
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing public demand for fresh products has catalyzed the requirement for cold chain logistics distribution systems. However, challenges such as temperature control and delivery delays have led a significant product loss and increased costs. To improve the current situation, a novel approach to optimize cold chain logistics distribution for fresh products will be presented in the paper, utilizing a hybrid Tabu-Grey wolf optimizer (TGWO) algorithm. The proposed hybrid approach combines Tabu search (TS) and Grey wolf optimizer (GWO), employing TS for exploration and GWO for exploitation, aiming to minimize distribution costs in total and establish efficient vehicle scheduling schemes considering various constraints. The effectiveness of the TGWO algorithm is demonstrated through experiments and case studies compared to other heuristic algorithms. Comparative analysis against traditional optimization methods, including Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Whale optimization algorithm (WOA), and original GWO, highlights its superior efficiency and solution quality. This study contributes theories by demonstrating the efficacy of hybrid optimization techniques in complex supply chain networks and dynamic market environments. The practical implication lies in the implementation of TGWO to bolster distribution efficiency, cost reduction, and product quality maintenance throughout the logistics process, offering valuable insights for operational and strategic improvements by decision-makers. However, the study has limitations in generalizability and assumptions, suggesting future research areas including exploring new search operators, applying additional parameters, and using the algorithm in diverse real-life scenarios to improve its effectiveness and applicability.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This study aimed to analyze the operational conditions to preserve immunobiological products in Brazil. This mixed-method study with a sequential explanatory design was developed in vaccination rooms in several Brazilian regions from 2021 to 2022. Its quantitative stage developed a descriptive cross-sectional study by applying the Immunobiological Conservation Assessment Scale to nursing professionals. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Its qualitative stage developed a descriptive-exploratory study in cold chain instances with the respective technical managers and nursing professionals. The interviews were evaluated by thematic content analysis. The data were combined by connection, and joint-displays and meta-inferences were elaborated. Overall, 280 rooms were analyzed. Most were for exclusive use (79.6%), had polyurethane boxes (77.8%), and kept their equipment away from sunlight/heat (73.5%). Only 27.5% had batteries/generators and 26.5% had other temperature measuring instruments. In total, 60% had refrigerated rooms and 67.6%, air-conditioned rooms. This study found weaknesses associated with geographical conditions, infrastructure, material inputs, human and financial resources, work organization and management, turnover, and training. These findings showed the plurality of the Brazilian cold chain and identified the potentialities and weaknesses related to the structures and work processes in preserving immunobiological products, which require improvement.
    Este estudo objetivou analisar as condições operacionais para conservação de imunobiológicos no Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo de método misto com delineamento explanatório sequencial, desenvolvido nas salas de vacinação de distintas regiões brasileiras entre 2021 e 2022. Na etapa quantitativa, desenvolveu-se um estudo transversal descritivo, com a aplicação da Escala de Avaliação da Conservação de Imunobiológicos aos profissionais de enfermagem. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva. Já na etapa qualitativa, desenvolveu-se um estudo descritivo-exploratório nas instâncias da cadeia de frio, com os respectivos responsáveis técnicos e profissionais de enfermagem. Analisou-se as entrevistas por meio da Análise de Conteúdo na Modalidade Temática. Os dados foram combinados mediante conexão, com elaboração de joint-displays e metainferências. Foram analisadas 280 salas, em que grande parte: era de uso exclusivo (79,6%); utilizava caixas de poliuretano (77,8%); e mantinha seus equipamentos distantes da incidência de luz solar/fontes de calor (73,5%). Apenas 27,5% dispunham de baterias/geradores e 26,5% de outros instrumentos de medição de temperatura. Sessenta por cento detinham câmaras refrigeradas e 67,6% ambientes climatizados. Revelaram-se fragilidades associadas a condições geográficas, infraestrutura, insumos materiais, recursos humanos e financeiros, organização e gestão do trabalho, rotatividade e capacitação. Os achados possibilitaram conhecer a pluralidade da cadeia de frio brasileira e permitiram a identificação de potencialidades e fragilidades na conservação de imunobiológicos relacionadas às estruturas e aos processos de trabalho que requerem aprimoramento.
    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las condiciones operativas para la conservación de inmunobiológicos en Brasil. Estudio de método mixto con diseño explicativo secuencial, desarrollado en las salas de vacunación de las distintas regiones brasileñas, entre 2021 y 2022. En la etapa cuantitativa se desarrolló un estudio transversal descriptivo, con la aplicación de la Escala de Evaluación de la Conservación de Inmunobiológicos a los profesionales de enfermería. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva. En la etapa cualitativa se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio en las instancias de la cadena de frío, con los respectivos responsables técnicos y profesionales de enfermería. Las entrevistas se analizaron por medio del Análisis de Contenido en la Modalidad Temática. Los datos fueron combinados mediante conexión, con elaboración de joint-displays y metainferencias. Se analizaron 280 salas. Gran parte era de uso exclusivo (79,6%); utilizaba cajas de poliuretano (77,8%) y mantenía sus equipos alejados de la incidencia de la luz solar/fuentes de calor (73,5%). Solo el 27,5% disponía de baterías/generadores y el 26,5% de otros instrumentos de medición de temperatura. El 60% tenía cámaras refrigeradas y el 67,6% ambientes climatizados. Se revelaron debilidades asociadas a las condiciones geográficas, la infraestructura, los insumos de materiales, los recursos humanos y financieros, la organización y gestión del trabajo, la rotación y la capacitación. Los hallazgos posibilitaron conocer la pluralidad de la cadena de frío brasileña y permitieron la identificación de potencialidades y debilidades de la conservación de inmunobiológicos relacionadas con las estructuras y los procesos de trabajo que requieren mejoras.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A 15-year-old female with Hodgkin\'s lymphoma underwent ovarian tissue cryopreservation for preserving fertility in Reproductive Department of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medical after receiving one course of chemotherapy. During the ovarian tissue cryopreservation, one MⅡmature oocyte and three germinal vesicle oocytes were found. The three immature oocytes underwent in vitro maturation but failed. Ultimately, one mature oocyte and 12 ovarian cortex slices were cryopreserved using vitrification. This case indicates that for patients with established gonadal axis feedback, ovarian tissue cryopreservation may not be the only method for fertility preservation. It is advisable to consider ovarian stimulation and oocyte retrieval for oocyte cryopreservation. Alternatively, for individuals in the ovulation phase of their menstrual cycle, attempting oocyte retrieval before ovarian tissue cryopreservation to obtain mature oocytes from the natural cycle, followed by oocyte cryopreservation, may enhance the likelihood of successful fertility preservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    本研究旨在利用五种热加工方法的效果,即蒸汽(SM),沸腾(BO),油炸(FY),焙烧(RO),和真空密封(SV),在感官上,物理化学性质,以及冷藏过程中草鱼肉的微生物组成,与未加热的生肉(RW)一起作为对照。结果表明,热处理提高了冷藏草鱼肉的感官品质和货架期,其保质期为RW This study aimed to employed the effects of five thermal processing methods, namely steaming (SM), boiling (BO), frying (FY), roasting (RO), and vacuum sealing (SV), on the sensory, physicochemical properties, and microbial composition of grass carp meat during refrigerated storage, alongside unheated raw meat (RW) as control. The results showed that thermal treatment improved the sensory quality and shelf life of refrigerated grass carp meat, and their shelf life was RW < BOrefrigeration time, while the relative content of polyunsaturated fats gradually decreased. The diversity and abundance of bacterial flora of grass carp meat from different thermal processing treatments gradually decreased during refrigerated storage, and the Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Exiguobacterium gradually became the dominant microbe. This study provides theoretical basis for people\'s choice of daily cooking methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Postharvest fibrosis and greening of Toona sinensis buds significantly affect their quality during storage. This study aimed to clarify the effects of low-temperature storage on postharvest red TSB quality harvested in different seasons. Red TSB samples were collected from Guizhou province, China, 21 days after the beginning of spring (Lichun), summer (Lixia), and autumn (Liqiu), and stored at 4 °C in dark conditions. We compared and analyzed the appearance, microstructure, chlorophyll and cellulose content, and expression levels of related genes across different seasons. The results indicated that TSB harvested in spring had a bright, purple-red color, whereas those harvested in summer and autumn were green. All samples lost water and darkened after 1 day of storage. Severe greening occurred in spring-harvested TSB within 3 days, a phenomenon not observed in summer and autumn samples. Microstructural analysis revealed that the cells in the palisade and spongy tissues of spring and autumn TSB settled closely during storage, while summer TSB cells remained loosely aligned. Xylem cells were smallest in spring-harvested TSB and largest in autumn. Prolonged storage led to thickening of the secondary cell walls and pith cell autolysis in the petioles, enlarging the cavity area. Chlorophyll content was higher in leaves than in petioles, while cellulose content was lower in petioles across all seasons. Both chlorophyll and cellulose content increased with storage time. Gene expression analysis showed season-dependent variations and significant increases in the expression of over half of the chlorophyll-related and cellulose-related genes during refrigeration, correlating with the observed changes in chlorophyll and cellulose content. This research provides valuable insights for improving postharvest storage and freshness preservation strategies for red TSB across different seasons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A long-standing challenge is how to formulate proteins and vaccines to retain function during storage and transport and to remove the burdens of cold-chain management. Any solution must be practical to use, with the protein being released or applied using clinically relevant triggers. Advanced biologic therapies are distributed cold, using substantial energy, limiting equitable distribution in low-resource countries and placing responsibility on the user for correct storage and handling. Cold-chain management is the best solution at present for protein transport but requires substantial infrastructure and energy. For example, in research laboratories, a single freezer at -80 °C consumes as much energy per day as a small household1. Of biological (protein or cell) therapies and all vaccines, 75% require cold-chain management; the cost of cold-chain management in clinical trials has increased by about 20% since 2015, reflecting this complexity. Bespoke formulations and excipients are now required, with trehalose2, sucrose or polymers3 widely used, which stabilize proteins by replacing surface water molecules and thereby make denaturation thermodynamically less likely; this has enabled both freeze-dried proteins and frozen proteins. For example, the human papilloma virus vaccine requires aluminium salt adjuvants to function, but these render it unstable against freeze-thaw4, leading to a very complex and expensive supply chain. Other ideas involve ensilication5 and chemical modification of proteins6. In short, protein stabilization is a challenge with no universal solution7,8. Here we designed a stiff hydrogel that stabilizes proteins against thermal denaturation even at 50 °C, and that can, unlike present technologies, deliver pure, excipient-free protein by mechanically releasing it from a syringe. Macromolecules can be loaded at up to 10 wt% without affecting the mechanism of release. This unique stabilization and excipient-free release synergy offers a practical, scalable and versatile solution to enable the low-cost, cold-chain-free and equitable delivery of therapies worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Integrating Internet of Things (IoT) technology inside the cold supply chain can enhance transparency, efficiency, and quality, optimize operating procedures, and increase productivity. The integration of the IoT in this complicated setting is hindered by specific barriers that require thorough examination. Prominent barriers to IoT implementation in a cold supply chain, which is the main objective, are identified using a two-stage model. After reviewing the available literature on IoT implementation, 13 barriers were identified. The survey data were cross-validated for quality, and Cronbach\'s alpha test was employed to ensure validity. This study applies the interpretative structural modeling technique in the first phase to identify the main barriers. Among these barriers, \"regulatory compliance\" and \"cold chain networks\" are the key drivers of IoT adoption strategies. MICMAC\'s driving and dependence power element categorization helps evaluate barrier interactions. In the second phase of this study, a decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory methodology was employed to identify causal relationships between barriers and evaluate them according to their relative importance. Each cause is a potential drive, and if its efficiency can be enhanced, the system benefits as a whole. The findings provide industry stakeholders, governments, and organizations with significant drivers of IoT adoption to overcome these barriers and optimize the utilization of IoT technology to improve the effectiveness and reliability of the cold supply chain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to evaluate hyperbaric storage at room temperature (75-200 MPa, 30 days, 18-23 °C, HS/RT) on Clostridium perfringens spores in brain-heart infusion broth (BHI-broth) at pH 4.50, 6.00, and 7.50 and coconut water (pH 5.40). Both matrices were also pasteurized by high pressure processing (600 MPa, 3 min, 17 °C, HPP) to simulate commercial pasteurization followed by HS, in comparison with refrigeration (5 °C, RF). The results showed that, at AP/RT, spores\' development occurred, except at pH 4.50 in BHI-broth, while for RF, no changes occurred along storage. Under HS, at pH 4.50, neither spore development nor inactivation occurred, while at pH 6.00/7.50, inactivation occurred (≈2.0 and 1.0 logs at 200 MPa, respectively). Coconut water at AP/RT faced an increase of 1.6 logs of C. perfringens spores after 15 days, while for RF, no spore development occurred, while the inactivation of spores under HS happened (≈3 logs at 200 MPa). HPP prior to HS seems to promote a subsequent inactivation of C. perfringens spores in BHI-broth at pH 4.50, which is less evident for other pHs. For HPP coconut water, the inactivation levels under HS were lower (≈2.0 logs at 200 MPa). The Weibull model well described the inactivation pattern observed. These results suggest that HS/RT can be simultaneously used as a tool to avoid C. perfringens spores\' development, as well as for its inactivation, without the application of high temperatures that are required to inactivate these spores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present article responds to the food engineering community\'s growing interest in an emerging and lauded approach to food preservation, popularised by its developers as \'isochoric freezing\'. A strong campaign in the scientific literature and mass media has recently promoted this technique as a universal replacement for traditional food freezing and the frozen supply chain by highlighting a number of alleged advantages of \'isochoric freezing\'. Some of these claims therefore require a more neutral and critical assessment against the background of the today\'s state of the art in food freezing technologies. Hence, this article spotlights several concerns regarding the plausibility, energy expenditure, resource efficiency, process rate, throughput and safety of \'isochoric freezing\', as well as the correct use of food refrigeration terminology. The aspects considered are intended to make food scientists, technologists and engineers more aware of the real capabilities and the application perspectives of this still immature mode of refrigerated food processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chicken meat and its derivatives are easily alterable. They are a nutritionally healthy food, and their consumption has seen a remarkable increase worldwide in recent years. At the same time, consumer demand for the use of natural products to control microbial growth is increasing. In this context, the antimicrobial capacity of a commercial extract of the lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora) plant, (LCE) was tested in binary combination with gallic acid or octyl gallate against two strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of meat origin: Carnobacterium divergens ATCC 35677 and Leuconostoc carnosum ATCC 49367. First, the antimicrobial potential was evaluated by the checkerboard microdilution method at the optimal growth temperature of each and at 4 °C, pH 5.7 and 6.7, in culture medium. Octyl gallate was the most effective antimicrobial against the two bacteria under all study conditions. At 4 °C, the combination of LCE with octyl gallate had a similar antimicrobial effect on the two LAB, being bactericidal at pH 6.7. In chicken breast, this effective combination was tested in normal or modified atmosphere and refrigerated (4-8 °C) for 9 days. LCE + OG in modified atmosphere reduced the different microbial groups studied, including the lactic acid bacteria as the main microorganisms responsible for the spoilage of fresh meat. Further research could pave the way for the development of novel strategies contributing to the technological stability, security, and functional properties of chicken meat.





