Sex Ratio

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work we reported injuries caused by the spider mite Oligonychus yothersi on Vitis vinifera leaves and we also investigate the sex ratio of this species under laboratory conditions. To access the aspects regarding reproduction, females were placed individually in arenas made of V. vinifera leaves to oviposit and all progeny were mounted on slides when they reached adulthood to confirm the offspring sex. Our study showed that O. yothersi reproduces by thelytokous /arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, generating low number of males. Additionally, we found vine plants with leaf browning, particularly on the adaxial surface, where mites were usually found.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species experience a variety of environmental and anthropogenic conditions across their ranges leading to spatial variation in population dynamics. Understanding population dynamics under different conditions is important but it is challenging to allocate limited effort to spatial and temporal subpopulation monitoring. Using GLMMs, we analyze survey data of a metapopulation of coconut crabs spanning 7 years and 15 sites in and near the Pemba archipelago, Zanzibar, to estimate trends in population size (based on catch per unit effort), weight and sex ratio at the meta- and subpopulation level and investigate anthropogenic drivers of these trends. We found that the overall metapopulation has remained stable in terms of size and composition over the survey period, but observed diverging trends in population size and sex ratio at some subpopulations. Formal protection of sites was associated with positive population trends. Of nine sites for which we could estimate site-specific trends, three showed increasing and two decreasing trends, whereas four sites had stable subpopulations. Although anthropogenic factors affected the average weight, and the incidence of small and large individuals, we found no temporal trends in any weight-related measures. Furthermore, there were no apparent patterns between weight-related measures and subpopulation trends. The metapopulation was biased toward males, and exploitation appeared to be associated with declining trends in the proportion of females, likely an artifact of a strong decline in the proportion of females in one of only two exploited sites in the dataset. Educational campaigns implemented in 2020 at six sites were not related to higher population sizes in later surveys. The variable trends in subpopulation sizes and composition highlight the need for spatially replicated monitoring in metapopulations. The analyses further provide a detailed baseline for future subpopulation studies of this vulnerable species in one of its last remaining metapopulations in the Western Indian Ocean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global changes in the coastal ecosystems of oceans and seas, influenced by natural environmental factors and anthropogenic load, have led to a shift in the sexual structure of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, a species cultivated in many countries. This paper is the first to study the effects of steroid hormones on sex inversion and mortality in the M. galloprovincialis. A unidirectional pattern of sex change from females to males was observed. A 100% sex change of females was achieved under the influence of the hormone testosterone during the period of post-spring restructuring of the gonads. No sex change occurred when males and females were exposed to 17β-estradiol. The mortality of mollusks did not exceed 5%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hatching failure affects up to 77% of eggs laid by threatened bird species, yet the true prevalence and drivers of egg fertilization failure versus embryo mortality as underlying mechanisms of hatching failure are unknown. Here, using ten years of data comprising 4,371 eggs laid by a population of a threatened bird, the hihi (Notiomystis cincta), we investigate the relative importance of infertility and embryo death as drivers of hatching failure and explore population-level factors associated with them. We show that of the 1,438 eggs that failed to hatch (33% of laid eggs) between 2010 and 2020, 83% failed due to embryo mortality, with the majority failing in the early stages of embryonic development. In the most comprehensive estimates of infertility rates in a wild bird population to date, we find that fertilization failure accounts for around 17% of hatching failure overall and is more prevalent in years where the population is smaller and more male biased. Male embryos are more likely to die during early development than females, but we find no overall effect of sex on the successful development of embryos. Offspring fathered by within-pair males have significantly higher inbreeding levels than extra-pair offspring; however, we find no effect of inbreeding nor extra-pair paternity on embryo mortality. Accurately distinguishing between infertility and embryo mortality in this study provides unique insight into the underlying causes of reproductive failure over a long-term scale and reveals the complex risks of small population sizes to the reproduction of threatened species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractThe strength and direction of sexual selection can vary among populations. However, spatial variability is rarely explored at the level of the social group. Here we investigate sexual selection and sex roles in the paternally mouthbrooding, socially monogamous, and site-attached pajama cardinalfish, Sphaeramia nematoptera. Females were larger and more aggressive and had a longer dorsal fin filament, indicating reversed sex roles. At the scale of social groups, we show that the Bateman gradient and reproductive variance depend on the sex ratio and size of groups. In small and medium-sized groups with balanced or male-biased sex ratios, Bateman gradients were steeper for females, whereas gradients were equally steep for both sexes in large groups or when the sex ratio was female biased. For both sexes, reproductive variance increased with group size and with a higher male-to-female sex ratio. In S. nematoptera, mating opportunities outside the socially monogamous pair appear to impact sexual selection. We conclude that strength and direction of sexual selection can be masked by social dynamics in group-living species when considering only population and large-scale demographic processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The non-Mendelian transmission of sex chromosomes during gametogenesis carries significant implications, influencing sex ratios and shaping evolutionary dynamics. Here we focus on known mechanisms that drive non-Mendelian inheritance of X chromosomes during spermatogenesis and their impact on population dynamics in species with different breeding systems. In Drosophila and mice, X-linked drivers targeting Y-bearing sperm for elimination or limiting their fitness, tend to confer unfavourable effects, prompting the evolution of suppressors to mitigate their impact. This leads to a complex ongoing evolutionary arms race to maintain an equal balance of males and females. However, in certain insects and nematodes with XX/X0 sex determination, the preferential production of X-bearing sperm through atypical meiosis yields wild-type populations with highly skewed sex ratios, suggesting non-Mendelian transmission of the X may offer selective advantages in these species. Indeed, models suggest X-meiotic drivers could bolster population size and persistence under certain conditions, challenging the conventional view of their detrimental effects. Furthering our understanding of the diverse mechanisms and evolutionary consequences of non-Mendelian transmission of X chromosomes will provide insights into genetic inheritance, sex determination, and population dynamics, with implications for fundamental research and practical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A total of 381 specimens of the tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus collected monthly from May 2017 to May 2018 in the Laguna de Los Patos, Cumaná, Venezuela, to evaluate reproductive parameters of this non-native species. Significant differences were found in relation to average height and weight between males and females, with the highest values in males. The sex ratio was 1:1.5 (males:females), which deviates significantly from the expected 1:1 ratio. The mean length of sexual maturity (Lm50) was 18.0 cm in females and 20.1 cm in males, reflecting that females mature at smaller sizes than males. The monthly variations of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the stages of sexual maturity show two reproductive peaks during the study, in October 2017 and April 2018, coinciding with the rainy and dry seasons in the region respectively. The condition factor (CF) showed significant differences between months, but not between sexes, with an average of 1.87 in females and 1.84 in males. The average absolute fecundity was 921 ± 604.6 eggs per fish, with a relative fecundity of 8.36 ± 3.09 eggs per gram of fish. Differences in oocyte size in mature females confirm that the species can spawn repeatedly over a period, which is considered an important factor for the establishment of tilapia in non-native environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: National level Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) is normal in Bangladesh despite its patriarchal social structures, strong son preference, and low fertility level, widely recognized as preconditions for Gender-Biased Sex Selection (GBSS). To better understand this anomaly, we examine the trend in SRB in a sub-district in Bangladesh and assess the impact of the introduction of fetal sex-detection technology and the history of induced abortion on child sex using longitudinal data.
    METHODS: We have used secondary data collected routinely by icddr, b\'s Matlab Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) between 1982 and 2018. All births occurring during this period (N = 206,390) were included in the analyses. We calculated the SRB and used multivariate logistic regression analyses to assess the likelihood of birth of a male child before and after the introduction of ultrasonogram in Matlab.
    RESULTS: Overall, SRB was within the natural limit (106) during 1982-2018 in Matlab. SRB among women with a history of induced abortion was 109.3 before the introduction of ultrasonography in 2001 and 113.5 - after 2001. Women\'s history of induced abortion prior to introduction of ultrasonogram (1982-2000) increased the likelihood of birth of a male child 1.06 times (AOR 1.06; 95% CI- 1.01-1.11). In the period after, however, this likelihood was 1.08 (AOR 1.08; 95% CI- 1.02-1.15).
    CONCLUSIONS: In a context with normal SRB, it was found to be skewed among women who had induced abortion. SRB was relatively more skewed among such women after the advent of ultrasonogram compared to a period without ultrasonogram. Moreover, induced abortion after introduction of fetal sex determination technology increased the likelihood of birth of a male child. These findings suggest the plausibility of GBSS in a sub-group. Further research is needed, particularly in regions with skewed SRB to examine whether GBSS is indeed a threat to Bangladesh.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prior research into the association between prenatal mercury (Hg) exposure and the secondary sex ratio has yielded inconclusive and conflicting results. Notably, no study has used cord blood Hg measurement in this context. Also, the differences in Hg species and the potential modifying role of selenium (Se) on this association remain unexplored. Using data from the Japan Environment and Children\'s Study, we analyzed mother-child pairs with available data for concentrations of total mercury (THg) and Se in maternal blood during late pregnancy, and THg, inorganic mercury (IHg), methylmercury (MeHg), and Se in cord blood. Logistic regression models were employed to examine the association between Hg and Se biomarkers and the secondary sex ratio. Out of the total sample of 3698 children, 1877 (50.8 %) were male, corresponding to an overall secondary sex ratio of 1.03. After adjusting for maternal age and parity, no significant associations were observed between THg concentrations of maternal blood and the secondary sex ratio. Nevertheless, we identified that two-fold increases in THg, IHg, and MeHg concentrations in cord blood were positively associated with increased odds of having a male child, yielding adjusted odds ratios of 1.13 (95 %CI: 1.04, 1.22), 1.12 (1.03, 1.21), and 1.12 (1.03, 1.22), respectively. When stratified by the median Se concentrations, no apparent differences were detected in the associations between Hg concentrations and the secondary sex ratio. In summary, elevated Hg concentrations in cord blood, but not maternal blood, were associated with an increased probability of male births.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Across the globe, many species of insects are facing population decline. This is largely driven by anthropogenic changes to the environment, including the widespread exposure of invertebrates to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which impair fertility. To test whether generations of Drosophila melanogaster born from parents exposed to a common dietary EDC, equol, could recover reproductive function, we quantified the reproductive capacity of the two subsequent generations. Using a novel suite of flow cytometry assays to assess sperm functionality in real time, we find that sperm function is compromised across three generations, even after non-exposed in individuals contribute to the breeding population. Though the sex ratio alters in response to EDC exposure, favouring the survival of female offspring, most lineages with ancestral EDC exposure exhibit persistent subfertility in both the male and female. Male offspring with ancestral EDC exposure present with reduced fertility and dysfunctional spermatozoa, whereby spermatozoa are metabolically stressed, lack DNA integrity and present with permanent epigenetic alterations. Across generations, male and female offspring demonstrate distinct patterns of reproductive characteristics, depending upon the specific lineage of EDC exposure. Our results illustrate how dietary EDCs present in agricultural plants could promote transgenerational subfertility and contribute to declining insect populations.





