Tropical Medicine

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Out of the 21 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) listed by the World Health Organization, 15 affect the People\'s Republic of China. Despite significant achievements in controlling NTDs, comprehensive assessments of the disease burden based on actual case data and detailed information on spatial and temporal dynamics are still lacking. This study aims to assess the disease burden and spatial-temporal distribution of NTDs in China from 2005 to 2020, to provide a reference for the formulation of national health agendas in line with the global health agenda, and guide resource allocation.
    METHODS: The number of cases and deaths of major NTDs in China from 2005 to 2020 were downloaded from the China Public Health Science Data Center ( ) of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and relevant literatures. Simplified formulas for disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) helped estimate the years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), and total DALYs. Spatial autocorrelation analysis of the average NTDs burden data for the years 2005 to 2020 was evaluated using Moran\'s I statistic.
    RESULTS: China\'s overall NTDs burden decreased significantly, from 245,444.53 DALYs in 2005 to 18,984.34 DALYs in 2020, marking a reduction of 92.27%. In 2005, the DALYs caused by schistosomiasis and rabies represent a substantial proportion of the total disease burden, accounting for 65.37% and 34.43% respectively. In 2015, Hunan and Sichuan provinces had the highest diversity of NTDs, with 9 and 8 number of different NTDs reported respectively. And the highest disease burden was observed in Sichuan (242,683.46 DALYs), Xizang Zizhiqu (178,318.99 DALYs) and Guangdong (154,228.31 DALYs). The \"high-high\" clustering areas of NTDs were mainly in China\'s central and southern regions, as identified by spatial autocorrelation analysis.
    CONCLUSIONS: China has made unremitting efforts in the prevention and control of NTDs, and the disease burden of major NTDs in China has decreased significantly. Using the One Health concept to guide disease prevention and control in the field to effectively save medical resources and achieve precise intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The large reservoir of tuberculosis (TB) infections is one of the main reasons for the persistent incidence of TB. Accurate diagnostic tests are crucial to correctly identify and treat people with TB infection, which is vital to eliminate TB globally. The rdESAT-6 and rCFP-10 (Cy-Tb) injection (\'Cy-Tb\'), a TB-specific antigen skin test and STANDARD F TB-Feron FIA (\'Standard F TB\') measuring interferon-gamma by fluorescence immunoassay assay are two novel tools for the diagnosis of TB infection which offer advantages compared with current tests in low-resource settings and reduced costs to both health systems and TB-affected people. The proposed study aims to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of these two new tests for TB infection diagnosis.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study aims to assess the diagnostic accuracy for TB infection of the Cy-Tb skin test and Standard F TB assay (investigational tests) compared with the QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) assay as the immunological reference standard. Three different cohorts of study participants will be recruited at the Vietnam National Lung Hospital: adults with bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary TB (n=100), household contacts of people with TB (n=200) and people without TB infection (n=50). All consenting participants will undergo simultaneous testing with Cy-Tb, Standard F TB and QFT-Plus. The primary endpoint is the diagnostic accuracy of the Cy-Tb skin test and Standard F TB assay, expressed as sensitivity and specificity against the reference standard.
    BACKGROUND: Ethical approval was granted by the Vietnam National Lung Hospital Institutional Review Board (65/23/CN-HDDD-BVPTU) and the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (Dnr 2023-04271-01). Study results will be disseminated to the scientific community and policymakers through scientific publications.
    BACKGROUND: NCT06221735.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) disproportionately affect marginalised groups within impoverished communities, conferring devastating physical, financial and psychosocial effects. Skin-NTDs (SNTDs) are uniquely stigmatising due to their visible nature, rendering affected individuals vulnerable to psychosocial risk and the associated decline in social participation, quality of life and mental health. In response to knowledge gaps identified by current global efforts for integrated control of SNTDs this review gathers existing evidence on the psychosocial effects of SNTDs, with consideration given to the influence of gender.
    METHODS: The study protocol is registered with PROSPERO (CRD42022336676). Data was collected from Embase, Global Health, Medline and Web of Science, with additional articles identified through Google Scholar and bibliography tracking. Qualitative studies published in English between 2005 and 2024 reporting men\'s and women\'s experiences with SNTDs were searched. Appropriate data from each included study were inputted into NVivo software to facilitate thematic synthesis. Descriptive and analytic themes were generated through line-by-line coding using an inductive approach.
    RESULTS: 27 articles of high and moderate quality were included. They pertained to buruli ulcer, cutaneous leishmaniasis, leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, tungiasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis and podoconiosis. Men and women across SNTDs and contexts reported debilitating physical symptoms which impaired their ability to work, socialise and carry out usual daily activities. Some felt (at least initially) well supported by partners and relatives, whereas most experienced avoidance, abandonment and even violence, with women incurring worse SNTD-related social consequences. Many men and most women experienced stigma, with discriminatory behaviours largely attributed to fear of infection, decreased ability to perform gender-specific daily activities, and the perceived association between SNTDs and sinfulness. Self-reported impacts of SNTDs on men\'s and women\'s mental wellbeing included low mood, anxiety, low self-esteem, and suicidal ideation. Disease-specific knowledge, early treatment, social support, and disease acceptance were mentioned as protective factors.
    CONCLUSIONS: SNTDs cause significant psychosocial harms, particularly for women. Implementing myth-busting and contact-based educational campaigns and improving access to treatment and to livelihood opportunities and social protection schemes for men and women with a SNTD will help prevent and mitigate these.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In recent years, the escalating concern for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) has been recognized as a pressing global health issue. This concern is acutely manifested in low- and middle-income countries, where there is an escalating prevalence among adolescents and young adults. The burgeoning of these conditions threatens to impair patients\' occupational capabilities and overall life quality. Despite the considerable global impact of NTDs, comprehensive studies focusing on their impact in younger populations remain scarce. Our study aims to describe the global prevalence of neglected tropical diseases among people aged 15 to 39 years over the 30-year period from 1990 to 2019, and to project the disease burden of the disease up to 2040.
    METHODS: Annual data on incident cases, mortality, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for NTDs were procured from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (GBD 2019). These data were stratified by global and regional distribution, country, social development index (SDI), age, and sex. We computed age-standardized rates (ASRs) and the numbers of incident cases, mortalities, and DALYs from 1990 to 2019. The estimated annual percentage change (EAPC) in the ASRs was calculated to evaluate evolving trends.
    RESULTS: In 2019, it was estimated that there were approximately 552 million NTD cases globally (95% Uncertainty Interval [UI]: 519.9 million to 586.3 million), a 29% decrease since 1990. South Asia reported the highest NTD prevalence, with an estimated 171.7 million cases (95% UI: 150.4 million to 198.6 million). Among the five SDI categories, the prevalence of NTDs was highest in the moderate and low SDI regions in 1990 (approximately 270.5 million cases) and 2019 (approximately 176.5 million cases). Sub-Saharan Africa recorded the most significant decline in NTD cases over the past three decades. Overall, there was a significant inverse correlation between the disease burden of NTDs and SDI.
    CONCLUSIONS: NTDs imposed over half a billion incident cases and 10.8 million DALYs lost globally in 2019-exerting an immense toll rivaling major infectious and non-communicable diseases. Encouraging declines in prevalence and disability burdens over the past three decades spotlight the potential to accelerate progress through evidence-based allocation of resources. Such strategic integration could substantially enhance public awareness about risk factors and available treatment options.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the prevalence, management, and control of the neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) highlighting the current or prospective impact of COVID-19 on research and development funding for, and execution of, NTD programmes. This review was conducted to determine if, and how, NTDs were affected by COVID-19, and whether those effects will delay the elimination goals of the Sustainable Development goals.
    METHODS: Using open-source available data from policy and documentation from official websites of the relevant stakeholders including but not limited to World Health Organization (WHO) documents and policies, government foreign aid documents, and the Policy Cures G-Finder reports, this scoping review explored ongoing challenges to supporting research and development (R&D) for the NTDs and in maintaining NTD control programs; examined the constraints posed for NTD management by the pandemic from disruptions to healthcare services, reduction of finance and explored the potential long-term implications and consequences for those poorer, neglected populations in low and middle income-countries (LMICs). This was done by a scoping review literature search, publications were subject to an initial practical screening step to ensure the most relevant publications were selected for full screening, with the focus on scoping the designated topic of the impact of COVID-19 on NTDs. We further undertook an evaluation of the socio-economic factors exacerbating the impact of COVID-19 on NTD burden.
    RESULTS: Multiple disruptions and setbacks, likely to affect NTD programmes and progress towards their elimination targets were identified in this study. R&D funding for the NTDs and AIDs and TB has declined since the funding high point of 2019, and for malaria since the high point of 2018. Significant changes in allocation of R&D funding within the NTDs are observed post pandemic, likely because of prioritization among donors. Diseases for which the least R&D investment was reported in place, prior to the pandemic (mycetoma, taeniasis/cysticercosis, trachoma and Buruli ulcer) have been particularly impacted post pandemic. We identified specific NTDs including schistosomiasis, leprosy, and rabies that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and disruptions caused to on ongoing NTD control and elimination programs. Pandemic restrictions disrupted essential medical supply manufacturing and distribution impacting immunization programs and hindered efforts to control the spread of infectious diseases. NTD programmes have experienced numerous setbacks including delays in mass drug administration programs (e.g. for schistosomiasis), cancelled or delayed vaccination programs (e.g. for rabies) and closure of testing facilities has resulted in reduced diagnosis, treatment, and disease elimination for all NTDs. Lockdowns and clinic closures causing disruption to essential healthcare services restricted NTD surveillance and treatment programs. Community fears around contracting COVID-19 exacerbated the constraints to service delivery. Disparities in global vaccine distribution have widened with LMICs facing limited access to vaccines and disruption to immunization programs. Finally, the pandemic has led to increased poverty with poor and marginalized communities, impacting nutrition, healthcare access and education all of which have long term implications for NTD management and control.
    CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly impacted global health research and global health equity. Attention and funding were diverted from all sectors, significantly affecting research and development efforts set out in the World Health Organization\'s NTD elimination Roadmaps. Ongoing changes to funding, economic crises, logistics and supply chain disruptions as well as deepening poverty has put a strain on already weak healthcare systems and exacerbated LMIC healthcare challenges. In particular, the delays and constraints to NTD management and elimination programs will have long-reaching consequences highlighting the need for global cooperation and renewed investment to put the NTD roadmap back on track. Targets and milestones are unlikely to be met without significant investment for recovery, in place.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The burden of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria pose significant public health challenges in Ethiopia. This study aimed to the explore service availability and readiness for NTD care among Ethiopian health facilities treating tuberculosis (TB), HIV/AIDS, and/or malaria.
    METHODS: This study utilized secondary data from the Ethiopian Service Provision Assessment 2021-22 survey. The availability of services was calculated as the percentage of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, or malaria facilities providing NTD services. Facilities were considered highly prepared to manage any type of NTD if they scored at least half (> 50%) of the tracer items listed in each of the three domains (staff training and guidelines, equipment, and essential medicines). Descriptive statistics and logistic regression models were employed to present the study findings and analyze factors influencing facility readiness, respectively.
    RESULTS: Out of 403 health facilities providing NTD care nationally, 179, 183, and 197 also offer TB, HIV/AIDS, and malaria services, respectively. The majority of TB (90.1%), HIV/AIDS (89.6%), and malaria (90.9%) facilities offer soil-transmitted helminth services, followed by trachoma (range 87-90%). The percentages of the aforementioned facilities with at least one trained staff member for any type of NTD were 87.2%, 88.4%, and 82.1%, respectively. The percentage of facilities with guidelines for any type of NTD was relatively low (range 3.7-4.1%). Mebendazole was the most widely available essential medicine, ranging from 69 to 70%. The overall readiness analysis indicated that none of the included facilities (TB = 11.9%; HIV/AIDS = 11.6%; and malaria = 10.6%) were ready to offer NTD care. Specifically, a higher level of readiness was observed only in the domain of medicines across these facilities. Hospitals had better readiness to offer NTD care than did health centers and clinics. Furthermore, a significant associations were observed between facility readiness and factors such as facility type, region, presence of routine management meetings, types of NTD services provided, and fixed costs for services.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ethiopian health facilities treating TB, HIV/AIDS, and malaria had an unsatisfactory overall service availability and a lack of readiness to provide NTD care. Given the existing epidemiological risks and high burden of TB, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and NTDs in Ethiopia, there is an urgent need to consider preparing and implementing a collaborative infectious disease care plan to integrate NTD services in these facilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: An effective rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (RR-TB) treatment regimen should include prevention of resistance amplification. While bedaquiline (BDQ) has been recommended in all-oral RR-TB treatment regimen since 2019, resistance is rising at alarming rates. This may be due to BDQ\'s delayed bactericidal effect, which increases the risk of selecting for resistance to fluoroquinolones and/or BDQ in the first week of treatment when the bacterial load is highest. We aim to strengthen the first week of treatment with the injectable drug amikacin (AMK). To limit the ototoxicity risk while maximising the bactericidal effect, we will evaluate the safety of adding a 30 mg/kg AMK injection on the first and fourth day of treatment.
    METHODS: We will conduct a single-arm clinical trial on 20 RR-TB patients nested within an operational study called ShoRRT (All oral Shorter Treatment Regimen for Drug resistant Tuberculosis). In addition to all-oral RR-TB treatment, patients will receive two doses of AMK. The primary safety endpoint is any grade 3-4 adverse event during the first 2 weeks of treatment related to the use of AMK. With a sample size of 20 patients, we will have at least 80% statistical power to support the alternative hypothesis, indicating that less than 14% of patients treated with AMK experience a grade 3-4 adverse event related to its use. Safety data obtained from this study will inform a larger multicountry study on using two high doses of AMK to prevent acquired resistance.
    BACKGROUND: Approval was obtained from the ethics committee of Rwanda, Rwanda Food and Drug Authority, Universitair Ziekenhuis, the Institute of Tropical Medicine ethics review board. All participants will provide informed consent. Study results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
    BACKGROUND: NCT05555303.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The leishmaniases are among the group of neglected tropical diseases that cause significant morbidity and mortality each year. Currently, the East Africa region has the highest visceral leishmaniasis burden in the world. Ethiopia is one of the East African countries that reports both visceral and cutaneous forms of the disease. As part of the Nairobi Declaration, Ethiopia showed commitment to the elimination of visceral leishmaniasis by 2030. In this endeavour, it is important to understand the scope of research conducted on leishmaniases in the country and identify where the research gaps exist. Determining the research landscape is vital in the plan towards leishmaniases control and elimination. It will help to reference conducted research, determine if systematic reviews are warranted and help prioritise future research directions.
    METHODS: This protocol was developed with reference to the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group\'s guidance on conducting scoping reviews and the PRISMA-ScR reporting guidelines for scoping reviews. The following databases will be searched: PubMed, Embase via, Web of Science Core Collection, Cochrane CENTRAL, Global Index Medicus,, the Pan African Clinical Trials Registry and PROSPERO. Locally published literature that may not be indexed in the above-mentioned systems will be identified through team members familiar with the setting. Each record will be dually and blindly reviewed in an abstract-title screen and full-text screen using inclusion-exclusion criteria. Included articles must contain an in-depth discussion of leishmaniasis in Ethiopia. Data extracted will consist of study themes, study types, and categories and subcategories each defined in the developed codebook, in addition to type of leishmania, year of publication, funding source and the number of citations. Results will be reported with summary statistics.
    BACKGROUND: Individual consenting and ethical approvals are not applicable. We plan to disseminate our findings to the appropriate stakeholders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), a severe and extraordinarily lethal infectious disease, has emerged as a widespread public health crisis among predominantly vulnerable populations in several countries of Latin America, particularly evident in northern Mexico. Historically, RMSF has gained less attention than many other tropical infectious diseases, resulting in insufficient allocations of resources and development of capabilities for its prevention and control in endemic regions. We argue that RMSF fulfills accepted criteria for a neglected tropical disease (NTD). The relative neglect of RMSF in most Latin American countries contributes to disparities in morbidity and mortality witnessed in this region. By recognizing RMSF as an NTD, an increased public policy interest, equitable and more appropriate allocation of resources, scientific interest, and social participation can ameliorate the impact of this potentially treatable disease, particularly in vulnerable populations.





