Tissue slices

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Is it possible to establish an ex vivo endometriosis model using cryopreserved endometriotic tissue fragments?
    CONCLUSIONS: Cryopreserved endometriotic tissue fragments remain viable after thawing and during at least 3 days of culture and can therefore be used to establish an ex vivo endometriosis model to efficiently test potential therapeutic agents.
    BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is the most prevalent benign gynecologic disease with an enormous societal burden; however, curative therapies are still lacking. To efficiently test potential new therapies, an ex vivo model based on previously cryopreserved endometriotic tissue that recapitulates the different endometriosis subtypes and their microenvironment is highly desirable.
    METHODS: Endometriotic tissue fragments of three different subtypes were obtained from 28 patients by surgical resection. After cryopreservation and thawing, viability and metabolic activity of these tissue fragments were assessed. Viability was compared with fresh fragments from 11 patients directly after surgical removal. Experimental intervention studies were performed in cryopreserved and thawed tissue fragments from two patients to confirm the usability of these tissues for ex vivo intervention studies.
    METHODS: Endometriotic tissue fragments (n = 45) were cryopreserved according to three different protocols. After thawing, fragments were cultured for 24 h. A resazurin-based assay was performed to assess the metabolic activity of the tissue fragments. In addition, cell type-specific viability was analyzed by VivaFix, Hoechst 33342, and α-smooth muscle actin immunofluorescence staining and confocal microscopy. The presence of endometriosis was histologically confirmed based on hematoxylin-eosin staining. Cryopreserved and thawed tissue fragments were treated for 72 h with pirfenidone or metformin and COL1A1 and CEMIP gene expressions were assessed using RT-PCR and RT-qPCR, either in the whole tissue fragments or in myofibroblasts isolated by laser capture microdissection.
    RESULTS: Metabolic activity of endometriotic tissue fragments obtained from peritoneal (PER), ovarian (OMA), and deep (DE) endometriotic lesions was well preserved after cryopreservation in a dimethyl sulfoxide-based medium and was comparable with fresh tissue fragments. Relative metabolic activity compared to fresh tissue was 70% (CI: 92-47%) in PER, 43% (CI: 53-15%) in OMA and 94% (CI: 186-3%) in DE lesions. In fragments from PE lesions 92% (CI: 87-96%), from OMA lesions 95% (CI: 91-98%), and from DE lesions 88% (CI: 78-98%) of cells were viable after cryopreservation and thawing followed by a 24-h culture period. Differences in gene expression of fibrotic markers COL1A1 and CEMIP after 72-h treatment with pirfenidone or metformin could be detected in whole tissue fragments and in isolated myofibroblasts, indicating that cryopreserved and thawed endometriotic tissue fragments are suitable for testing anti-fibrotic interventions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Viability and metabolic activity of the endometriotic tissue fragments may have been partially compromised by damage sustained during the surgical procedure, contributing to inter-sample variance.
    CONCLUSIONS: The storage of viable endometriotic tissue fragments for later usage in an ex vivo model creates the possibility to efficiently test potential new therapeutic strategies and facilitates the exchange of viable endometriotic tissue between different research laboratories.
    BACKGROUND: This study was not financially supported by external funding. The authors declare no competing interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide. Lately, there is great interest in developing methods that assess individual sensitivity and/or resistance of tumors to antineoplastics to provide personalized therapy for patients. In this study we used organotypic culture of human breast tumor slices to predict the experimental effect of antineoplastics on the viability of tumoral tissue. Samples of breast tumor were taken from 27 patients with clinically advanced breast cancer; slices were obtained and incubated separately for 48 h with paclitaxel, docetaxel, epirubicin, 5-fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide, and cell culture media (control). We determined an experimental tumor sensitivity/resistance (S/R) profile by evaluating tissue viability using the Alamar Blue® metabolic test, and by structural viability (histopathological analyses, necrosis, and inflammation). These parameters were related to immunohistochemical expression of the estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. The predominant histological type found was infiltrating ductal carcinoma (85.2%), followed by lobular carcinoma (7.4%) and mixed carcinoma (7.4%). Experimental drug resistance was related to positive hormone receptor status in 83% of samples treated with cyclophosphamide (p = 0.027). Results suggest that the tumor S/R profile can help to predict personalized therapy or optimize chemotherapeutic treatments in breast cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beta cells couple stimulation by glucose with insulin secretion and impairments in this coupling play a central role in diabetes mellitus. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) amplifies stimulus-secretion coupling via protein kinase A and guanine nucleotide exchange protein 2 (Epac2A). With the present research, we aimed to clarify the influence of cAMP-elevating diterpene forskolin on cytoplasmic calcium dynamics and intercellular network activity, which are two of the crucial elements of normal beta cell stimulus-secretion coupling, and the role of Epac2A under normal and stimulated conditions. To this end, we performed functional multicellular calcium imaging of beta cells in mouse pancreas tissue slices after stimulation with glucose and forskolin in wild-type and Epac2A knock-out mice. Forskolin evoked calcium signals in otherwise substimulatory glucose and beta cells from Epac2A knock-out mice displayed a faster activation. During the plateau phase, beta cells from Epac2A knock-out mice displayed a slightly higher active time in response to glucose compared with wild-type littermates, and stimulation with forskolin increased the active time via an increase in oscillation frequency and a decrease in oscillation duration in both Epac2A knock-out and wild-type mice. Functional network properties during stimulation with glucose did not differ in Epac2A knock-out mice, but the presence of Epac2A was crucial for the protective effect of stimulation with forskolin in preventing a decline in beta cell functional connectivity with time. Finally, stimulation with forskolin prolonged beta cell activity during deactivation, especially in Epac2A knock-out mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basic idea behind the use of 3-dimensional (3D) tools in biomedical research is the assumption that the structures under study will perform at the best in vitro if cultivated in an environment that is as similar as possible to their natural in vivo embedding. Tissue slicing fulfills this premise optimally: it is an accessible, unexpensive, imaging-friendly, and technically rather simple procedure which largely preserves the extracellular matrix and includes all or at least most supportive cell types in the correct tissue architecture with little cellular damage. Vibrating microtomes (vibratomes) can further improve the quality of the generated slices because of the lateral, saw-like movement of the blade, which significantly reduces tissue pulling or tearing compared to a straight cut. In spite of its obvious advantages, vibrating microtome slices are rather underrepresented in the current discussion on 3D tools, which is dominated by methods as organoids, organ-on-chip and bioprinting. Here, we review the development of vibrating microtome tissue slices, the major technical features underlying its application, as well as its current use and potential advances, such as a combination with novel microfluidic culture chambers. Once fully integrated into the 3D toolbox, tissue slices may significantly contribute to decrease the use of laboratory animals and is likely to have a strong impact on basic and translational research as well as drug screening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuroendocrine liver metastases (LM-NEN) develop in a considerable proportion of patients with gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. There is a paucity of experimental models that accurately recapitulate this complex metastatic human liver microenvironment precluding scientific and clinical advancements. Here, we describe the development of a novel personalised immunocompetent precision cut tumour slice (PCTS) model for LM-NEN using resected human liver tissue. The histological assessment throughout the culture demonstrated that slices maintain viability for at least 7 days and retain the cellular heterogeneity of the original tumour. Essential clinical features, such as patient-specific histoarchitecture, tumour grade, neuroendocrine differentiation and metabolic capacity, are preserved in the slices. The PCTS also replicate the tumor-specific immunological profile as shown by the innate and adaptive immunity markers analysis. Furthermore, the study of soluble immune checkpoint receptors in the culture supernatants proves that these immunomodulators are actively produced by LM-NEN and suggests that this process is epithelium-dependent. This model can be employed to investigate these pathways and provides a powerful platform for mechanistic, immunological and pre-clinical studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Decellularization procedures have been developed and optimized for the entire organ or tissue blocks, by either perfusion of decellularizing agents through the tissue\'s vasculature or submerging large sections in decellularizing solutions. However, some research aims require the analysis of native as well as decellularized tissue slices side by side, but an optimal protocol has not yet been established to address this need. Thus, the main goal of this work was to develop a fast and efficient decellularization method for tissue slices-with an emphasis on lung-while attached to a glass slide. To this end, different decellularizing agents were compared for their effectiveness in cellular removal while preserving the extracellular matrix. The intensity of DNA staining was taken as an indicator of remaining cells and compared to untreated sections. The presence of collagen, elastin and laminin were quantified using immunostaining and signal quantification. Scaffolds resulting from the optimized protocol were mechanically characterized using atomic force microscopy. Lung scaffolds were recellularized with mesenchymal stromal cells to assess their biocompatibility. Some decellularization agents (CHAPS, triton, and ammonia hydroxide) did not achieve sufficient cell removal. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was effective in cell removal (1% remaining DNA signal), but its sharp reduction of elastin signal (only 6% remained) plus lower attachment ratio (32%) singled out sodium deoxycholate (SD) as the optimal treatment for this application (6.5% remaining DNA signal), due to its higher elastin retention (34%) and higher attachment ratio (60%). Laminin and collagen were fully preserved in all treatments. The SD decellularization protocol was also successful for porcine and murine (mice and rat) lungs as well as for other tissues such as the heart, kidney, and bladder. No significant mechanical differences were found before and after sample decellularization. The resulting acellular lung scaffolds were shown to be biocompatible (98% cell survival after 72 h of culture). This novel method to decellularize tissue slices opens up new methodological possibilities to better understand the role of the extracellular matrix in the context of several diseases as well as tissue engineering research and can be easily adapted for scarce samples like clinical biopsies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tumor microenvironment (TME) comprises complex interactions of multiple cell types that determines cell behavior and metabolism such as nutrient competition and immune suppression. We discuss the various types of heterogeneity that exist in solid tumors, and the complications this invokes for studies of TME. As human subjects and in vivo model systems are complex and difficult to manipulate, simpler 3D model systems that are compatible with flexible experimental control are necessary for studying metabolic regulation in TME. Stable Isotope Resolved Metabolomics (SIRM) is a valuable tool for tracing metabolic networks in complex systems, but at present does not directly address heterogeneous metabolism at the individual cell level. We compare the advantages and disadvantages of different model systems for SIRM experiments, with a focus on lung cancer cells, their interactions with macrophages and T cells, and their response to modulators in the immune microenvironment. We describe the experimental set up, illustrate results from 3D cultures and co-cultures of lung cancer cells with human macrophages, and outline strategies to address the heterogeneous TME.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine responses to nanoparticles in a more comprehensive way, current efforts in nanosafety aim at combining the analysis of multiple endpoints and comparing outcomes in different models. To this end, here we used tissue slices from mice as 3D ex vivo models and performed for the first time a comparative study of uptake and impact in liver, lung, and kidney slices exposed under the same conditions to silica, carboxylated and amino-modified polystyrene. In all organs, only exposure to amino-modified polystyrene induced toxicity, with stronger effects in kidneys and lungs. Uptake and distribution studies by confocal microscopy confirmed nanoparticle uptake in all slices, and, in line with what observed in vivo, preferential accumulation in the macrophages. However, uptake levels in kidneys were minimal, despite the strong impact observed when exposed to the amino-modified polystyrene. On the contrary, nanoparticle uptake and accumulation in macrophages were particularly evident in lung slices. Thus, tissue digestion was used to recover all cells from lung slices at different exposure times and to determine by flow cytometry detailed uptake kinetics in lung macrophages and all other cells, confirming higher uptake by the macrophages. Finally, the expression levels of a panel of targets involved in inflammation and macrophage polarization were measured to determine potential effects induced in lung and liver tissue. Overall, this comparative study allowed us to determine uptake and impact of nanoparticles in real tissue and identify important differences in outcomes in the organs in which nanoparticles distribute.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Much effort within the nanosafety field is currently focused on the use of advanced in vitro models to reduce the gap between in vitro and in vivo studies. Within this context, precision-cut tissue slices are a unique ex vivo model to investigate nanoparticle impact using live tissue from laboratory animals and even humans. However, several aspects of the basic mechanisms of nanoparticle interactions with tissue have not yet been elucidated. To this end, liver slices are exposed to carboxylated and amino-modified polystyrene known to have a different impact on cells. As observed in standard cell cultures, amino-modified polystyrene nanoparticles induce apoptosis, and their impact is affected by the corona forming on their surface in biological fluids. Subsequently, a detailed time-resolved study of nanoparticle uptake and distribution in the tissue is performed, combining fluorescence imaging and flow cytometry on cells recovered after tissue digestion. As observed in vivo, the Kupffer cells accumulate high nanoparticle amounts and, interestingly, they move within the tissue towards the slice borders. Similar observations are reproduced in liver slices from human tissue. Thus, tissue slices can be used to reproduce ex vivo important features of nanoparticle outcomes in the liver and study nanoparticle impact on real tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro models of prostate cancer (PCa) are not always reliable to evaluate anticancer treatment efficacy. This limitation may be overcome by using viable tumor slice material. Here we report on the establishment of an optimized ex vivo method to culture tissue slices from patient-derived xenografts (PDX) of prostate cancer (PCa), to assess responses to PCa treatments.
    Three PDX models were used that are characterized by different androgen receptor (AR) expression and different homology directed DNA repair capacities, due to a breast cancer associated two (BRCA2) wild-type or mutated status. Tumors were removed from mice, sliced using a vibratome and cultured for a maximum of 6 days. To test the sensitivity to androgen antagonist, tumor slices from the AR-expressing and AR-negative PDX tumors were treated with the anti-androgen enzalutamide. For sensitivity to DNA repair intervention, tumors slices from BRCA2 wild-type and mutated PDXs were treated with the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 inhibitor olaparib. Treatment response in these tumor slices was determined by measuring slice morphology, cell proliferation, apoptosis, AR expression level, and secretion of prostate specific antigen (PSA).
    We compared various culture conditions (support materials, growth media, and use of a 3D smooth rocking platform) to define the optimal condition to maintain tissue viability and proliferative capacity up to least 6 days. Under optimized conditions, enzalutamide treatment significantly decreased proliferation, increased apoptosis, and reduced AR-expression and PSA secretion of AR-expressing tumor slices compared to AR-negative slices, that did not respond to the intervention. Olaparib treatment significantly increased cell death in BRCA2 mutated tumors slices as compared to slices from BRCA2 wild type tumors.
    Ex vivo treatment of PCa PDX tumor slices with enzalutamide and olaparib recapitulates responses previously observed in vivo. The faithful retention of tissue structure and function in this ex vivo model offers an ideal opportunity for treatment efficacy screening, thereby reducing costs and numbers of experimental animals.






