Redox control

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this paper is to present methods for corrosion mitigation in molten salt environments. The corrosion of structural materials depends directly on the redox potential of the salt. When the redox potential of the salt is higher than the standard potentials of the elements constituting the structural materials, corrosion occurs. If the reverse is true, no corrosion is observed. Herein, a methodology for calculating the theoretical potential of a molten salt is provided and compared with experimental measurements. Three ways to mitigate corrosion by modifying the salt redox potential are proposed: (i) using a soluble/soluble redox system; (ii) using a potentiostatic method; and (iii) using an amphoteric compound such as UCl3, TiCl2, or TiCl3. Immersion tests were conducted under the above conditions to validate the methodology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Redox-dependent thiol-disulfide switches of cysteine residues are one of the significant posttranslational modifications of proteins to control rapidly their stability, activity, and protein interaction. Redox control also modulates the tetrapyrrole biosynthesis (TBS). Among the redox-dependent TBS enzymes, 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) was previously recognized to interact with reductants, such a thioredoxins or NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase C. In this report, we aim to verify the redox sensitivity of ALAD and identify the redox-reactive cysteine residues among the six cysteines of the mature protein form Arabidopsis. Based on structural modelling and comparative studies of wild-type ALAD and ALAD mutants with single and double Cys➔Ser substitutions under oxidizing and reducing conditions, we aim to predict the dimerization and oligomerisation of ALAD as well as the crucial Cys residues for disulfide bridge formation and enzyme activity. The Cys404Ser mutation led to a drastic inactivation of ALAD and redox-dependent properties of ALAD were severely impaired, when Cys71 was simultaneously mutated with Cys152 or Cys251. Cys71 is located in a flexible N-terminal arm of ALAD, which could allow intramolecular disulfide bridges with Cys residues at the surface of the remaining globule ALAD structure. As a result, we propose different roles of Cys residues for redox control, catalytic activity and Mg2+-dependent assembly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants are sessile and therefore have developed an extraordinary capacity to adapt to external signals. Here, the focus is on the plasticity of the plant cell to respond to new intracellular cues. Ketocarotenoids are high-value natural red pigments with potent antioxidant activity. In the present study, system-level analyses have revealed that the heterologous biosynthesis of ketocarotenoids in tomato initiated a series of cellular and metabolic mechanisms to cope with the formation of metabolites that are non-endogenous to the plant. The broad multilevel changes were linked to, among others, (i) the remodelling of the plastidial membrane, where the synthesis and storage of ketocarotenoids occurs; (ii) the recruiting of core metabolic pathways for the generation of metabolite precursors and energy; and (iii) redox control. The involvement of the metabolites as regulators of cellular processes shown here reinforces their pivotal role suggested in the remodelled \'central dogma\' concept. Furthermore, the role of metabolic reprogramming to ensure cellular homeostasis is proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    S-Sulfocysteine (SSC), a bioavailable L-cysteine derivative (Cys), is known to be taken up and metabolized in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells used to produce novel therapeutic biological entities. To gain a deeper mechanistic insight into the SSC biological activity and metabolization, a multi-omics study was performed on industrially relevant CHO-K1 GS cells throughout a fed-batch process, including metabolomic and proteomic profiling combined with multivariate data and pathway analyses. Multi-layered data and enzymatical assays revealed an intracellular SSC/glutathione mixed disulfide formation and glutaredoxin-mediated reduction, releasing Cys and sulfur species. Increased Cys availability was directed towards glutathione and taurine synthesis, while other Cys catabolic pathways were likewise affected, indicating that cells strive to maintain Cys homeostasis and cellular functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    L-Sorbosone dehydrogenase (SNDH) is a key enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of 2-keto-L-gulonic acid , which is a direct precursor for the industrial scale production of vitamin C. Elucidating the structure and the catalytic mechanism is essential for improving SNDH performance. By solving the crystal structures of SNDH from Gluconobacter oxydans WSH-004, a reversible disulfide bond between Cys295 and the catalytic Cys296 residues is discovered. It allowed SNDH to switch between oxidation and reduction states, resulting in opening or closing the substrate pocket. Moreover, the Cys296 is found to affect the NADP+ binding pose with SNDH. Combining the in vitro biochemical and site-directed mutagenesis studies, the redox-based dynamic regulation and the catalytic mechanisms of SNDH are proposed. Moreover, the mutants with enhanced activity are obtained by extending substrate channels. This study not only elucidates the physiological control mechanism of the dehydrogenase, but also provides a theoretical basis for engineering similar enzymes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The plasma membrane transporter xCT belongs to the SLC7 family and has the physiological role of mediating the exchange of glutamate and cystine across the cell plasma membrane, being crucial for redox control. The xCT protein forms a heterodimer with the ancillary protein CD98. Over the years, xCT became a hot pharmacological target due to the documented over-expression in virtually all human cancers, which rely on cystine availability for their progression. Notwithstanding, several unknown aspects of xCT biology still exist that require a suitable single protein experimental model, to be addressed. To this aim, the recombinant host Escherichia coli has been exploited to over-express the human isoform of xCT. In this widely used and low-cost system, the optimization for growth and protein production has been achieved by acting on the metabolic needs of the bacterial strains. Then, the His-tagged protein has been purified by Ni2+-chelating chromatography and reconstituted in proteoliposomes for transport activity assays. The expressed protein was in a folded/active state allowing functional and kinetic characterization. Interestingly, the features of the recombinant protein meet those of the native one extracted from intact cells, further confirming the suitability of E. coli as a host for the expression of human proteins. This study opens perspectives for elucidating other molecular aspects of xCT, as well as for studying the interaction with endogenous and exogenous compounds, relevant to human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among the thioredoxin superfamily of proteins, the observation that numerous glutaredoxins bind iron-sulphur (Fe/S) clusters is one of the more recent and major developments concerning their functional properties. Glutaredoxins are present in most organisms. All members of the class II subfamily (including most monothiol glutaredoxins), but also some members of the class I (mostly dithiol glutaredoxins) and class III (land plant-specific monothiol or dithiol glutaredoxins) are Fe/S proteins. In glutaredoxins characterised so far, the [2Fe2S] cluster is coordinated by two active-site cysteine residues and two molecules of non-covalently bound glutathione in homo-dimeric complexes bridged by the cluster. In contrast to dithiol glutaredoxins, monothiol glutaredoxins possess no or very little oxidoreductase activity, but have emerged as important players in cellular iron metabolism. In this review we summarise the recent developments of the most prominent Fe/S glutaredoxins in eukaryotes, the mitochondrial single domain monothiol glutaredoxin 5, the chloroplastic single domain monothiol glutaredoxin S14 and S16, the nuclear/cytosolic multi-domain monothiol glutaredoxin 3, and the mitochondrial/cytosolic dithiol glutaredoxin 2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic metabolic health diseases are increasing worldwide placing strain on healthcare systems and importantly, impacting individuals\' quality of life. It is well established that many chronic diseases are associated with inflammation and oxidative stress. Exercise is a known strategy to manage and treat inflammation in animals and humans. Understanding the mechanisms which cause acute and chronic changes to systems via various exercise protocols may provide insights into how we can better clinically manage patients with inflammatory and oxidative stress associated diseases. Nrf2 is a basic leucine transcription factor which regulates the expression of antioxidant proteins to protect against damage caused by electrophilic or oxidative stress. The aim of this narrative review is to provide an overview of the literature which has investigated the relationship between acute and chronic exercise training and Nrf2 protein, mRNA and Nrf2-ARE binding activity. This narrative review presents analysis of twenty-nine articles presenting studies using animals and humans. Findings from animal models suggest that exercise increases all molecular aspects of the Nrf2-ARE pathway in all tissues studied. It was noted that there seems to be an age-related decline in Nrf2 protein upregulation with exercise training. In humans, however, there is a lack of evidence to support this claim.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyanobacteria constitute the only phylum of oxygen-evolving photosynthetic prokaryotes that shaped the oxygenic atmosphere of our planet. Over time, cyanobacteria have evolved as a widely diverse group of organisms that have colonized most aquatic and soil ecosystems of our planet and constitute a large proportion of the biomass that sustains the biosphere. Cyanobacteria synthesize a vast array of biologically active metabolites that are of great interest for human health and industry, and several model cyanobacteria can be genetically manipulated. Hence, cyanobacteria are regarded as promising microbial factories for the production of chemicals from highly abundant natural resources, e.g., solar energy, CO2, minerals, and waters, eventually coupled to wastewater treatment to save costs. In this review, we summarize new important discoveries on the plasticity of the photoautotrophic metabolism of cyanobacteria, emphasizing the coordinated partitioning of carbon and nitrogen towards growth or compound storage, and the importance of these processes for biotechnological perspectives. We also emphasize the importance of redox regulation (including glutathionylation) on these processes, a subject which has often been overlooked.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carotenoids as part of the photosystems are crucial for their assembly, light-harvesting, and photoprotection. Light of different wavelengths impacts the composition and structure of photosystems, thus offering the possibility to influence the carotenoid concentrations and composition in photosystems by illumination with specific narrow-banded light spectra. Key components involved in the regulation of gene transcription are still poorly characterized, particularly in leafy vegetables as compared to model plants. In particular, the effect of different light qualities and its connection to redox control mechanisms, which also determine the photosystem composition and structure, is not yet well understood. Furthermore, light quality effects are species-dependent, and thus, increase the need to perform research on individual vegetable species such as pak choi Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis. Here, we investigated the carotenoid concentrations and composition of pak choi sprouts grown for 6 days under blue, red, or white light emitting diodes (LEDs) as light source. After 6 days, the total carotenoid content was the highest under white and slightly reduced under blue or red LEDs. Blue, red, and white light differently affected the carotenoid composition mainly due to variations of the β-carotene content which could be correlated to changes in the transcript levels of β-carotene hydroxylase 1 (β-OHASE1). Further investigations implied a redox controlled gene expression of β-OHASE1. In addition, transcription factors related to light signaling and the circadian clock differed in their transcriptional abundance after exposure to blue and red light. RNA-Seq analysis also revealed increased transcript levels of genes encoding the outer antenna complex of photosystem II under red compared to blue light, indicating an adjustment of the photosystems to the different light qualities which possibly contributed to the alternations in the carotenoid content and composition.





