• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian dentition exhibits distinct heterodonty, with more simple teeth located in the anterior area of the jaw and more complex teeth situated posteriorly. While some region-specific differences in signalling have been described previously, here we performed a comprehensive analysis of gene expression at the early stages of odontogenesis to obtain complete knowledge of the signalling pathways involved in early jaw patterning. Gene expression was analysed separately on anterior and posterior areas of the lower jaw at two early stages (E11.5 and E12.5) of odontogenesis. Gene expression profiling revealed distinct region-specific expression patterns in mouse mandibles, including several known BMP and FGF signalling members and we also identified several new molecules exhibiting significant differences in expression along the anterior-posterior axis, which potentially can play the role during incisor and molar specification. Next, we followed one of the anterior molecules, SATB2, which was expressed not only in the anterior mesenchyme where incisor germs are initiated, however, we uncovered a distinct SATB2-positive region in the mesenchyme closely surrounding molars. Satb2-deficient animals demonstrated defective incisor development confirming a crucial role of SATB2 in formation of anterior teeth. On the other hand, ectopic tooth germs were observed in the molar area indicating differential effect of Satb2-deficiency in individual jaw regions. In conclusion, our data provide a rich source of fundamental information, which can be used to determine molecular regulation driving early embryonic jaw patterning and serve for a deeper understanding of molecular signalling directed towards incisor and molar development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: It is known that the neurodevelopmental disorder associated gene, Satb2, plays important roles in determining the upper layer neuron specification. However, it is not well known how this gene regulates other neocortical regions during the development. It is also lack of comprehensive delineation of its spatially regulatory pathways in neocortical development.
    RESULTS: In this work, we utilized spatial transcriptomics and immuno-staining to systematically investigate the region-specific gene regulation of Satb2 by comparing the Satb2+/+ and Satb2-/- mice at embryonic stages, including the ventricle zone (VZ) or subventricle zone (SVZ), intermediate zone (IZ) and cortical plate (CP) respectively. The staining result reveals that these three regions become moderately or significantly thinner in the Satb2-/- mice. In the cellular level, the cell number increases in the VZ/SVZ, whereas the cell number decreases in the CP. The spatial transcriptomics data show that many important genes and relevant pathways are dysregulated in Satb2-/- mice in a region-specific manner. In the VZ/SVZ, the key genes involved in neural precursor cell proliferation, including the intermediate progenitor marker Tbr2 and the lactate production related gene Ldha, are up-regulated in Satb2-/- mice. In the IZ, the key genes in regulating neuronal differentiation and migration, such as Rnd2, exhibit ectopic expressions in the Satb2-/- mice. In the CP, the lineage-specific genes, Tbr1 and Bcl11b, are abnormally expressed. The neuropeptide related gene Npy is down-regulated in Satb2-/- mice. Finally, we validated the abnormal expressions of key regulators by using immunofluorescence or qPCR.
    CONCLUSIONS: In summary, our work provides insights on the region-specific genes and pathways which are regulated by Satb2 in neocortical development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Special AT-rich sequence binding protein-2 (SATB2) is a nuclear matrix protein that binds to nuclear attachment regions and is involved in chromatin remodeling and transcription regulation. In stem cells, it regulates the expression of genes required for maintaining pluripotency and self-renewal and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). In this study, we examined the oncogenic role of SATB2 in prostate cancer and assessed whether overexpression of SATB2 in human normal prostate epithelial cells (PrECs) induces properties of cancer stem cells (CSCs). The results demonstrate that SATB2 is highly expressed in prostate cancer cell lines and CSCs, but not in PrECs. Overexpression of SATB2 in PrECs induces cellular transformation which was evident by the formation of colonies in soft agar and spheroids in suspension. Overexpression of SATB2 in PrECs also resulted in induction of stem cell markers (CD44 and CD133), pluripotency-maintaining transcription factors (cMYC, OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and NANOG), CADHERIN switch, and EMT-related transcription factors. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay demonstrated that SATB2 can directly bind to promoters of BCL-2, BSP, NANOG, MYC, XIAP, KLF4, and HOXA2, suggesting SATB2 is capable of directly regulating pluripotency/self-renewal, cell survival, and proliferation. Since prostate CSCs play a crucial role in cancer initiation, progression, and metastasis, we also examined the effects of SATB2 knockdown on stemness. SATB2 knockdown in prostate CSCs inhibited spheroid formation, cell viability, colony formation, cell motility, migration, and invasion compared to their scrambled control groups. SATB2 knockdown in CSCs also upregulated the expression of E-CADHERIN and inhibited the expression of N-CADHERIN, SNAIL, SLUG, and ZEB1. The expression of SATB2 was significantly higher in prostate adenocarcinoma compared to normal tissues. Overall, our data suggest that SATB2 acts as an oncogenic factor where it is capable of inducing malignant changes in PrECs by inducing CSC characteristics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Appendiceal neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are common and often are identified as incidental lesions at the time of appendectomy. The guidelines for management are based on tumor size, degree of invasion, and the Ki67 proliferation index. Most small bowel NETs are composed of serotonin-producing EC-cells, but there are multiple other neuroendocrine cell types. In the rectum, there are L-cell tumors that express peptide YY (PYY), glucagon-like peptides (GLPs), and pancreatic polypeptide (PP); they are thought to have a better prognosis than serotonin-producing tumors. We investigated whether the appendix has distinct neuroendocrine tumor types based on cell type and whether that distinction has clinical significance. We collected 135 appendiceal NETs from the pathology archives of UHN Toronto and UHCMC (Cleveland). We analyzed the expression of biomarkers including CDX2, SATB2, PSAP, serotonin, glucagon (that detects GLPs), PYY, and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and correlated the results with clinicopathologic parameters. Immunohistochemistry identified three types of appendiceal NETs. There were 75 (56%) classified as EC-cell tumors and 37 (27%) classified as L-cell tumors; the remaining 23 (17%) expressed serotonin and one of the L-cell biomarkers and were classified as mixed. EC-cell tumors were significantly larger with more extensive invasion involving the muscularis propria, subserosa, and mesoappendix compared with L-cell tumors. Mixed tumors were intermediate in all of these parameters. Both EC-cell and mixed tumors had lymphatic and/or vascular invasion while L-cell tumors had none. Unlike EC-cell NETs, L-cell tumors were not associated with lymph node metastasis. Tumor type correlated with pT stage and the only patient with distant metastatic disease in this series had an EC-cell tumor. Our study confirms that appendiceal NETs are not a homogeneous tumor population. There are at least three types of appendiceal NET, including EC-cell, L-cell, and mixed tumors. This information is important for surveillance of patients, as monitoring urinary 5HIAA levels is only appropriate for patients with serotonin-producing tumors, whereas measurement of GLPs and/or PP is more appropriate for patients with L-cell tumors. Our data also show that tumor type is of significance with EC-cell tumors exhibiting the most aggressive behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SATB2-associated syndrome (SAS, glass syndrome, OMIM#612313) is a neurodevelopmental autosomal dominant disorder with frequent craniofacial abnormalities including palatal and dental anomalies. To assess the role of Satb2 in craniofacial development, we analyzed mutant mice at different stages of development. Here, we show that Satb2 is broadly expressed in early embryonic mouse development including the mesenchyme of the second and third arches. Satb2-/- mutant mice exhibit microglossia, a shortened lower jaw, smaller trigeminal ganglia, and larger thyroids. We correlate these findings with the detailed clinical phenotype of four individuals with SAS and remarkable craniofacial phenotypes with one requiring mandibular distraction in childhood. We conclude that the mouse and patient data presented support less well-described phenotypic aspects of SAS including mandibular morphology and thyroid anatomical/functional issues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly lethal human cancer thought to originate from a self-renewing and therapeutically-resistant population of glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs). The intrinsic mechanisms enacted by GSCs during 3D tumor formation, however, remain unclear, especially in the stages prior to angiogenic/immunological infiltration. In this study, we performed a deep characterization of the genetic, immune, and metabolic profiles of GBM organoids from several patient-derived GSCs (GBMO). Despite being devoid of immune cells, transcriptomic analysis across GBMO revealed a surprising immune-like molecular program, enriched in cytokine, antigen presentation and processing, T-cell receptor inhibitors, and interferon genes. We find two important cell populations thought to drive GBM progression, Special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2 (SATB2+) and homeodomain-only protein homeobox (HOPX+) progenitors, contribute to this immune landscape in GBMO and GBM in vivo. These progenitors, but not other cell types in GBMO, are resistant to conventional GBM therapies, temozolomide and irradiation. Our work defines a novel intrinsic immune-like landscape in GBMO driven, in part, by SATB2+ and HOPX+ progenitors and deepens our understanding of the intrinsic mechanisms utilized by GSCs in early GBM formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In marsupials, upper-layer cortical neurons derived from the progenitors of the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle (SVZ) mature morphologically and send their axons to form interhemispheric connections through the anterior commissure. In contrast, eutherians have evolved a new extra callosal pathway, the corpus callosum, that interconnects both hemispheres. In this study, we aimed to examine neurogenesis during the formation of cortical upper layers, including their morphological maturation in a marsupial species, namely the opossum (Monodelphis domestica). Furthermore, we studied how the axons of upper layers neurons pass through the anterior commissure of the opossum, which connects neocortical areas. We showed that upper-layer II/III neurons were generated within at least seven days in the opossum neocortex. Surprisingly, these neurons expressed special AT-rich sequence binding protein 2 (Satb2) and neuropilin 1 interacting protein (Nrp1), which are proteins known to be essential for the formation of the corpus callosum in eutherians. This indicates that extrinsic, but not intrinsic, cues could be key players in guiding the axons of newly generated cortical neurons in the opossum. Although oligodendrocyte precursor cells were present in the neocortex and anterior commissure, newly generated upper-layer neurons sent unmyelinated axons to the anterior commissure. We also found numerous GFAP-expressing progenitor cells in both brain structures, the neocortex and the anterior commissure. However, at P12-P17 in the opossums, a small population of astrocytes was observed only in the midline area of the anterior commissure. We postulate that in the opossum, midline astrocytes allow neocortical axons to be guided to cross the midline, as this structure resembles the glial wedge required by fibers to cross the midline area of the corpus callosum in the rodent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skeletal muscle development remarkably affects meat production and growth rate, regulated by complex regulatory mechanisms in pigs. Specific AT sequence-binding protein 2 (SATB2) is a classic transcription factor and chromatin organizer, which holds a profound effect in the regulation of chromatin remodeling. However, the regulation role of SATB2 concerning skeletal muscle cell fate through chromatin remodeling in pigs remains largely unknown. Here, we observed that SATB2 was expressed higher in the lean-type compared to the obese-type pigs, which also enriched the pathways of skeletal muscle development, chromatin organization, and histone modification. Functionally, knockdown SATB2 led to decreases in the proliferation and migration markers at the mRNA and protein expression levels, respectively, while overexpression SATB2 had the opposite effects. Further, we found histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) was a key downstream target gene of SATB2 related to chromatin remodeling. The binding relationship between SATB2 and HDAC4 was confirmed by a dual-luciferase reporter system and ChIP-qPCR analysis. Besides, we revealed that HDAC4 promoted the skeletal muscle cell proliferation and migration at the mRNA and protein expression levels, respectively. In conclusion, our study indicates that transcription factor SATB2 binding to HDAC4 positively contributes to skeletal muscle cell proliferation and migration, which might mediate the chromatin remodeling to influence myogenesis in pigs. This study develops a novel insight into understanding the molecular regulatory mechanism of myogenesis, and provides a promising gene for genetic breeding in pigs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The DNA-binding protein SATB2 is genetically linked to human intelligence. We studied its influence on the three-dimensional (3D) epigenome by mapping chromatin interactions and accessibility in control versus SATB2-deficient cortical neurons. We find that SATB2 affects the chromatin looping between enhancers and promoters of neuronal-activity-regulated genes, thus influencing their expression. It also alters A/B compartments, topologically associating domains, and frequently interacting regions. Genes linked to SATB2-dependent 3D genome changes are implicated in highly specialized neuronal functions and contribute to cognitive ability and risk for neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. Non-coding DNA regions with a SATB2-dependent structure are enriched for common variants associated with educational attainment, intelligence, and schizophrenia. Our data establish SATB2 as a cell-type-specific 3D genome modulator, which operates both independently and in cooperation with CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) to set up the chromatin landscape of pyramidal neurons for cognitive processes.






  • 文章类型: Letter





