
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) exacerbate the impact of droughts on the survival of cattle. The inadequacies of the conventional system make it increasingly important to explore indigenous knowledge (IK) to create drought-tolerant and GIN resilient herds. The objective of the study was to assess the indigenous strategies for controlling GIN during droughts. Face-to-face interviews with experts on IK were conducted to give insight into the importance, methods and ranking of GIN control. The experts identified 86 cattle that were used to test their assertions. The control methods used were identifying cattle that were susceptible to high GIN loads using predisposing factors, diagnosis of GIN burdens using faecal appearance, and treatment using phytotherapy. Experts ranked predisposing factors as the most critical control strategy and identified body condition, class, sex, coat colour, pregnancy status and lactation status as predisposing factors to high GIN burdens. Thin, older, dark-coloured cattle, as well as pregnant and lactating cows, were considered susceptible to GIN. However, pregnancy status, coat colour and sex were significantly associated with high GIN burdens. Cows were 2.6 times more likely to have high GIN burdens than bulls. Dark-coloured cattle were 3.5 times more likely to have high GIN burdens than light-coloured ones, and the likelihood of pregnant cows was 4.9 times higher than non-pregnant cows. A dark-coloured pregnant cow was extremely susceptible to high GIN burdens. In conclusion, knowledge of predisposing factors informs selection decisions when purchasing foundation stock. Cattle that are susceptible to high GIN loads are prioritised during droughts or culled where resources are scarce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the second most important source of dietary protein and the third most important source of calories in Africa, especially for the poor. In East Africa, drought is an important constraint to bean production. Therefore, breeding programs in East Africa have been trying to develop drought resistant varieties of common bean. To do this, breeders need information about seasonal drought stress patterns including their onset, intensity, and duration in the target area of the breeding program, so that they can mimic this pattern during field trials. Using the Decision Support for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) v4.7 model together with historical and future (Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project 6, CMIP6) climate data, this study categorized Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda into different target population of environments (TPEs) based on historical and future seasonal drought stress patterns. We find that stress-free conditions generally dominate across the three countries under historical conditions (50-80% frequency). These conditions are projected to increase in frequency in Ethiopia by 2-10% but the converse is true for Tanzania (2-8% reduction) and Uganda (17-20% reduction) by 2050 depending on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP). Accordingly, by 2050, terminal drought stresses of various intensities (moderate, severe, extreme) are prevalent in 34% of Uganda, around a quarter of Ethiopia, and 40% of the bean growing environments in Tanzania. The TPEs identified in each country serve as a basis for prioritizing breeding activities in national programs. However, to optimize resource use in international breeding programs to develop genotypes that are resilient to future projected stress patterns, we argue that common bean breeding programs should focus primarily on identifying genotypes with tolerance to severe terminal drought, with co-benefits in relation to adaptation to moderate and extreme terminal drought. Little to no emphasis on heat stress is warranted by 2050s.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased drought combined with emerging pathogens poses an increased threat to forest health. This is attributable to the unpredictable behaviour of forest pathosystems, which can favour fungal pathogens over the host under persistent drought stress conditions. Diplodia sapinea (≡ Sphaeropsis sapinea) is one of the most severe pathogens in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) causing Diplodia tip blight (conifer blight) under certain environmental conditions. Recently, the fungus has also been isolated from non-conifer hosts, indicating that it has a broader host range than previously known. In this study we compared the impact of different levels of water availability on necrosis length caused by D. sapinea strains isolated as endophytes (eight strains isolated from asymptomatic Scots pine) and pathogens (five strains isolated from symptomatic Scots pine) and five strains isolated from symptomatic non-pine hosts. For all strains the decreased water availability increased the necrosis length in Scots pine shoots. The isolates from non-pine hosts caused the most severe reactions under all water availabilities. The results of the study indicate the likelihood that effects of climatic changes such as drought will drive D. sapinea damage in Scots pine-dominated forests and increase mortality rates in affected trees. Further, the higher necrosis in the Scots pines caused by strains that had performed a host switch are concerning with regard to future scenarios thus increasing infection pressure on Scots pine from unknown sources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Australian native species of sorghum contain negligible amounts of dhurrin in their leaves and the cyanogenesis process is regulated differently under water-stress in comparison to domesticated sorghum species. Cyanogenesis in forage sorghum is a major concern in agriculture as the leaves of domesticated sorghum are potentially toxic to livestock, especially at times of drought which induces increased production of the cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin. The wild sorghum species endemic to Australia have a negligible content of dhurrin in the above ground tissues and thus represent a potential resource for key agricultural traits like low toxicity. In this study we investigated the differential expression of cyanogenesis related genes in the leaf tissue of the domesticated species Sorghum bicolor and the Australian native wild species Sorghum macrospermum grown in glasshouse-controlled water-stress conditions using RNA-Seq analysis to analyse gene expression. The study identified genes, including those in the cyanogenesis pathway, that were differentially regulated in response to water-stress in domesticated and wild sorghum. In the domesticated sorghum, dhurrin content was significantly higher compared to that in the wild sorghum and increased with stress and decreased with age whereas in wild sorghum the dhurrin content remained negligible. The key genes in dhurrin biosynthesis, CYP79A1, CYP71E1 and UGT85B1, were shown to be highly expressed in S. bicolor. DHR and HNL encoding the dhurrinase and α-hydroxynitrilase catalysing bio-activation of dhurrin were also highly expressed in S. bicolor. Analysis of the differences in expression of cyanogenesis related genes between domesticated and wild sorghum species may allow the use of these genetic resources to produce more acyanogenic varieties in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Near East climate ranges from arid to a Mediterranean, under which local wheat landraces have been grown for over millennia, assumingly accumulating a unique repertoire of genetic adaptations. In the current study, we subjected a subset of the Israeli Palestinian Landraces (IPLR) collection (n = 19: durum and bread wheat landraces, modern wheat cultivars, and landraces mixtures) to full-field evaluation. The multifield experiment included a semiarid site (2018-2019, 2019-2020) under low (L) and high (H) supplementary irrigation, and a Mediterranean site (2019-2020). Water availability had a major impact on crop performance. This was reflected in a strong discrimination between environments for biomass productivity and yield components. Compared to landraces, modern cultivars exhibited significantly higher grain yield (GY) across environments (+102%) reflecting the effect of the Green Revolution. However, under the Gilat19 (L) environment, this productivity gap was significantly reduced (only +39%). Five excelling landraces and the durum mix exhibited good agronomic potential across all trails. This was expressed in relatively high GY (2.3-2.85 t ha-1), early phenology (86-96 days to heading) and lodging resistance. Given the growing interest of stakeholders and consumers, these might be considered future candidates for the local artisanal wheat grain market. Yet, this step should be taken only after establishing an adjustable field management protocol.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep understanding of genetic architecture of water-stress tolerance is critical for efficient and optimal development of water-stress tolerant cultivars, which is the most economical and environmentally sound approach to maintain lettuce production with limited irrigation. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) production in areas with limited precipitation relies heavily on the use of ground water for irrigation. Lettuce plants are highly susceptible to water-stress, which also affects their nutrient uptake efficiency. Water stressed plants show reduced growth, lower biomass, and early bolting and flowering resulting in bitter flavors. Traditional phenotyping methods to evaluate water-stress are labor intensive, time-consuming and prone to errors. High throughput phenotyping platforms using kinetic chlorophyll fluorescence and hyperspectral imaging can effectively attain physiological traits related to photosynthesis and secondary metabolites that can enhance breeding efficiency for water-stress tolerance. Kinetic chlorophyll fluorescence and hyperspectral imaging along with traditional horticultural traits identified genomic loci affected by water-stress. Supervised machine learning models were evaluated for their accuracy to distinguish water-stressed plants and to identify the most important water-stress related parameters in lettuce. Random Forest (RF) had classification accuracy of 89.7% using kinetic chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and Neural Network (NN) had classification accuracy of 89.8% using hyperspectral imaging derived vegetation indices. The top ten chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and vegetation indices selected by sequential forward selection by RF and NN were genetically mapped using a L. sativa × L. serriola interspecific recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. A total of 25 quantitative trait loci (QTL) segregating for water-stress related horticultural traits, 26 QTL for the chlorophyll fluorescence traits and 34 QTL for spectral vegetation indices (VI) were identified. The percent phenotypic variation (PV) explained by the horticultural QTL ranged from 6.41 to 19.5%, PV explained by chlorophyll fluorescence QTL ranged from 6.93 to 13.26% while the PV explained by the VI QTL ranged from 7.2 to 17.19%. Eight QTL clusters harboring co-localized QTL for horticultural traits, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and VI were identified on six lettuce chromosomes. Molecular markers linked to the mapped QTL clusters can be targeted for marker-assisted selection to develop water-stress tolerant lettuce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water scarcity negatively impacts global crop yields and climate change is expected to greatly increase the severity of future droughts. The use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can potentially mitigate the effects of water stress in plants. Cassava is a crop that feeds approximately 800 million people daily. Genetically different isolates of the AMF R. irregularis as well as their clonal progeny have both been shown to greatly alter cassava growth in field conditions. Given that cassava experiences seasonal drought in many of the regions in which it is cultivated, we evaluated whether intraspecific variation in R. irregularis differentially alters physiological responses of cassava to water stress. In a first experiment, conducted in field conditions in Western Kenya, cassava was inoculated with two genetically different R. irregularis isolates and their clonal progeny. All cassava plants exhibited physiological signs of stress during the dry period, but the largest differences occurred among plants inoculated with clonal progeny of each of the two parental fungal isolates. Because drought had not been experimentally manipulated in the field, we conducted a second experiment in the greenhouse where cassava was inoculated with two genetically different R. irregularis isolates and subjected to drought, followed by re-watering, to allow recovery. Physiological stress responses of cassava to drought differed significantly between plants inoculated with the two different fungi. However, plants that experienced higher drought stress also recovered at a faster rate following re-watering. We conclude that intraspecific genetic variability in AMF significantly influences cassava physiological responses during water stress. This highlights the potential of using naturally existing variation in AMF to improve cassava tolerance undergoing water stress. However, the fact that clonal progeny of an AMF isolate can differentially affect how cassava copes with natural drought stress in field conditions, highlights the necessity to understand additional factors, beyond genetic variation, which can account for such large differences in cassava responses to drought.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Development of drought-tolerant cultivars is one of the challenging tasks for the plant breeders due to its complex inheritance and polygenic regulation. Evaluating genetic material for drought tolerance is a complex process due to its spatiotemporal interactions with environmental factors. The conventional breeding approaches are costly, lengthy, and inefficient to achieve the expected gain in drought tolerance. In this regard, genomics-assisted breeding (GAB) offers promise to develop cultivars with improved drought tolerance in a more efficient, quicker, and cost-effective manner. The success of GAB depends upon the precision in marker-trait association and estimation of genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs), which mostly depends on coverage and precision of genotyping and phenotyping. A wide gap between the discovery and practical use of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for crop improvement has been observed for many important agronomical traits. Such a limitation could be due to the low accuracy in QTL detection, mainly resulting from low marker density and manually collected phenotypes of complex agronomic traits. Increasing marker density using the high-throughput genotyping (HTG), and accurate and precise phenotyping using high-throughput digital phenotyping (HTP) platforms can improve the precision and power of QTL detection. Therefore, both HTG and HTP can enhance the practical utility of GAB along with a faster characterization of germplasm and breeding material. In the present review, we discussed how the recent innovations in HTG and HTP would assist in the breeding of improved drought-tolerant varieties. We have also discussed strategies, tools, and analytical advances made on the HTG and HTP along with their pros and cons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A replicated iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification) study on developing wheat heads from two doubled haploid (DH) lines identified from a cross between cv Westonia x cv Kauz characterized the proteome changes influenced by reproductive stage water-stress. All lines were exposed to 10 days of water-stress from early booting (Zadok 40), with sample sets taken from five head developmental stages. Two sample groups (water-stressed and control) account for 120 samples that required 18 eight-plex iTRAQ runs. Based on the IWGSC RefSeq v1 wheat assembly, among the 4592 identified proteins, a total of 132 proteins showed a significant response to water-stress, including the down-regulation of a mitochondrial Rho GTPase, a regulator of intercellular fundamental biological processes (7.5 fold) and cell division protein FtsZ at anthesis (6.0 fold). Up-regulated proteins included inosine-5\'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (3.83 fold) and glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (4.05 fold). The Pre-FHE and FHE stages (full head emerged) of head development were differentiated by 391 proteins and 270 proteins differentiated the FHE and Post-FHE stages. Water-stress during meiosis affected seed setting with 27% and 6% reduction in the progeny DH105 and DH299 respectively. Among the 77 proteins that differentiated between the two DH lines, 7 proteins were significantly influenced by water-stress and correlated with the seed set phenotype response of the DH lines to water-stress (e.g. the up-regulation of a subtilisin-like protease in DH 299 relative to DH 105). This study provided unique insights into the biological changes in developing wheat head that occur during water-stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rice is the staple food for almost half of the world population. In South and South East Asia, about 40% of rice production is from deltaic regions that are vulnerable to salt stress. A quantitative approach was developed for characterizing genotypic variability in biomass production, leaf transpiration rate and leaf net photosynthesis responses to salinity during the vegetative stage, with the aim of developing efficient screening protocols to accelerate breeding varieties adapted to salt-affected areas. Three varieties were evaluated in pots under greenhouse conditions and in the field, with average soil salinity ranging from 2 to 12 dS m-1. Plant biomass, net photosynthesis rate, leaf transpiration rate and leaf conductance were measured at regular intervals. Crop responses were fitted using a logistic function with three parameters: 1) maximum rate under control conditions (Ymax), 2) salinity level for 50% of reduction (b), and 3) rate of reduction (a). Variation in the three parameters correlated significantly with variation in plant biomass production under increasing salinity. Salt stress levels that caused 50% reduction in net leaf photosynthesis and transpiration rates were higher in the tolerant genotype BRRI Dhan47 (16.5 dS m-1 and 14.3 dS m-1, respectively) than the sensitive genotype IR29 (11.1 dS m-1 and 6.8 dS m-1). In BRRI Dhan47, the threshold beyond which growth was significantly reduced was above 5 dS m-1 and the rate of growth reduction beyond this threshold was as low as 4% per unit increase in salinity. This quantitative approach to screening for salinity tolerance in rice offers a means to better understand rice growth under salt stress and, using simulation modelling, can provide an improved tool for varietal characterization.






