Tissue slices

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine responses to nanoparticles in a more comprehensive way, current efforts in nanosafety aim at combining the analysis of multiple endpoints and comparing outcomes in different models. To this end, here we used tissue slices from mice as 3D ex vivo models and performed for the first time a comparative study of uptake and impact in liver, lung, and kidney slices exposed under the same conditions to silica, carboxylated and amino-modified polystyrene. In all organs, only exposure to amino-modified polystyrene induced toxicity, with stronger effects in kidneys and lungs. Uptake and distribution studies by confocal microscopy confirmed nanoparticle uptake in all slices, and, in line with what observed in vivo, preferential accumulation in the macrophages. However, uptake levels in kidneys were minimal, despite the strong impact observed when exposed to the amino-modified polystyrene. On the contrary, nanoparticle uptake and accumulation in macrophages were particularly evident in lung slices. Thus, tissue digestion was used to recover all cells from lung slices at different exposure times and to determine by flow cytometry detailed uptake kinetics in lung macrophages and all other cells, confirming higher uptake by the macrophages. Finally, the expression levels of a panel of targets involved in inflammation and macrophage polarization were measured to determine potential effects induced in lung and liver tissue. Overall, this comparative study allowed us to determine uptake and impact of nanoparticles in real tissue and identify important differences in outcomes in the organs in which nanoparticles distribute.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies on islet of Langerhans physiology are crucial to understand the role of the endocrine pancreas in diabetes pathogenesis and the development of new therapeutic approaches. However, so far most research addressing islet of Langerhans biology relies on islets obtained via enzymatic isolation from the pancreas, which is known to cause mechanical and chemical stress, thus having a major impact on islet cell physiology. To circumvent the limitations of islet isolation, we have pioneered a platform for the study of islet physiology using the pancreas tissue slice technique. This approach allows to explore the detailed three-dimensional morphology of intact pancreatic tissue at a cellular level and to investigate islet cell function under near-physiological conditions. The described procedure is less damaging and faster than alternative approaches and particularly advantageous for studying infiltrated and structurally damaged islets. Furthermore, pancreas tissue slices have proven valuable for acute studies of endocrine as well as exocrine cell physiology in their conserved natural environment. We here provide a detailed protocol for the preparation of mouse pancreas tissue slices, the assessment of slice viability, and the study of pancreas cell physiology by hormone secretion and immunofluorescence staining.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Slice cultures have been prepared from several organs. With respect to the brain, advantages of slice cultures over dissociated cell cultures include maintenance of the cytoarchitecture and neuronal connectivity. Slice cultures from adult human brain have been reported and constitute a promising method to study neurological diseases. Despite this potential, few studies have characterized in detail cell survival and function along time in short-term, free-floating cultures.
    We used tissue from adult human brain cortex from patients undergoing temporal lobectomy to prepare 200 μm-thick slices. Along the period in culture, we evaluated neuronal survival, histological modifications, and neurotransmitter release. The toxicity of Alzheimer\'s-associated Aβ oligomers (AβOs) to cultured slices was also analyzed.
    Neurons in human brain slices remain viable and neurochemically active for at least four days in vitro, which allowed detection of binding of AβOs. We further found that slices exposed to AβOs presented elevated levels of hyperphosphorylated Tau, a hallmark of Alzheimer\'s disease.
    Although slice cultures from adult human brain have been previously prepared, this is the first report to analyze cell viability and neuronal activity in short-term free-floating cultures as a function of days in vitro.
    Once surgical tissue is available, the current protocol is easy to perform and produces functional slices from adult human brain. These slice cultures may represent a preferred model for translational studies of neurodegenerative disorders when long term culturing in not required, as in investigations on AβO neurotoxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Renal fibrosis is a serious clinical problem resulting in the greatest need for renal replacement therapy. No adequate preventive or curative therapy is available that could be clinically used to target renal fibrosis specifically. The search for new efficacious treatment strategies is therefore warranted. Although in vitro models using homogeneous cell populations have contributed to the understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms involved in renal fibrosis, these models poorly mimic the complex in vivo milieu. Therefore, we here evaluated a precision-cut kidney slice (PCKS) model as a new, multicellular ex vivo model to study the development of fibrosis and its prevention using anti-fibrotic compounds. Precision-cut slices (200-300 μm thickness) were prepared from healthy C57BL/6 mouse kidneys using a Krumdieck tissue slicer. To induce changes mimicking the fibrotic process, slices were incubated with TGFβ1 (5 ng/ml) for 48 h in the presence or absence of the anti-fibrotic cytokine IFNγ (1 µg/ml) or an IFNγ conjugate targeted to PDGFRβ (PPB-PEG-IFNγ). Following culture, tissue viability (ATP-content) and expression of α-SMA, fibronectin, collagen I and collagen III were determined using real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Slices remained viable up to 72 h of incubation, and no significant effects of TGFβ1 and IFNγ on viability were observed. TGFβ1 markedly increased α-SMA, fibronectin and collagen I mRNA and protein expression levels. IFNγ and PPB-PEG-IFNγ significantly reduced TGFβ1-induced fibronectin, collagen I and collagen III mRNA expression, which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The PKCS model is a novel tool to test the pathophysiology of fibrosis and to screen the efficacy of anti-fibrotic drugs ex vivo in a multicellular and pro-fibrotic milieu. A major advantage of the slice model is that it can be used not only for animal but also for (fibrotic) human kidney tissue.





