PPxY motifs of NDFIP1, which are responsible for the interaction with the Nedd4 ubiquitin ligase, prevented a reduction in the TRESK current. Furthermore, the overexpression of a dominant-negative Nedd4 construct in the oocytes coexpressing TRESK with NDFIP1 partially reversed the down-modulating effect of the adaptor protein on the K+ current. The biochemical data were also consistent with the functional results. An interaction between epitope-tagged versions of TRESK and NDFIP1 was verified by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. The coexpression of NDFIP1 with TRESK induced the ubiquitination of the channel protein. Altogether, the results suggest that TRESK is directly controlled by and highly sensitive to the activation of the NDFIP1-Nedd4 system. The NDFIP1-mediated reduction in the TRESK component may induce depolarization, increase excitability, and attenuate the calcium dependence of the membrane potential by reducing the calcineurin-activated fraction in the ensemble background K+ current.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) are a multipotent and highly proliferative population that give rise to all retinal cell types during organogenesis. Defining their molecular signature is a key step towards identifying suitable approaches to treat visual impairments. Here, we performed RNA sequencing of whole eyes from Xenopus at three embryonic stages and used differential expression analysis to define the transcriptomic profiles of optic tissues containing proliferating and differentiating RPCs during retinogenesis. Gene Ontology and KEGG pathway analyses showed that genes associated with developmental pathways (including Wnt and Hedgehog signaling) were upregulated during the period of active RPC proliferation in early retinal development (Nieuwkoop Faber st. 24 and 27). Developing eyes had dynamic expression profiles and shifted to enrichment for metabolic processes and phototransduction during RPC progeny specification and differentiation (st. 35). Furthermore, conserved adult eye regeneration genes were also expressed during early retinal development, including sox2, pax6, nrl, and Notch signaling components. The eye transcriptomic profiles presented here span RPC proliferation to retinogenesis and include regrowth-competent stages. Thus, our dataset provides a rich resource to uncover molecular regulators of RPC activity and will allow future studies to address regulators of RPC proliferation during eye repair and regrowth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary novelties entail the origin of morphologies that enable new functions. These features can arise through changes to gene function and regulation. One key novelty is the fused rod at the end of the vertebral column in anurans, the urostyle. This feature is composed of a coccyx and a hypochord, both of which ossify during metamorphosis. To elucidate the genetic basis of these features, we used laser capture microdissection of these tissues and did RNA-seq and ATAC-seq at three developmental stages in tadpoles of Xenopus tropicalis. RNA-seq reveals that the coccyx and hypochord have two different molecular signatures. Neuronal (TUBB3) and muscle markers (MYH3) are upregulated in coccygeal tissues, whereas T-box genes (TBXT, TBXT.2), corticosteroid stress hormones (CRCH.1) and matrix metallopeptidases (MMP1, MMP8 and MMP13) are upregulated in the hypochord. ATAC-seq reveals potential regulatory regions that are observed in proximity to candidate genes that regulate ossification identified from RNA-seq. Even though an ossifying hypochord is only present in anurans, this ossification between the vertebral column and the notochord resembles a congenital vertebral anomaly seen prenatally in humans caused by an ectopic expression of the TBXT/TBXT.2 gene. This work opens the way to functional studies that can elucidate anuran bauplan evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protocadherin 19 (Pcdh19) is a homophilic cell adhesion molecule and is involved in a variety of neuronal functions. Here, we tested whether Pcdh19 has a regulatory role in axon guidance using the developing Xenopus retinotectal system. We performed targeted microinjections of a translation blocking antisense morpholino oligonucleotide to knock down the expression of Pcdh19 selectively in the central nervous system. Knocking down Pcdh19 expression resulted in navigational errors of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons specifically at the optic chiasm. Instead of projecting to the contralateral optic tectum, RGC axons in the Pcdh19-depleted embryo misprojected ipsilaterally. Although incorrectly delivered into the ipsilateral brain hemisphere, these axons correctly reached the optic tectum. These data suggest that Pcdh19 has a critical role in preventing mixing of RGC axons originating from the opposite eyes at the optic chiasm, highlighting the importance of cell adhesion in bundling of RGC axons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to DNA double-strand breaks or oxidative stress, ATM-dependent DNA damage response (DDR) is activated to maintain genome integrity. However, it remains elusive whether and how DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) activate ATM. Here, we provide direct evidence in Xenopus egg extracts that ATM-mediated DDR is activated by a defined SSB structure. Our mechanistic studies reveal that APE1 promotes the SSB-induced ATM DDR through APE1 exonuclease activity and ATM recruitment to SSB sites. APE1 protein can form oligomers to activate the ATM DDR in Xenopus egg extracts in the absence of DNA and can directly stimulate ATM kinase activity in vitro. Our findings reveal distinct mechanisms of the ATM-dependent DDR activation by SSBs in eukaryotic systems and identify APE1 as a direct activator of ATM kinase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) are toxic lesions that inhibit DNA related processes. Post-translational modifications (PTMs), including SUMOylation and ubiquitylation, play a central role in DPC resolution, but whether other PTMs are also involved remains elusive. Here, we identify a DPC repair pathway orchestrated by poly-ADP-ribosylation (PARylation). Using Xenopus egg extracts, we show that DPCs on single-stranded DNA gaps can be targeted for degradation via a replication-independent mechanism. During this process, DPCs are initially PARylated by PARP1 and subsequently ubiquitylated and degraded by the proteasome. Notably, PARP1-mediated DPC resolution is required for resolving topoisomerase 1-DNA cleavage complexes (TOP1ccs) induced by camptothecin. Using the Flp-nick system, we further reveal that in the absence of PARP1 activity, the TOP1cc-like lesion persists and induces replisome disassembly when encountered by a DNA replication fork. In summary, our work uncovers a PARP1-mediated DPC repair pathway that may underlie the synergistic toxicity between TOP1 poisons and PARP inhibitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The zinc finger and BTB domain-containing 11 gene (zbtb11) is expressed in the Xenopus anterior neuroectoderm, but the molecular nature of the Zbtb11 protein during embryonic development remains to be elucidated. Here, we show the role of Zbtb11 in anterior patterning of the neuroectoderm and the cooperative action with the transcription factor Otx2. Both overexpression and knockdown of zbtb11 caused similar phenotypes: expanded expression of the posterior gene gbx2 in the neural plate, and later microcephaly with reduced eyes, suggesting that a proper level of zbtb11 expression is necessary for normal patterning of the neuroectoderm, including eye formation. Co-immunoprecipitation assays showed that Zbtb11 formed a complex with itself and with a phosphomimetic and repressive form of Otx2, suggesting that Zbtb11 forms a dimer or oligomer and interacts with Otx2 in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Reporter analysis further showed that Zbtb11 enhanced the activity of the phosphomimetic Otx2 to repress a silencer element of the posterior gene meis3. These data suggest that Zbtb11 coordinates with phosphorylated Otx2 to specify the anterior neuroectoderm by repressing posterior genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Daam1 protein regulates Wnt-induced cytoskeletal changes during vertebrate gastrulation though its full mode of action and binding partners remain unresolved. Here we identify Reversion Induced LIM domain protein (RIL) as a new interacting protein of Daam1. Interaction studies uncover binding of RIL to the C-terminal actin-nucleating portion of Daam1 in a Wnt-responsive manner. Immunofluorescence studies showed subcellular localization of RIL to actin fibers and co-localization with Daam1 at the plasma membrane. RIL gain- and loss-of-function approaches in Xenopus produced severe gastrulation defects in injected embryos. Additionally, a simultaneous loss of Daam1 and RIL synergized to produce severe gastrulation defects indicating RIL and Daam1 may function in the same signaling pathway. RIL further synergizes with another novel Daam1-interacting protein, Formin Binding Protein 1 (FNBP1), to regulate gastrulation. Our studies altogether show RIL mediates Daam1-regulated non-canonical Wnt signaling that is required for vertebrate gastrulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xenopus embryos provide a favorable material to dissect the sequential steps that lead to dorsal-ventral (D-V) and anterior-posterior (A-P) cell differentiation. Here, we analyze the signaling pathways involved in this process using loss-of-function and gain-of-function approaches. The initial step was provided by Hwa, a transmembrane protein that robustly activates early β-catenin signaling when microinjected into the ventral side of the embryo leading to complete twinned axes. The following step was the activation of Xenopus Nodal-related growth factors, which could rescue the depletion of β-catenin and were themselves blocked by the extracellular Nodal antagonists Cerberus-Short and Lefty. During gastrulation, the Spemann-Mangold organizer secretes a cocktail of growth factor antagonists, of which the BMP antagonists Chordin and Noggin could rescue simultaneously D-V and A-P tissues in β-catenin-depleted embryos. Surprisingly, this rescue occurred in the absence of any β-catenin transcriptional activity as measured by β-catenin activated Luciferase reporters. The Wnt antagonist Dickkopf (Dkk1) strongly synergized with the early Hwa signal by inhibiting late Wnt signals. Depletion of Sizzled (Szl), an antagonist of the Tolloid chordinase, was epistatic over the Hwa and Dkk1 synergy. BMP4 mRNA injection blocked Hwa-induced ectopic axes, and Dkk1 inhibited BMP signaling late, but not early, during gastrulation. Several unexpected findings were made, e.g., well-patterned complete embryonic axes are induced by Chordin or Nodal in β-catenin knockdown embryos, dorsalization by Lithium chloride (LiCl) is mediated by Nodals, Dkk1 exerts its anteriorizing and dorsalizing effects by regulating late BMP signaling, and the Dkk1 phenotype requires Szl.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Formin protein Daam1 is required for Wnt-induced cytoskeletal changes during gastrulation, though how it accomplishes this remains unresolved. Here we report the characterization of Formin Binding Protein 1 (FNBP1) as a binding partner of Daam1. The interaction of Daam1 with FNBP1 and its domains required for this interaction were delineated. Immunofluorescence studies showed FNBP1 co-localizes with Daam1, and is an integral component of the actin cytoskeletal complex that is responsive to Wnt stimulation. Specifically, FNBP1 can induce intracellular tubule-like structures and localize to focal adhesions suggesting a role for FNBP1 in cell migration. Functional FNBP1 studies in Xenopus embryos uncover a critical role for FNBP1 in regulating vertebrate gastrulation. Additionally, suboptimal doses of Daam1 and FNBP1 synergize to produce severe gastrulation defects, indicating FNBP1 and Daam1 may function within the same signaling pathway. These results together show FNBP1 is an integral component of Daam1-regulated non-canonical Wnt signaling required for vertebrate gastrulation.





