Swimming behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba, hereafter krill) is a pelagic living crustacean and a key species in the Southern Ocean ecosystem. Krill builds up a huge biomass and its synchronized behavioral patterns, such as diel vertical migration (DVM), substantially impact ecosystem structure and carbon sequestration. However, the mechanistic basis of krill DVM is unknown and previous studies of krill behavior in the laboratory were challenged by complex behavior and large variability. Using a new experimental set-up, we recorded the swimming activity of individual wild-caught krill under light-dark cycles. Krill individuals exhibited differential phototactic responses to the light regime provided. However, using a new activity metric, we showed for the first time a consistent nocturnal increase in krill swimming activity in a controlled environment. Krill swimming activity in the new set-up was strongly synchronized with the light-dark cycle, similar to the diel vertical migration pattern of krill in the field when the krill were sampled for the experiment, demonstrated by hydroacoustic recordings. The new set-up presents a promising tool for investigating the mechanisms underlying krill behavioral patterns, which will increase our understanding of ecological interactions, the spatial distribution of populations, and their effects on biogeochemical cycles in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Behaviors of swimming rodents are not uniform, exhibiting large variations, which may underlie the individual differences in swimming exercise-induced benefits. The study aimed to monitor individualized swimming behavior and evaluate its biological significance. Methods: A swimming tank which can monitor individualized rodent swimming behavior during exercise was established. A total of 45 mice were subjected to swimming training for 1 month (1 h per day) and the swimming behaviors of each mouse were recorded. Results: The swimming behaviors of mice displayed considerable variations in aspects of distance, velocity, and area preference. For example, nearly one-third of mice preferred to swim in central area and most of the mice exhibited an even area distribution. Long-term exercise training improved cardiac systolic function and decreased blood pressure in mice, but hardly changed swimming behaviors. Analyses of the relationship between swimming behavior and cardiovascular adaptations to exercise training revealed that swimming behavior indicated the biological effects of swimming training. Specifically, mice which preferred swimming at the central zone or were trainable in behavior during 1-month training exhibited better outcomes in cardiac function and blood pressure post long-term exercise. Mechanistically, a centralized swimming behavior indicated a smaller stress during exercise, as evidenced by a milder activation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Discussion: These results suggest that swimming behavior during training indicates individualized adaptations to long-term exercise, and highlight a biological significance of swimming behavior monitoring in animal studies.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Despite the revolutionary impacts of CRISPR-Cas gene editing systems, the effective and widespread use of CRISPR technologies in emerging model organisms still faces significant challenges. These include the inefficiency in generating heritable mutations at the organismal level, limited knowledge about the genomic consequences of gene editing, and an inadequate understanding of the inheritance patterns of CRISPR-Cas-induced mutations. This study addresses these issues by 1) developing an efficient microinjection delivery method for CRISPR editing in the microcrustacean Daphnia pulex; 2) assessing the editing efficiency of Cas9 and Cas12a nucleases, examining mutation inheritance patterns, and analyzing the local and global mutation spectrum in the scarlet mutants; and 3) investigating the transcriptomes of scarlet mutants to understand the pleiotropic effects of scarlet underlying their swimming behavior changes. Our reengineered CRISPR microinjection method results in efficient biallelic editing with both nucleases. While indels are dominant in Cas-induced mutations, a few on-site large deletions (>1kb) are observed, most likely caused by microhomology-mediated end joining repair. Knock-in of a stop codon cassette to the scarlet locus was successful, despite complex induced mutations surrounding the target site. Moreover, extensive germline mosaicism exists in some mutants, which unexpectedly produce different phenotypes/genotypes in their asexual progenies. Lastly, our transcriptomic analyses unveil significant gene expression changes associated with scarlet knock-out and altered swimming behavior in mutants, including several genes (e.g., NMDA1, ABAT, CNTNAP2) involved in human neurodegenerative diseases. This study expands our understanding of the dynamics of gene editing in the tractable model organism Daphnia and highlights its promising potential as a neurological disease model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Global warming is increasing interest in how aquatic animals can adjust their physiological performance and cope with temperature changes. Therefore, understanding the behavioral changes and molecular underpinnings in fish under warming is crucial for both the individual and groups survival. This could provide experimental evidence and resource for evaluating the impact of global warming.
    OBJECTIVE: Three genetic families of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were generated. These juveniles were constructed short-term (4 days) and long-term (30 days) warming groups to investigate the effects of warming on behavioral responses and to elucidate the potential underlying mechanisms of warming-driven behavior.
    METHODS: Behavioral tests were used to explore the effects of short- and long-term exposure to warming on the swimming behavior of C. carpio. Brain transcriptome combined with measurement of nervous system activity was used to further investigated the comprehensive neuromolecular mechanisms under warming.
    RESULTS: Long-term warming groups had a more significant impact on the decline of swimming behavior in juvenile C. carpio. Furthermore, brain comparative transcriptomic analysis combined with measurement of nervous system activity revealed that genes involved in cytoskeletal organization, mitochondrial regulation, and energy metabolism are major regulators of behavior in the juvenile under warming. Importantly, especially in the long-term warming groups, enrichment analysis of associated gene expression suggested functional alterations of synaptic transmission and signal transduction leading to swimming function impairment in the central nervous system, as revealed by behavioral tests.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides evidence of the neurogenomic mechanism underlying the decreased swimming activity in juvenile C. carpio under warming. These findings have important implications for understanding the impacts of climate change on aquatic ecosystems and the organisms that inhabit them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delta-catenin (CTNND2) is an adhesive junction associated protein belonging to the family of p120 catenins. The human gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 5, the region deleted in Cri-du-chat syndrome (OMIM #123450). Heterozygous loss of CTNND2 has been linked to a wide spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, and intellectual disability. Here we studied how heterozygous loss of ctnnd2b affects zebrafish embryonic development, and larvae and adult behavior. First, we observed a disorganization of neuronal subtypes in the developing forebrain, namely the presence of ectopic isl1-expressing cells and a local reduction of GABA-positive neurons in the optic recess region. Next, using time-lapse analysis, we found that the disorganized distribution of is1l-expressing forebrain neurons resulted from an increased specification of Isl1:GFP neurons. Finally, we studied the swimming patterns of both larval and adult heterozygous zebrafish and observed an increased activity compared to wildtype animals. Overall, this data suggests a role for ctnnd2b in the differentiation cascade of neuronal subtypes in specific regions of the vertebrate brain, with repercussions in the animal\'s behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change will increase the magnitude and duration of warming events and the variability in the phenology and abundance of available prey to the early life stages of fish. These factors influence physiological, behavioral and ecological processes, impacting growth, development and survival. Using a fully factorial design with two prey-availability treatments (1200 prey items L-1 (high prey abundance) or 40 prey items L-1 (low prey abundance)) under three temperature regimes (8, 10 and 12°C), the swimming kinematics of 6-week old spring-spawning Atlantic herring larvae were examined using silhouette video photography. Higher temperatures combined with food limitation significantly decreased the growth and swimming kinematics of larval herring, with the most negative effect observed in larvae reared at 12°C and exposed to low food abundances. Specifically, larvae displayed reduced locomotory behaviors and reduced vertical movements. By contrast, larvae reared at high prey abundance and at 12°C displayed more active swimming and exploratory behavior, as evidenced by an increase in both locomotory behavior and vertical and horizontal turn angles, suggesting increased motivation to search for food. This research highlights the importance of determining to what degree fish larvae are sensitive to changes in temperature and how these changes might be further influenced by food availability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Petroleum hydrocarbons are widely used and transported, increasing the risks of spills to the environment. Although conventional oils are the most commonly produced, the production of unconventional oils (i.e. diluted bitumen or dilbit) is increasing. In this study, we compared the effects of conventional oils (Arabian Light and Lloydminster) and dilbits (Bluesky and Clearwater) on early life stages of a salmonid. To this end, aqueous fractions (WAF: water accommodated fraction) of these oils were extracted using mountain spring water. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae were exposed to 10 and 50% dilutions of these WAFs from hatching (340 DD; degree days) until yolk sac resorption (541 DD). Exposure to WAFs increased skeletal malformations (both dilbits) and hemorrhage (both conventional oils and Bluesky) and decreased head growth (Arabian Light). In addition, increases in EROD activity and DNA damage were measured for all oils and an increase in cyp1a gene expression was measured for Arabian Light, Bluesky and Clearwater. The PAH and C10C50 concentrations were positively correlated to total larval EROD activity, whereas concentrations of total hydrocarbons, VOCs, PAHs, and C10C50 were positively correlated to cyp1a expression. Total hydrocarbon, VOC, and C10C50 concentrations were also negatively correlated to larval growth. This study supports that petroleum hydrocarbons are toxic to early developmental stages of rainbow trout and show that their degree and spectrum of toxicity depends on their chemical composition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of three concentrations of a pesticide mixture on the first development stages of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The mixture was made up of three commonly used pesticides in viticulture: glyphosate (GLY), chlorpyrifos (CPF) and copper sulfate (Cu). Eyed stage embryos were exposed for 3 weeks to three concentrations of the pesticide mixture. Lethal and sub-lethal effects were assessed through a number of phenotypic and molecular endpoints including survival, hatching delay, hatching success, biometry, swimming activity, DNA damage (Comet assay), lipid peroxidation (TBARS), protein carbonyl content and gene expression. Ten target genes involved in antioxidant defenses, DNA repair, mitochondrial metabolism and apoptosis were analyzed using real-time RT-qPCR. No significant increase of mortality, half-hatch, growth defects, TBARS and protein carbonyl contents were observed whatever the pesticide mixture concentration. In contrast, DNA damage and swimming activity were significantly more elevated at the highest pesticide mixture concentration. Gene transcription was up-regulated for genes involved in detoxification (gst and mt1), DNA repair (ogg1), mitochondrial metabolism (cox1 and 12S), and cholinergic system (ache). This study highlighted the induction of adaptive molecular and behavioral responses of rainbow trout larvae when exposed to environmentally realistic concentrations of a mixture of pesticides.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the past few decades, glyphosate became the most used herbicide substance worldwide. As a result, the substance is ubiquitous in surface waters. Concerns have been raised about its ecotoxicological impact, but little is known about its generational toxicity. In this study, we investigate the impact of an environmentally relevant concentration of glyphosate and its co-formulants on an F2 generation issued from exposed generations F0 and F1. Trans, inter and multigenerational toxicity of 1 μgL-1 of the active substance was evaluated on early stages of development and juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using different molecular, biochemical, immuno-hematologic, and biometric parameters, behavior analysis, and a viral challenge. Reproductive parameters of generation F1 were not affected. However, developmental toxicity in generation F2 due to glyphosate alone or co-formulated was observed with head size changes (e.g. head surface up to +10%), and metabolic disruptions (e.g. 35% reduction in cytochrome-c-oxidase). Moreover, larvae exposed transgenerationally to Viaglif and intergenerationally to glyphosate and Roundup presented a reduced response to light, potentially indicating altered escape behavior. Overall methylation was, however, not altered and further experiments using gene-specific DNA metylation analyses are required. After several months, biochemical parameters measured in juvenile fish were no longer impacted, only intergenerational exposure to glyphosate drastically increased the susceptibility of rainbow trout to hematopoietic necrosis virus. This result might be due to a lower antibody response in exposed fish. In conclusion, our results show that generational exposure to glyphosate induces developmental toxicity and increases viral susceptibility. Co-formulants present in glyphosate-based herbicides can modulate the toxicity of the active substance. Further investigations are required to study the specific mechanisms of transmission but our results suggest that both non-genetic mechanisms and exposure during germinal stage could be involved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill highlighted the need to understand the effects of oil exposure on marine eggs and larvae. To determine how short-duration exposure impacts the survivability of early life stages of the bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli, embryos and larvae ≤ 3-days-post-hatch (dph) were exposed to high-energy water accommodated fractions of weathered crude oil for 2 or 6 h. Lethal and sublethal effects of short-duration oil exposure were observed, including crippling malformations and altered optimal swimming and foraging behavior of larvae without malformation. The probability of mortality for larvae exposed as embryos (37.37 and 77.31 µg L-1 total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or \'TPAH\'), assessed 48 h after exposure, increased from 0.06 to 0.15 (2 h) and 0.10-0.23 (6 h) relative to unoiled controls. When exposed as 1-dph larvae (8.80-37.37 µg L-1 TPAH) and assessed 24 h after exposure, the probabilities increased from 0.20 to 0.76 (2 h) and 0.28-0.99 (6 h). Among surviving larvae, probabilities of yolk-sac, finfold, notochord, and cranio-facial malformations increased with exposure concentration, duration, and time after exposure by up to 0.07 immediately following exposure of 1-dph larvae and 0.55 24 h after exposure. When assessed 48 h after exposure as embryos, the probability of larval malformation reached 0.43. First-feeding (3-dph) foraging behavior was altered immediately and 24 h after 2 h exposures (8.80-77.31 µg L-1 TPAH). Time spent in motion and swim speed increased with exposure concentration by up to 331% and 189%, respectively. The number of bursts min-1 increased by 293% immediately and 152% 24 h after exposure. Burst distance decreased by 201%. Pause duration and burst speed decreased by 391% and 250% immediately and 124% and 109% 24 h after exposure. No effects were found for burst duration or tortuosity. Our results suggest potential cascading effects on fitness and trophic interactions.





