
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dynamics and drivers of inter-species interactions in the wild are poorly understood, particularly those involving social animal species. Inter-species interactions between cetaceans and sirenians have rarely been documented and investigated. Here, we report 10 cases of interaction initiated by adult bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) towards Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus). Interactions were documented through behavioral observations in the wild (n = 7) and from the examination of orphaned calves (i.e., tooth rake marks on their body; n = 4) that entered a rehabilitation facility, one individual both observed interacting with dolphins and found stranded with bite marks. Bottlenose dolphins were observed interacting with orphan manatee calves and with mother-calf pairs, exhibiting agonistic behavior (n = 2), affiliative or neutral behaviors (n = 1), but the behavioral contexts of these interactions remain unclear in most cases (n = 7). Information on stranded individuals was collected from four calves (of 13 examined calves) recovered in poor condition with bottlenose dolphin tooth rakes and bite wounds on their bodies, one of which died. Injury from bite wounds varied in extent and severity, ranging from superficial scratches leaving rake marks to deep lacerations. Our findings suggest the regular occurrence of agonistic behaviors initiated by adult bottlenose dolphins and directed toward manatee calves. However, the drivers of these interactions remain unknown and need to be further investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    More than 20 global marine extinctions and over 700 local extinctions have reportedly occurred during the past 500 years. However, available methods to determine how many of these species can be confidently declared true disappearances tend to be data-demanding, time-consuming, and not applicable to all taxonomic groups or scales of marine extinctions (global [G] and local [L]). We developed an integrated system to assess marine extinctions (ISAME) that can be applied to any taxonomic group at any geographic scale. We applied the ISAME method to 10 case studies to illustrate the possible ways in which the extinction status of marine species can be categorized as unverified, possibly extinct, or extinct. Of the 10 case studies we assessed, the ISAME method concludes that 6 should be categorized as unverified extinctions due to problems with species\' identity and lack of reliable evidence supporting their disappearance (periwinkle-Littoraria flammea [G], houting-Coregonus oxyrinchus [G], long-spined urchin-Diadema antillarum [L], smalltooth sawfish-Pristis pectinata [L], and largetooth sawfish-P. pristis [L]). In contrast, ISAME classified the Guadalupe storm-petrel (Oceanodroma macrodactyla [G]) and the lost shark (Carcharhinus obsolerus [G]) as possibly extinct because the available evidence indicates that their extinction is plausible-while the largetooth sawfish [L] and Steller\'s sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas [G]) were confirmed to be extinct. Determining whether a marine population or species is actually extinct or still extant is needed to guide conservation efforts and prevent further biodiversity losses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dugongs are marine mammals with a crescent-shaped tail fluke and a concave trailing margin that belong to the family Dugongidae., They are distributed widely in the warm coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Importantly, the population of dugongs has decreased over the past decades as they have been classified as rare marine mammals. Previous studies have investigated the habitat and genetic diversity of dugongs. However, a comprehensive histological investigation of their tissue has not yet been conducted. This study provides unique insight into the organs of dugongs and compares them with other mammal species.
    Tissue sections were stained with Harris\'s hematoxylin and eosin Y. The histological structure of 17 organ tissues obtained from eight systems was included in this study. Tissue sections were obtained from the urinary system (kidney), muscular system (striated skeletal muscle and smooth muscle), cardiovascular system (cardiac muscle (ventricle), coronary artery, and coronary vein), respiratory system (trachea and lung), gastrointestinal system (esophagus, stomach, small intestine, liver, and pancreas), reproductive system (testis), lymphatic system (spleen and thymus), and endocrine system (pancreas).
    While most structures were similar to those of other mammal species, there were some differences in the tissue sections of dugongs when compared with other mammalian species and manatees. These include the kidneys of dugongs, which were non-lobular and had a smooth, elongated exterior resulting in a long medullary crest, whereas the dugong pyloric epithelium did not have overlying stratified squamous cells and was noticably different from the Florida manatee.
    Histological information obtained from various organs of the dugong can serve as an essential foundation of basal data for future microanatomical studies. This information can also be used as high-value data in the diagnosis and pathogenesis of sick dugongs or those with an unknown cause of death.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Manatees (Antillean-, Amazonian, and African-) and dugongs belong to the Order Sirenia, and when combined with elephants and rock hyraxes, form the Paenungulata. A bilobed mononuclear cell has previously been identified in elephants and rock hyraxes, but not in manatees and dugongs, with cytochemical staining identifying these cells as bilobed monocytes in elephants. The objective of this study was to characterize leukocytes (white blood cells, WBC) and platelets in blood films of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris; n = 8) using one routine hematological (Wright-Giemsa) and eight cytochemical stains: alkaline phosphatase (ALP), α-naphthyl butyrate esterase (ANBE), chloroacetate esterase (CAE), Luna, myeloperoxidase (MPx), periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), Sudan black B (SBB), and toluidine blue (TB). Heterophils and lymphocytes comprised most of the WBC, with low numbers of eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes. Additionally, 1-3% of the WBC were bilobed mononuclear cells. Bilobed mononuclear cell proportions were similar to rock hyraxes, but lower than elephants (approximate range 20-60%). Heterophils and eosinophils were positive for MPx, ALP, SBB, and PAS, with heterophils also being positive for CAE. Most of the lymphocytes were positive for ANBE and they were variably positive for CAE. Monocytes and bilobed mononuclear cells had similar cytochemical staining reactions (variably positive for all stains, except Luna and TB), supporting a monocytic origin, like elephants. Platelets were ANBE- and PAS-positive. Luna stain was useful for identifying eosinophils and TB was uninformative. This study provides new information on the morphological features and cytochemical staining characteristics of WBC and platelets and will aid in obtaining accurate hematological data of Florida manatees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extinct Steller\'s sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas; †1768) was a whale-sized marine mammal that manifested profound morphological specializations to exploit the harsh coastal climate of the North Pacific. Yet despite first-hand accounts of their biology, little is known regarding the physiological adjustments underlying their evolution to this environment. Here, the adult-expressed hemoglobin (Hb; α2β/δ2) of this sirenian is shown to harbor a fixed amino acid replacement at an otherwise invariant position (β/δ82Lys→Asn) that alters multiple aspects of Hb function. First, our functional characterization of recombinant sirenian Hb proteins demonstrates that the Hb-O2 affinity of this sub-Arctic species was less affected by temperature than those of living (sub)tropical sea cows. This phenotype presumably safeguarded O2 delivery to cool peripheral tissues and largely arises from a reduced intrinsic temperature sensitivity of the H. gigas protein. Additional experiments on H. gigas β/δ82Asn→Lys mutant Hb further reveal this exchange renders Steller\'s sea cow Hb unresponsive to the potent intraerythrocytic allosteric effector 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, a radical modification that is the first documented example of this phenotype among mammals. Notably, β/δ82Lys→Asn moreover underlies the secondary evolution of a reduced blood-O2 affinity phenotype that would have promoted heightened tissue and maternal/fetal O2 delivery. This conclusion is bolstered by analyses of two Steller\'s sea cow prenatal Hb proteins (Hb Gower I; ζ2ε2 and HbF; α2γ2) that suggest an exclusive embryonic stage expression pattern, and reveal uncommon replacements in H. gigas HbF (γ38Thr→Ile and γ101Glu→Asp) that increased Hb-O2 affinity relative to dugong HbF. Finally, the β/δ82Lys→Asn replacement of the adult/fetal protein is shown to increase protein solubility, which may have elevated red blood cell Hb content within both the adult and fetal circulations and contributed to meeting the elevated metabolic (thermoregulatory) requirements and fetal growth rates associated with this species cold adaptation.
    In 1741, shipwrecked naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller made detailed observations of large marine mammals grazing on seaweed in the shallow waters surrounding a remote island in the North Pacific Ocean. Within thirty years, these ‘Steller’s sea cows’ had been hunted to extinction. Unlike their remaining tropical relatives – dugongs and manatees – Steller’s sea cows were specialized to cold, sub-Arctic environments. Measuring up to 10 meters long, they were much larger than other sea cow species. This, along with having very thick skin, helped them to reduce heat loss. Previous work showed that the hemoglobin protein – which binds to and carries oxygen around mammalian bodies – of Steller’s sea cows had a decreased affinity for oxygen, resulting in greater delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues. It was thought that this could be an adaptation to fuel heightened metabolic heat production in cold conditions. Studies of ancient DNA also identified the substitution of a single building block in the Steller’s sea cow hemoglobin protein that is not present in other mammals and was suspected to underlie this modification. To determine how this unique substitution affects Steller’s sea cow hemoglobin function – and whether it contributed to their ability to live in cold environments – Signore et al. generated hemoglobin proteins of Steller’s sea cows, dugongs and Florida manatees. Testing their biochemical properties showed that this single exchange profoundly alters multiple aspects of how the Steller’s sea cow hemoglobin works. Alongside reducing hemoglobin’s oxygen affinity, the Steller’s sea cow substitution also makes the protein more soluble, potentially increasing the level of hemoglobin within red blood cells. Additionally, it eliminates hemoglobin sensitivity to a molecule involved in oxygen binding – known as DPG – saving energy by no longer requiring production of this molecule. Furthermore, the same substitution makes hemoglobin less sensitive to changes in temperature, which would have helped to safeguard the delivery of oxygen to cool limbs and other extremities, reducing costly heat loss. Together, these changes in hemoglobin would have helped the Steller’s sea cow to more efficiently transport oxygen around the body. Importantly, generating and testing Steller’s sea cow pre-natal hemoglobins suggested this substitution may have also helped to enhance the fetal growth rate of these immense marine mammals by improving gas exchange between the mother and fetus. Signore et al. have revealed how a mutated form of hemoglobin allowed an extinct mammal to adapt to an extreme environment. Similar methods could be used to understand the physiological attributes of other extinct animals. In the future, this increased understanding of hemoglobin mutations could aid the development of human hemoglobin substitutes for therapeutic uses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chromosomal painting in manatees has clarified questions about the rapid evolution of sirenians within the Paenungulata clade. Further cytogenetic studies in Afrotherian species may provide information about their evolutionary dynamics, revealing important insights into the ancestral karyotype in the clade representatives. The karyotype of Trichechus inunguis (TIN, Amazonian manatee) was investigated by chromosome painting, using probes from Trichechus manatus latirostris (TML, Florida manatee) to analyze the homeologies between these sirenians.
    RESULTS: A high similarity was found between these species, with 31 homologous segments in TIN, nineteen of which are whole autosomes, besides the X and Y sex chromosomes. Four chromosomes from TML (4, 6, 8, and 9) resulted in two hybridization signals, totaling eight acrocentrics in the TIN karyotype. This study confirmed in TIN the chromosomal associations of Homo sapiens (HSA) shared in Afrotheria, such as the 5/21 synteny, and in the Paenungulata clade with the syntenies HSA 2/3, 8/22, and 18/19, in addition to the absence of HSA 4/8 common in eutherian ancestral karyotype (EAK).
    CONCLUSIONS: TIN shares more conserved chromosomal signals with the Paenungulata Ancestral Karyotype (APK, 2n = 58) than Procavia capensis (Hyracoidea), Loxodonta africana (Proboscidea) and TML (Sirenia), where TML presents less conserved signals with APK, demonstrating that its karyotype is the most derived among the representatives of Paenungulata. The chromosomal changes that evolved from APK to the T. manatus and T. inunguis karyotypes (7 and 4 changes, respectively) are more substantial within the Trichechus genus compared to other paenungulates. Among these species, T. inunguis presents conserved traits of APK in the American manatee genus. Consequently, the karyotype of T. manatus is more derived than that of T. inunguis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the largest and least documented populations of dugongs (Dugong dugon) resides in the coastal waters of the United Arab Emirates, and waters surrounding Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Qatar. The archaeological record of dugongs in the Gulf Region is abundant, but little is known about their fossil record in the region. Here we report an isolated sirenian rib fragment from the Futaisi Member of the Fuwayrit Formation near the town of Al Ruwais, in northern Qatar. The Fuwayrit Formation is a marine Pleistocene deposit exposed onshore in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Based on the correlative dating of the basal Futaisi Member with other onshore platforms, the rib fragment is approximately 125 ka. We propose that this isolated rib (likely the first rib from the right side) belongs to Dugongidae, with strong similarities to extant Dugong. We cannot, however, eliminate the possibility that it belongs to an extinct taxon, especially given its similarities with other fossil dugongid material from both Qatar and elsewhere in the world. Aside from reflecting the presence of Gulf seagrass communities in the Pleistocene, this occurrence also suggests that different (and potentially multiple) lineages of sirenians inhabited the Gulf Region in the geologic past.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular phylogenetic studies that have included sirenians from the genera Trichechus, Dugong, and Hydrodamalis have resolved their interrelationships but have yielded divergence age estimates that are problematically discordant. The ages of these lineage splits have profound implications for how to interpret the sirenian fossil record-including clade membership, biogeographic patterns, and correlations with Earth history events. In an effort to address these issues, here we present a total evidence phylogenetic analysis of Sirenia that includes living and fossil species and applies Bayesian tip-dating methods to estimate their interrelationships and divergence times. In addition to extant sirenians, our dataset includes 56 fossil species from 106 dated localities and numerous afrotherian outgroup taxa. Genetic, morphological, temporal, and biogeographic data are assessed simultaneously to bring all available evidence to bear on sirenian phylogeny. The resulting time-tree is then used for Bayesian geocoordinates reconstruction analysis, which models ancestral geographic areas at splits throughout the phylogeny, thereby allowing us to infer the direction and timing of dispersals. Our results suggest that Pan-Sirenia arose in North Africa during the latest Paleocene and that the Eocene evolution of stem sirenians was primarily situated in the Tethyan realm. In the late Eocene, some lineages moved into more northern European latitudes, an area that became the source region for a key trans-Atlantic dispersal towards the Caribbean and northern-adjacent west Atlantic. This event led to the phylogenetic and biogeographic founding of crown Sirenia with the Dugongidae-Trichechidae split occurring at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary (~33.9 Ma), temporally coincident with the onset of dropping global sea levels and temperatures. This region became the nexus of sirenian diversification and supported taxonomically-rich dugongid communities until the earliest Pliocene. The Dugonginae-Hydrodamalinae split occurred near Florida during the early Miocene (~21.2 Ma) and was followed by a west-bound dispersal that gave rise to the Pacific hydrodamalines. The late middle Miocene (~12.2 Ma) split of Dugong from all other dugongines also occurred near Florida and our analyses suggest that the Indo-Pacific distribution of modern dugongs is the result of a trans-Pacific dispersal. From at least the early Miocene, trichechid evolution was based entirely in South America, presumably within the Pebas Wetlands System. We infer that the eventual establishment of Amazon drainage into the South Atlantic allowed the dispersal of Trichechus out of South America no earlier than the mid-Pliocene. Our analyses provide a new temporal and biogeographic framework for understanding major events in sirenian evolution and their possible relationships to oceanographic and climatic changes. These hypotheses can be further tested with the recovery and integration of new fossil evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The study of regressive evolution has yielded a wealth of examples where the underlying genes bear molecular signatures of trait degradation, such as pseudogenization or deletion. Typically, it appears that such disrupted genes are limited to the function of the regressed trait, whereas pleiotropic genes tend to be maintained by natural selection to support their myriad purposes. One such set of pleiotropic genes is involved in the synthesis ( AANAT, ASMT) and signaling ( MTNR1A, MTNR1B) of melatonin, a hormone secreted by the vertebrate pineal gland. Melatonin provides a signal of environmental darkness, thereby influencing the circadian and circannual rhythmicity of numerous physiological traits. Therefore, the complete loss of a pineal gland and the underlying melatonin pathway genes seems likely to be maladaptive, unless compensated by extrapineal sources of melatonin. Methods: We examined AANAT, ASMT, MTNR1A and MTNR1B in 123 vertebrate species, including pineal-less placental mammals and crocodylians. We searched for inactivating mutations and modelled selective pressures (dN/dS) to test whether the genes remain functionally intact. Results: We report that crocodylians retain intact melatonin genes and express AANAT and ASMT in their eyes, whereas all four genes have been repeatedly inactivated in the pineal-less xenarthrans, pangolins, sirenians, and whales. Furthermore, colugos have lost these genes, and several lineages of subterranean mammals have partial melatonin pathway dysfunction. These results are supported by the presence of shared inactivating mutations across clades and analyses of selection pressure based on the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions (dN/dS), suggesting extended periods of relaxed selection on these genes. Conclusions: The losses of melatonin synthesis and signaling date to tens of millions of years ago in several lineages of placental mammals, raising questions about the evolutionary resilience of pleiotropic genes, and the causes and consequences of losing melatonin pathways in these species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Great efforts have been made to preserve manatees. Recently, a hybrid zone was described between Trichechus inunguis (TIN) and the Trichechus manatus manatus (TMM) in the Amazon estuary. Cytogenetic data on these sirenians are limited, despite being fundamental to understanding the hybridization/introgression dynamics and genomic organization in Trichechus. We analyzed the karyotype of TMM, TIN, and two hybrid specimens (\"Poque\" and \"Vitor\") by classical and molecular cytogenetics. G-band analysis revealed that TMM (2n = 48) and TIN (2n = 56) diverge by at least six Robertsonian translocations and a pericentric inversion. Hybrids had 2n = 50, however, with Autosomal Fundamental Number (FNA) = 88 in \"Poque\" and FNA = 74 in \"Vitor\", and chromosomal distinct pairs in heterozygous; additionally, \"Vitor\" exhibited heteromorphisms and chromosomes whose pairs could not be determined. The U2 snDNA and Histone H3 multi genes are distributed in small clusters along TIN and TMM chromosomes and have transposable Keno and Helitron elements (TEs) in their sequences. The different karyotypes observed among manatee hybrids may indicate that they represent different generations formed by crossing between fertile hybrids and TIN. On the other hand, it is also possible that all hybrids recorded represent F1 and the observed karyotype differences must result from mechanisms of elimination.





