Statistics as Topic

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From a statistical standpoint, individual cells are typically not independent experimental replicates. To test for differences in mean, cells from each experimental sample can be averaged and each sample\'s average treated as an n of 1. Here, I outline how to determine how many cells to average per sample.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Among Chinese medical students, medical statistics is often perceived as a formidable subject. While existing research has explored the attitudes of Chinese postgraduate medical students towards statistics and its impact on academic performance, there is a scarcity of studies examining the attitudes of Chinese medical undergraduates on this subject. This study endeavors to scrutinize the attitudes of Chinese medical undergraduates towards statistics, assessing their ramifications on learning achievements, and delving into the influence of demographic factors.
    METHODS: 1266 medical undergraduates participated in this study, completing a questionnaire that included SATS-36 and additional queries. Furthermore, an examination was administered at the end of the medical statistics course. The analysis encompassed the SATS score and exam scores, examining both the overall participant population and specific demographic subgroups.
    RESULTS: Undergraduate medical students generally exhibit a favorable disposition towards statistics concerning Affect, Cognitive Competence, and Value components, yet harbor less favorable sentiments regarding the Difficulty component of SATS-36, aligning with previous research findings. In comparison to their postgraduate counterparts, undergraduates display heightened enthusiasm for medical statistics. However, they demonstrate a lower cognitive capacity in statistics and tend to underestimate both the value and difficulty of learning statistics. Despite these disparities, undergraduate medical students express a genuine interest in statistics and exhibit a strong dedication to mastering the subject. It is noteworthy that students\' attitudes toward statistics may be influenced by their major and gender. Additionally, there exists a statistically significant positive correlation between learning achievement and the Affect, Cognitive Competence, Value, Interest, and Effort components of the SATS-36, while a negative correlation is observed with the Difficulty component.
    CONCLUSIONS: Educators should carefully consider the influence of attitudes toward statistics, especially the variations observed among majors and genders when formulating strategies and curricula to enhance medical statistics education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Knowledge of statistics is highly important for research scholars, as they are expected to submit a thesis based on original research as part of a PhD program. As statistics play a major role in the analysis and interpretation of scientific data, intensive training at the beginning of a PhD programme is essential. PhD coursework is mandatory in universities and higher education institutes in India. This study aimed to compare the scores of knowledge in statistics and attitudes towards statistics among the research scholars of an institute of medical higher education in South India at different time points of their PhD (i.e., before, soon after and 2-3 years after the coursework) to determine whether intensive training programs such as PhD coursework can change their knowledge or attitudes toward statistics.
    METHODS: One hundred and thirty research scholars who had completed PhD coursework in the last three years were invited by e-mail to be part of the study. Knowledge and attitudes toward statistics before and soon after the coursework were already assessed as part of the coursework module. Knowledge and attitudes towards statistics 2-3 years after the coursework were assessed using Google forms. Participation was voluntary, and informed consent was also sought.
    RESULTS: Knowledge and attitude scores improved significantly subsequent to the coursework (i.e., soon after, percentage of change: 77%, 43% respectively). However, there was significant reduction in knowledge and attitude scores 2-3 years after coursework compared to the scores soon after coursework; knowledge and attitude scores have decreased by 10%, 37% respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study concluded that the coursework program was beneficial for improving research scholars\' knowledge and attitudes toward statistics. A refresher program 2-3 years after the coursework would greatly benefit the research scholars. Statistics educators must be empathetic to understanding scholars\' anxiety and attitudes toward statistics and its influence on learning outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The .05 boundary within Null Hypothesis Statistical Testing (NHST) \"has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move\" (to quote Douglas Adams). Here, we move past meta-scientific arguments and ask an empirical question: What is the psychological standing of the .05 boundary for statistical significance? We find that graduate students in the psychological sciences show a boundary effect when relating p-values across .05. We propose this psychological boundary is learned through statistical training in NHST and reading a scientific literature replete with \"statistical significance\". Consistent with this proposal, undergraduates do not show the same sensitivity to the .05 boundary. Additionally, the size of a graduate student\'s boundary effect is not associated with their explicit endorsement of questionable research practices. These findings suggest that training creates distortions in initial processing of p-values, but these might be dampened through scientific processes operating over longer timescales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    mi-Mic, a novel approach for microbiome differential abundance analysis, tackles the key challenges of such statistical tests: a large number of tests, sparsity, varying abundance scales, and taxonomic relationships. mi-Mic first converts microbial counts to a cladogram of means. It then applies a priori tests on the upper levels of the cladogram to detect overall relationships. Finally, it performs a Mann-Whitney test on paths that are consistently significant along the cladogram or on the leaves. mi-Mic has much higher true to false positives ratios than existing tests, as measured by a new real-to-shuffle positive score.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Statisticians are fundamental in ensuring clinical research, including clinical trials, are conducted with quality, transparency, reproducibility and integrity. Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international quality standard for the conduct of clinical trials research. Statisticians are required to undertake training on GCP but existing training is generic and, crucially, does not cover statistical activities. This results in statisticians undertaking training mostly unrelated to their role and variation in awareness and implementation of relevant regulatory requirements with regards to statistical conduct. The need for role-relevant training is recognised by the UK NHS Health Research Authority and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
    METHODS: The Good Statistical Practice (GCP for Statisticians) project was instigated by the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) Registered Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) Statisticians Operational Group and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), to develop materials to enable role-specific GCP training tailored to statisticians. Review of current GCP training was undertaken by survey. Development of training materials were based on MHRA GCP. Critical review and piloting was conducted with UKCRC CTU and NIHR researchers with comment from MHRA. Final review was conducted through the UKCRC CTU Statistics group.
    RESULTS: The survey confirmed the need and desire for the development of dedicated GCP training for statisticians. An accessible, comprehensive, piloted training package was developed tailored to statisticians working in clinical research, particularly the clinical trials arena. The training materials cover legislation and guidance for best practice across all clinical trial processes with statistical involvement, including exercises and real-life scenarios to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Comprehensive feedback was incorporated. The training materials are freely available for national and international adoption.
    CONCLUSIONS: All research staff should have training in GCP yet the training undertaken by most academic statisticians does not cover activities related to their role. The Good Statistical Practice (GCP for Statisticians) project has developed and extensively piloted new, role-specific, comprehensive, accessible GCP training tailored to statisticians working in clinical research, particularly the clinical trials arena. This role-specific training will encourage best practice, leading to transparent and reproducible statistical activity, as required by regulatory authorities and funders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recommendations for statistical methods in rare disease trials are scarce, especially for cross-over designs. As a result various state-of-the-art methodologies were compared as neutrally as possible using an illustrative data set from epidermolysis bullosa research to build recommendations for count, binary, and ordinal outcome variables. For this purpose, parametric (model averaging), semiparametric (generalized estimating equations type [GEE-like]) and nonparametric (generalized pairwise comparisons [GPC] and a marginal model implemented in the R package nparLD) methods were chosen by an international consortium of statisticians.
    RESULTS: It was found that there is no uniformly best method for the aforementioned types of outcome variables, but in particular situations, there are methods that perform better than others. Especially if maximizing power is the primary goal, the prioritized unmatched GPC method was able to achieve particularly good results, besides being appropriate for prioritizing clinically relevant time points. Model averaging led to favorable results in some scenarios especially within the binary outcome setting and, like the GEE-like semiparametric method, also allows for considering period and carry-over effects properly. Inference based on the nonparametric marginal model was able to achieve high power, especially in the ordinal outcome scenario, despite small sample sizes due to separate testing of treatment periods, and is suitable when longitudinal and interaction effects have to be considered.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, a balance has to be found between achieving high power, accounting for cross-over, period, or carry-over effects, and prioritizing clinically relevant time points.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The comparison of biological systems, through the analysis of molecular changes under different conditions, has played a crucial role in the progress of modern biological science. Specifically, differential correlation analysis (DCA) has been employed to determine whether relationships between genomic features differ across conditions or outcomes. Because ascertaining the null distribution of test statistics to capture variations in correlation is challenging, several DCA methods utilize permutation which can loosen parametric (e.g., normality) assumptions. However, permutation is often problematic for DCA due to violating the assumption that samples are exchangeable under the null. Here, we examine the limitations of permutation-based DCA and investigate instances where the permutation-based DCA exhibits poor performance. Experimental results show that the permutation-based DCA often fails to control the type I error under the null hypothesis of equal correlation structures.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    This article describes recommendations for standardized race data collection developed by the Hawai\'i Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander COVID-19 Response, Recovery, and Resilience Team (NHPI 3R Team). These recommendations attempt to address the expressed desires of Native Hawaiians and the diverse Pacific Islander communities in Hawai\'i who seek greater visibility in data and research. The Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) racial category is 1 of the 5 racial categories listed in the 1997 Statistical Policy Directive #15 issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB directive sets the minimum standard for collection of race data in federal surveys, administrative forms, records, and other data collection. The NHPI 3R Team\'s recommendation provides a standard for detailed data collection that could improve smaller communities\' ability to identify, advocate for, and address their own needs. The article also describes lessons learned through the collaborative and iterative process that was led by members and leaders of NHPI communities impacted by data driven decisions and policies. The NHPI 3R Team focused on expanding and standardizing race data collection as part of their COVID-19 response efforts, but implementation of the recommendations could produce benefits well beyond the pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People differ in whether they understand graphical or numerical representations of statistical information better. However, assessing these skills is often not feasible when deciding which representation to select or use. This study investigates whether people choose the representation they understand better, whether this choice can improve risk comprehension, and whether results are influenced by participants\' skills (graph literacy and numeracy).
    In an experiment, 160 participants received information about the benefits and side effects of painkillers using either a numerical or a graphical representation. In the \"no choice\" condition, the representation was randomly assigned to each participant. In the \"choice\" condition, participants could select the representation they would like to receive. The study assessed gist and verbatim knowledge (immediate comprehension and recall), accessibility of the information, attractiveness of the representation, as well as graph literacy and numeracy.
    In the \"choice\" condition, most (62.5%) chose the graphical format, yet there was no difference in graph literacy or numeracy (nor age or gender) between people who chose the graphical or the numerical format. Whereas choice slightly increased verbatim knowledge, it did not improve gist or overall knowledge compared with random assignment. However, participants who chose a representation rated the representation as more attractive, and those who chose graphs rated them as more accessible than those without a choice.
    The sample consisted of highly educated undergraduate students with higher graph literacy than the general population. The task was inconsequential for participants in terms of their health.
    When people can choose between representations, they fail to identify what they comprehend better but largely base that choice on how attractive the representation is for them.
    People differ systematically in whether they understand graphical or numerical representations of statistical information better. However, assessing these underlying skills to get the right representation to the right people is not feasible in practice. A simple and efficient method to achieve this could be to let people choose among representations themselves.However, our study showed that allowing participants to choose a representation (numerical v. graphical) did not improve overall or gist knowledge compared with determining the representation randomly, even though it did slightly improve verbatim knowledge.Rather, participants largely chose the representation they found more attractive. Most preferred the graphical representation, including those with low graph literacy.It would therefore be important to develop graphical representations that are not only attractive but also comprehensible even for people with low graph literacy.





