Sex Ratio

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species experience a variety of environmental and anthropogenic conditions across their ranges leading to spatial variation in population dynamics. Understanding population dynamics under different conditions is important but it is challenging to allocate limited effort to spatial and temporal subpopulation monitoring. Using GLMMs, we analyze survey data of a metapopulation of coconut crabs spanning 7 years and 15 sites in and near the Pemba archipelago, Zanzibar, to estimate trends in population size (based on catch per unit effort), weight and sex ratio at the meta- and subpopulation level and investigate anthropogenic drivers of these trends. We found that the overall metapopulation has remained stable in terms of size and composition over the survey period, but observed diverging trends in population size and sex ratio at some subpopulations. Formal protection of sites was associated with positive population trends. Of nine sites for which we could estimate site-specific trends, three showed increasing and two decreasing trends, whereas four sites had stable subpopulations. Although anthropogenic factors affected the average weight, and the incidence of small and large individuals, we found no temporal trends in any weight-related measures. Furthermore, there were no apparent patterns between weight-related measures and subpopulation trends. The metapopulation was biased toward males, and exploitation appeared to be associated with declining trends in the proportion of females, likely an artifact of a strong decline in the proportion of females in one of only two exploited sites in the dataset. Educational campaigns implemented in 2020 at six sites were not related to higher population sizes in later surveys. The variable trends in subpopulation sizes and composition highlight the need for spatially replicated monitoring in metapopulations. The analyses further provide a detailed baseline for future subpopulation studies of this vulnerable species in one of its last remaining metapopulations in the Western Indian Ocean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: National level Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) is normal in Bangladesh despite its patriarchal social structures, strong son preference, and low fertility level, widely recognized as preconditions for Gender-Biased Sex Selection (GBSS). To better understand this anomaly, we examine the trend in SRB in a sub-district in Bangladesh and assess the impact of the introduction of fetal sex-detection technology and the history of induced abortion on child sex using longitudinal data.
    METHODS: We have used secondary data collected routinely by icddr, b\'s Matlab Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) between 1982 and 2018. All births occurring during this period (N = 206,390) were included in the analyses. We calculated the SRB and used multivariate logistic regression analyses to assess the likelihood of birth of a male child before and after the introduction of ultrasonogram in Matlab.
    RESULTS: Overall, SRB was within the natural limit (106) during 1982-2018 in Matlab. SRB among women with a history of induced abortion was 109.3 before the introduction of ultrasonography in 2001 and 113.5 - after 2001. Women\'s history of induced abortion prior to introduction of ultrasonogram (1982-2000) increased the likelihood of birth of a male child 1.06 times (AOR 1.06; 95% CI- 1.01-1.11). In the period after, however, this likelihood was 1.08 (AOR 1.08; 95% CI- 1.02-1.15).
    CONCLUSIONS: In a context with normal SRB, it was found to be skewed among women who had induced abortion. SRB was relatively more skewed among such women after the advent of ultrasonogram compared to a period without ultrasonogram. Moreover, induced abortion after introduction of fetal sex determination technology increased the likelihood of birth of a male child. These findings suggest the plausibility of GBSS in a sub-group. Further research is needed, particularly in regions with skewed SRB to examine whether GBSS is indeed a threat to Bangladesh.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Across the globe, many species of insects are facing population decline. This is largely driven by anthropogenic changes to the environment, including the widespread exposure of invertebrates to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which impair fertility. To test whether generations of Drosophila melanogaster born from parents exposed to a common dietary EDC, equol, could recover reproductive function, we quantified the reproductive capacity of the two subsequent generations. Using a novel suite of flow cytometry assays to assess sperm functionality in real time, we find that sperm function is compromised across three generations, even after non-exposed in individuals contribute to the breeding population. Though the sex ratio alters in response to EDC exposure, favouring the survival of female offspring, most lineages with ancestral EDC exposure exhibit persistent subfertility in both the male and female. Male offspring with ancestral EDC exposure present with reduced fertility and dysfunctional spermatozoa, whereby spermatozoa are metabolically stressed, lack DNA integrity and present with permanent epigenetic alterations. Across generations, male and female offspring demonstrate distinct patterns of reproductive characteristics, depending upon the specific lineage of EDC exposure. Our results illustrate how dietary EDCs present in agricultural plants could promote transgenerational subfertility and contribute to declining insect populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \"paradox of sex\" refers to the question of why sexual reproduction is maintained in the wild, despite how costly it is compared to asexual reproduction. Because of these costs, one might expect nature to select for asexual reproduction, yet sex seems to be continually selected for. Multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain this incongruence, including the niche differentiation hypothesis, the Red Queen hypothesis, and accumulation of harmful mutations in asexual species due to inefficient purifying selection. This study focuses on the accumulation of mutations in two terrestrial isopods, Trichoniscus pusillus, which has sexual diploid and parthenogenic triploid forms, and Hyloniscus riparius, an obligately sexual relative. We surveyed sex ratios of both species in an upstate New York population and obtained RNA-seq data from wild-caught individuals of both species to examine within- and between-species patterns of molecular evolution in protein-coding genes. The sex ratio and RNA-seq data together provide strong evidence that this T. pusillus population is entirely asexual and triploid, while the H. riparius population is sexual and diploid. Although all the wild T. pusillus individuals used for sequencing shared identical genotypes at nearly all SNPs, supporting a clonal origin, heterozygosity and SNP density were much higher in T. pusillus than in the sexually reproducing H. riparius. This observation suggests this parthenogenic lineage may have arisen via mating between two divergent diploid lineages. Between-species sequence comparisons showed no evidence of ineffective purifying selection in the asexual T. pusillus lineage, as measured by the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions (dN/dS ratios). Likewise, there was no difference between T. pusillus and H. riparius in the ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous SNPs overall (pN/pS). However, pN/pS ratios in T. pusillus were significantly higher when considering only SNPs that may have arisen via recent mutation after the transition to parthenogenesis. Thus, these recent SNPs are consistent with the hypothesis that purifying selection is less effective against new mutations in asexual lineages, but only over long time scales. This system provides a useful model for future studies on the evolutionary tradeoffs between sexual and asexual reproduction in nature.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The costs and benefits of group living are also reflected in intraspecific variation in group size. Yet, little is known about general patterns of fitness consequences of this variation. We use demographic records collected over 25 years to determine how survival and reproductive success vary with group size in a Malagasy primate. We show that female reproductive rates of Verreaux\'s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi) are not affected by total group size, but that they are supressed by the number of co-resident females, whereas mortality rates are significantly higher in larger groups. Neither annual rainfall nor the adult sex ratio have significant effects on birth and death rates. Hence, these sifakas enjoy the greatest net fitness benefits at small, and not the predicted intermediate group sizes. Thus, independent fitness proxies can vary independently as a function of group size as well as other factors, leading to deviations from optimal intermediate group sizes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody-associated neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is an antibody-mediated inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. We have undertaken a systematic review and meta-analysis to ascertain the sex ratio and mean age of onset for AQP4 antibody associated NMOSD. We have also explored factors that impact on these demographic data.
    METHODS: A systematic search of databases was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. Articles reporting sex distribution and age of onset for AQP4 antibody-associated NMSOD were reviewed. An initially inclusive approach involving exploration with regression meta-analysis was followed by an analysis of just AQP4 antibody positive cases.
    RESULTS: A total of 528 articles were screened to yield 89 articles covering 19,415 individuals from 88 population samples. The female:male sex ratio was significantly influenced by the proportion of AQP4 antibody positive cases in the samples studied (p < 0.001). For AQP4 antibody-positive cases the overall estimate of the sex ratio was 8.89 (95% CI 7.78-10.15). For paediatric populations the estimate was 5.68 (95% CI 4.01-8.03) and for late-onset cases, it was 5.48 (95% CI 4.10-7.33). The mean age of onset was significantly associated with the mean life expectancy of the population sampled (p < 0.001). The mean age of onset for AQP4 antibody-positive cases in long-lived populations was 41.7 years versus 33.3 years in the remainder.
    CONCLUSIONS: The female:male sex ratio and the mean age of onset of AQP4 antibody-associated NMOSD are significantly higher than MS. The sex ratio increases with the proportion of cases that are positive for AQP4 antibodies and the mean age of onset increases with population life expectancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolution of nuptial gifts has traditionally been considered a harmonious affair, providing benefits to both mating partners. There is growing evidence, however, that receiving a nuptial gift can be actively detrimental to the female. In decorated crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus), males produce a gelatinous spermatophylax that enhances sperm transfer but provides little nutritional benefit and hinders female post-copulatory mate choice. Here, we examine the sexually antagonistic coevolution of the spermatophylax and the female feeding response to this gift in G. sigillatus maintained in experimental populations with either a male-biased or female-biased adult sex ratio. After 25 generations, males evolving in male-biased populations produced heavier spermatophylaxes with a more manipulative combination of free amino acids than those evolving in female-biased populations. Moreover, when the spermatophylax originated from the same selection regime, females evolving in male-biased populations always had shorter feeding durations than those evolving in female-biased populations, indicating the evolution of greater resistance. Across populations, female feeding duration increased with the mass and manipulative combination of free amino acids in the spermatophylax, suggesting sexually antagonistic coevolution. Collectively, our work demonstrates a key role for interlocus sexual conflict and sexually antagonistic coevolution in the mating system of G. sigillatus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The research focused on evaluating the biological and reproductive parameters of the species Spodoptera sunia with the introduction of field genetic material, in the Noctuid Insect Breeding Laboratory.
    UNASSIGNED: The experiment consisted of three treatments and three repetitions involving 30 individuals each. Field-collected S. sunia population was reared in the laboratory under semi-controlled conditions of temperature and humidity for three generations. The progeny of the third generation was crossed with the laboratory population and the resulting progeny was observed for growth and reproductive fitness.
    UNASSIGNED: The results revealed that the hybrid progeny (T3) has a sex ratio (F: M) of 0.82, as against 1.22 and 0.76 observed in the field (T1) and lab populations (T2) respectively. The T1 females oviposited 196 egg masses as against 160 and 59 egg masses by T3 and T2 females respectively. The larval growth was more in hybrid progeny with shorter larval duration. However, no variation was observed in the incubation and pupal periods.
    UNASSIGNED: Since the most optimal results were obtained in T2 and T3, it is recommended to introduce genetic material every six months to maintain a good laboratory population of the insect host under study and better breeding of its natural enemies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People often interact with groups (i.e., ensembles) during social interactions. Given that group-level information is important in navigating social environments, we expect perceptual sensitivity to aspects of groups that are relevant for personal threat as well as social belonging. Most ensemble perception research has focused on visual ensembles, with little research looking at auditory or vocal ensembles. Across four studies, we present evidence that (i) perceivers accurately extract the sex composition of a group from voices alone, (ii) judgments of threat increase concomitantly with the number of men, and (iii) listeners\' sense of belonging depends on the number of same-sex others in the group. This work advances our understanding of social cognition, interpersonal communication, and ensemble coding to include auditory information, and reveals people\'s ability to extract relevant social information from brief exposures to vocalizing groups.





