
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    There are plenty of benign lesions that can result in swelling of the mandible, and these can be classified as odontogenic and non-odontogenic lesions. Among the categories of odontogenic lesion, ameloblastoma is the most occurring lesion that takes origin from the epithelial cellular elements and dental tissues in their different stages of development. Ameloblastoma is the most serious odontogenic neoplasm due to its prevalence and clinical characteristics. Ameloblastoma is a broad class which encompasses 80% of solid multicystic type of ameloblastoma with unicystic ameloblastoma (UA) variant included as vital clinicopathological form claiming the rest 20% along with peripheral ameloblastoma variant. UA refers to cystic lesions that seem like jaw cysts clinically, radiographically, or grossly but are lined by typical ameloblastomatous epithelium, with or without luminal and/or mural tumor development, on histologic investigation. Around 5-15% of all ameloblastic lesions do not have a propensity to metastasis, and this is UA. Unicystic mural form, although slow growing overall, is very invasive locally and has a high recurrence rate. As UA tumors show very close features with dentigerous cyst, a very sharp differential diagnosis protocol need to be executed to exclude the other unicystic odontogenic lesions considering the clinical, radiological, and biological characteristics along with proper follow-up and seeing any recurrence of the lesion taking place. Here, we report the case of a twenty-one year male patient with UA of the mandible and review of the literature.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Desmoplastic ameloblastoma (DA) is an epithelial odontogenic tumor and a rare variant of ameloblastoma. It was first described by Eversole in 1984. In the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of odontogenic tumors (2005), DA has been considered as a distinct entity from conventional/multicystic ameloblastoma. DA differs strikingly in its clinical, radiological, and histopathological presentation when compared to other variants of ameloblastoma. We report here an extremely rare \"Hybrid DA\" in a 50-year-old female patient with painless hard swelling involving right posterior mandible with detailed clinical history, an unusual radiographic and histopathological presentation. Histopathology revealed odontogenic epithelium in the form of follicles, ameloblastoma with cystic degeneration, and squamous metaplasia at places and elsewhere there were odosntogenic islands compressed by dense fibrocellular stroma suggestive of desmoplasia along with osseous tissue formation. Also review of the literature and possible explanation of etiopathogenesis of cystic change and osseous tissue formation in DA are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cases of patients with cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma (CPDN) have been reported to date, which presented as polycystic renal tumor in all of them. It is a special pathological type of nephroblastoma. Here, we report the first case of a unicystic CPDN in a child. The patient was diagnosed with a simple renal cyst and underwent laparoscopic decortication. The naive nephron was found in the pathological section, and the diagnosis of CPDN was confirmed. The patient then underwent a radical nephrectomy and six cycles of postoperative chemotherapy. There was no recurrence or metastasis after 2 years of follow-up. Pediatric CPDN presenting as a unicystic renal tumor poses a new challenge to the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment of unicystic renal tumor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unicystic ameloblastoma (UA) is an uncommon variant of ameloblastoma and behaves totally different from the solid multicystic variant of ameloblastoma (SMA); furthermore the histological subgroups of UA also show varied behavior regarding proliferation. The present multi-centric study was designed to present the clinicopathological features of unicystic ameloblastoma (UA) and to compare the two popular histological classifications systems. 80 satisfactory cases of UA were retrieved and evaluated for clinicopathological parameters from four teaching dental schools of North India. The cases were classified using modified Reichart and Philipsen system and Marx and Stern system followed by comparison of inter-observer variability. The results were analyzed using SPSS software. The mean age of occurrence was 30.79 ± 16.49 years. Males outnumbered females (M:F::1.67:1). The majority of cases occurred in the third decade irrespective of the gender. Most cases were found in body-angle-ramus region of the mandible. The modified Reichart and Philipsen classification yielded better interobserver agreement (kappa value 0.845). The modified Reichart and Philipsen classification yields better inter-rater agreement and is easy to reproduce amongst oral pathologists. Being simpler it may easily be understood by the operating surgeon for better treatment outcome.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Ameloblastoma is a locally aggressive benign tumor, commonly occurring in the mandible. While giant ameloblastoma of multicystic or plexiform variant have been reported, the authors report a rare case of giant unicystic ameloblastoma of luminal variant, which was treated by compartmental resection and planned for delayed reconstruction.
    METHODS: A 46 year old male patient reported to the oral surgery out-patient department with a swelling of the left side mandible region of 2 years duration. He had undergone ayurvedic treatment for the same with no improvement. The size of the lesion on presenting was approximately 9 × 12 cm.
    METHODS: Compartmental resection with plan for secondary reconstruction, after adequate follow up period.
    CONCLUSIONS: While conservative management is being explored as a treatment option for unicystic ameloblastoma, resection is still the standard of care regardless of the histopathological subtype for giant lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the cases of ameloblastoma retrospectively for various parameters.
    METHODS: Ninety-one previously reported cases of ameloblastoma from Government Dental College and Hospitals, Nagpur, were included in this study. Data were collected considering parameters such as age, sex, symptoms, radiographic, histopathology, treatment modalities, and recurrence. Our findings were also compared with world literature.
    RESULTS: The average age was 32.5 years. Mostly men complained of an asymptomatic swelling and duration of less than one year. Posterior segment and vertical ramus of mandible was the frequently involved site. Radiographically, multilocular appearance was noted more than 60% of the cases. Plexiform and unicystic ameloblastoma occurred frequently. Surgery was the treatment of choice in this review. Recurrence was noted in more than 10% of the cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: There are variations in our review in comparison to reported literature.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ameloblastoma is the most common tumor of odontogenic origin. There are various types of this tumor and confusion still exists among the clinicians about the correct classification. Multicystic ameloblastoma is the most frequent subtype while unicystic ameloblastoma can be considered as a variant of the solid or multycistic. This subtype is considered as a less aggressive tumor with a variable recurrence rate. However, its frequency is often underestimated. The aim of this article is reviewing the recent literature about unicystic ameloblastoma using our unusual clinical case as a starting point to illustrate this discussion. A 30-year-old man who had been complaining of slight pain in the premolar and molar area of the left side of mandible had a check up at our department. X-rays revealed a unilocular radiotrasparency with radiopaque margins. The first histological diagnosis was an odontogenic cyst. Successive histological evaluations revealed that ameloblastic epithelial islands were present in lassus connective tissue. We think that our case report provides new insights into the approach to the ameloblastoma diagnosis. We agree with authors who have pointed out that a single small biopsy may often be inadequate for the correct diagnosis of amelobastoma. Moreover, in the light of our experience, it should be kept in mind that ameloblastomas may have sometimes unusual presentations and this fact should induce surgeons and pathologists to consider carefully each lesion.





